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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. The idea is that you, as the main character, are giving out orders in the game. Characters like Welkin and Claude are commanders so that you can give out orders to your units and direct them where to go. Having the main character not be a commander would cause a pretty big disconnect between the gameplay and story. Now you're giving out orders as some rank and file scrub? Or now you're not playing as your perspective character whenever you're giving out orders, direct commands, or deciding anything at the base. That said, I want a commander who's not piloting a damn tank. Tanks are super strong and all that, but I don't find them fun at all. And the Empire gets to have all of these fun, unique troops, yet the only unique things Fed commanders get are some slightly nicer than average tanks?
  2. Except when 30 year old Vegeta says his will grow back after Yajirobe cuts it off. And then it doesn't.
  3. The saiyans share a number of similarities to DC aliens. Most notably, Kryptonians. And as neat as saiyans are, a number of their traits get entirely glossed over, which muddies so much of what a saiyan actually is. From birth, they're supposed to be naturally aggressive, yet every new saiyan that has been introduced since Vegeta has been naturally peaceful and passive. They went from aggro space pirates to just fight happy and indistinguishable(Aside from being better in every way) from humans. Their tails used to be a huge trait of their characters, to the point where the could, and would grow them back. And in the never ending quest for power, it becomes more and more baffling that they apparently keep cutting them off, especially after Vegeta showed that you could be trained to control the Oozaru form, which naturally multiplies a saiyan's power. And why would Vegeta keep getting rid of it when he knows it's an easy powerboost, he's the only one of the main cast who knows how to control his ape form, AND when such a central part of his character is his saiyan pride? After being portrayed as a very scrappy race with a ton of potential, we find out that they're not just capable of great things, they're a race that can literally ascend to godhood. And remember how saiyan/human hybrids were supposed to have even more potential than full-blooded saiyans, and have even more room to grow?
  4. I'm struggling to think of any parts of the whole series that goes any deeper than a shallow wading pool. Which isn't really a bad thing. Not every shounen has to be mega-brain like HxH.
  5. Wil was likely the first unit I ever actively de-selected for a chapter. I used to think Rath was awesome, and right off the bat I hated how bows worked. So when I had a cool bow user, lamer Wil got put right on the bench. I think Florina was right behind him. I eventually learned my mistake with Florina, but 12 year old me was right on the money with Wil.
  6. It seemed like most people liked him from the get-go. He's not too much different in Super than he is in BoG, we just get more of him. He's still a pretty big goofball in BoG, but more villainous, since we still didn't really know what his role would be back then. And Buu was still a bit of a sore spot for fans of the franchise back then(And now, probably).
  7. Isn't it pretty difficult for even police officers to get guns in the UK? Regardless, I do think the ease of access to guns, along with the quality of mental care, leads to the ridiculous homicide and mass murder rates in the US. Canada's pretty similar to the US when it comes to ease of gun access, but their quality of mental health care blows ours out of the water, apparently.
  8. True, but even by DBZ movie standards, Resurrection F was alright. Definitely not the best, and not the worst. The action was fine, and characters like Tien and Roshi got to participate.
  9. The common consensus I've been seeing: It's the best Broly movie It's got possibly the best fight animation and choreography in the series It's better than Resurrection F
  10. I think it's more likely that they just spent the most time writing for the Plegia arc, and didn't give themselves enough time to wrap everything up before realizing that the Valm arc wasn't really going anywhere, leading to a truncated Grimleal arc. I feel like them acknowledging that they needed to course-correct for the narrative of Fates(Of course this ended up being a case of over-correction) that it wasn't really intentional for it to happen the way it did. But yeah, the characters not really aging is a bit of a silly issue. Though for Ricken, it probably would have been too much work. You could probably have just added some height and definition to Donnel and Lissa's portraits, but Ricken needed some more work. Though, I feel like adjusting their portraits would have brought attention to the fact that they're all kids, which you probably want to avoid in a game where full grown adults confess love to them.
  11. You realize that when people say that Awakening has bad pacing and that the last two arcs feel rushed, they don't mean that they happen too quickly within the context of the narrative, right? Right? And even if this was the case, rushing a story on purpose as opposed to on accident doesn't mean it makes it any better. The end result would be exactly the same, and in both scenarios we have two very underdeveloped arcs of the game.
  12. There are a few things I can say about Gaiden. You're correct about the tactical elements being "there", but it plays out far more like a typical JRPG than a strategy/tactical game. The barren maps, limited unit types and equipment helps convey that. I think this is the numero uno reason it is a black sheep in the franchise, which gets compounded by numero dos: The NES games are slower than molasses. SD gets by due to its deliberate pacing, which is still slow, but tolerable. Gaiden doesn't get the same benefit. In a game that is more akin to a JRPG, with dungeons and random battles(Which all end up being roughly the same in the grand scheme of things), it's a death knell for anybody not looking for that kind of game. It's very easy to get very bored of Gaiden, very quickly. I fucking HATED Gaiden for many, many years. I even liked Sacred Stones more than it for a good long while, and I was very conflicted when the remake was announced. But it turns out the faster pacing of modern FE gameplay compliments the style of game that Gaiden is very well, and I enjoyed SoV a lot.
  13. I've thought about this, and I think the TH style of squad commanding would fit perfectly with Genealogy. It's the largest conflict in the whole franchise, yet you have one of the smallest casts. Everyone commanding a squad would make much more sense. I'm going purely on aesthetics, I have no idea how the actual mechanics will work out, of course.
  14. I'd argue that if you don't care about Lyon(Which I don't), SS doesn't have a single high point in its story. I'll give Awakening and Fates points in this regard, in that they do have their moments to shine every now and then... less so in the story for Fates, and more for the gameplay, but still. It doesn't help that roughly 1/3 of SS really doesn't have any plot progression, and the story can be summed up as "Aahh! Real monsters!" in these instances. An already short, underdeveloped game is filled with filler, which just ruins the pacing of the entire game. Beyond the really easy gameplay, it's part of the reason SS tied was my least favorite FE before the DS and 3DS eras of FE. Tying the original Gaiden, which is so ungodly slow that it makes me physically ill thinking about it.
  15. There are reasons you wouldn't want to use something super generic like "Chair" in coding, unless you're referring specifically to a chair. You would want something recognizable and specific to whatever you're coding for.
  16. Vegeta's the character to look at the most when looking at the shift. He almost has a completely different character design from the beginning of the Frieza saga to the beginning of the Android saga. Everyone else has a gradual change to angular, but it's like Toriyama decided that he needed to change him now that he knew he was sticking around. I found the manga at the library across the street from my house when I was like, 10 or 11 and DBZ was in the middle of the Buu saga, and that was a pretty big thing to get used to.
  17. I like his character designs, too. Dragon Quest is one of my favorite game franchises, Chrono Trigger is one of my favorite video games period, and I'll always have a soft spot for Dragon Ball, since Z was involved in many of my formative years. But his hero designs all look very samey. He's pretty good at designing ugly/weird characters, but you can tell pretty quickly when a character is a Toriyama character. He has about 3 different eye types, samey head shape, and really only varies it up with hairstyle. And even then he's pretty limited. It's actually one of the reasons I like DQ7's art so much, since it's a pretty big departure from his usual style. It's more Slump-y than Dragon Ball-y. Everybody's so soft in that game, compared to his usual hyper-angular stuff.
  18. Especially since the indie game scene is still HIGHLY influenced by Ninja Gaiden. The Messenger just came out, and was one of the most highly regarded indie titles last year. I could see a Boomerang, but I think it'd represent the character better if his B specials were all Magic. Though a projectile on an A or a Smash attack seems like it wouldn't fit all that well. I thought about Fizzle/Holy Protection as either a Parry or attack reflection/cancel. Though I'd prefer if we didn't get another parrying swordie. Yeah, Toriyama's better at creature design than he is character design. His character designs are still pretty strong until you get to the face.
  19. It's anecdotal, but I only know of one person(Out of about 10 in my social circle who play Smash) who bought the Fighter Pass already. About half of the remaining are waiting until Joker is released to see if anything else is revealed, and the other half just doesn't care to buy the DLC at all. You're right that they may be aiming to get people who don't own Smash/A Switch on board, but they also have to make choices that are appealing to people who do own the game.
  20. These decisions are being made based around what will sell. It absolutely matters what the fanbase wants if they want to maximize profit. Then again, Piranha Plant is in the game, so idk.
  21. Remember, the upper caps in FE10 hover around 35-40. Getting +2 in a few stats isn't going to make the game noticeably easier unless you plan on it and get certain units to cap certain stats. Plus, it's not like Ike chapters are particularly hard as is.
  22. The only M$ characters I'll accept are Banjo and Kazooie. And I'm a Halo fan. Nintendo and M$ would be silly to think that the Smash fanbase would want any other character from M$ like they want Banjo and Kazooie.
  23. Yeah, Ninja Gaiden was a VERY influential action platformer. Obviously Megaman is more so, but I'd put NG at a pretty close #2. Between it and DQ, I'd say all NES era gaming icons would be covered. There might be a few left out, but as for games that were highly influential back then and continue to be to this day? Can't think of many more beyond those two that aren't in Smash. Maybe Ghosts 'n Goblins. I wouldn't oppose Sir Arthur being in the game.
  24. I got the Medjed joke, it was the "remaining DLC roster" bit that got me, since we still have 3 DLC characters that have 0 data to speculate on.
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