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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. I think the Counters could have fit anywhere in A or B, so they put it in A to allow players to combine it with breakers/QR.
  2. There's an easy way to remember them for me. A-skills directly influence damage calculations (all stat-changing skills, shields, Triangle Adept, etc) and include the two Counter skills (Close/Distant). B-skills are everything else that affects the unit with the skill equipped. Another way to think of it is everything that manipulates combat order/doubling (breaker skills, Quick Riposte, Desperation, Wary Fighter, etc) or mobility (Wings of Mercy, Hit and Run, etc) C-skills are all the skills that affect other units besides the user (so all auras that buff allies, all skills that debuff enemies, Breath of Life because it heals nearby allies and Savage Blow because it damages nearby enemies). Another distinction between B and C is that B-skills are the ones that directly harm opponents (Poison Strike and Seals) while C-skills are the ones that passively harm opponents (Threaten skills and Savage Blow). There are a handful of exceptions, of course (such as Heavy Blade and Guard), but for the most part this is how I remember things. EDIT: If anyone else has a clearer/more concise way to say these, feel free to share.
  3. I don't think I ever accused you of not knowing anything you didn't outright say you didn't know (like the fact that Rehabilitate could heal to full if the injured unit's HP was low enough or letting you know Quick Riposte is a B-skill not an A-skill) .__. If I did do anything like that, then I apologize.
  4. If I remember correctly, Lissa is a free rotation unit, and she gets Rehabilitate. Or did you send her home? EDIT: Damn Smoke beat me to it
  5. I'm not saying he needs to. I'm simply saying that some people prefer being able to proc a skill every round, and others (like yourself) do not. Also Heavy Blade is an A-skill while Quick Riposte is a B-skill, so they can be used together. http://feheroes.gamepedia.com/Rehabilitate There are additional notes and calculations below the initial skill description on the page. EDIT: Also just personal experience: I regularly use Priscilla when training units in the tower, and Rehabilitate has been a godsend that has saved my trainee from certain death more than once.
  6. Rehabilitate heals more the lower the injured unit's HP is. Anything less than 7, and Rehabilitate heals them right back up to full. So technically the most Rehabilitate can heal in a single heal is 62 HP (used on a Zephiel w/ HP +5 and the HP +3 seal with 1 HP). Obviously not everyone is Zephiel, but when utilized properly, Rehabilitate can still heal over 30-40 HP pretty consistently.
  7. I didn't forget. Heavy Blade essentially turns Aether from a 5 cd skill to a 4 cd skill, so you still can't proc it in a single round of combat unless Ike has Quick Riposte AND is doubled by the enemy AND has enough attack to proc Heavy Blade on them. In any case, as you say, it's a matter of preference, so I won't try to convince you to change your mind or anything.
  8. I train units on 10th all the time, so I don't really see the issue here. 8-10 is more or less the same, so I just go for whichever my trainee has a better color matchup against. Also @Anacybele the general consensus is that 5 cd (or even 4 cd) skills are unfavorable compared to their 3 cd counterparts because the extra power isn't worth the extra turn it takes to charge. Just think of how many times Aether procs in match. No more than 1-2 times in a standard Arena match, right? Whereas an Ike with Quick Riposte (or just fighting someone he doubles) can activate Bonfire or Draconic Aura every single round of combat with Heavy Blade, and most people prefer getting a skill proc every round of combat than every other or every third round of combat. To each their own though. If you like Aether best, then by all means keep Aether.
  9. She has Frederick as her lead last I checked, so I doubt that's it. It's just that multicolored all/mostly melee teams have a hard time doing well on defense :/
  10. Probably Rehabilitate then Heavenly Light if you're planning to use her in Arena or GHBs or whatever else. If you're planning on using her to help train units in the tower though, then Rehabilitate > Pain > Heavenly Light.
  11. Because offense ranking also takes other factors into account like your own team's BST, merge levels, skills, and whether or not you have a bonus unit. Defense takes none of those into account. Also @Anacybele for a gacha game, I think having enough for a 5* every 3-4 weeks is perfectly reasonable. Increasing the rate too much hurts the longevity of the game.
  12. It's precisely because they're so hard to forget that they aren't worth as much. Since it's only 500 feathers, if you don't manage to get a defense win for the week, you'll feel sad about it, but it's not the end of the world because you only missed out on 500 feathers. If the reward were higher, then people who don't get a defense win will feel even worse because now instead of losing 500 feathers per week they're missing out on 1000 or whatever you think the higher reward should be. I'm open to discussing the idea of an alternative feature for feathers though. Do you have any ideas already?
  13. I mean I consistently get at least 10 defense wins per week, sometimes more than 20 If they almost never happen, that's even more reason to keep it easier for people to get defense wins, no?
  14. I meant the other person could have intentionally set up a melee and 3 mages to trick people like you since, as you said, you can't see the other 3. In fact many people take advantage of that to get wins by doing stuff like having a single green unit as the lead and then 3 blues to counter any red-heavy teams that go for the green. Stuff like that. I disagree with being able to see colors/weapons of the others because it's already difficult for many people to get defense wins from week to week who then miss out on 500 feathers. Opponents being able to see colors/weapons would make it far harder to get a defense win than it already is.
  15. A standard blade team of Eirika, Nino, Sharena, Ninian is already all-girls lmao Likewise, a cavalry team composed of Cecilia, Ursula, Titania, and Peri (with inherited blade tomes and Hone/Fortify Cavalry on the appropriate members) works too A fully dragon team with Y!Tiki, Nowi, Fae, and Ninian also seems pretty great Faves while keeping some semblance of viability with the units I have: Lyn, Julia, Ninian, and Sharena
  16. I wouldn't go with Desperation with his speed tier. G Tomebreaker sounds like a solid option though.
  17. He can with a Hone Atk buff :D It is somewhat annoying though that neutral Ike just baaaarely misses out on the ORKO against Hector without a proc (neutral Hector would be left with 4 HP left if I calculated it correctly). It's perfectly understandable if you don't want to drop Frederick though. As I said, I just wanted to offer some suggestions. That said, you're eventually going to have more than a full roster's worth of usable 5*s that you like, so it's not like having Titania means you have to drop Frederick entirely. You would use him on some teams and Titania on others depending on your team's needs. (I'm using Titania as an example, but this applies to most other units too). I don't think very many people actually stick with the same team all the time (I certainly don't at any rate), so it's not like it's a "waste" per se since you'll still be able to rotate him back in.
  18. @Rezzy While -Atk isn't desirable, +Def is fine on Soren if you're planning on running a Gronnraven/T-Adept set, which I personally think is the best set on him anyways (idk why people are suggesting Gronnblade when at best he'll just be an inferior Nino). Soren has nearly the exact same stat spread as Sanaki and Lilina, who are both very popular Raourraven mages, and running Gronnraven would give him a nice niche to help with all of your colorless and blue problems. You barely miss out on a few OHKOs with -Atk admittedly, but most can be easily fixed with a Hone Atk buff (or even just the Atk +1 seal in some cases, like with Takumi). EDIT: So I scrolled straight down to post after seeing your initial post, but as it turns out I'm more or less parroting @MrSmokestack Which is fine since I agree with his points
  19. You don't really need a dedicated armor counter though. Ike takes down Hector with ease, especially since he has Heavy Blade to easily proc Luna/Aether. Assuming you replace Frederick with a different green unit, Effie shouldn't be much of a problem either. Personally, I think Titania would be perfect for your team as a dedicated mage killer (she takes 0 damage from a +Atk Reinhardt and +Atk M!Robin and neutral Linde) who would still be able to take out lancers like Effie. (Though of course that would require you to pull her). I'm not telling you to replace Frederick if you don't want to, of course, but I did want to at least offer alternatives.
  20. @Taim Meich Can confirm that you don't need to have enough feathers/badges to check level 1 promoted stats.
  21. Personally I don't see a problem with only being good against one color if you also do really, really well against that one color (also if your team happens to handle everything well as is except for that one color). That said, as much as I love Titania, I do have to wonder how worth it would be to run her on a cavalry team when you already have Blade Cecilia to handle blues. Also Hectors don't come cheap.
  22. +Atk Reinhardt does a whopping 0 x 2 damage to neutral Res Titania even with Death Blow 3. Likewise, even a +Atk M!Robin has no chance of even inflicting damage to her. *Calculations were done assuming Titania has her default Emerald Axe equipped +Atk Reinhardt has 44 Atk (50 with Death Blow 3) -> 50 x 0.6 = 30 -> Titania has 30 Res and thus takes 0 damage If Titania has a different weapon equipped, +Atk Reinhardt w/ Death Blow 3 deals 10 x 2 damage, so Titania still lives with about half her HP. If Titania has a different weapon equipped, +Atk M!Robin deals 5 damage. Woot. So yeah, I'd say she makes a pretty solid counter to both of them :P
  23. I admit I haven't tested out my own Ike yet, so I'm unsure how much Heavy Blade helps with CD reduction. I'll be able to give better advice once I've done some testing on my own time. I'm just trying to give advice from past experience where 5 (or even 4) cd skills are generally undesirable in competitive Arena compared to their 3 cd counterparts.
  24. While I agree with him ultimately being a worse Nino (if you go the Gronnblade route) because he has lower speed, I'm not so sure about Gronnraven. Sanaki and Lilina have base 33 HP/17 Def and 35 HP/19 Def respectively, yet the two of them are commonly run with Triangle Adept and Raourraven. Soren's base 36 HP/17 Def is quite similar to those two, so one would reason that he would perform just as well as a raven tome user. Ex: Neutral Takumi would do 11 damage to a neutral Soren with Gronnraven and Triangle Adept 3 Also, with Gronnraven and Triangle Adept 3, Soren would only need 42 attack to outright OHKO Takumi. If you give him Gronnraven+, this will bring his attack up to 44, which will be sufficient, but even if you only have Gronnraven, his attack would be 40, meaning he'd only need a Hone Atk buff to OHKO. EDIT: Also, if Nino is a concern, you could always slap G Tomebreaker onto him
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