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Posts posted by DarkLordIvy

  1. 8 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    @DarkLordIvy My T-adept, swordbreaker Robin tanked both (technically all 4 of) her hits, and 2 shot her right after LOL

    You'll find it funny that when I fought this Fir, it was a full red team. Male Robin just solo'd them all XF

    Ha! I love seeing people throw teams of all one color into the arena. That is beautiful

    On that note I should probably switch the bowbreaker I have on my male Robin for swordbreaker, seems like I'll probably get more overkill out of it

  2. 1 minute ago, LuxSpes said:

    Male Robin would probably take 5x4 damage from a +Atk Fir with +1 from merging and L&D3, so he's not really troubled. If Fir isn't +Atk, Robin takes 2x4. And if Robin has Triangle Adept, Fir won't ever scratch him even with a +Atk nature. (Add Swordbreaker to the mix to make Fir even more of a non-issue)

    So what Arcanite meant is that Robin says bye bye to Fir before destroying her not that he's getting destroyed.


    3 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Lol no, Brave Sword Fir is kinda useless. Even with Life and Death 3 she only gets 38 Atk, then even if he had the full merge bonus on Atk for some reason it's just 42 Atk. So basically no damage.

    Woop! I feel silly :p
    That's what I get for multitasking on like three things at once and not looking at just who was being mentioned.

  3. I got my first duplicate 5* last night and conveniently it was Seliph! Who I have already gotten a lot of use out of!

    I know he isn't great in the current meta but dang it he is just too lovable and handily destroys all of the Hector's greens


    Downside though is now I am officially running into all of the merged units in the arena and it is terrifying. :/

  4. 1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

    Yay, the Orbs return.  Although I wish they'd just decide to make them permanent at this point.  It seems a bit silly to extend it, discontinue it, bring it back, then discontinue it for a couple days, just to bring it back for a couple weeks.

    From what I can tell with my limited knowledge of gatcha games the sporadic taking away of free orbs seems pretty standard. The other one I play regularly Puzzles and Dragons pretty much always has a way to get their orb equivalent, but there was like a four day gap recently where that wasn't the case. Its really annoying but I wouldn't be surprised if that's just how it will go at least for the foreseeable future.

  5. 6 minutes ago, wizzard of soz said:

    can't wait to use him, been wanting to test out a 5* michalis i have jackcrap for decent axe users so he's pretty much my only option atm

    He is honestly a lot of fun to use and can actually take a hit from quite a few of the prominent reds that pop up everywhere, and that iote's shield is SO nice with all of the Takumi's and Klein's running all over the place. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

    They just really wanted you to win!

    Apparently! I'll take it!

    Now if only more units on team Camillia looked like that :P

    1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

    Maybe he was a unit to soak up hits for someone triaining a lowbie.  That's the only reason I can think of.  Imagine if that's the guy you got for your team, though.  I've had useless, but that's a whole 'nother level.

    Maybe still seems odd to have that set as your rep that gets sent to other people. My sincere condolences to anyone on team Camilla who has that guy on their friend list!

    4 minutes ago, wizzard of soz said:

    does anyone on team minerva have a green unit as their rep? i just want to make sure i get that quest because i haven't seen anyyy greens and no one on my list has one atm

    I have Michalis as my rep if you want to add me 0028978737

  7. 12 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

    We'll know soon enough. I hope if it's not happening, they'll still release the pictures of the bunny-fied people xD 

    Bunny-fied pictures is defiantly not the worst consolation prize :P

    9 minutes ago, Falcom said:

    I wish. I'm gonna bet that they're still going to put new characters along with the special costumes (even tho I doubt it). And yes, it seems weird that Xander gets his special before his actual design. It's also weird that Xander even gets a bunny costume. I personally don't see how Xander can fit. Chrom I can let slide.

    New characters and a special would make the most sense. And I dunno I could see Elise roping Xander into something silly like a bunny costume, he is quiet doting after all

  8. 18 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    My Freddy's gonna be a solid unbreakable wall too. ;D Well, physically, anyway. :P

    He's +def and gets def buffs from his allies, and I want to give him the Def+ skills that Stahl has. I just wish I could pull an extra 4 star Stahl for that. I think the 3rd one in that set is Def +4, so with 39 def total at 5 star lv. 40, 39 plus that 4 def would be 43, then adding on an ally's def boosting skill could probably push that to near 50!


    10 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    I think all the +Stat skills are +3, except for HP, which is +5.

    I just checked, Rezzy is right it's only +3 but hey I don't think that's enough of a difference to be a deal breaker!

  9. 6 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    Guidance regarding WHAT to do with your pulled characters goes into the "Ask a FE Heroes question" thread.  But the short answer is "it could be worse" for both.

    Aah! Sorry about that, I managed to forget about the ask thread... But thank you for the answer I figured that was probably the case.

  10. So I decided to do one more summon on the Blazing Shadows banner and I got a 5* +Spd/-HP Hinoka and 4* +HP/-DEF Marth out of it!(also a second Shanna 3*, a 4* Cherche, and a 3* Gordin)

    Are those decent boon/bane's on Hinoka and Marth? Especially Marth, Michalis might have some promotion competition.

  11. I have 10 at the moment. 

    Young Tiki, mRobin, Linde, Kagero, Seliph, Caeda, Narcian, Cordelia, Peri, and as of yesterday Lucius.
    I got Seliph with the $12.99 orb pack.
    And Narcian I of course had to upgrade from I believe a 3*. 

  12. Anybody have any suggestions for what to put in the 'C' slot on my +Spd/-Res Seliph? I originally was going to try to boost his speed but that seems like a bit of a lost cause. I'm currently thinking maybe Threaten Speed or Savage Blow. Knocking some speed off or a little extra damage can always be beneficial. ouo

  13. I have been in the same boat since I got him back when he was first released, declared him my favorite new puppy. I got reeeeally lucky and ended up with my Seliph beingg a +Spd/-HP so I've actually been able to successfully run him since he can reliably take care of the ever abundant Hectors.

    I really like his normal standing and injured art but there is something a little wonky about the eye placement on his attacking art if you ask me

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