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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Oh, no, I haven't. I've linked my MyNintendo account but didn't know Miiverse gave stuff too. Thanks for the tip! I think I just need to rethink my strategy and team composition though. In previous Arena seasons, a lot of my strategy relied on using glass cannons to ORKO, but that's made more difficult with the new defense maps. I haven't quite figured out yet how to best change team comp and playstyle to accommodate, but hopefully I'll get a handle on things by the end of the week.
  2. There aren't any tiles that enhance attack. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is a Spur attack buff you may have missed.
  3. I ended up blowing all of my dueling swords fishing for only battles worth 694 points and up, but I ended up never getting a full deathless streak :/ I'll probably be forced to just settle with getting a score in the low 4.8k range, but I won't be able to complete a streak until Thursday at the earliest since I can only rely on daily refreshes now.
  4. Tfw you don't notice Cherche has Wings of Mercy and she just teleports out of nowhere to delete your team ;__;
  5. I just ran into my first Armor Emblem team (Hector, Effie, Zephiel, Hector) (all 5*, all had Armor buffs, all had Distant Counter) on a defense map, and I just wanted to cry.
  6. But can Lucina OHKO Nino, Julia, Cecilia, and Spring Camilla on enemy phase
  7. @ignis_z It's really not that surprising. 4.6k is where a huge portion of the playerbase is, and there's a sort of bottleneck around that range. Dropping that far in a day isn't anything outlandish at that score range. EDIT: Also, thank you @Othin for the numbers. I was a bit worried that I'd be losing feather income, but hopefully that won't be the case.
  8. Oh I meant on an offense team. It's a lot deadlier in a player's hands (and I was joking anyways). My defense team is Ryoma (currently Ike bc I wanted him as my rep), Julia, Ninian, and Reinhardt, and I get over 10 defense wins per week pretty consistently.
  9. Tbh if Arena score weren't an issue, I'd just run a Reinhardt + 3 dancer team (which is basically my GHB team already). Ruby Sword Olivia deals with everything Reinhardt can't OHKO (which, with Luna active, does not include a whole lot of units).
  10. TA is incredibly powerful on an offense team since you can successfully bait the AI and pick and choose your battles. It's unreliable on a defense team, of course, but it's actually a really good A-skill in the hands of a player. Also I don't have a fancy Lightning Breath Fae, but my Julia also says hi EDIT: Yeah, I really wish we could battle the Defense teams of people on our friend list or something like that.
  11. Kagero was the bane of my Arena runs for the longest time. I was so used to never having to deal with her because of her low BST, but after the update I started seeing a lot more of her. And my team was entirely infantry (I swapped Effie out for Ephraim +1 once merges started mattering more than BST), so I had nothing to counter her with either. I usually had Ryoma tank a hit, but since he was -Def, more often than not he would just go down in one shot. I finally pulled a Hector on the Hero Fest banner though, so I finally have something to take those pesky Kageros >:D
  12. Obviously the answer is Distant Counter I'd just give him Atk +3 and call it a day. He doesn't want the defense drop from Life and Death or the HP penalty from Fury, but he does appreciate the extra attack from Atk +3.
  13. Obviously the answer is Distant Counter I'd just give him Atk +3 and call it a day. He doesn't want the defense drop from Life and Death or the HP penalty from Fury, but he does appreciate the extra attack from Atk +3.
  14. Great Lord Lance Lucina is probably more likely, but I would actually be hella down for a Pegasus Knight Lucina (also why is Sumia still not in Heroes ;__;)
  15. Tfw I have 4 Ryomas and have yet to get a single Lucina (or any Falchion unit except a 4* Chrom) or Lilina or M!Corrin. I also spent a huge amount of orbs hunting reds on the Hero Fest banner and didn't get a single Hinata for my troubles (got like 20 Raighs and Henrys though). I don't think the red pool likes me very much :/
  16. Arena score is a combination of 4 factors: 1) Unit rarity/level 2) Unit BST 3) Merge level 4) Skills (the more skills are on a character, the more points. The higher the skill level (ex: T-Adept 3 instead of T-Adept 2), the more points)
  17. I highly doubt they'll all be one color. I'm more concerned about all the healers I'll get in my quest for Archer Lyn (though I'd appreciate getting Kleins for Brave Bow/Death Blow fodder).
  18. If you don't have decent merge levels, I can guarantee you that you aren't scoring 690 in Intermediate battles because of how scores are calculated.
  19. For reference, my main offense team is Ryoma +3, Julia +1, Ephraim +1, and Hector, all of them 5* level 40 with all of their skill slots filled. And I still get between 690 and 700 per Advanced win if I have a bonus character (this season I have Ryoma replaced with Ike +1). If you're getting 690 on Intermediate wins, that's whale territory. It's certainly not likely for a F2P player.
  20. Do you mind posting pictures of your team? Because I find that difficult to believe.
  21. That's actually a lot more lenient than I thought it would be :O
  22. Would do you consider a P2W team? Because I know plenty of F2P players with merged units, and one of my friends is F2P with a +10 Nowi. Just because you see a team with multiple merges and inherited skills doesn't mean they aren't F2P like you. What you consider a "literally unwinnable situation", another player might not. It all boils down to how good you are with strategy in the end. I've had a friend who's lost many matches that she considered "completely unwinnable" and "impossible" and yet when I play for her I'm able to think of strategies she couldn't and win those "impossible matches" (this isn't me trying to brag, just saying that what looks "impossible" to one player may not to another).
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