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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. I think I should replay FE4 again, because I completely blanked that the conquering of Manster happened "concurrently" in both games. I've taken Leif's full-fledged allegiance to Seliph at the end of FE5 to be him joining the game proper in FE4, but that doesn't really make too much sense when I think about it. Regardless, is there a single character in the franchise who doesn't have a plot-scripted death that isn't considered canonically alive? I've always assumed that "Everyone lives" is the default conclusions to these stories, besides the cases where it's stated otherwise(The deaths at Belhalla and stuff like that).
  2. The entirety of FE5 takes place before Nanna shows up in FE4, though. I'm confused as to how she could have died anywhere after chapter 19 of T776 and not shown up for chapter 7 of Genealogy. There are events of FE4 that happen concurrently after chapter 20 of FE5(Like the liberation of Alster), but Nanna joins Seliph's army in FE4 after Leif liberates Leonster, post-events of FE5. A minor retcon like "Everyone died in Alster" to "Almost everyone died in Alster" isn't really applicable as it has very little impact on FE4. Nanna dying prior to joining Seliph's army would be a pretty huge retcon in comparison, and there'd have to be some attention paid to it.
  3. There's an ending that she dies for Thracia, but she's canonical to FE4, which takes place after the events of FE5, so... It'd be like arguing that it's not canonical that anybody besides Ike, Mist and Sothe survive FE9, even though we have a sequel that shows that yes, everyone's alive and well(Except Largo).
  4. We know it's canon that she survives Thracia 776, which is where the ending comes from. So I'd say it holds up.
  5. No, it's pretty set in stone. FE5 says Nanna becomes queen of Thracia, with Leif being king.
  6. I am almost positive that they're holding off on the Nintendo Direct until they either have something to show for Joker for Smash, or are ready to reveal the trailer for the second DLC character. Or both.
  7. I'd say the piano fits either of them better. I don't really know what about electric guitar really fits them, but the flowery, classical dialogue of FE4, and Sigurd's proper character(Passing on to Seliph) would be more grand piano-y, if anything. A versatile, but very classical sounding instrument. Plus, shifting from minor chords to major chords is super easy on piano, which fits FE4 pretty well. It's a bit more difficult on guitar. I don't think any of the lords would be guitar. For a few more lords: Ike would be a double bass. A very mellow, but powerful and commanding instrument. Hector would be a full band drumkit. A loud and violent instrument that plays the beat that all of the other instruments follow. Alm would be a more focused snare drum. Celica would be a harp. Eliwood is a concert flute and Roy is a piccolo. The nerdier, smaller flute. Chrom is a triangle. Or maybe a cowbell.
  8. The only game I've played that had some modicum of difficulty on higher difficulties was KH1. The way they changed up the gameplay focus from 2 onward hasn't really been that great for difficulty scaling.
  9. My issue with this is that this is all very situational. The core combat that you'll be doing for 90% of the game is static and doesn't change much. At most you get one move added to your core ground combo at a time, and one move added to your core air combo at a time. Magic, if you're playing as either Balanced or Strength focused, is not nearly as powerful as your melee combat, and will generally take a back seat to your melee combat, which is button mashing to the extreme. I find Focus attacks to be super clunky and not worth trying to bring into normal combat most of the time. I also really don't like the Keyblade forms. I hate when games lock a vast majority of the combat options behind specific weapons. Things like weapons of a type all having unique movesets is one thing, but having every single weapon have unique movesets in a game where the melee combat is this basic really just doesn't do anything for me. I won't say the combat's mindless, since those situational bits, like Flowmotion and the action commands require your attention to pull them off, but the combat's very shallow. You just button mash until a triangle prompt pops up, or a piece of the environment flashes so that you can do some more Flowmotion stuff. You go through the motions until something flashy happens and the game largely plays itself, while you play the boring parts. It's style/spectacle over substance, which can be fine... but there are times when the game almost broke me. And to make matters worse... the game's not hard. At all. It really doesn't do anything to encourage you to play around with the combat. I'm playing on Proud, and from watching other people, the most notable change is that everything just takes longer to kill. Which was probably a bad idea, due to how the pacing of the game is killing me more than anything, but I dug my own grave. But the game's not difficult, even on Proud.
  10. New info from the Europe fanfest. Gunbreaker Job. Tank based on the FF8 gunblades. A second new job will be revealed at fanfest Japan at the end of March. Viera finally confirmed playable. The alliance raid for 5.0 will be based on the YoRHa and Nier, Yoko Taro guest directing like Matsuno did for the Ivalice raid.
  11. This is a very strange way to go about approaching some pretty serious accusations. If you knew about the accusations, this thread REALLY comes off as you trying to stop people from exposing a voice actor of some pretty heinous acts. If you don't, this feels very knee-jerk and reactionary. But you've done a good job at listening to people here, so yeah, don't feel too bad. Just take a breath and ask around next time. But your friend should feel like an asshole for worrying that a character they like might be written out, rather than worrying that the accusations might be true. Even if the information that @Johann just provided isn't accurate, there is enough there to make assumptions about people, since this really isn't just one or two isolated incidents. All of the reports of him getting comfortable with underage girls is suspect enough to give the "SJW" side some slack here, because clearly something's going on there. Or, at the very least, it's very, very bad optics and Vic should really know better. I don't think he's a Nazi or anti-Semitic, since comparing things to the holocaust was a very safe, yet edgy joke for a long time. And I pretty much have no doubt that he's homophobic. He's a hardcore Christian. I really don't want to just lump him into being homophobic since I've met plenty of hardcore Christians who are totally fine with gay people and gay marriage, but they largely fall on one side with the issue. And given Vic's comments, I think it's safe to say he falls towards the "I'm not a fan of gays" side. To his credit, though, he does seem to try to give off a neutral air about it, though I feel like a lot of this has to do with the industry he's in, which has a very diverse audience, and has a lot of activist co-workers. He knows that making overly blatant statements will get him shitcanned. But comments like "Gay relationships are lustful" slip through, which really doesn't help his case when his seemingly predatory attitude towards underage girls is so prominent.
  12. I don't know how they did it, but they've managed to make the dialogue even worse in this game.
  13. to be fair, Black Clover is as generic as generic gets, so it makes sense why you wouldn't feel anything I have a hard time getting into modern anime as well. I took a long break from anime up until last year, and there's really only been a handful of shows that really grabbed me. That said, the second season of Mob Psycho 100 just started, and that's totally worth the time.
  14. I was exaggerating a bit, but her development is largely: "I'm a country girl and and shy/embarrassed about it" to "I'm a country girl". There's a bit more nuance to other areas about her character, but they largely take a backseat to the country girl thing.
  15. The issue here is that spiders are, by and large, harmless and would rather avoid you. You really have to go out of your way to get bit by a spider, unless it's a very rare spider species that's inclined to act aggressively. House centipedes hurt if they bite you, and are far more likely to act aggressively if cornered.
  16. The kicker is that there are also a fair few characters who don't develop substantially past their main gimmicks. If somebody goes down Vaike or Miriel's supports to find that there's really nothing about them past what we see in random base dialogue, why bother going through somebody like Tharja's supports to see if there's a method to the madness at all?
  17. My life philosophy is: If I see spiders, they're probably killing a bunch of other stuff I don't want to see. I let them be on their way most of the time.
  18. Good breakdown, and I like that you used these characters, because I've always felt it was good to compare the two. Mostly because I've been saying for a long time that Brom's a far superior character. There's just... so much more to his character. Nephenee's whole character is more or less centered around her just being a country girl, and the insecurities it brings her. As much as I hate to say it, she's a lot like Donnel. Donnel's completely defined by just being a country boy, but he uses it to relate to everything else happening to him, which is just Nephenee's schtick, but flipped. And then by RD, she kinda loses everything that gave her character beyond having an accent.
  19. So you're JUST complaining about the UI of the game? That's what has you calling the developers "shameless"?
  20. I mean, what's the solution here? Develop a new, 60$ game that's just a roster update? Or just never address popular characters that aren't in the game? It'd be one thing if they were just selling skins, but these are full characters.
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