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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. She's obviously talking about Xenologue characters, not Paralogue characters. Aversa's a Paralogue character.
  2. ??? That's the first time I've ever heard this. Without Dire Thunder or the Blessed Sword, Olwen's a pretty shoddy unit, and outclassed by many, many, many units in the game. With Dire Thunder and the Blessed Sword, she's a very good offensive unit, but her durability is abysmal, and she'll get torn to shreds if you try to "abuse" her. She's ultimately a solid-good unit, but certainly not a unit who will carry you through the game on her own.
  3. I'd imagine most of these would be addressed in a remake. A good chunk of them were likely technical limitations/inexperience(Fog of war, unit repositioning, etc), a few of them were just eccentric design choices that didn't quite work out(Hit rates being 1-99%, fatigue being tied to HP), and some of them were just due to FE5 being around before these ideas would come into fruition(Base and episodic support conversations). But I agree with a lot of that. I think FE5 is an unpolished diamond. A second try to really work out the kinks, and I think FE5 would be recognized for more than its difficulty and being the game with Reinhardt.
  4. It at 2 makes more sense than SS at 3 to me. But I'm not going to try to wrap my head around why either of them are so high. Just gotta let it be.
  5. It does, one of the reasons I don't think it aged super well. They were using outdated midi throughout pretty much all of FF7. It wasn't until FF8 were they started implementing proper synthesizers and real instruments(Though there was still some midi). But yeah, old midi being pushed out of a PS1 was bad for the time, but better sound systems and new types of AV outputs nowadays has made it even worse. Midi horns in FF7 sound like farts a lot of the times now.
  6. Priam was hanging out in the Outrealm. It's likely that Ike's disappearance at the end of RD, is being implied as him literally leaving the world of Tellius in Awakening. Weapons and Chrom knowing names doesn't fill the massive holes that would need to be filled to explain that Tellius happens in the same world as Archanea. You'd think there'd be some mention of Ashera/Yune/Ashunera, literal Gods that people know about at the end of FE10, in ANY of the FEs between 1 and 5, and Awakening. Instead, Naga and the dragons are treated as Gods.
  7. The arena in FE5 is a bit less forgiving than the arena in other games. Honestly, the game tosses so much fodder at you, and the game has a pretty generous EXP curve, even in normal mode. Aside from accidentally leveling a character without scrolls, there's no real reason to arena abuse in FE5. You'll likely get more than enough EXP to level damn near two armies worth of units, which the game encourages.
  8. Awakening kind of closed a lot of doors that would make it likely that there's a single FE timeline by explaining that Outrealm and Dragon Gates can be used to travel to other worlds. There'd be no need to introduce these things, and then imply multiple times that Elibe/Magvel/Tellius are in different worlds if they weren't suggesting that these are separate worlds from the "Main" Archanea/Valentia/Jugdral one. Plus, yeah. Just look at the dragons in each world if you want to see how difficult it would be to connect all these worlds.
  9. The FF7 boss theme is pretty blood-pumpy, but nothing makes me lose my mind like 8's boss theme. Both FF7 and 8's themes start at an intensity of like, 11/10, which isn't how boss themes in the rest of the series are.
  10. Team Sports, which I got a speaking-intensive credit for. It was a student-taught class where the students basically set-up the curriculum, and we were in charge of getting into groups and teaching the rest of the students how to play specific sports. It was mostly a class where we just showed up and played games. Survey of Western Music, where we just listened to a bunch of music and occasionally took a quiz. I finished the final in roughly 10 minutes. At my last semester at a community college before I transferred to a proper university and took the above classes, I took Strength Training, which was just an excuse to get credits to work out.
  11. Counterpoint: The west is probably more familiar with Reinhardt than they are Roy right now *coughcough*.
  12. Yeah, I'd say Awakening, when you could get Armsthrift, 50 luck and turn everyone into Sorcerers with Aversa's Night... That's pretty much what my last(And I mean LAST, I don't intend to touch Awakening again after that run) turned into.
  13. I really like it, one of my favorite FFs, but IMO, it's probably the most poorly aged Final Fantasy due to a number of factors. Namely it being an early PS1 game, and the developers at Square not really knowing how to use the tech, which they didn't really figure out until FF8. But it's a fine JRPG. And despite its legacy and ubiquitous...ness, it doesn't feel generic or familiar in the slightest if you've never played it. If you don't have a problem getting into older JRPGs and the graphics don't immediately melt your eyes, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
  14. It could be clearer, but yes, the game does tell you to make Leif escape first or else everyone will get captured. Of course, there's a good chance that people aren't even playing with an English script because of how disjointed the FE5 translations are.
  15. A lot of this. I'd add on to a few of these: - It didn't just introduce Defend missions, it introduced Escape, and pretty much every objective type that isn't "Rout", "Kill boss" or "Seize". For better or for worse, it also introduced turn limits to completing objectives, if I recall. And, it has done something I don't recall seeing any other time in the franchise: It combined mission types. There's a chapter where, with one party, you have to Defend the Escape point while another party makes it through the map to reach the Escape point. The closest I think I've seen is missions where you have to keep a unit alive(Though they're usually not in your control) and you have to talk to them with a Lord to beat the chapter. Other games also do Defend chapters that end early if you kill the boss, but that's optional and not always enforced. Long story short, it did a lot to introduce new, unique scenarios to the franchise which had previously been "Kill everything in your way". A lot of what makes the game "hard" is that it really likes to throw curveballs at the player. The difficulty doesn't come from gradual stat-creep or non-stop bumrushes from suicidal enemy units(Though Defend chapters still become this), which I still see as pretty unique outside of Conquest and some maps of Radiant Dawn. - It has a very good balance within the roster. Due to how weak the enemies are on average, and how the game is a bit more objective-based, units that are weak in one or two key areas aren't in nearly as bad of a position as they are in most other games in the franchise. I'd say probably the largest portion of the roster compared to every other FE is usable to some capacity. The closest to a "useless" unit I can think of is Ronan, who is built as a squishy mage-killer that doesn't quite work out so well, and maybe Xavier, due to joining way too late and the stat caps hurting units like Generals in the late-game. Due to the capture mechanic, even the traditionally low-tier Bord-type(Marty) character is useful as a capture unit. At about the point where you start getting underleveled units, the game makes the best case for using a lot of them, as pretty much all of the low-leveled unpromoted units starting with Mareeta are effectively all Ninos/Ests. The way dismounting in the game also stops mounted units from running away with the game like they do in most other FEs. This isn't a flawless mechanic, as they probably get too nerfed with the weapon rank nerf, but a large chunk of them are still totally functional on outdoor maps. - I also think the Crusader scrolls are a fun idea. They're a solid way to take control of your units and fix their most obvious flaws. - Something non-gameplay related, I also think Leif goes through the most compelling journey of any FE protagonist in the franchise in this game. Again, yeah. Game's flawed, and there's a lot I'd fix if I was in charge of a remake, but what it does right I think it does very well. I think it's the FE that most resembles Conquest, which a lot of the more involved FE fanbase seems to rate as having the best gameplay in the franchise.
  16. I'd honestly be fine with either Jugdral or Elibe, but I think Jugdral's a bit more starved for attention right now. I think the team had more of a problem introducing an Avatar to Gaiden for SoV than they likely would have if Gaiden had an Avatar already 25 years ago. So I don't think they'd really have a problem remaking a game that already had open-pairings and babies. True, and it wasn't just anyone, I believe it was the director of SoV. But I don't think he gets the final word in what projects he gets put in charge of. It's likely investors and the higher ups at IS that decide what gets made. Plus, I have a major problem with Binding Blade being the next game to be remade: At this point, a decade and a half after the Elibe games, it makes no sense to remake Binding Blade before Blazing Blade. It may be how they were released chronologically, but Binding Blade was only made first because they got the idea to explore Eliwood's and Hector's friendship near the end of Binding's development. I think, especially now with a bigger audience who likely aren't even familiar with the events of Blazing, exploring the events and characters who influence Binding Blade BEFORE the events of Binding Blade is a much more appealing prospect than seeing Blazing be a prequel again.
  17. They're not loans that are being taxed, but they're help for costs. The waivers are essentially the school paying you as a TA or assist on campus in some other way(I think one of my old lab partners is getting waivers to be a lab assistant at the University of Colorado). These waivers are essentially being taxed as income, and it's something a LOT of grad students do to pay for grad school, meaning they'll essentially have to pay what's being taxed out of pocket or through loans. Keep in mind, these waivers pretty much only count towards tuition. Cost of living and everything else? Still on you, on top of these dozens of thousands of dollars you now have to pay for school for the next 2-7 years. You're now basically forced to work two jobs, go to school, and still probably end up 100k in debt at the end of it all while also burdened with a higher income tax. If I am understanding correctly. It's not like I'm suggesting that they're taxing loans, but they're taxing a resource that keeps many students in grad school, and they're taxing it HEAVILY.
  18. Given how expensive grad school is, even being in the upper-middle class wouldn't really be a sustainable background for it. 2-7 years of schooling that's pretty much in the ball park of $50k/yr? Even if my parents made 5x what they make, I wouldn't feel right asking for $350k for school. Or even low-balling it, $250k. I'm pretty smack-dab in the middle class, too. All of my friends(Which at the moment, is actually ALL of my friends) are going to grad and med school on their own money. I think maybe one or two are getting help from parents, and they're definitely not getting full backing for grad school. I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few of them came home or postponed their plans because of this. And this isn't an obscure or small group of friends going to college on nothing but their hopes and dreams. I went to a pricey university(Which was already a strain on a good chunk of them) and I was in a pre-med field.
  19. Lawyers. Doctors. Politicians. CEOs, CTOs, CFOs, COOs and most any other letter you can think of. Most people in the science world who are allowed to do anything beyond working in a lab. Obviously having your doctorate or masters isn't the only way to gain power, nor does it mean they'll have direct power over your average Joe. But it does basically mean a much larger world of opportunities is open, and these are the people managing most things that our society deems "important". Plus, a lot of people who make lateral moves into politics come from these sorts of backgrounds. A good chunk of these people are now going to have a chip on their shoulder over Republicans essentially taxing their best means at paying tuition. I can't see it being a good long term plan for the Republicans, not that they really ever plan beyond 4 years.
  20. I didn't so much mean that their numbers might be an issue, but post-graduates tend to have more power and influence.
  21. This reminds me that I should have put this in my last post... For Guy and Lyn, hey have very similar affinities, with Guy's being slightly better, as normal evade isn't as niche as critical evade. On the flipside, Lyn does have better benefits from her support options, as Eliwood will boost her attack, defense and evade, and Hector will boost her defense, evade and crit though her defense boost won't be as much of a factor with her affinity. Guy would only get extra durability from Karel, which wouldn't be a good scenario, anyway. The rest of his notable options will either boost his attack and/or criticals, which isn't bad, but it's not as nice as some more durability. Though most of his support options are pretty good units(Matthew, Rath, Priscilla). Lyn's got the edge in supports, but I still don't think it's enough to make her bad bases and late promotion less of an issue.
  22. Yeah, this should be in the general Fire Emblem forum. That said, I'd really like Jugdral to get its dues. Plus, I'm seeing more people say trying to play FE4 is getting harder and harder due to its age, which I don't think is a problem with the Elibe games, where the main problems are due to balance or a lack of hindsight where some major things/characters in FE7 never get brought up in FE6(Which can also be said about FE4). Plus, with where the series is right now(IE baby and shipping crazy), I think Genealogy would be more timely.
  23. How? I mean, I don't even hate Lyn. I pretty much use her out of obligation, but... At level 3(Recruitment level), HM Guy has 8 more HP, 3 more strength, 5 more skill, 3 more speed, 1 less luck, 4 more defense, and the same res as Lyn at level 3. He starts in a much, much, much better position than Lyn does, AND he'll promote earlier. Growth-wise. At 20/20, supposing you get them both there(Realistically, if you get one to 20/20, it's not going to be Lyn), Guy has 12 more HP, the same strength, the same defense, and he'll cap speed and skill at about the same time or sooner. Guy ALSO gets the crit bonus, while Lyn doesn't. Lyn has a lead in luck(lol), 5 points of res over Guy, the admittedly very good, but limited use Mani Katti, a legendary weapon that drops her speed by 8, and bows in a game where bows are really bad. I don't think Guy is particularly good, but the things he offers are a lot more appealing than Lyn. Namely a stronger start, and the ability to continue being useful for pretty much all the game.
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