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Everything posted by Slumber

  1. I don't think streamlining classes is where the series needs to go. I feel like PoR hit the sweet spot. I've been against Fates' style of "EVERYTHING IS A CLASS" pretty much since day 1, but the inverse is equally bad. The Fire Emblem series needs a moderate amount of variety, for both good and bad. Goddammit. Typically bad stat distribution. Axes have been iffy throughout the franchise. Bows are an awful addition in every game that Warriors have used them when Hand Axes exist, which just makes the thing that makes them stand out feel really redundant and unnecessary(Unless you're like Geitz and can start out using the best bows in the game).
  2. Funny you mentioned that right after my edit. But yeah. IS needs to stop with the Cord/Bord bullshit. Just base every fighter on Barst.
  3. I don't think Warrior would properly ever get the.... *ahem*, the axe. It is an iconic class, as bad as it is. I think there just needs to be some rebalancing. Whatever they did in the Tellius games worked fine. Warrior's actually decent there, and they made it a fairly well-balanced class, as opposed to a class that ONLY focuses on HP and Str. Give them decent defense, give them decent skill, give them decent speed, and I think they'd be fine. Make them the "safe" option, compared to the Berserker's high HP, strength and speed that aids in their "high-risk, high-reward" playstyle. Also, if IS ever made a game where bows weren't shit and a game that also had Warriors, I think they'd fare much better. As it stands, Bows being shit and Warriors being in a game go hand-in-hand.
  4. Kinda this. There is an allure to a rare class that has potential to deal the most damage in your army by a hefty margin, even if it's inconsistent. Hero's overall the best, but there's something fun about Berserkers, even if a lot of them suck eggs. Warriors are the worst.
  5. Are you talking just for FE8? Because Great Knights are good to great in almost all of their appearances in the franchise.
  6. This is more a list of units who are bad because of their class, and not good in spite of them.
  7. It'd probably put them at where they(Or Rutger) were in FE6. Which... Is preferable to where they've been in every game since, as a class with little practical use over alternative sword classes.
  8. If we're going up to like, 4ish hours, Resident Evil 3. If we're talking 1-2 hours max, Star Fox 64.
  9. Promising, but I'm sure there are some issues that would crop up. Daggers, for example, would basically be tiered out by any unit with high enough strength/con. Similarly, I think Axes would become almost too meta near endgame, where guaranteed damage is king. There are probably more ways to balance such a system that would alleviate these issues, but as somebody looking at them with a passing glance, these are some things that come to mind.
  10. One of the first proper rock songs I remember liking after hearing it on MTV. The song that probably got me into pop punk and formed my musical taste for a good 6 or 7 years until my sophomore year of high school. And... A song I'm not proud of, but a song I have no problem saying I was super into as a little kid. I blame my sisters.
  11. HOLY SHIT THE PACKERS ACTUALLY GOT RID OF MCCARTHY I can't even be mad about the Vikings at this point. Given how much Wisconsin loves curdled dairy products, I was sure they would keep McCarthy.
  12. Not sure if this actually means anything. If we're allocating 1 Lord to each game, it's really just the FE2 and 5 representation missing. FE1/3/11/12 - Marth FE4 - Sigurd FE6 - Roy FE7 - Lyn FE8 - Eirika FE9 - Ike FE10 - Micaiah FE13 - Lucina FE14 - Cornholio I'm not surprised there's no FE5 representation. I've accepted the fact that it will always be last on IS' list of priorities(If it's on their list of priorities at all, which it generally isn't), but the lack of Celica/Alm is odd, since that game just got a well-received remake and people like those two lords.
  13. I mean, he's a standout infantry unit in a Horse Emblem game. Swordmasters/Myrmidons don't have the best reputations outside of him.
  14. I prefer the Blender Babies. Barst, Boyd and Nolan are uncharacteristically good Fighters. Orsin/Halvan also qualify, but Orsin and Halvan are more like Mercenaries with axes.
  15. Nah. I learned with RPG Maker that I prefer playing content to making it, and when it comes to created content, I like the whole package vs. bitesized bits. Mario Maker's an exception, since that's perfect for bitesized content.
  16. Ah, I see it now. Makes more sense. I got the impression Marth's Falchion was at a downward angle and not visible, and the tip of the sword at Ike's chest was Ragnell, though now that you pointed it out, that lower sword is definitely Ragnell.
  17. Toei's not gonna touch a project unless they can half-ass it and it can make them mountains of money. I think with Nintendo involved, it'd be very unlikely to see a Toei-run FE anime. Can't speak to A1, but their fortè doesn't seem to be fantastical war series.
  18. I'm not saying this to be down on Fire Emblem, but I wouldn't want Bones or Madhouse to waste their talents on Fire Emblem. Those two studios are known for fast, fluid animation and creative artstyles to go along with it. I really don't think that's the tone and pace of a Fire Emblem series. With both studios being as picky as they are with projects, I feel like they'd be wasting their time on Fire Emblem. Fire Emblem's a series fit for a competent workhorse studio, not studios known for high velocity passion projects.
  19. Edit: Now that I look at it again, it could be something extending off of Ike's costume.
  20. Langrisser actually had a few PS1 titles. It died super hard in the PS2 era when Growlancer became a thing though. That franchise basically supplanted Langrisser, and if I recall, Growlancer is also dead now.
  21. Of course. As much as I love Fire Emblem, IS' recent direction leaves the onus on them to put any of my worries to rest. The initial trailer didn't immediately raise a bunch of red flags, but that was a pretty quick trailer. There's also the chance that whatever new things they try just won't be very good. I have been burned far too many times to just have blind faith in a developer, especially when I don't think they've earned blind faith.
  22. Can't say I feel too strongly one way or another. HW was president for precisely 1 year and 2 months of my life, and he spawned W. But he himself seemed to keep a low profile. The most I can say is: I hope Trump is, once again, not invited to a high profile political funeral.
  23. I don't think most people here are aggressively against the business model. For what we paid for, we got a loooot of content. The amount of stretching that was required for Fates to be 3 games, though? Mister Fantastic is wincing in pain just thinking about how thinly spread a lot of that Fates content was to justify paying double the price of a normal game. The direction of the game was not helped by this at all. You'll have to forgive us lesser fans, or whatever that second bit of your post is supposed to be getting at, for not wanting to see that happen again.
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