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Posts posted by DarkLordIvy

  1. Well games back up, I decided to try one more time for Boey on the Rite of Shadows banner. I was totally prepared to snipe all the greens I could. 

    First roll no green orbs, but two reds... fine I do want Celica. I opened the reds and got a 4* Stahl and 3* Eliwood. 

    Second Roll four reds and a colorless. I open one red for a 4* Corrin who I will not say no too. I did not have him yet. 

    Final roll. I've only got six orbs left and STILL NO GREEN WHY GAME??? But one red AND I GOT CELICA!! Summoning adventure redeemed!!

    She is +def/-spd!

    I am still tragically Boey-less. I guess I'll just have to fish for him once he gets demoted in rarity. :P

  2. I've got threaten attack on my -atk Ike in a effort to make heavy blade more generally useful on the enemy phase in particular, and while I'm not great at calculations and the like I don't think it's hurt. 

    I also put threaten speed on my Seliph +spd ages ago. Who also has fury2 and that +1 speed seal giving him 30 speed. The threaten speed debuff lets him avoid a lot more doubles and even get in a few of his own which is nice. 

    Probably not the best overall way to go but it's worked for me so far. 

  3. Just now, Falcom said:

    While slapping people with a bouquet is entertaining, you have to realize that her tome is essentially 'catch the bouquet'.

    And that's why I want Caeda. Her opponents will be happy (from knowing that they'll get married soon) while also dying in pain. It's pretty messed up when you think about it. XD

    Yeah I get it, I'm just easily amused by silly things like that :p

    Death by wedding excitement in any form is highly entertaining!

  4. The only thing that could have made Caeda's weapon more entertaining would have been for it to be a dagger. I would have payed money for the chance to have a character whacking people with a bouquet.

    The lack of grooms is disappointing but I think watching the salt over this will more than make up for it.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

    xD So have you played since? Micaiah could be good for this banner, maybe, but Ice Dragon basically put out the reasons why we shouldn't really introduce characters in this fashion first, and it makes sense -.- I do like the idea of a contest based upon it, though :) 

    I'm really hopeful that they stick to two colours, like they did last time. I got so many 5*'s, even if it took me roughly forever to get the two I wanted xD The three Camillas just laughed at me -.- But she's proven herself useful :) 

    Sadly her copy of the game was stuck at her house so I only got to play it the times I went home with her over Thanksgiving and spring break, so I only got to I think the second to last or so chapter before the end of act 1. 

    I agree I don't think it would be good to introduce any new characters, never mind Micaiah, in a banner like this. Two colors again would be nice. Mostly I just hope I can get one of the focus characters this time! 

  6. 1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

    I know fanfic does change the way you see people. I wrote one of Nailah before FE10 came out, based on the translations of the base conversations. Since then, my friend and I have fully headcanoned this in as her full personality. It's not far from her translated one, but it adds a few little bits that may or may not have been there if supports were in the game. 

    Incidentally, Nailah is my favourite female character by design and general attitude so far. I just wish there were supports in RD. I really hope she comes into Heroes at some point. It'd be nice to see more of her :) 

    I've experienced this and I wasn't technically writing a fanfic. My friend threw me into playing Radiant Dawn without me having ever touched POR before, so I had no context for anything. So I naturally took nothing seriously and gave a running commentary that turned Miciah into a crime boss out for control of Dain, a timeshare in the Desert of Death, and a one sided obsession friendship with Jarod. This was recent enough that this ridiculous personality is still what I think of whenever I see anything written about her... I want to do a series of comics based on this at some point. :U

    A fanfic contest/event/whatever based off this silly banner sounds really fun! Oh the ridiculous possibilities.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I...don't remember those complaints at all, but whatever the case, I guess so.

    And yeah, but not so strong that they feel like they're near impossible or impossible to beat. And if I have lower ratings on my units, doesn't that mean my score will be lowered?

    You were going on and on about how impossible it was to keep Olivia alive. But I digress.

    If that's the case than keep your team the same and just keep pushing through the losses. Admittedly that is what I am currently doing :P
    Just switching out for Robin shouldn't lower your score much at all. Only by a couple of points actually. You can still score 4000+ with a "dead weight" unit on your team it just takes a bit longer.

    10 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    2 words my friend:

      Reveal hidden contents


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      Hide contents


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    And Bonfire of course HEE HEE HEE

    20 damage Bonfire OP





    He's one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse with that loadout.... ono

    @MrSmokestack Without change no progress would be made!

  8. 7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    It's impossible for me to win without a dancer though. I always lose if I don't have one because arena teams are way too strong for some reason. I never really get fair matchups.

    I can't help but be a bit amused by this claim considering how much you were complaining about dancers being hard to use a couple months back. Ah how time changes our perspectives.
    Arena teams are supposed to be strong. I think its pretty normal to occasionally run into teams that just completely wreck yours. I'd say do try switching out Azura for Robin for a little while. His total rating should be lower than hers and that might get you more favorable matchups. I did that for awhile this past week because my teams of Soren, Ike, Azura, and Xander was putting me against teams of multiple merged 5*'s for some reason. 


    50 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    Mine too, and she's neutral

    But on a defense tile, my Azura only did 8 damage to him XD My brother's Xander has solo'd teams by just placing him on a defense tile lolXander isn't broken, but he's pretty busted.

    Those defense tiles are just nuts with high defense units geeze! They are your best friend or worst enemy, no inbetween.

    And dang what sort of kit does your brother's Xander have?

  9. I have a -atk Azura and she pretty handily deals with all the Xander's I've encountered. 

    The most trouble I've had with Xander is with my own. Who for the record is a 5*, but has largely been a dead weight on my team. This is admittedly mostly on my end though and it's getting better suprisingly since I stuck drag back on him for lack of a better idea. 

  10. I started the new system at 15, made it to 16 last week and was bairly and very frustratingly knocked out of tier 16 back to 15. I used up most of my crests trying to keep up a decent rank to no avail. I'm looking good to get back into tier 16 next week though so we'll see how that pans out in the long run. :/

  11. 4 hours ago, Arthur97 said:

    I just went through some, and, yeah, his delivery seems to be one of the best. 


    3 hours ago, unique said:

    oh yeah soren's voice is absolutely perfect

    it's weird, because when I first heard him, my immediate thought was that it was nothing like what I imagined. but at the same time, I thought it was pretty fitting

    but after I heard more of his lines, I thought it was great. it wasn't what I imagined, but somehow I felt it fit even better.  his line delivery is all just so perfectly fitting for soren. he's one of my favorite characters and I'm glad they did such a good job with his voice.

    Gotta give props to Kyle McCarley! I almost can't believe he also did Alm's voice, he and Soren sound pretty much nothing alike if you aren't paying attention! McCarley's got good range!

    I'm really glad Soren got a good voice too, he's definently my favorite Radiance character. 

  12. I love Soren's "Are you ready to die?" The line delivery is just perfect. They really couldn't have gotten a better voice for him in my opinion.

    I also really like all of Fae's roars. They are precious she is precious. Fae is wonderful. owo

  13. 4 hours ago, Arcanite said:

    Well nobody wants to see you die, but your dedication is awesome!

    Nobody uses Seliph these days XD

    Ha! I'm glad to hear that thank you :p

    To be honest I haven't used Seliph to much recently but he'll make his triumphant return soon! Probably when I pull another Hinata. The SP grind never stops!

    2 hours ago, BANRYU said:

    EDIT: gotta give mad props to @Rezzy @Tuvy @DarkLordIvy all for using and 5*ing their favorites who aren't necessarily considered great or optimal >w< As someone using the manakete + infantry lancer who are typically considered the worst of the bunch (along with Camilla who is probably worst just after Beruka) I can respect that haha ~u~

    To be honest I pulled both of these guys already at 5*. Although I do have a 4* Seliph who might get upgraded for another merge one day. 

    I say a good part of the fun in this game is making any unit you like work. 

    I really like your dragon team by the way. Good luck pulling the rest of them!

    2 hours ago, JSND said:

    You mean DIE TYRFING right?

    Okay you win. I wish I had thought of that pun :p

    Thank you for making my day with that one. 



    We are few but we are mighty! 

    Brave sword huh? I had not thought of that. :0

    That looks like a fun build!

  14. I just finished grinding the SP necessary for vantage for my best buddie Soren here last night!


    Seriously for both vantage and fury I grinded 700SP on a level 40 5* in about 3 days. I think at some point I think I would like to replace vantage with quick repose, and breath of life needs replacing. Home speed will probably replace it eventually, but this has been enough SP grinding for now. :P

    Seliph is my original ongoing project. The only reason Soren has more hero merit is because he's taken a bit of a back seat since I got Soren right about when hero merit was introduced. Otherwise Seliph would have been maxed out long ago. He's also my only +1 5*!


    The next Hinata I get is definently giving to fury3 Seliph. I WILL MAKE SELIPH DEADLY OR DIE TRYING! 

  15. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Way to miss my point entirely.

    Smash has characters from all sorts of games. Heroes has only FE characters and gameplay. Not other characters from other game series. Therefore, it is an FE game.

    Gacha is not true gambling because of what Clogon just said above.

    I think it's actually kind of dangerous to not consider something like this gambling just because of how huge a problem a gambling addiction can be to people. 

    Yes this is a Fire Emblem game. Yes it is gambling. You can spend money for a random chance to get something, and getting something that you like gives you a rush of dopamine. Which is something people can become addicted to. Promoting them to spend more money and boom we have a gambling addiction. 

    Yes you are guaranteed something for your money, but that alone does not stop it from technically being a form of gambling. 

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