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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. Slumber

    Oh hi

    Hey now, don't be a smartass in a welcoming thread. Anyway, heyo.
  2. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/358837-mueller-has-obtained-evidence-to-bring-charges-in-flynn-probe Looks like old Flynn is in trouble today. Man, how could the Trump administration lose any more credibili- https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/leaked-documents-show-commerce-secretary-concealed-ties-putin-cronies-n817711?cid=sm_npd_ms_fb_ma Oh. Somebody still in his cabinet was caught laundering money, dealing with Putin's family business, and lying to the senate. WHOOPS It's a good thing the Trump administration is around after the whole Spacey ordeal and House of Cards getting canned. Unbelievable White House drama is getting delivered to me on a weekly basis at this point.
  3. I re-classed Nomah. Old man needs a few cycles on the Dreadfighter path to be usable. I like using the second on Conrad.
  4. Going back probably won't be super jarring. I've never had a problem going back and forth between the two, and as long as the UI is clean and space is well-utilized, going back the the single screen style of FE10 and back should be fine. One thing worth noting, this will be the first HD Fire Emblem. That's a lot more real-estate to use on a menu.
  5. I like tossing out a bit of dark humor when it's not expected.
  6. The fandom's pretty split on Tharja. A good amount don't like her for these exact reasons+For Noire's backstory and the history of abuse she experienced from Tharja that clearly left her fractured. And Tharja's history of abuse of generally anybody who isn't Robin.
  7. The whole idea of a Gary Stu is somebody who is basically flawless and never suffers any serious consequences right? Because Sigurd is basically the opposite of that. As far as Gary Stus go, Ephraim, who you mentioned, is much worse in this regard than Sigurd. Pretty much everyone agrees that Ephraim is great, they praise virtually everything he does, and the only thing that goes wrong for him is something he ultimately planned on. Even Ike, another person who's a bigger Gary Stu than Sigurd, is disliked in his universe by a whole country of people, and bad things outside of his control happen to him.
  8. I mean, wasn't he possessed the last time we saw him? Attacked by evil red sexual energy, then totally cool the next time he showed up, so no duh he was gonna betray us.
  9. No, it's a normal human reaction. Same deal with Nyx.
  10. Certainly somebody who places capitalism above all else has read the works of the father of modern capitalism.
  11. I'm noticing that thinking Sacred Stones has an atrocious story might be a bit unpopular, if the "How do you rank the FE stories from best to worst" and "How Important Is World Building to You in FE?" threads are an indication of popular opinion. I think I might have made this observation before, but it kind of befuddles me every time.
  12. It can add a lot. I've never respected the writing in Sacred Stones because the game does jackshit to world build, and it becomes incredibly hard to understand how or why things are happening, let alone care about those things. But I still think a story needs compelling characters and a story to go along with it. The Archanea games are some of the best world building in the franchise, but I just can't care about anyone besides Marth, and I don't really care what they're doing. The Jugdral and Tellius games do a much better mix of world building and telling an actual story with characters, and I think overall they're the best when it comes to writing. So I'll say a 7. It's something that can elevate the writing in a game, but it can't carry a story on its own.
  13. I'll go with my top 4. Dragon Quest 7 - It's paced pretty poorly, and the fact that it will take somebody who knows what they're doing about 15 hours to unlock classed is a big knock against it, especially since the combat is pretty standard until you unlock classes. Psychonauts - Honestly I wish there were more worlds in the game. What's there is great, but it felt like it could have used 3 or 4 more worlds. Some of the Psy powers are pretty useless, and there are some questionable levels. Black Velvetopia is visually one of the coolest things I've seen in gaming, but the level structure is probably the weakest in the game. REmake - Crimson Heads are an incredible idea, but the randomness of them is kinda bleh, and they can revive in some really inopportune times/areas. Lisa Trevor sections are also better on paper than they are in practice, with her segments being pretty tense at first, but ultimately they tend to be pretty predictable after a while, and once you have a clear path, she has no way of keeping up with you. Some bosses, like Yawn, weren't any more fun to fight than they were in the original, and still pretty clunky. Final Fantasy 9 - The speed of the combat is about 20-30% slower than it needs to be, and some of the side stories that characters go on when the party splits for the first disc and a half really aren't that interesting, and replaying the game just makes you wish everyone'd meet up so you can get to the good bits.
  14. As nice of an idea it is to add new scenes and exposition to second playthroughs(Pelleas survivng the Blood Pacts, and IIIRC, the revelation that Soren is the son of Ashnard and Almehda are both second playthrough and beyond things), those kinds of incentives don't hold up for 40 hour RPGs. It'd really add a lot to RD if those scenes were kept and put in a first playthrough.
  15. I don't know if that college will offer it again, but I'm sure I can talk to the head of the department again and figure out another option if it doesn't. I believe that college has the class as part of their Associates of Science degree for chemistry, so I imagine they'll offer it again. I'll probably head into research. I'm not ambitious like my friends, and 7 years of off-and-on college is burning me out, so I have no intentions on going to grad school.
  16. King Ghidorah. I've never been a fan of Mechagodzilla, purely because of how derivative/reliant it is on Godzilla. It's always just been kind of lame, to me. Destroyah's lame for the opposite reasons. It just looks like a giant demon, and they went overboard making him so damn powerful that it never felt like Godzilla should have never actually beat him. Ogra I don't really know of. I don't think I've ever repeat watched any of the Godzilla movies that came out after the 90s. Things like the Xilliens always felt like an excuse to just explain certain kaiju and have them fight. The future people might be a neat concept in anything else, and I know that Godzilla originally started out as social commentary on nuclear weapons, but the series changed into a giant monster vs. monster franchise. Their attempts to bring it back to meta-commentary never gelled with me. King Ghidorah, meanwhile, has fun movies, is a fun villain, isn't so ridiculously strong that you question how Godzilla could beat him, and has a unique design that isn't derivative or too try-hard. Ghidorah is also a consistent threat, something I think truly integral to a proper arch-nemesis. He shows up often enough, and is rarely treated like a joke. Mechagodzilla, for example, became something of a Worf in the franchise.
  17. I don't think there's any implication. Anyway, yes. Izuka's kind of a low-rent Hojo. But the franchise has a bunch of these. Awakening alone has low-rent Joker and low-rent Jaffar(Aladdin Jaffar, not FE7 Jaffar).
  18. Probably Aptheosis, but it's mostly because it being the most difficult one, is the one I remember the most. I haven't done the Awakening DLC in probably 4 years, so my memory on most are a bit fuzzy. It's a... long, dumb story. Basically, I'm a Biochemistry major. One of the classes I need for my degree, Analytical Chemistry, I first took in my junior year in the spring of '16. The professor's grading curve was ridiculously harsh, and there was one week where I spent probably a combined 45 hours of work studying for a test, which I failed, working on a lab, which I got a 0 on, because the professor decided that if it wasn't 100% completed and ALL of your work wasn't shown, you'd automatically get a 0 on the lab for the week, and doing homework, which I did fine on. Despite this, I was still sitting at roughly a C for the class, but I was spending so much time working towards that class that it was eating into my other classes. My Microbiology grade specifically began to slip. So by midterms, I had to decide if I wanted to stick with Analytical Chemistry that semester and risk my grade-based scholarship, or drop and improve my grades in my other classes. I decided to drop it. Big mistake. The next time it was offered by my university, which was this last spring, it conflicted with one of my other required courses lab hours, and I was already taking Biochemistry 2 and Molecular Cell Biology, which are lab-based classes. So I opted to postpone graduation and take the class somewhere else in the fall. I talked to the Chemistry head at my university, we found an equivalent class at a local community college, and I was gonna take it there. But then the school canceled the whole class 1 week before classes were supposed to start. So now I'm stuck taking a gap year while all my friends are off to med school and grad school.
  19. It would be a disaster, but this was the early days of the Wii. It hadn't set in to a lot of people how out of place motion controls are for most games, so any game without them, regardless of the genre, was docked points. It says a lot that we're now at a point where people are complaining about a game as revered as Super Mario Odyssey for having motion controls.
  20. Radiant Dawn also didn't review well because of its lack of motion controls, and not looking much better than a GC game, two major complaints that haven't stood the test of time.
  21. Yes, I agree, Ike is very popular. Which is why I expect him, and pretty much only him, to be the only Tellius character we see for a long while.
  22. If IS/Nintendo/Koei cared at all what people say they liked, they wouldn't have made Fates the most prominent part of FEW. But Fates sold the most, and is the most popular, so it got more representation.
  23. Each of the story branches have characters acting in different ways. Birthright has Xander adhering to Garon's/Nohr orders the most strictly, and Garon/Nohr are the most explicitly evil and antagonistic in Birthright. The character we get out of Xander in his supports is one who loves his country and loves his siblings. The Xander we get in the story of Birthright is of a man who would kill his siblings for the sake of his country and the laughably evil Garon. Which he does with Elise, and attempts to do again with Corrin. He's a villain in Birthright.
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