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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Can't wait for October when we get Sexy Nurse Camus as his Halloween costume :P
  2. Neither. Silver Axe and Brave Axe are meant to be used on units with high base attack, and Beruka has one of the lowest base attacks in the game. What would benefit her is if you gave her a Killer Axe, Quick Riposte, and Bonfire. Killer + QR would allow her to proc Bonfire every round of combat, and that would scale off of her massive defense to provide a burst of damage every round of combat. If you wanted to make Beruka viable, that's probably the best set on her.
  3. Obviously that'll change once we get Beach Party Camus and Halloween Camus and New Year's Camus.
  4. I hit the mid 4800s pretty consistently, but I simply don't have the units to get my score up to the 4900s no matter how hard I fish for points (my score range is 688 to 696), which is what I'd need for top 1k. I'm not particularly afraid of fighting higher merged units, but I'm not willing to put in the money/effort (if I promote multiple copies from 3/4* to 5* to merge) to raise my own merge levels any higher. I suppose I'll have to be content with where I am. My mindset is a bit more lenient than yours, as I'm mostly concerned with collecting characters I like, not so much "collect literally everyone". That said, unless my barracks get really full, I generally try to keep a copy of everyone unless I either really needed to inherit a skill from my last/only copy of a unit or if I just really don't like that character (and I also don't have any skills I'd want for them nor does that character occupy a niche that I can't fill with another unit I have).
  5. I've hit the point where I know I'm not going to be going any higher in Arena without spending money (I consistently hit about rank 1.4k or so every week and likely won't go any higher without higher merge levels), so at this point I just pull for people I like just because I like them, stats and skills be damned. I've always gone into this game with more of a collector's mindset than a competitive one anyways (though the competitive side of me kind of took over at some points). There's not much left of my wallet to sacrifice after burning it on the Golden Week banner.
  6. I'm super conflicted for this banner because I honestly like everyone on the magical girl banner except Tharja (but Tharja's still good for blade inheritance), but I only have so many orbs. Pulling from the male banner is also tempting because Leo and Raourraven+ fodder are both nice to have. And then Celica's banner is coming soon, and I really want her as well. Decisions, decisions...
  7. Tfw I don't have any red mages besides 4* Raigh and Henry I actually really like Sanaki, so I'm really sad I didn't pull her during her banner. I got an Eldigan out of it at least?
  8. Not that I know of. There are posts floating around that have the whole thing translated though.
  9. It's this. It's an event that's been going on for the past few days (ever since the Golden Week banner) that lets you roll for different characters every day with accompanying luck fortunes (like unlucky, kinda lucky, really lucky, and SUPER LUCK which is usually a 5* exclusive character). There are rewards for everyone if a certain milestone is reached in terms of how many people roll with it every day (though I believe it's been reached already). Besides that it's just kind of for fun.
  10. Xander as a character and as a unit. Ursula's map deserves a nod for best level design.
  11. My team is either Ryoma, Julia, Ninian, and Reinhardt or Ryoma, Julia, Ephraim, and Hector depending on whether I'm more in the mood for an offensive or defensive playstyle. It varies with bonus unit, of course (last week I used Sharena instead of Ephraim, and this week I'm using Ike instead of Ryoma). I can't ever seem to make up my mind about the last two units, but Ryoma and Julia are always on my team no matter what (though I may occasionally decide to switch Julia with Nino if I felt like running with Nino).
  12. While I doubt that'll ever happen with playable characters, I could see NPC units in future story missions having these.
  13. I mean there are plenty of anime with cute little cinnamon rolls that just have fun and do pure things that don't involve hacking each other to death. But yeah, I would stay away from that particular one.
  14. -Atk Ogma still has more Atk than a +Atk Caeda. If you're going to run a Brave Sword flier, you're better off putting it on Palla tbh EDIT: @MrSmokestack The one from before was from an anime called Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, which is a horror about little girls stabbing each other to death. Fun stuff.
  15. @GuiltyLove I've been forced to respect flier teams ever since a merged Spring Camilla straight-up one-shot my Ike from full in Arena last night .__.
  16. I pulled a Hector on the omikuji in like 4 tries lmao But I must keep going for Julia
  17. With the way I personally use Threaten skills, the user shouldn't be getting hit in the first place. You position right outside of enemy range so that when they come to you, they're just barely too far away to hurt you while you're exactly close enough to them on your next player phase to debuff them. As for the way you're playing Hector... There aren't too many units that he doesn't already OHKO with or without the Threaten Def debuff. If he's surrounded by enemies that you need the debuff for, you probably messed up somewhere in your positioning to begin with. You can still do that, of course, but I personally would still feel more comfortable with giving it to Ike.
  18. I would say Ike. Because of Hector's low mov, it's considerably more difficult to position him perfectly where the enemy gets debuffed on his turn without him taking damage first (and if they did hit him first, then Threaten Def is unnecessary since if they're both alive at the start of Hector's next turn, he can just finish them off anyways without help from Threaten Def). Ike, on the other hand, has double the mov, making it easier to position him for the debuff. (That said, my personal preference is to give my units team buffs, like Hone Atk or Spd, for their C-slots rather than Threaten skills, but to each their own)
  19. I've been meaning to make 5*ing the Askr trio an eventual goal of mine (and by now I've had enough feathers to 5* all 3 of them more than once), but I just keep getting distracted by other units I want to 5* more :/ Plus, I'm certain that I've spent enough feathers upgrading units to 4* (either just to have them there or for skill inheritance purposes) to have upgraded another 5* and a half at the very least.
  20. I definitely recommend blade Ursula over raven Ursula, but who am I to stop you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also, if you're going to 5* Xander and give him one of the buffs, I personally think he should get Hone Cavalry since he likes receiving the Fortify Cavalry buff more than the Hone Cavalry buff (though of course ideally he'd have both. That's possible long-term if you give either Cecilia or Ursula the Hone Cavalry skill).
  21. Base stats barely matter anymore. Merged stats and skill levels factor far more into matchmaking. I did also favor the old matchmaking system more but for completely selfish reasons. It's far harder for me to rank in top 1k after the update because I don't have high merge levels. I only had Fury and high BST units to help me rank. After the update, the BST of my units barely matters. All that matters are merge levels, and I don't have the money (or luck) to have high merge levels on any of my units RIP
  22. Not as weird as a man in full-blown armor being fast enough to double hit a man on a horse. (Forever sad that Reinhardt is literally slow enough to get doubled by neutral Hector)
  23. Yes. Cecilia melts anything that isn't red (and even some that are). * Ursula melts anything that isn't green (and even some that are). * Between the two of them, you already have every color covered. *This is assuming you're running -blade tomes on them and have Hone Cavalry and Fortify Cavalry buffs on them (or at least Hone)
  24. Pivot is better on armors if they're the only armored unit on the team, since it helps them keep up with the others. If you're running a fully armored team, then Swap is definitely better.
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