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Posts posted by DarkLordIvy

  1. @Sire

    Hey thank you so much for the feedback!

    I think I'll go back sometime and I'll add actual numbers to make them a bit more interesting to look at. I also really need to get some more up to date art of these guys, specifically Shapur and Sasha (This is the best I've got for now artwise that is at least somewhat recent). 
    I plan on eventually making an actual comic with these guys as three of the main characters, so I love me an opportunity to refine them!

    Kun is a weird character... I'm still ironing out her personality, but she is "Leroy Jenkins" embodied so I'm working with that at the moment as best I can. Wolf Laguz was the best comparison I could think of to relate her and Shapur to Fire Emblem in some way. :P

    Sasha's name is from the time when he was not a dragon viking and needs changing pretty bad, but names are hard so he's stuck as Sasha for now. He is the one who really needs some art to better convey his character here I think. I described him as a viking mostly because that's what his culture is based on and kind of how he dresses, but he's more a gentle giant than hardcore viking. 

    Shapur I could have shoved sooooo much angst into, but I ended up going with more standard dialogue(probably for the best I leave out most of the angst train). Eh I think I'll be redoing his specifically at some point.

    Again thanks for the feedback!

  2. Well this was a nice excuse to tally up my 5*'s.


    Alm +Atk/-Res

    Seliph(+1) +Spd/-Res

    Ike +Spd/-Atk

    Xander GHB

    Caeda +Res/-Spd

    Kid Tiki +Spd/-Def

    Azura +Spd/-Atk

    Effie +Hp/-Def

    Peri +Res/-Atk

    Cordelia +Atk/-Hp

    Hinoka +Spd/-Hp

    Hinoka #2 +Res/-Atk

    Linde +Spd/-Res

    mRobin +Atk/-Def

    Raven +Def/-Res

    Michalis GHB

    Narcian GHB

    Fae +Res/-Hp

    Nino +Atk/-Def

    Soren +Atk/-Res

    Kagero +Def/-Res

    Lucius +Spd/-Def

    When did I get 22 5*'s?? How have I been this lucky? Granted I promoted four of them but still!!

    My most common seems to be +Spd/-Res. I have 7 +spd and 6 -res.

    It briefly felt like I had the Rezzy curse because I got all four of my -atk units around roughly the same time. :U

  3. Just for the heck of it I did some of my OC's. I started this like two months ago and just found it again so I finished it up for fun. I've been working on a story with these guys since I was in middle school so they are a bit of a mess.

    These are all pretty rough because I can't be bothered to go back and proofread/edit stats and such at the moment.
    I'd kind of love to know what people think of these guys. :P


    Title: Heart Eater
    Name: Kunzite (Kun)
    Orb Affinity: Red (Beast)

    Character Description:  A wolf with no manners and friendly disposition.

     (for the sake of FE convenience consider her pretty much a Laguz)
    Appearance: A shaggy looking brown haired girl with red spirals under her eyes. She can change into a large dark wolf with red markings.

    HP: Poor (2)
    ATT: Excellent (5)
    SPD: Good (4)
    DEF: Poor (2)
    RES: Average (3)

    Unit Type: Infantry

    5* Weapon:  Burning Teeth+
    4* Weapon:  Burning Teeth
    3* Weapon:  Teeth+
    1* Weapon:  Teeth

    Support Skill: ---

    3* Special Skill: Dragon Gaze- Grants +30% to AtK (Charge 4)
    4* Special Skill: Dragon Fang- Grants +50% to Atk (Charge 4)

    Skill A: ---
    Skill B: Vantage 1-2(4*)3(5*)
    Skill C: Spur Attack 1-3

    Level Up, Growth Quotes, & Summon Quotes
    1-2 Up:  Oh come oooon!
    3-4 Up:  I’ll get there soon now.
    5-6 Up: Ha ha! Now I can end this!

    Learn Skill: Ooo! This will be fun to use just let me at em’!

    Summoned Quote: “Uh hey! I’m Kunzite, but you can call me Kun. If you feed me I’ll fight for you.

    Home Castle Quotes
    Normal 1:  Making the rounds (name)? Weren’t you just doing that?
    Normal 2:  I wonder what Sasha and Shapur are up to right now…
    Normal 3: The Commander keeps telling me to stop shedding on things.
    Normal 4:  Ah, sorry I was just thinking about how my brothers place as a “gods proxy”. It’s odd to think how it changed him, but also didn’t…
    Normal 5: Hey, (name), fair warning, you might want to avoid that hall over there, and if anyone asks! It wasn’t my fault!

    Guest Greetings: Let’s see you’re (name) right? Good. (friend) Sent me over to say “hey”. So “hey”.

    Battle Quotes
    Selection 1:  Hum? What?
    Selection 2:  Alrighty.
    Selection 3: Where to?

    Battle Quotes: 

    Critical 1:  You brought this upon yourself!
    Critical 2:  Rawh!!
    Critical 3:  Your time is out.
    Critical 4: Burn!

    Death: Oh, boy that one hurt…

    Character Screen Quotes

    Quote 1:  *Cackles then cuts off* What?
    Quote 2:  I like a good scratch behind the ears sometimes.
    Quote 3:  You know, you would think the “God of Time” would be a serious fellow. Buuut he really isn’t.
    Quote 4:  I wonder where I could get some good strong coffee…
    Quote 5:  What do you want?
    Quote 6:  I can use a sword but I prefer my teeth and claws.
    Quote 7:  Time is weird and limited don’t waste yours.
    Quote 8:  I insulted a king once, good thing my uncle’s a king too.

    Oh (name) you wanted to hear a bit more me right? I think I told you my brother and I were orphaned when I was little, and he pretty much raised me. When he could anyway. Having a god as your boss can get pretty demanding. And really makes for an interesting babysitter....
                    But it hasn’t bothered me in a long time though. Not since Sasha and Shapur came to us. They are the reason I fight you know. My instincts tell me to guard those I love, friends and family alike. That includes you (name), don’t forget that.

    Fun fact: This is probably my oldest character still in use.


    Title:  The North Wind
    Name:  Sasha
    Orb Affinity:  Green (Breath)

    Character Description:  A dragon prince who ran away to find his place in the world.

    Appearance: Tall, Viking with white hair and horns. As a dragon, he has white scales with green and black accents.

    HP: Average (3)
    ATT: Good (4)
    SPD: Good (4)
    DEF: Good (4)
    RES: Average (3)

    Unit Type: Infantry

    5* Weapon: Light Breath+
    4* Weapon: Light Breath
    3* Weapon: Fire Breath+
    1* Weapon: Fire Breath

    Support Skill: Rally Defense

    3* Special Skill: ---
    4* Special Skill: ---

    Skill A: ---
    Skill B: Wings of Mercy 1-3
    Skill C: Threaten Res 1-2(4*)3(5*)

    Level Up, Growth Quotes, & Summon Quotes
    1-2 Up:  That figures…
    3-4 Up:  Very good.
    5-6 Up: The wind stokes the fire.

    Learn Skill: I’ll do my best to make use of this.

    Summoned Quote: My name is Sasha, have you seen a black and red wolf around here?

    Home Castle Quotes
    Normal 1:  I’ve never had to use a “dragon stone” before. I’m still getting used to it.
    Normal 2:  Prince Alfonse… He’s not much like… Oh! Don’t mind me!
    Normal 3: I hope Kun and Shapur aren’t causing trouble…
    Normal 4:  I’ll tell you a bit about my world if you tell me about yours.
    Normal 5: There aren’t as many dragons here as I would have expected.

    Guest Greetings: I come with a greeting from (name)! I hope it finds you well

    Battle Quotes
    Selection 1:  Yes?
    Selection 2:  Where to?
    Selection 3:  I’m off.

    Battle Quotes: 

    Critical 1: Fall!
    Critical 2: Your time is out.
    Critical 3: Now!
    Critical 4: Goodbye.

    Death: Aah oh no…

    Character Screen Quotes

    Quote 1: *Chuckle*
    Quote 2: What an odd castle this is.
    Quote 3:  Ah hey there, how are you?
    Quote 4:  Some days I miss the mountains even though I haven’t lived there in years.
    Quote 5:  I am one of those in the service of the God of Time.
    Quote 6:  So much to do so little time.
    Quote 7:  Some of the others think you’re odd, but with friends like mine…
    Quote 8:  Please let me know if I can help you with anything.

    Confession: Oh hello there (name), how is your day? That’s good to hear. You know I’ve been meaning to tell you, if you’d like I could take you flying sometime.
                    Flying with friends is one of my favorite things. Kun and Shapur have always loved it. When we were younger I didn’t get why they were always bugging me to fly. I didn’t see why it was so special to them, but I think I do now. Being stuck only on the ground sounds kind of awful to me now, so I want to share the sky with as many friends as I can.

    Fun fact: I have changed this guy's species three times. Wolf -> wolf/dragon hybrid thing -> Dragon. What a wild ride.


    Title: Mad Blade
    Name: Shapur
    Orb Affinity:  Gray (dagger)

    Character Description: An orphaned assassin who is devoted to his friends. Would like a hug.

    (Same species as Kun, but chooses to fight in his human form for now)
    Appearance: Brown hair and yellow eyes. He has distinctive scars, one across his nose, once just below his neck, and one lower on his back.

    HP: Poor (2)
    ATT: Good (4)
    SPD: Excellent (5)
    DEF: Poor (2)
    RES: Average (3)

    Unit Type: Infantry

    5* Weapon:  Silver Dagger+
    4* Weapon:  Silver Dagger
    3* Weapon:  Steel Dagger
    1* Weapon:  Iron Dagger

    Support Skill: ---                      

    3* Special Skill: New Moon- Resolves combat as if foe suffered Def/Res-30%.(Charge 3)
    4* Special Skill: Moonbow- Resolves combat as if foe suffered Def/Res-30%(Charge 2)

    Skill A: +Defense 1-3
    Skill B: Seal Attack 1-3
    Skill C: ---

    Level Up, Growth Quotes, & Summon Quotes
    1-2 Up: Hmm…
    3-4 Up: Good progress.
    5-6 Up: Alright! That was nice!

    Learn Skill: Now I’m even more deadly.

    Summoned Quote: I am the assassin Shapur. I guess I work for you right now.

    Home Castle Quotes
    Normal 1: When is the next battle? I’m always ready.
    Normal 2: You are a lot easier to work for than that Time God, not that he isn’t a bad boss.
    Normal 3: That weapon of yours is weird…
    Normal 4: Are Kun and Sasha around? I found a neat rock to show them!
    Normal 5: The scar on my back is a bit itchy today.

    Guest Greetings: Hey there I've snuck over to deliver a "hello" from (name)!        

    Battle Quotes
    Selection 1:  Yup.
    Selection 2:  Let’s go.
    Selection 3:  Mm?

    Battle Quotes: 

    Critical 1:  Big mistake.
    Critical 2:  That’s it for you!
    Critical 3:  Dead!
    Critical 4:  Your time is out!

    Death: No… Not now…

    Character Screen Quotes

    Quote 1: I can test your food for poison, honestly it’s one of my favorite jobs.
    Quote 2: Hmm?
    Quote 3: I can take out anyone you need me to.
    Quote 4: Sometimes it feels like there are way too many people here.
    Quote 5: Need a hand?
    Quote 6: Look over there! Heh! Got you.
    Quote 7: My best friends are Kun and Sasha. I would do anything for them.
    Quote 8: I like a good scratch behind the ears.

    Confession: You know (name) I’ve been wondering. You’re really far away from home aren’t you? You must miss it or at least the people there a little bit right? I know I feel a bit lost whenever Kun and Sasha aren’t around, so you let me know if you feel like that alright? I don’t like the idea of nice people feeling lonely. I can tell you stories about some of my more interesting jobs.

    Fun fact: 12 year old, seventh grade, Ivy, trying to be edgy originally named this guy Insanity because of course I did.

    I was going for a glass-cannon build with the first and third while the guy in the middle is meant to be more of well rounded tank. I have no idea how that's turned out.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Tarilaan said:


    While I would love to see Kaze in the game, for the sake of diversifying the source of characters in the gauntlet (and totally not any favorite game bias) I'd like to see Volke for a gauntlet like that personally.

    You know what I agree. A dagger gauntlet would not be complete without Volke. Sothe could maybe come too. 

    21 minutes ago, komasa said:
      Reveal hidden contents


    Just imagine all the cute Ninos going out to support best man Jaffar. It would be super adorable *-* 

    That would be the best! 

  5. 3 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    So take all the winners like Lucina, Tharja, and Camilla and have them all fight to the death with the other winners. That'd be interesting. Who will be the legend among legend?

    I would pay to watch the fallout from that match :p

    1 minute ago, Sayyyaka said:



  6. 2 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    So like ninja/assassin? That'd be interesting. Do we have enough? 

    Also, taking what someone said, we should have the next Gauntlet be about characters that AREN'T super popular. Let's choose characters from the sheet that are mediocre or are average to people.

    Looking at the wiki we appear to be one dagger short unfortunately. Come on IS give us more!! 

    We ether need a gauntlet of non ultra popular characters or only ultra popular characters. I honestly do hope that they do a gauntlet off all the winners once we hit the ninth gauntlet. 


    2 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Alright, with that out of the way, since this Gauntlet is almost over, why not discuss how the NEXT gauntlet should be. What will the theme of the next Gauntlet be and who do you guys think should be in it?

    I think a dagger or bow gauntlet could be pretty interesting

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