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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Yes. The bonus heroes are Ike, Soren, Mist, Titania, Zephiel, Barst, Clarine, Hana, Felicia, and Anna.
  2. I believe they put a cap on the system so that you can't fall any lower than Tier 7 (I don't remember the exact number), so you'll always be able to get at least one orb per week.
  3. I believe they put a cap on the system so that you can't fall any lower than Tier 7 (I don't remember the exact number), so you'll always be able to get at least one orb per week.
  4. I posted this in general discussion too, but the livestream a few days back already told everyone what the Arena update is going to be. 1) They'll be adding in new maps, which include new features such as forts that decrease damage taken from units standing on them 2) They'll be making Arena tiers more competitive, with people now going up or even dropping down tiers every week based on how well they do. The higher your tier is, the more orbs you get every week as a reward. Also, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to agree with everyone else here. I don't think it makes any sense to have matchmaking take physical/magical or melee/ranged team comps into account, and it would severely undermine the balance of the game as is. The point of an Arena team is to be able to handle all combinations of enemy teams (or at least as many as possible), and a well-balanced offense team should have little to no weaknesses. Not to mention knowing what kind of team you'll be facing primarily, whether it be knowing it's mainly physical/magical damage or mainly melee/ranged, would completely shake up the meta because everyone would be forced into using specific characters or not using others. For example: Ike's usefulness as a unit with ranged counter would be severely diminished if there were fewer ranged/magic characters to go up against. If they did a physical/magical split, then physical units that are meant to tank magical hits, such as Felicia, Niles, and Titania, would be at a severe disadvantage because they lose their niche. If there is a melee/ranged split, then manaketes will be at an even greater advantage because most melee units have weak resistance. Nowi in particular would be unstoppable since she can already destroy Falchion units with Triangle Adept and Swordbreaker. If her main counter, Julia (but also other green mages like Nino) is no longer matched up against her, she'll be a lot more broken than she is now. I could go on for a while about this, but the main point is that, like all the other players above me, I don't think it makes sense to split Arena matchmaking as you suggested.
  5. Based on the livestream they had a few days back, it's most likely going to 1) Add the new maps they showed 2) Change the tiering system The current system just has you go up an Arena tier (like Tier 13 Eight Generals) every week for participating in Arena. It means nothing at all right now besides showing how long someone's been playing Arena. After the update, you go up or even drop down tiers depending on performance, and you get orb rewards based on how high you tier every week. So Arena is going to become a lot more competitive.
  6. Obv Close Counter T-Adept 2 is fine, honestly, but it's less worth it if you aren't also giving him Gronnraven. Assuming you aren't, Fury is a pretty overall solid option. You also have the option of making him more specialized for certain scenarios (but also worse in others) depending on what your team needs. For example, if Linde or Spring Lucina are a problem, Death Blow gives you just enough firepower to OHKO them. On the other hand, Darting Blow (and maybe the Spd +1 seal) will bring his speed up to a respectable 40, which gives him the ability to double and ORKO threats he couldn't before, though he now fails to ORKO Linde/Spring Lucina. Fury is the middle ground between the two and, with a Hone Atk/Spd buff, could be enough to have him hit important thresholds that the Blow skills give while also improving his enemy phase. Take a look at what specific units you want Soren to be able to deal with for your team and plan accordingly.
  7. I would agree with G Tomebreaker for sure. I personally like a Gronnraven/T-Adept set on him, but I'm unsure how much you're willing to invest in him.
  8. That's their loss then. Sure, if that happens, the likely winner will be a lot more likely to, well, win. But all of those people will get fewer feathers overall, so it doesn't really bother me too much since I know they're the ones that actually lose out, though it is admittedly frustrating to have bandwagoners skew the results of these gauntlets so much. Also, I assume you meant Tharja?
  9. I personally favor Ninian. You don't really need another lancer, flying or otherwise, when you have Sharena. Likewise, Soren should be able to cover blues pretty well, but Michalis' niche has less overlap with Soren's, which makes him a better option than Catria at least. The amount of utility and versatility offered by a dancer can't be replicated by any other unit though, and I don't think either Catria or Michalis offer quite enough to make up for the flexibility offered by a dancer.
  10. A steamroll similar to those of the past two gauntlets is less likely since I'm willing to bet that a good chunk of Lucina's and Camilla's supporters were simply people who chose to bandwagon with the likely winner, but the triple loser bonus heavily discourages that. People who don't care for any of the participants and just want feathers are a lot more likely to fight against the most popular character this gauntlet instead of for them.
  11. Yeah, I realized after I posted. I feel a bit silly now. Thanks anyways though.
  12. Pineapple is many things, some not so great, but he cares for Sakura at the very least. Credit where credit is due.
  13. I'll grant that the stats calculator isn't updated yet, but if you already have all of the character stats listed on their page, I question why you even need the calculator. If anything, it takes longer to look up their nature via the calculator (or at least about the same amount of time) vs just checking their base stats on their page.
  14. Elise is actually my favorite (if you couldn't tell by my banner), but she wasn't an option for today's omikuji :/ Sakura is definitely one of the faves though <3 EDIT: Also @r_n I'm all but certain we're getting Raigh on the focus banner since he's the only anti-cavalry mage that isn't a GHB unit and he also has the best coverage against both Xander and the green cavalry mage on the map.
  15. How soon did you check? Because I use the wiki, and it had stats up for all the Tellius characters within an hour or two of the banner's release.
  16. Excuse you. She is my precious daughter, and I shall accept no slander D:<
  17. I've gotten Takumi 3 times now, but I'm still re-rolling (because i dont like pineapples) Why am I not getting baby Sakura? D:
  18. -Def Eldigan has 34 def (with Fury 3), which means Bonfire would deal 17 bonus damage. For Luna to outdamage Bonfire, you would need to be fighting enemies with at least 36 def. Decide between Bonfire and Luna based on whether most of the enemies you fight with Eldigan have more than or less than 36 defense. EDIT: Draconic Aura gives 15 bonus damage while Iceberg gives 11, so I don't think either are worth considering unless you don't have Bonfire/Luna fodder.
  19. Renewal isn't bad by any means, especially if you care more about Eldigan being a tank than anything else. I personally prefer Swordbreaker or even Quick Riposte on him, especially since it goes well with his natural tankiness and gives him doubling power, which he normally lacks, allowing him to secure many ORKOs he wouldn't normally get (since he actually has good attack and is simply held back by his speed, which breakers/QR fixes). Also bc Mystletainn is essentially a better Killing Edge, when combined with QR he'll be able to proc Bonfire (or whatever other 3-cd special you decide to go with) every round of combat, which adds a huge burst of damage to his normal damage output.
  20. Tbh I don't like armors on a defense team unless they're all armors since by the time they reach the enemies, the match is all but over :/ Also how did you get a Madoka member banner what
  21. I vote Wendy if only bc blue is the better color, though Sheena is an option for her higher res if mages give you trouble. Also, Zephiel is another option to consider over Draug. I mean I wouldn't consider 10-20 per season "a million" but yeah I think I'm good :P
  22. Ryoma +3 (though currently Ike +1 just bc I wanted Ike as my rep), Julia +1, Ninian, Reinhardt In any case, I'm aware that my defense has holes in it (but if you wanted to point some out, that would actually help me with teambuilding, so feel free). No Defense team is unbeatable deathless, which was precisely my point.
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