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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Well sure, literally every unit is weak compared to the units with the highest damage output in the game. That goes without saying. Are you going to try and convince me Nowi is weak because she's not a horse emblem mage? Or Lucina? Also, "this theoretical ability wouldn't be good on X" is a different statement from "X is weak", which was your first statement and the one I'm disagreeing with. Besides, your blade mages need a team built around them to shine. If you're going to compare them to armored units like Hector then you're going to have to compare Cecilia or Ursula with no team buffs to Hector. Otherwise, if you're going to grant them buffs in this matchup, I may as well stack 3 Goad/Ward Armors on Hector and say he's OP too.
  2. *implies tanks are weak* *Hector, Effie, and Zephiel exist* lolwut
  3. *implies tanks are weak* *Hector, Effie, and Zephiel exist* lolwut
  4. I didn't mention that because that's literally what Luna does.
  5. Oooooh that sounds cool. Hoping for a spd-based wind special. For the thunder, we could have... idk what else is left. Scale off your HP (more damage the higher your %, so the opposite of Vengeance) Scale off the enemy's HP Scale off the enemy's atk Scale off the enemy's spd Those are some ideas off the top of my head.
  6. Speaking of new skills, I wonder if we'll ever get a special that scales off speed, similar to how Bonfire scales off defense.
  7. A skill that takes away spd and gives def would be amazing on tanks.
  8. Short answer: no. Long answer: If you have Threaten Def 3, it will simply override Zephiel's innate Threaten Def 2 (if you have anything lower than 3, you basically don't have a C-skill) Longer answer: Out-of-combat buffs/debuffs never stack. Only the highest of the two will take effect. If you're sitting next to two units with Hone Atk 3, you only gain +4 atk, not +8. If you're afflicted by both Seal Def and Threaten Def, you get Def -7 from Seal, not -12 from both. A unit's weapon can stack with a similar skill if they are not out-of-combat buffs, such as with Jaffar and Poison Strike. In the same vein, Eliwood's Durandal stacks with Death Blow since Death Blow applies its buffs during combat.
  9. I re-evaluated my life choices (and bank account) and decided not to whale after all. But I've spent all of my F2P orbs on this banner without getting anything out of it, so now I'm sad.
  10. Oh my, wish I didn't feed all my Odins. I'll at least take a look at my units after class and see what I can come up with (won't be able to use any of my 5*s though RIP)
  11. That moment of despair when you spend literally every last orb you own trying to get Reinhardt and instead... I have 5 Ests and 3 Catrias to show for it, alongside some other blues I don't particularly care for. The only decent unit I got is a Cordelia (+Res/-Def) (not the best but not a crippling -Spd or -Atk, so I can make her work)
  12. So I decided to focus summon blues on the Battling Zephiel banner and got two Ests and a Catria for my troubles...which I already have from the Whitewing quests. Heroes really wants me to make a +10 Est, huh?
  13. Oh, I'm not denying Odin's worth at all! I just wouldn't be quick to call him better than Reinhardt, especially given the amount of investment and team support needed to make him do well and also especially on this map, which favors OHKOs that Odin can't quite get. I do want to make it clear that I don't dislike Odin though. EDIT: @Lyrai nah it's time to go for the +10 :P
  14. It's really funny bc I never played Thracia, so my first exposure to Reinhardt was Heroes. I don't know if I'd say I'm his biggest fan (because he doesn't seem like the type of character that would be my fave personality-wise), but goddamn is he doing a really great job convincing me to love him in Heroes.
  15. The problem is that he can't ORKO the armors without Swordbreaker or a dancer, and he won't be able to reach the OHKO threshold either with his low base attack. That said, if you don't have other good blue mages, Odin is definitely still a solid choice, as you say. But there is a difference between "Odin is good too" and "Fuck Reinhardt this is better". I think you'd be pretty hard-pressed to find evidence supporting the claim that Odin is better than Reinhardt on this map (or in general, really). I just take slight personal offense because Reinhardt has put in some mad work for me while Odin has only disappointed.
  16. My Reinhardt literally OHKO'd 4 out of 5 units on the Lunatic map, so...yes I'd say so.
  17. Reinhardt can literally OHKO 4/5 units on the Lunatic map idk what you're talking about (Source: I literally just did that and have the screenshots to prove it)
  18. I'm out of stamina and am going to turn in for the night, but I'll start figuring out strats for other people who don't have Reinhardts tomorrow.
  19. To be honest, there was barely any strategy involved when my Reinhardt was able to OHKO everything on this map except the axe unit (which he could 2HKO w/ dancer help).
  20. I think he meant that he wishes there was a banner character that fit for plot reasons rather than usage (similar to how Minerva was on the Michalis banner).
  21. Yay beat Lunatic on my first try :D Used Reinhardt, Olivia, Julia, Ninian Will post strategy in a bit
  22. So much for whoever told me "there's no way the armored units will have Wary Fighter"
  24. There was no reason to not use Triangle Adept except for me wanting to see if it were possible without it (since TA makes it waaaay easier). Also, -blade damage does indeed stack with Triangle Adept.
  25. Good luck, friend! If either Oboro or Ephraim is given Swordbreaker or Quick Riposte (both of which are common B-skills for them), they may be able to ORKO Zephiel (though that would leave them in range of the axe armor...)
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