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Posts posted by DarkLordIvy

  1. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Hmm, you could be right. I thought I was being patient enough when worked with what I had until Ike and all came (used Marth until I got him, for example). I'd also been using Palla until Elincia, Marcia, Jill, Haar, Cormag, and Fiora come (as it stands, none of the fliers I like except for Hinoka and Cordelia are in the game and I never got Hinoka, and I only ever pulled Cordelia once. I used her for skill fodder...). Used Olivia until I got Azura (and I still occasionally use Olivia to help train some units).

    But maybe I need a but more patience. And we'll have to see if I can ever get used to using units I don't like. But for now, I guess this is more of a break than ditching the game permanently. I'll go play or do something else in the meantime.

    See that's the attitude to have in a game like this. This is a game intended to last a pretty long time. If Nintendo wants to make it last they have to ration out the characters they introduce. I suspect I will be waiting quite awhile for Erk to be added and my "Grumpy Mage Brigade" to be completed. Patience is always a virtue.

    Ha I wish I could give you one of my Hinokas. I've managed to pull two of her. But isn't that how it always goes? :P

    I don't believe in completely dropping something just because it's frustrating or giving you trouble. You've gotta pace yourself and know when it's time to step away. 

  2. 22 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    There's never much I can complete with just my favorites though. I don't like how the game tries to make me ditch them and use characters I don't give a damn about. I'm sorry.

    See this is why I say put the game away for awhile. 

    I have a friend who, when the game first came out, completed everything she could in those first couple of weeks, and ended up quitting. She hadn't gotten many of the characters she liked and was board so she quit until the Easter event. She picked it up again, managed to get some of the characters she likes and with the mechanics that had been added since she had last played has been enjoying it ever since. But she's had to work for it and be patient. She used a bunch of characters that she does't like but it's like a stepping stone. She's been figuring out how to make the characters she likes work using SI and graciously taking the losses when they come. 


    And I don't like being forced to use many units. I want to stick with who I've trained up. Not be forced to bench them after all the work I put into them. Frederick especially. He went from a lowly 3 star to a 5 star with a bunch of good inherited skills. And if I can't use him because I need other units instead, I feel like I wasted my time and resources. I don't try to look for the negative in anything, I always try to find the positive. But sometimes I just don't see a positive.

    Okay. I don't believe  you have to bench any unit permanently. I've got a Seliph that I've put a ton of work into and who has been my main red ever since I got him. Last week I got Ike and I've been using him instead. I love Ike but Seliph has become one of my favorite units and I was sad to take him off of my main team.  But you know what? Just with the new defense maps I've found reasons to bring him back. Even if you take Fredrick off of your main team for a while it's not like you don't have him anymore. There will always be situations where he'll end up being useful. You just have to be patient.

     Seriously take a chill pill. Deep breath, drink some tea/coffee, go for a walk, take a nap. Don't loose your mind over a mobile game. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, Anacybele said:


    And I'm sorry, but I'm just not finding this game much fun anymore. Stop trying to force me to play it, please (if this isn't your intent, fine, but you're coming off that way).

    I'm not trying to force you to play it, I'm sorry if I came off that way. I'm just trying to encourage you to step away at least for awhile. Sometimes it's hard to see past the frustrating stuff. I get that, it happens to everybody. Quitting might be for the best for you right now. Just keep in mind that you can always come back to it later on and enjoy it again. 

  4. Was pretty hype when I saw Seliph get added to the game despite not really having a clue what his home game was like. Even more hype when I summoned him on my first try! Better still I think he probably has one of the best possible natures for Seliph with +Spd/-Res.

    I had some retroactive hype when saw people struggling with the Michalis GHB I realized I had beaten the lunatic battle while half asleep on my first try. It just struck me as particularly amusing. Especially after the trouble I had on Ursula's map...

    I'm still super excited about pulling both Soren and Ike within a day of each other! I love them so much oAo

  5. I've been using Seliph/mRobin/Michalis + Olivia/bonus unit for the past month or so and before that the only diffrence was Narcian instead of Michalis. Seliph gets a bad rap as "the worst sword lord" but I've honestly found him to be great overall, although it helps a lot I think that mine is +spd so he doesn't get doubled quiet as often as most. When skill inheritance first happened I stuck bowbreaker on Robin just for a bit of extra overkill, this has since been replaced with swordbreaker and we are still having a great time. Michalis is just a wonderful tank with wings. Swords? bows? other axes? So long as it isn't a mage Michalis has me covered.

    Just since last weekend I'm also experimenting with Soren/Ike/mRobin + Dancer/bonus unit. Because I love Soren and Ike and branching out it fun! Ike is unfortunately -atk so he gets to be basically glued to Soren who I gave rally attack until I can be bothered to stick hone attack on him. Robin is still doing his thing same as ever, although I would kind of like to replace him with someone else just for the sake of variety.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Well, I still don't really have a reason to delete the game if there's any chance I'll go back to it.

    The reason I suggest deleting the game is just to enforce the break for yourself and avoid the temptation to play before your break is over. I've had to do that in the past for things like this myself. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    ...If I delete the game, I delete the data too. :/ I might want to simply go look at it once in awhile.

    But yeah, I know, it is rather a shame. After what I spent, I couldn't do well...

    As long as you have your Nintendo account linked you can get your data back as is. That's how people who have had to get new phones or delete the game because of glitches keep their original units. 

    10 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    That's two out of hundreds of units that I decided not to use... Surely there are better options for me? And it isn't even just that Cecilia is too weak, I don't have the resources to use her. She requires some inheritance.

    Oh no of course there are always going to be alternatives that work/you like better. But in a game like this you have to work which what you get until that better option comes along. You just need to be patient.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    You know what? I think I'm just done with this whole game. For real. All I get is frustrated and wasted resources (using my crests only to lose in the arena, using my stamina only to lose). I just can't get good enough units or gameplay skill or something. It's too difficult and I will never understand how other people can do so well in it. Because no matter what I do, I can't. It doesn't make any sense to me and I'd rather just stop and not worry about it.

    I don't wish for anyone to try to help me, because I've made my decision. People already tried to help me anyway, and it did nothing for me (as much as I appreciate the effort).


    After all the money you've spent on this game it's really a shame.

    I think you would beifit from taking a break. Delete the game off your phone for ahile and come back to it in a week or two with a fresh attitude. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Sorry, but she's +HP, -Res. That's very bad for her because then she's easily killed by ANYTHING. I'd rather wait and see if I pull a different Nino.

    Eirika's not great either. This new 5 star is -Atk. So Rezzy did strike. She'll just sit and do nothing along with Chrom.

    The thing with Nino is that she is designed to murder things in one round. I have a -def Nino and even being counter attacked once by most bows and daggers is t much of an issue. The minus -res would only matter if you were sending her up against red mages that she couldn't one shot for some reason. Just give her a chance and she should pay off

  10. Here's the thing though, if Soren were a girl I feel like a lot of this argument would not exist. Ike, like it or not does not really have a definite "canon" love interest. Most of the subtext with Elincia was added through the localization, and the way both versions of Soren were can very easily be read as romantic. 

    Beyond that I think your own personal interpretation of Ike is all the more anyone has to go on. My interpretation is that Ike would never end up with Elincia mostly because she is justifiably devoted to her country and Ike's dislike of titles and nobility prevents any sort of romantic relationship between them. 

    The whole "paring two guy best friends" is about as recent as the lolcat memes. It was around before the internet and it will die when board teenagers stop looking towards stories as a form of entertainment. :/

    Oh god I just referenced lolcats in 2017... finals really are getting to me!

  11. Wow okay that was a total breeze! Got both hard and lunatic in my first try with an experimental team of Soren, Ike, mRobin and Olivia. 

    This map was made for mages!

    Olivia danced Soren up to kill the lance. Ike repositioned him out of harms way, then Ike tanked the green mage and Xander (couldn't ORKO sinking -atk). Robin then cleaned up Xander and then other sword and my only trouble was not realizing the healer had wings of mercy and so I spent an extra turn chasing him around because he ended up out of range. :U

  12. 8 hours ago, Jedrus Lilac said:

    Congrats two 5* in one pull are always great! Besides Azuras function is not necessarily that of a fighter.

    Yeah I'm mostly just glad to have some variety for my dancer line up other than just the five+ Olivia's sitting around....

    1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

    I see the curse of - Atk has spread.

    Your curse has spread, but it has not taken over!


    +Atk/-Res! I need to put a stop to my summoning for awhile I think. I need to quit while I'm ahead with the four 5*'s I've summoned in the past few days :P

  13. Well shadowofchaos might not have gotten Azura but I somehow managed to! And she came with one of her sisters. Hello Hinoka #2 with a worse nature. 


    Azura is +spd/-atk. I hope this doesn't become my new 5* trend. The Ike I got a few days ago was the same...

    On a different note I am like seven different kinds of done with Palla and Sophia. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

  14. I decided to do a before class summon with my leftover orbs from last night. First one :IMG_0904.thumb.PNG.3141ddd058236c62e073ceb645dc2abc.PNG


    Although @Rezzy your -ark luck seemed to have rubbed off on me cause he is -atk/+spd. Which is kind of a wired one but I can work with it!


  15. 1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

    I'll trade you my -Atk Soren.

    Ah but then I would have a much harder time achieving my goal of murder mage Soren!

    Seriously though your streak of -atk is ridiculous... Do you have any 5* that you haven't promoted that have anything other than -atk?

  16. So I've had a really crappy day. Pulled an all nighter, been running on an hour of sleep, had one really crappy presentation. So I decided to throw a bit of money at the game in a delirious fit of self pity and poor money management ...

    Even better he's Atk+/-Res!!

    Also of note I got two 4* Erika's a +Spd/-Hp and +Res/-Def... I know which of those I'll be training up! Aaaaand a Neutral 4* Tharja


    Now I just need my luck to not completly die before the banner runs out so I can get Soren's bestboyfriend pfff


  17. Aaaaa I want to do another pull so bad but I am stuck at a measly 12 orbs and I am definitely not letting myself buy any orbs until I get done with my school work this week...

    My summon from last night did get me a +res/-hp 5* Fae! That leaves just Ninian for my dragon collection that'll probably happen someday.... but now I just want Soren and Iiiiiiiiiike!

  18. I've been running Seliph, mRobin, Michalis/Narcian, bonus for weeks.
    My problem come pretty much entirely from my inability to deal with mages before they can hit anything before they take out one of my units. Horse Emblem also has proved tricky for me in the past if Reinhardt is in anyway involved.
    The mage thing is starting to be a bit less of a problem now that I have a 5*Nino and have started experimenting with how to best work her into the equation.

  19. This was a fun way to procrastinate away an hour.



    1.     What is your name? (Just put your SF username here.)

    2.     What's in your pockets right now?

    3.     What's your favorite meal?
    Oooo probably ether curry or a good meaty stew.

    4.     How do you define what is good or morally desirable?
    I am to deep into the hell of finals to answer this question.

    5.     Coffee or tea?

    6.     Do you like to eat pumpkin?
    I do love me some pumpkin pie.

    7.     What are your views on marriage?
    Romantic relationships in general kind of freak me out at the moment.

    8.     What do you think about telepaths?
    The entire concept is pretty freaky, but also man the ridiculous things a telepath would hear though!

    9.     If you had to choose between a family member doing a great evil or a foe doing a great good, who would you side with?
    Boy this is an incredibly situational question. Depends on what the great evil/good was...

    10.  Is the glass half empty or half full?
    Half empty after I spend three minutes staring at it trying to decide.

    11.  When a tree falls in the forest, and no one’s there to hear it, does it make a sound?

    12.  What is the sound of one hand clapping?
    A quiet "pthap, pthap, pthap"

    13.  What do you see when you look up at the sky?
    Lots of different shades of different colors depending on the time of day.

    14.  What is your favorite past time?
    Video games and story development!

    15.  What is the most mundane, simple thing you like to do?
    Shuffling cards if that counts as mundane.

    16.  What do you think about “morals”? Do they exist, or do they not?
    I think that morals are something that everybody develops throughout their lifetime and that differs person to person.

    17.  Which country do you want to visit most?
    Tie between Japan and Norway.

    18.  Would you call yourself happy with your current life and situation?
    Well I am a extremely frazzled college student with four essays, a video, and finals week looming. Sooo right now nope!

    19.  Are there any foods you just cannot abide?
    Anything with mustard, or most pickled things.

    20.  It is 5 minutes to 8 and dinner is not ready. At 8, your guests are arriving. What do you do?

    21.  Favorite flowers?
    I've always like columbine flowers and I've recently gained an appreciation for orchids.

    22.  Are you a day or night kind of person? 
    Night-owl reporting for duty.

    23.  Have you ever hurt someone intentionally? Why?
    I stabbed a kid with in the hand with a pencil once waaaay back in forth grade. He was my least favorite person for years, and was egging me on. 

    24.  What's the biggest (or best) lie you ever told?
    Probably that time I lied about having all of my school stuff done to my mom. Underwhelming :P

    25.  What color is the sky?
    All of them.

    26.  What is your greatest regret? Would you go back to change things if you could?
    Not dropping that one class earlier this semester.

    27.  If you do celebrate birthdays, how do you celebrate? If not, why don't you?
    I celebrate my own birthday by using it as an excuse to goof off doing things I like.

    28.  What's in your bathroom medicine cabinet right now?
    I live in a dorm, no medicine cabinet here!

    29.  Do you consider yourself normal?
    Not really.

    30.  A little girl is crying because her cat is stuck in a tree. How do you respond?
    Do what I can to help get the cat down. Probably track down a ladder and someone tall.

    31.  Name one thing about yourself that you wish you could change.
    I'd like to be more in shape.

    32.  What is your biggest pet peeve?
    Right now it's people who go into the communal dorm bathroom barefoot. IT'S REALLY GROSS OKAY!

    33.  Do you talk out loud to yourself when no one can hear you?

    34.  What would be your first, second and third thoughts if your consciousness was suddenly transported into another the body of someone of the opposite gender?
    What what what what what what ????????

    35.  What would be your first course of action if you realized you were in a time loop (ie. no consequences)?
    Spend a good hour or so having an existential crisis probably.

    36.  If you were not doing what you're doing, what would you be doing instead?
    Finding a different way to put off writing that essay.

    37.  What would you do if you came up to a locked briefcase that was beeping faster and faster and faster and faster …
    Start heading the opposite direction as fast as possible.

    38.  Favorite color?

    39.  When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
    I'm not really sure honestly I don't think I could ever decide.

    40.  How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus?
    Like three, my parents never really did the whole Santa thing.

    41.  If you could go anywhere in your world, where would it be, and why?
    Back home to hug my dog and my mom and be in my own room again. I'm very tiered of being at college right now.

    42.  What advice would you give to someone going on a long and possibly dangerous journey?
    Bring some rope. Rope handy.

    43.  If you could push a button and vaporize all evil people in the world, would you do it?
    Oooooo boy here we have a loaded question! No I would not. I've seen Death Note!

    44.  Milk or water?

    45.  In a huge crowd, would you blend in or stick out?
    Blend in. I am short.

    46.  Again, in a huge crowd have you ever felt alone?

    47.  Do you have a food that you cannot live without?
    I love me some goldfish crackers.

    48.  Describe yourself in one word.

    49.  If someone is in a position of authority, does that automatically make them a responsible person?
    Oh god no.

    50.  You come home one night to find your worst enemy waiting for you at your door. What do you do?
    Depends a lot on what they are doing out there.

    51.  What's your favorite pizza topping?

    52.  Have you ever watched the sunrise? If so, when?
    Yeah a couple of times but it's been awhile and I don't remember when.

    53.  All right, so your mother just tells you you’re adopted. What's your reaction?
    I think I'd be curious about my birth family, but otherwise eh.

    54.  We've heard all about lies... what's the hardest truth you've ever had to tell?
    I don't know, I tend to not have much trouble telling the truth. 

    55.  How would you feel and what would you do if a friend you weren't that close to suddenly started telling you about their tragic past? 
    I've sort of had this happen actually. I just listen and do my best to not say anything insensitive.

    56.  What's your favorite kind of music?
    Everything that isn't country and rap.

    57.  Do you like socks?
    Socks are wonderful.

    58.  Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly?
    Fly, I have bad feet flying would lessen that problem.

    59.  What makes you laugh?
    stupid puns and nonsense humor.

    60.  What are you thinking about right now?
    Going to bed.

    61.  What are you most afraid of and why?
    The untimely deaths of friends and family.

    62.  Do you have any dietary restrictions? If so, what are they and why?
    None beyond my own self-imposed refusal to eat mustard and pickled things.

    63.  What is your drink of choice?
    Tea and water.

    64.  What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
    Shut off my alarm.

    65.  What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
    Make sure my alarm is set.

    66.  What do you do to keep yourself occupied when you're in an annoying situation?
    Mess with my phone if I can get away with it, or fiddle with a hair tie or something.

    67.  It's 3 in the morning and you're awake. What are you doing?
    Going to the bathroom probably.

    68.  Do you believe in the power of love to change the world?
    I'm not idealistic enough.

    69.  What kind of person or character trait annoys you the most?
    Those really arrogant people who have that way of talking that just steamrolls every other opinion and will never be convinced that they are wrong.

    70.  Would it bother you if someone hated you for no reason?
    Not really it happens.

    71. There are three doors in a room (not including the exit), they're unmarked. One leads to death, one to riches, and one to home, but you don't know which leads where. What do you do?
    Knock on them all, probably crack them all open.

    72. Would you like to rule the world?
    No way that sounds like waaaaaaay to much work and stress.

    73. If you did want to take over the world, how long do you think it would take you?
    I would be the always failing Saturday morning cartoon villain. 

    74. If you could own anything in your world, what would it be?
    Radiant Dawn One of those super fancy cintiq tablets.

    75. Is there a song that drives you nuts?
    I don't know what it's called BUT IT PLAYS ON THE BATHROOM ALL THE TIME AND I HATE IT!
    I also really hate "Don't Stop Believing"

    76. You've found some treasure guarded by a dragon. The dragon may be a bit too tough for you to fight. Do you go after the treasure anyway?
    I would just want to watch the dragon maybe have a chat if it was one that wouldn't just burn me to a crisp.

    77. If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?

    78. If you encountered the mirror of Erised from the Harry Potter series what would you see?
    Me with a degree.

    79. Confronted by a hungry, annoyed dragon, what would you do?
    Offer to buy it a frozen turkey and hope for the best.

    80. What would you do if someone tried to blast you into the ionosphere?
    Why though?? That's a lot of effort for me doing something.



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