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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. Revelation only gets worse as it goes along, so you made the right call. The whole game feels like a bad fever dream in hindsight. It might almost deserve a tier of its own now that I think about it, but the fact that it's so... slap-dash and baffling almost saves it a bit. It's probably the worst out of the games I put at the bottom, but it's bad in very interesting ways. It feels like a game where the developers just tossed everything at the wall, and none of it stuck. It more compelling to me than Awakening, Sacred Stones, Birthright and Shadow Dragon, which are just fucking boring. I feel like if I were to list everything wrong with these 5 games, Revelation might have as big of a list as all of the others combined, though.
  2. I mostly agree, but I disagree with your explanation of Jugdral. Loptyr and the Gran Empire are the ENTIRE reason Holy Blood exists. Galle and the Lopto Sect were so dangerous that dragons felt that they needed to step into Jugdral(Probably from Archanea) so that they could make blood pacts with humans and stop Galle's empire. It directly influences the current events of Jugdral, where the continent is a massive free-for-all between the descendants of the Crusaders. And then the violent discrimination that Galle's followers faced is what forced the Lopto Sect to become what they are in GotHW and T776. I really struggle to understand what's exactly meaningless about the history of Loptyr and the Gran Empire, since almost every part of the plot that isn't strictly character driven comes back to that history. I'd still put Tellius above Jugdral, but Jugdral's a pretty solid second spot to me. Then probably Elibe. Then Archanae and Valentia. Ylisse is literally just Archanea with only about 2 massive continental events in the 2000 years between FE3 and 13, so I'd rank it slightly lower due to how uneventful is seemingly became. Also the lore's a bit of a mess, like why the Deadlords, with the same names and weapons as the Jugdral Dreadlords, are now there. They seemed pretty specific to Loptyr. At the bottom it's a tie between Fateslandia and Magvel. Fateslandia spends more time going into why the continent is the way it is, and we get some hefty lore behind it, but we don't even know if the continent has a name. Magvel is the opposite problem, where we pretty much ONLY know the name of the continent, and almost everything else is so lightly touched upon that it might as well not even exist.
  3. Would Marry Tier: Radiant Dawn, Thracia 776 Would Date Seriously, But Not Settle Down With Tier: Shadows of Valentia, Blazing Blade, Path of Radiance, Genealogy of the Holy War, New Mystery Wouldn't Bring Home To My Parents Tier: Binding Blade, Conquest Went Out For A Drink Once, And Regret The Entire Experience Tier: Sacred Stones, Shadow Dragon, Awakening, Birthright, Revelations
  4. Well, no. It was pre-release info that Camilla was a princess of Nohr, with Corrin being a prince/princess. It's still pretty squick to be constantly trying to get in the pants of an adoptive sibling. The part that was Shyamalan'd in was the part where Corrin could have babies with his blood cousin in all 3 paths, who you really only learn is your cousin in a single path.
  5. I'll echo the point that giving template movesets that represent classes rather than individual characters would help a lot, and it'd be much easier to implement skins so that a larger proportion of the cast can be represented. AND you could handle weapon swapping this way, by tying the movesets to the classes. Most characters who wield the same weapons already have a bunch of overlap with their movesets and are borderline clones, anyway. You can still have special movesets for Lords and stuff, and maybe each character can have some quirks to their animations, but nothing too insane that makes representing a large cast difficult, since that's part of Fire Emblem's appeal. In addition, make a unit's stats actually matter. The powercreep of the game just ruins the game balance, and at a certain point, all stats stop mattering because weapon attack just rules above all else. And then a character's moveset comes in second. In the late game, most stats just don't matter at all. As it stands... FEW, while enjoyable, almost represents absolutely nothing about Fire Emblem. It's almost the complete opposite of Fire Emblem.
  6. We have no metrics on this. You say the people who don't want fanservice are a minority. I'd argue the opposite. Using excessive fanservice to attract fans is typically done for a sizable, but niche audience that is willing to spend money. If there was a way to put money on this, I'd be willing to bet that the mass appeal audience that Awakening attracted is going to be more averse to the few examples in Awakening, and outright repulsed by the many, blatant examples in Fates. I don't think relying on fanservice like they did with Fates is a good plan going forward. And it's just a bad look for the franchise. Having to explain to people why the game with the skimpily dressed, huge tittied princess who keeps rubbing herself and giving her little brother fuck me eyes is actually a good game is a pretty big hurdle when trying to sell the game to probably 95% of normal human beings. And the 5% who are sold just by the game having a skimpily dressed, huge tittied princess who keeps rubbing herself and giving her little brother fuck me eyes should probably be put on a watch list.
  7. There's a big one, but it's a Persona 5 spoiler. He could switch between series classics like Jack Frost.
  8. I like his design and he is my preferred pairing with Lyn(It's the only one that makes sense), though those aren't anywhere near enough for me to go "Man, I really like Rath". It's pretty much just enough for me to remember that he exists.
  9. Neat. Still glad that Falcom has built up a dedicated fanbase after all these years.
  10. For Fire Emblem, as it stands, each route of Fates is this. I only sort of want to play Conquest again, but I'd delete Revelations and Birthright in a heartbeat if my 3DS SD card had any chance of filling up. All of Naughty Dog's games after Uncharted 2. The way they shove the story into the gameplay makes them incredibly replay-unfriendly. It also doesn't help that the gameplay of their games just isn't very good. The new God of War is the same. Very replay-unfriendly and the gameplay's not good enough for me to sit through the whole game again. I've beaten 1 and 2 a few times, but God of War 3 is in the same boat as the new GoW, though I'd say that game just has bad gameplay(Or at the very least, a thoroughly repulsive game structure). Resident Evil 6 is the only Resident Evil I've never played through more than once(I think I've actually played through each game in the series at least 3 times outside of 6), and I'd have to be thoroughly convinced to play through it again.
  11. I mean, that's just how things go. Just because Vaan and Penelo were the main characters of RW doesn't mean they were the main characters of XII, and Vaan's appearances in spinoffs don't mean much. Gabranth represents the villain of FFXII in Dissidia, and he's like, the third most important villain in FFXII. He just happens to be the most recognizable. For what it's worth, a sequel to FFXII that would have followed the developments in the story of XII more closely than RW was planned. It was a full console RPG, and it would have revolved around Basch and Ashe. Unfortunately it got cancelled because Square has a tendency of running out of money.
  12. The play-offs will certainly be interesting. Not too hyped about the Vikes being a Wild Card. The Lions should be fine, but the Bears will be a hurdle.
  13. I think it's supposed to be more one lord from each game(Barring FE3, since Marth is the sole lord of the Archanea games, and FE5). Roy/Lyn are also from the same continent. The only lords that singularly reflect their continents are Corrin, Eirika and Alm. FE5 is the only game that doesn't have a lord representing its game.
  14. I don't know if anyone has ever considered FE4 particularly hard. If anything, the difficulty of the game comes from some unexpected things that happened when you get too comfortable with the difficulty of the game, if that makes any sense.
  15. This one I've always argued with. Basch and Balthier ARE the main characters of FFXII(And Ashe). Vaan's the perspective character for some scenes, but once Balthier hits the scene, Vaan's relegated to background gags with Penelo. Balthier, Basch and Ashe drive the plot and do most of the talking, and they're the ones with genuine ties to the main antagonists(Not that Reks dying doesn't tie him to Gabranth, but Gabranth largely brushes everything Vaan says off. It's not treated the same as Basch and Gabranth).
  16. Third party games dip in their base price pretty fast. As for sales? That probably happens about as often as it does for most physical games... which is way less often than PC games.
  17. I think I would have preferred Jill to be the main character of the Resident Evil franchise over Chris. Chris is literally the only protagonist in that whole series with a character arc, but he... just doesn't really have much of a character himself, and he's another brawny, white guy with short brown hair(Though I guess he's kind of the first case of this in 3D games). Jill's his partner and gets focus of her own, but it would have been nice if she was the one who got the character arc. Both are better than Leon, though. I would have vastly preferred the adventures of Jecht and Braska over Tidus and Yuna in FFX.
  18. Also, I know the lines get blurry, but I'm gonna make a line in the sand here and say that this isn't death metal. This is more along the lines of Killswitch Engage than it is Deicide.
  19. The mob of 60 years ago: Racketeering, extortion, political intimidation, drug smuggling, prostitution, professional hit jobs and kidnapping The mob of today: Spoiling goofy Disney games
  20. Literally only one of Pewdiepie's recent major controversies was an attempt at humor(The Fiverr thing). Everything else was either a slip or sincere.
  21. Yeah, I feel like Jugdral and Elibe should be remade(Also a remaster of Tellius) before they try to do Archanea again. I do think it should happen eventually. IS is going to have to convince the world that Marth is worth caring about if they're going to keep using him and FE1/3 as the basis for more games.
  22. This is one of the reasons the way they handled the 3 routes really rubbed me the wrong way. The route that is the most fun to play has a messier story than the more boring route, and the characters in the fun route are some of the worst characters in the franchise. It's like IS was daring people to enjoy Conquest. Revelations is its own can of worms, but it also feels like there's a bunch of compromise there as well. Scarlet may die because of the plot, but she's a casualty of game design more than anything.
  23. It made me laugh. I haven't listened to growly mallcore like that since middle school, which was around the time I got into FE. It was surreal to hear the two things merged together in an official trailer like this. But no, I did not like the song. I don't want to hear this ever again with Fire Emblem.
  24. Scarlet always makes me salty. One of the few characters in Fates with a design that doesn't immediately repulse me, and I think I'd rather play Rev than BR. Of course her fate in the one path I actually prefer playing also makes me salty.
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