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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. If my Reinhardt has his special up (which only takes a single round of combat to charge), he can OHKO Hector :P
  2. Congratulations on your Ryoma and Azura :D And yeah, Celica's banner is most likely next, but at this point I don't know if I should even continue trying to predict banners lmao
  3. @Rezzy Oh hey our Ryomas have the same nature :D I'm glad your Ryoma and Azura turned out alright (RIP Tamuki and Clair)
  4. Bruh. That's an awesome pull, congrats! Hoshido smiles upon you.
  5. You'd be surprised how bad people are at basic math. That said, giving them the benefit of the doubt, maybe they simply didn't have any fodder for Bonfire left but did have fodder for Iceberg?
  6. While we're on the topic of skill synergy, do you think Heavy Blade would work well with Wo Dao? I imagine the two have good synergy, so the real question would be: is Heavy Blade worth the A-slot, or would a Wo Dao user still prefer Life and Death (or whatever other A-skill they would have gone with)?
  7. All you care about is the fact that he's +Atk. It doesn't matter if he's -HP or -Spd or -Def or -Res. As long as he's +Atk, Reinhardt is amazing. Period. (Hell, even when he isn't +Atk, though +Atk is ideal). Even Seliph, who's arguably the best non-Lyn user of Brash Assault, prefers Quick Riposte. I can't think of any non-Lyn units in this game that would appreciate Brash Assault that would not appreciate Quick Riposte more. @Vaximillian
  8. Tfw I've gotten more copies of Ryoma from the Family Bonds banner than the banner he's actually a focus on >_>
  9. I just want a Lucina in general, or heck even just a Falchion unit in general EDIT: Also @SatsumaFSoysoy I'm not sure when you changed your icon, but it looks fantastic <3
  10. I personally find Quick Riposte a lot better on Eldigan (and tanky characters like him in general) than Brash Assault. Also, Bonfire is an option to consider over Ignis since, with his prf weapon and QR, it will proc on every single round of combat, which gives him amazing DPS.
  11. Unfortunately not. All I know is that you get more points the more skill slots you use up, and there's a slight boost among skill levels (so QR 3 earns slightly more points than QR 2). Beyond that, I'm not too sure.
  12. Hell, even Lancebreaker 1 is enough. I'm going with Lancebreaker 2 just because it'll net sliiightly more Arena points though. I actually happened to pull a 5* Hawkeye last night while trying for Hector (still no Hector though), so I went ahead and fed him to Rein >:D
  13. That's exactly what I eventually plan to have on mine, so I'd say so :P (I have Luna instead of Draconic Aura, but that was bc I didn't have DA fodder) I personally like either Draw Back or Reposition. They're both great, so really it depends on personal preference and what fodder you have.
  14. Yes, exactly. Also, the "in battle" ones do stack with each other even if they're the same type, so having 3 Eliwoods with Ward Cavalry next to a horse unit will give that horse +12 Def/Res.
  15. I've never played any of the Archanea or Jugdral games, but Julia has earned a special place in my heart for all she's done for me in Heroes (it helps that she has fantastic artwork). Heroes has also made me interested in the Macedonian siblings and the Whitewings, so there's that :D
  16. I mean you have Cain if you're willing to sacrifice him
  17. They don't stack. If you have a flier sandwiched between two units who both have Fortify Fliers, that flier will still only get +6 not +12. In general, any out-of-combat buffs don't stack (so all Hone and Fortify skills don't stack with each other).
  18. Definitely either keep her default Fortify Res or give her Hone Atk. Azura shouldn't be seeing much combat, so you don't really want to give her Breath of Life when she's a lot more effective supporting her teammates from the backlines. Also, I personally recommend Wings of Mercy for her B-skill if you have fodder for it. Being able to teleport across the map and dance in the same turn is such an amazing combo, and it's saved me more than once before.
  19. I honestly love all of them, but my personal favorite is probably Fae! She's just such a smol, pure, precious cinnamon roll, and I just want to give her a big hug and protect her forever <3
  20. I've upgraded four 4* units to 5* and then spent the remaining feathers on upgrading lower rarities. I'm fairly certain I've literally used over 20k feathers at this point purely on upgrading units to 4* for skill fodder.
  21. My personal bias says Julia. On an objective, unbiased level, I would say that out of the units you have, you're best off supporting Robin.
  22. Zephiel makes great use of Distant Counter imo In general, armored units make the best use of it, but past that it's a bit hard to give proper advice without knowing your team. (Alternatively, you could just raise your current Hector's merge level)
  23. She's only decent at combat against reds. She's actually more likely to die from archers and mages than Olivia (or at least equally likely), which I believe was your main concern with Olivia anyways? That said, I don't want to sound negative or anything; I just wanted to make sure you didn't take any risks with Azura just because she's more combat-oriented. In any case, congratulations on your Azura! I've actually been trying to pull her but with no luck, but I guess I can't complain since I got a 3rd Ryoma.
  24. @Arcanite Of the units you have, Robin is definitely the underdog, which I know you like to root for. Also, you say "sell-out" in regards to backing Tharja, which implies that you'd be going to the "clear winner" for feathers, but it's been calculated over the past two gauntlets that you get more feathers from backing the underdog as long as you play a moderate amount (you don't even have to go crazy).
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