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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. @shadowofchaos So I just did some more calculations. Neutral Ike has 42 HP and 18 Res, which means a blue mage would need at least 50 atk to OHKO him. So +Atk Linde (or even neutral Linde with the Atk +1 seal) would be able to outright one-shot Ike without needing the second hit.
  2. Assuming Linde has neutral HP and def and no other passives (such as Life and Death or Fury), she has 35 HP and 14 Def, which means a sword unit would need at least 61 attack to OHKO her. +Atk Ike has 54 attack, so Linde should be able to survive one hit.
  3. In general, yes, I'd say lower CDs skills are better. As far as procs go, Ike actually benefits more from Bonfire or Draconic Aura than Luna though.
  4. I mean it's not like this is the first time Nintendo has done this. I remember he was praised as the strongest hero back in Awakening DLCs and stuff too.
  5. Literally any blue mage. Reinhardt's going to have a goddamn field day next season with all the Ikes running around the place.
  6. Literally any blue mage. Reinhardt's going to have a goddamn field day next season with all the Ikes running around the place.
  7. I would say keep the 3*, yes. You can also go to the unlock potential screen to check Nino's nature; I hope she's good!
  8. 1) There's an Ask a Question thread specifically for questions like these 2) +Atk for sure 3) Lucina has two main builds: Fury + Swordbreaker - more of a duelist Life and Death + Desperation - more of a glass cannon Both are viable, so pick and choose based on playstyle.
  9. If that's what you want Windsweep for you're better off putting it on a blue mage like M!Robin instead of a green like Soren.
  10. I've never tried it, personally. I believe @Ice Dragon is the one that knows the most about Armor Emblem. The main problem with Armor Emblem is range. It's obviously going to have issues against mages, so you ideally want Distant Counter on everyone to help with that, though that's obviously not feasible for the average player. You can somewhat circumvent that problem by having Ward Armor on everyone though, as +12 res helps quite a lot with shrugging off magic attacks.
  11. That was a roundabout way of saying it, but basically yes. 1) If your 3* Cecilia has the better nature, it's more efficient to grind up skills on the 4* Cecilia and then merge 2) If your 4* Cecilia has the better nature, just merge your 3* into her before learning anything on the 4* as she'll learn all the skills (like Atk +3 and Escape Route and whatever else) that your 3* has already learned If you don't mind grinding for SP after you hit level 40 on the better Cecilia, then it really doesn't matter either way. This is simply the fastest/most efficient way to go about things.
  12. @BestFriendJ0 @Arcanite Reposition and Smite are absolute musts for armors outside of Armor Emblem (Smite especially) because they help slow-moving Armors catch up with the rest of the team. However, if you're doing Armor Emblem, and your entire team is made up of slow-moving armored units, you actually want to run Swap instead since everyone will ideally stay in a nice little box as they move around the map anyways. This makes it much easier to rearrange your team so that you always have the most advantageous person tanking incoming attacks.
  13. Answered questions in spoiler tags to avoid taking up space. If you have any other questions let me know!
  14. Ah right, I didn't consider that Soren wasn't already trained up. If you're planning to use both of them, I would actually consider training Soren first since ranged units generally go faster (especially if you use double dancers) and then Ike afterwards. If you were dead set on training Ike first though, then yeah you may be better off using another green besides Soren while training Ike.
  15. From what I remember of your team, Klein's the best you have. He won't be able to tank mages on enemy phase, but on player phase he can annihilate just about every mage in the game :D I don't know if you're planning to pull any more on this banner, but Titania seems to be a very good mage killer (she has more than double the Res of Frederick), so you could try going for her.
  16. I personally still favor Soren since Cherche is still threatened by blue mages, and Ike's defense is pretty good already. Up to you though. As far as SP goes, the formula for 5*s is this: you get SP if a generic enemy is up to 6 levels below your unit, and you get SP if the enemy is a named Hero that is up to 8 levels below your unit. Since the update, the threshold is even lower for training heroes under 5*s (so for example I think 4*s gain exp/SP from a generic enemy up to 8 levels below), but I'm unsure what the exact numbers are for those.
  17. You just happen to have a lot of units with naturally low res, and for those units -res is best because you have to have something as a bane, and it's best to get rid of something they don't need. Even if a unit like Ike or Frederick were +Res, they would still die to most mages. It's best to dump that and instead focus on something else like making them stronger, faster (well, maybe not in Fred's case), or physically tankier to capitalize on their strengths. You generally won't be countering mages and dragons with the likes of Ike or Frederick anyways, so it's best to have a dedicated mage killer and let Ike/Fred take care of physical threats.
  18. @r4v1sh @Arcanite If you're going to go a Blade route, I'd recommend Life and Death over Fury, especially since Soren needs the speed even more to make up for being ever so slightly behind Nino.
  19. Curse? More like a blessing if you ask me since -Res is considered the best possible bane on the majority of characters in this game :O In any case, +HP/-Res is a great nature for a guy like Ike so congratulations!
  20. I personally use a healer, a dancer, and a strong unit to kill off whatever the trainee/dancers cannot (so for example, if I'm training up Ike, I may want Julia or Nino tagging along to take care of any Sapphire Lance units or blue mages). If I'm training a ranged unit, sometimes I'll forego the healer and instead go double dancer instead to speed things up. Also, if you have a healer, it's a good idea to inherit Pain if you can get it to help them chip down enemies for your trainee to finish off.
  21. The +Atk one could always go for a Gronnraven/Triangle Adept build, which is pretty popular (as a red version) on Sanaki and Lilina rn, who both have similar stat spreads to Soren.
  22. Aaaaaah I'm so happy for you :D Tiki is a precious cinnamon roll, and I'm glad you were blessed.
  23. Ice Dragon already addressed this, but Reinhardt was honestly a ridiculous powerhouse even before inheritance.
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