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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. Canon couples develop a lot more naturally than "Marry anyone", so that helps. Admittedly, I haven't been a fan of "Anyone can marry anyone" since FE4. I wasn't big on Clive as a unit, but I really liked his and Mathilda's relationship, as sickly saccharine as it could be at times. Gray/Claire was another one. While that one wasn't quite as believable, it did lend to great moments between Gray and Tobin(Their last support is one of the best friend supports in the series).
  2. I enjoyed SS' combat more because I had to do more than waggle the Wiimote slightly, which was not only incredibly tedious and boring in TP, but was also completely immersion breaking, the opposite of the thing motion controls were supposed to do. And nevermind actually aiming anything that WASN'T the bow/slingshot in TP.
  3. FE1/3 - Gharnef in terms of gameplay, simply because of what's needed to beat him. Outside of that, there are probably many characters who outclass him, but I'm rusty on my Archanea knowledge. FE2 - Alm. Singlehandedly beats his dad in basketball, then goes and kills a Divine Dragon. FE4 - Depending on how far the "magical help" thing goes, any of the Holy Blood children, but particularly Julia. Julius would beat her(Obviously not from a gameplay perspective, since Julia pretty much just exists so FE4 is beatable by people who screw up royally), but it's tough to say how powerful he'd be if he wasn't literally just a vessel for Loptyr. FE5 - Reinhardt and Galzus. Reinhardt doesn't have ANY holy blood at all, but it stated to basically be the second coming of Tordo. Galzus DOES have holy blood, but he doesn't have Balmung. Which you'd think would put him below any of the holy blood wielders with a legendary weapon, but Galzus is so fucking powerful that he makes Ced, a holy blood child WITH a holy blood weapon, scared to even try to fight him. FE6/7 - Athos and Nergal. Athos is a rare "Hero of lore" that we hear about in damn near every FE, and has some crazy feats. Nergal's so far deep in dark magic that he makes even Athos nervous. Hector was getting up there by the end of FE7, too, but 6 sent that bus off a cliff. FE8 - Uhhhh... Seth? Damn this game and its lack of world-building. FE9/10 - Ike. Again, killed a God, and he can't even step foot in any other FE game without somebody mentioning how freakishly powerful he is. And he wrestles with Lion Laguz, the most physically imposing Laguz. He does this all being a normal commoner, so he even has the "No magical help" thing going for him outside of Ragnell and Yune's blessing when he takes out Ashera. FE13 - Hard to say outside of Robin or Grima, who break the "No magical help" thing. Walhart is definitely up there in terms of how the lore builds him. He's kind of a pansy from a gameplay perspective, though. FE14 - The eldest of the siblings. Xander has a bunch of crazy build up to him, but Ryoma is more or less billed as his equal throughout the whole game, and the fight they do have in game generally gives Ryoma the edge.
  4. I admire your optimism, but Jugdral characters exist purely to destroy the Heroes community. They're not allowed to be in anything else.
  5. I hope it's more Nocturne than 4. Really loved Nocturne. 4 just felt like it was missing something.
  6. The maps in Fates is functionally the same as it is in other games, just without being blocked by other battles on the map to get to other battles. And there were a lot of things in Gaiden that they introduced that they never brought back. Again, I wouldn't have a problem with it if they actually did something with it beyond just mindless grinding. Echoes/Gaiden actually did the most with it because there's actually an incentive to go explore areas off the beaten path and sidequests in villages, but even Gaiden has issues with this, like tons of redundant battles being in the way. It's also pretty immersion breaking in Sacred Stones and Awakening, where there are plenty of plot points where you're supposed to be on the run, or have to get somewhere ASAP, but you can just run back through the armies that are chasing you to go grind in a magical portal or a giant tower. They contribute to why it's hard to feel like there are any stakes in those games.
  7. All games have a map, but SS, Gaiden/Echoes, Fates and Awakening are the only ones where you actually do stuff on them. And they're pretty much 4/4 with misses and making it feel like it actually belongs in the game. In fact, in Fates and Awakening, it felt like an excuse for putting in DLC.
  8. Yeah, Steelers are doing pretty good this year. Though they tend to do pretty good every year, with a few notable exceptions. But the Ravens are the only team that occasionally gives them any problems, and it seems like that won't happen for that division this year. And people have been saying for a long time that the Packers are a mediocre team with a mediocre coach that gets elevated like crazy due to an amazing quarterback. So it's not surprising they lost to home game a team that isn't very good on the road. It's gonna be rough until Rodgers gets back, and thankfully it seems like it wasn't a bad break, so it probably won't upset his career. He has to stay on the bench for at least the next 8 weeks, though, so this season's probably a wash for the Packers. Hopefully the Lions can regain some steam, because I'd rather the Vikes have to play Lions for the division title than the Packers with Rodgers.
  9. Something new. The core of the franchise hasn't changed much since FE5, but pretty much every era of FE games is vastly different. All of the SNES FEs are wildly different from each other. The GBA games are all very simplified and that era has its own style. 9 and 10 went back to being more complex, and resembled the SNES games a bit more, but still did a lot of unique stuff. The DS games are weird, since they're kind of hybrids of everything before while being remakes. So yeah. Something new. If they ape Awakening again, I think it will be to the detriment of the game. They failed to catch lightning in a bottle twice with Fates(Not that I consider Awakening lightning, but in the eyes of a lot of people, Fates is weaker than Awakening), and trying again will probably alienate more people than it will bring in. I side more on "classic", though, since I'm not a fan of a lot of things they tried in Awakening and Fates. I'd rather they bring back older mechanics like rescue, handle skills like PoR/RD, limited supports more along the lines of the GBA games, split magics and not make them part of a triangle with bows and knives, remove the overworld and overworked grinding, bring back base conversations, and a bunch of stuff that boils down to "Bring back X mechanic from *insert pre-Awakening game here*" and "Remove/completely overhaul Y mechanic from Awakening/Fates".
  10. I'm struggling to determine how I want magic handled. However, making ALL magics share a rank is garbage and needs to be done away with.
  11. If it makes you feel any better, as somebody who was a skeptic of this game(And to a lesser extent of Warriors games themselves), I like it. Plus, the idea that this game is getting mostly positive reviews NOW, but won't LATER is weird. These aren't movie reviews. Metacritic scores for games tend to stay pretty much the same from 40ish reviews(FEW is at 38) all the way to the upper limit. It might go up or down a point or two, but it's gonna stay roughly the same.
  12. So I've been enjoying the game. As somebody who hasn't played a Musou game in YEARS, this has been a pretty chill, enjoyable game. It's not super deep or anything, but it's still fun. Even the roster issues tend to fade away when you're actually playing the game. I'll admit that the Fire Emblem trimmings are about 75% of what keeps me playing, though. The 7-7.5 range it's sitting at on MC is pretty appropriate for non-Musou fans, IMO. Not amazing, but solid, and, while I'm only a few hours in, it'll probably keep people entertained for the duration of the game. It'll definitely be higher for Musou fans, since general consensus among them seems to be that this is a very strong Musou game.
  13. They were cool at the time, but they started a dark age of gaming(The Kinect, bad Wii Shovelware, PS Move) that lasted for a good 6-7 years. Outside of VR, where it makes a bit more sense, gaming by and large left motion controls behind. Obviously there are some simple motion controls in the Playstation controller, and the Joycons do most of what the Wiimotes did, but they're not even close to being the selling points of the console. Microsoft completely gave up on Kinect.
  14. As far as I know, no. But it usually goes in Fire Emblem that these kinds of conversations, unless they have a follow up conversation that casts doubt on the previous conversation, you can usually take whatever revelations as fact. Otherwise there wouldn't be much point in Canas bringing up that his wife's sister shared a name with Nino's mother, and that she was a talented mage. That conversation is met with total sincerity. And while Canas could be lying to Nino to make her feel better, that's not really in his character. Also, by this connection, you can mention that Hugh is also Nino's cousin.
  15. Yeah. Of all the things the Wii did, it seems like most people don't hold the waggle and IR pointer in super high regards these days. I have a hard time going back and playing games that did it poorly(Which was a LOT of games). They completely ruined my experience of Twilight Princess, and people I know who talked to who played it on GC all have a much better opinion of the game than I do. When the Switch had new, updated versions of the Wiimote, a lot of people were REALLY happy that they were optional. So yeah. It's strange to go back and read RD reviews where a lot of negatives came from the lack of motion controls.
  16. Reviews were also critical of the lack of proper motion controls. Which, in hindsight, is really hilarious.
  17. Don't worry, you'll be able to grind for FEW bucks in-game. Which is good, because you'll need to spend a lot of them to get the true ending!
  18. BREAKING: FEW2 to have loot boxes to unlock characters. Pay $20 for you FEW bucks for more chances to unlock!
  19. These are good scores for a Musou game. Even considering the Metro score, which just seems to be in poor taste.
  20. Lehran's Medallion for actually doing something.
  21. Because subjectivity. Awakening and Fates brought in a crowd that was wildly different to what the franchise had been for 20 years. Again, the IGN review of SoV where the reviewer docked points for not being able to have Saber and Celica bone each other. It brought in a crowd with completely different expectations to what 80% of the series is. To some, this can be seen as "for the worse".
  22. Promote ASAP. The promotion gains are better than your level gains most of the time. Don't promote any of your Villagers to Soldier or Cavalier. Alm's route gets enough Cavaliers, and they're a detriment on Celica's side. Soldiers are just all around bad outside of the units who start with Soldier as their class. Mercenary's a very safe bet if you don't know what to do.
  23. Yeah, I said "playerbase" pretty deliberately. I was hesitant to say "fanbase" or "community", because I don't think that they're that deep into the franchise to go that far. They play the FE games, regardless. But as silly as this might sound, they're probably pretty good representations of the "casual" Fire Emblem playerbase that mostly exploded after Awakening. Which might be why the more hardcore fanbase that spends its time on message boards and forums talking about it don't encounter it as often as it seems.
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