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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. As long as I get Bride Eirika I'll be happy <3
  2. I'm surprised you have so many feathers but so few badges. 99% of people I've spoken to have the exact opposite problem: more badges than is even possible to spend but not anywhere near enough feathers.
  3. Noooooooo why must you rub it in D: I hope my poor daughter isn't too scared or lonely ;____;
  4. It's not. I just wish it was. Honestly? I want at least triple that number (or more) for the various character builds I have in mind, all of which involve 5*ing units for skill fodder (like 5*ing Hana to give away Life and Death or 5*ing Gordin to give away Brave Bow+) You can NEVER have too many feathers as there will always be people to 5*. Or at least that's the case for me.
  5. They fill different roles, but in my opinion, Mae is far better than Robin in the current meta. Robin's niche is that he's surprisingly tanky for a mage, allowing him to soak up more hits from ranged archers and such and hit back, but his offense is about average. Mae, on the other hand, is one of the strongest mages in the entire game, and has a higher base attack than any blue mage (more than Linde and waaaay more than Robin) with the caveat being that she's physically weaker. She functions as more of a glass cannon, which is arguably more valuable in the current meta which revolves around ORKOing enemies. So I would pick depending on what kind of unit you need, but in my personal opinion, Mae is a better overall blue mage.
  6. Wanna trade? I'm in dire need of feathers but have far more emblems than I'll ever use in a lifetime (over 2000 normal badges and about 800 great badges of every color).
  7. Shit I was asleep, but I am on my way. Genny I'm coming for you! I was focus pulling colorless last night and had a 5* Lucius break my streak. And now I'm out of orbs. My daughter continues to elude me </3
  8. The pattern is that the units are effective against the GHB map's units. Aside from that your guess is as good as mine. There hasn't been any noticeable trend in terms of unit color, movement type, weapon type, gender, range, or any of that as far as I can tell.
  9. Is it just me or is Genny's sprite more...3D than the others? Idk how to describe it, but it looks distinct from the other sprites to me. Maybe I should get some sleep
  10. Jojo artstyle aside, I'm really disappointed Odin didn't get any Jojo-level poses. Maybe Owain, if he's eventually added.
  11. I'd make everything the same except take Gronnraven over Gronnwolf. Gronnwolf is largely unnecessary and niche since the only relevant cavalry threats are Reinhardt, Cecilia, Ursula, and Olwen (and Xander, but Soren's not taking on Xander with or without the wolf tome), all of whom Triangle Adept Soren handles fine (and G Tomebreaker for Cecilia). On the other hand, having WTA over colorless units gives Soren a lot more coverage and versatility and is definitely the superior choice overall.
  12. You're entitled to your opinion, and I don't intend to dispute it. I'm simply letting you know what the most common complaint is. Whether or not you agree with that complaint is another story entirely.
  13. I'm personally not a fan of the style, but I don't think that's a reason to critique it. What does bother me is context. The art might be fine in a vacuum, but when juxtaposed to the rest of the Heroes cast, the artstyle is jarring and out-of-place. He doesn't look like he comes from the same game as someone like Sharena or Lucina.
  14. GENNY LOOKS SO PRECIOUS, AND I WON'T LET ANYONE LAY A HAND ON MY SHEEP DAUGHTER D:< Overall the banner art looks fantastic imo, especially Celica and Genny. As for Lloyd....we don't talk about Lloyd.
  15. Directly from urban dictionary: A character that is very kind and sweet but faces more hardship and suffering than they truly deserve. Comes from the usage of an article headline from 'The Onion' titled 'Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure.' to describe a person or character that is very good but faces a lot of pain in their life. In other words: PRECIOUS CHILD THAT I MUST PROTECT
  16. I mean I don't think having one or two cinnamon rolls per game is too much. It just feels like more because Heroes has them all gathered in one place. And I say the more the merrier~
  17. That means 50% of what you say isn't, which is not an insignificant number. EDIT: @dragonlordsd Yes. We always get a small download before a new banner hits, so there's no reason Celica's banner (which is coming tomorrow) should be any different.
  18. She has a cinnamon roll personality, and that's what matters <3
  19. I mean is there a reason we can't have multiple cinnamon rolls?
  20. It's fanmade. There's an entire thread dedicated to making custom sprites on this forum (Sprite Assembly Thread). You should check it out! @BANRYU @Vaximillian and @Kon do great work!
  21. That's what people have been theorizing for a while. Now seems as good a time as any to release a new set of story chapters and characters, so here's hoping. Also, as far as Regal Blade's ability goes...it's not amazing, sure, but that Atk/Spd +2 could very well be exactly what crosses him into the threshold to ORKO or at least double certain characters that he wouldn't before depending on his stat spread. In the end, it really does all boil down to his stat spread though, either way.
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