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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. While there's not much you can do about the newer 3DS games, the older ones can all be played for free on an emulator if you can find one online.
  2. She's pretty popular, yes. Though I think that's more for her body than her personality tbh There's a new point system in place for underdogs to make comebacks more likely though, so here's hoping Tharja doesn't run away with a landslide victory like Lucina and Camilla did. Also good luck to Sanaki! I'm quite fond of her from how she was in her own games, and I'd probably support her if Julia wasn't in the running.
  3. Let me know if you have any specific rep requests! Though that'll probably have to wait until we know who we're facing.
  4. Oh good, I also plan to jump ship to M!Robin if Julia goes down, so we'll probably stay together all the way through :D
  5. That's more or less my plan except instead of Gunter I'm fielding another dancer so that Reinhardt can mop up the lancer, cleric, and Xander all in one go while Ike/Ryoma cleans up the right. It's more or less what I did with the Zephiel GHB which involved Reinhardt soloing the map w/ 3 dancers.
  6. @SatsumaFSoysoy Oh wow that actually seems really interesting :O I'm really glad that they're making it so that Arena tiers actually mean something.
  7. @SatsumaFSoysoy @Ice Dragon Oh good I'm not the only one who can't watch movies without subtitles (even if the movies are in English, which is my native language) :D
  8. If you do end up choosing Team Julia, then I look forward to fighting alongside you for a change since I don't think we were on the same team for either of the previous banners (I was Ephraim then Cherche/Minerva) :D But if not, then I wish you and your team the best of luck!
  9. @shadowofchaos @Ice Dragon @SatsumaFSoysoy (I don't remember who else knows Japanese) Whenever you're free (I'm in no rush), would it be possible for one of you to provide some translation of what the news was concerning the Arena tiers? There hasn't been much discussion concerning it, and I couldn't understand it very well. EDIT: Actually I'll wait until tomorrow to ask since the reset may come with a notification concerning it, and @Elieson or another editor might post about it on the front page in the morning. But if neither of those things happen, I would greatly appreciate a translation if you're willing.
  10. Not the best screenshot in the world, but here's a placeholder till someone else gets a better one
  11. How dare you. I do admit that I'm disappointed Nino isn't on here as I think she's the only female mage whose popularity rivals that of Tharja (potentially more if reddit is anything to go by), but there's no reason we couldn't have had two green female mages (male team has two reds after all). It's not like Julia replaced Nino or anything.
  12. A lot of people seem to be upset that non-JP speakers were given no information, but I say we all wait for the reset in two hours and see whether or not Nintendo gives us information via in-game notifications before complaining (and I'm willing to bet that they will).
  13. If you give me all of your units you'll have plenty of space
  14. TEAM JULIA REPRESENT All hail the glorious and majestic Empress of Jugdral
  15. She's +Spd/-Atk lmao The losing team seems to get a 3x bonus (according to @shadowofchaos since I don't understand JP), so the winner may not be as clear as we think (...but probably yeah) And hey I'll be Team Julia too :D I look forward to having your Sharena again I'm honestly not sure who to put for my rep, but I'm currently between Ryoma, Ike, Reinhardt, and Nino (all 5* with skill inheritance)
  16. Funny. I looked for the other Minerva and got Minerva. Wanna trade?
  17. I mean there'll be banners during the gauntlet, so you can pull for them. This could be my chance to get Julia up to +10 :O Or to get a merged Linde Or I could spend my orbs getting Hector or Ryoma merges or Azura It's so hard to decide I'm losing my mind
  18. Female mages vs male mages Tharja, Sanaki, Linde, Julia vs Henry, Robin, Merric, Leo
  19. Tfw I have no idea what's happening Is there an English ver I'm missing, or is the stream only in JP?
  20. Draconic Aura gives you more damage output than Bonfire (once you take Death Blow and Hone Fliers into consideration), but I'm unsure how much of a difference it makes in terms of kills secured. If you don't have a Hone Fliers buff active, then the damage output is the same anyways. Axebreaker is fine if you want to deal with Hector, but I personally don't agree with the inheritance philosophy of trying to make one unit handle too many things. I assume (though correct me if I'm wrong) that you'll already have another unit who can deal with Hector more easily, so it isn't necessary to take up an entire B-slot just to let Cherche kill Hector. My personal preference is to give her a mobility skill instead: either Hit and Run/Drag Back to help her duck back out of range after killing her target or Wings of Mercy to get her to a target (especially important since you want to be able to move around in pairs rather than have your entire team sticking together). Also, if you have Bonfire/Draconic Aura up, you can OHKO Hector even if he's +10 and Cherche is unmerged, so I don't feel like it's necessary to dedicate your B-slot to just killing Hector. And yes, [+Atk, -Res] seems to be the best nature for her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As far as building Catria goes, it's a little difficult for me to answer that because, to be frank, I'm also unsure what to do with her. If you want a tanky blue flier, Subaki is the superior choice. If you want a damage-dealing blue flier, Cordelia is the superior choice. It's entirely possible I'm missing something, but at a cursory glance I fail to see what Catria does that other fliers can't do better in the current meta. She's a duelist that wins long, drawn-out skirmishes in a meta that favors quick, decisive battles that are over in one or two hits, which makes it hard to find a place for her.
  21. @TheTuckingFypo I have an exam tomorrow I need to study for, so I'm not sure how much time I'll be able to allot to strategizing. If I'm unable to come up with anything in time, you can always emulate this strategy, which you seem to already have the units for. *Unequip Hone Atk from Olivia for this strategy so that the cleric's Panic doesn't cripple Donnel's offense
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