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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Actually, for every player in the top 5k and up (even a little bit before that, like top 10k perhaps), getting 7 Advanced deathless wins is not only possible, it's expected. Unless you have really high merge levels or a ton of skills, it's literally not even possible to rank in the top 5k without having 7 Advanced deathless wins be the bare minimum (and even just getting 7 Advanced deathless wins is often not enough). Other factors like merge level and amount of skill inheritance play a role here. It's to the point where, at the Arena tier that I (and many others on this forum are at), if we get even a single death out of 7 Advanced matches, we automatically forfeit the match and restart the whole chain because that one death costs us several hundred or even several thousand spots because everyone else we're competing with is doing 7 Advanced deathless. Also @Xaos Steel Wing I actually quite like your suggestion of increasing how skill factors in by making the max streak be something like 10 instead of 7 though I doubt it'll be implemented.
  2. Welp, Celica has been officially confirmed to be a red unit, so the poll is pretty moot (regarding her weapon) except sword vs tome. Then again, I suppose that's what most people have settled on debating anyways.
  3. I agree with @MrSmokestack and suggest Lancebreaker over B Tomebreaker. The only blue tomes you care about are Linde, Spring Lucina, M!Robin, Reinhardt, and Olwen. With Fury, you already ORKO all of those except Linde and Spring Lucina, and a simple Hone/Rally Attack buff is sufficient to secure those two kills.
  4. I sure hope this omikuji event isn't a sign of how many pulls it'll take me to get Celica in-game That took frickin forever jeez
  5. 0/10 no Distant Counter Looks like a pretty standard Zephiel set to me.
  6. You coin-flipped for the first gauntlet? I would have assumed you would have gone straight for Leo :O (Unless you mean you coin-flipped for who to support after Leo's defeat)
  7. Perhaps, but it is entirely possible for one team to cover most things. Player skill is overall more important than team composition though as it doesn't make a difference what units you have if you don't utilize them to their full potential. Likewise, there are many scenarios where a team that at first glance wouldn't stand a chance against another can actually end up winning if you play smart. Mkv's Lunatic GHB clears using only 3* free units is a pretty good example of this. There were a few Lunatic GHBs, like the Ursula one, that gave me trouble even when I was using a full team of 5* units. On the other hand, Mkv was able to clear it with only 3* free units. I'm fairly certain that if most people were given the exact same units, they wouldn't have been able to clear the map. I certainly wouldn't have. Anyways, the point of all this is that while it's certainly difficult for one team to cover everything, it's very feasible to create a team that can very consistently get 7 deathless wins on Advanced with limited F2P resources.
  8. I did actually forget that, so thanks for the reminder. Except Vantage doesn't "wreck Hana into little pieces" as she has the speed and bulk to take at least one hit from all non-blues (and why are you fighting blues with Hana to begin with) in the game (though I will concede that I haven't bothered looking through every imaginable nature and skill combination. I don't think there's any point or any need to be concerned with having one unit kill everything (with some exceptions, such as blade tome mages), so as long as Hana can take care of everything on the enemy side besides blues, then you'll be fine (assuming you have something on your team for blues, and if you don't then that's really your own fault). In the first place, my argument was never "Hana is better than Lucina" so much as me taking issue with your statement of "Lucina blows Hana out of the water", though if you wanted to go there, a Brave Sword Hana set has an overall better matchup spread than any of Lucina's sets.
  9. If we're going to be including combat that happened before this battle, then sure she'll have an advantage, but I can just as easily say Nowi has a special of her own and Vantage ready. The fact of the matter is that projected calculations only go so far because the context of each battle is heavily dependent on both the match (in this case allowing Lucina to set up before facing Nowi) and player control, which is the most important part. I agree with @Ice Dragon in that a player-controlled Nowi is going to beat an AI-controlled Lucina and vice-versa. This whole thing wasn't me trying to assert that "Nowi is better than Lucina" or anything like that. I simply wanted to point out that you shouldn't make broad, sweeping statements without the means to back them up. And if you're going to say something like X character beats Y set, you should at least mention what skills you're putting on X and not leave it up for others to assume. Who on earth is putting HP +3 on Lucina?
  10. You didn't mention Desperation, but if we're going to include that, then yes a +Atk Lucina with LD 3 and Desperation will ORKO neutral T-Adept Nowi. But if we're going to messing around with natures, +Def and +HP Nowi both survive, and if Lucina is not +Atk she won't secure the ORKO.
  11. +Atk Lucina with LD will still be unable to kill T-Adept Nowi and will get one-shot in return. +Atk Lucina has 58 base attack with LD 3 58 x 1.5 (eff damage against dragons) = 87 87 x 0.6 WTD = 53 53 - 30 (Nowi's def) = 23 Nowi still lives with 22 HP and OHKOs Lucina
  12. @DehNutCase Please don't take this the wrong way because it's not meant to be condescending. But if you're going to make statements like this, you need to be able to back them up with calculations. That said, I very well could have made an error while calculating, so if you see anything I may have screwed up on, feel free to point it out!
  13. I'm not sure where you're getting your information, but Lucina does not simply "slice her head off". Neutral Lucina deals 15 x 2 damage to neutral Nowi with T-Adept 3. Neutral Lucina has 50 base attack with Falchion 50 x 1.5 (eff vs dragons) = 75 75 x 0.6 WTD = 45 Neutral Nowi has 30 def 45 - 30 = 15 Or more accurately, just 15 damage before Nowi OHKOs her. Neutral Nowi has 45 base attack with Lightning Breath+ 45 x 1.4 WTA = 63 Neutral Lucina has 19 res and 43 HP 63 - 19 = 44 RIP Lucina EDIT: Meanwhile, Chrom also doesn't "straight up OHKO" Neutral Chrom has 53 base attack with Falchion 53 x 1.5 = 79 79 x 0.8 WTD = 64 If Nowi doesn't have T-Adept, we're going to assume she has her default Def +3 for 33 def 64 - 33 = 31 45 - 31 = 14 Nowi is left with 14 HP Double EDIT: Oh, you want to play with specials? Alright then. As stated earlier, neutral Lucina has 45 effective damage vs T-Adept Nowi before specials Dragon Fang multiplies Lucina's base 50 attack, adding 25 bonus damage 45 + 25 = 70 70 - 30 (Nowi's def) = 40 Nowi still lives with 5 HP Lucina is dead
  14. Wo Dao in general is good on fast swords (Draug is way faster than you would think considering he's an armored unit. +Spd Draug hits 35 speed without any buffs, which is ridiculous for an armored unit) with low base attack because it gives them a nice burst of damage, which they often need to secure kills.
  15. Hana with Brave Sword+ and Desperation arguably performs better than Lucina. Not having Falchion hardly matters when you're ORKOing all non-Nowi dragons anyways (and Nowi often runs T-Adept and/or Swordbreaker to counter Falchion nowadays anyways). Also she's far easier to get merge copies for, which matters for a F2P. She's also cuter. Fight me.
  16. It's honestly probably the best weapon for her if you're willing to sac Karel. Go for it. I prefer Life and Death over Fury, but Fury works fine. Swordbreaker is also a B-skill to consider over WoM.
  17. Serious answer: Fury is probably her best A-skill, but her default Spd +3 is honestly probably the next best thing if you can't get Fury. For her B-skill, Wings of Mercy is my preference because who doesn't want a teleporting dancer Her C-skill can be replaced with whatever aura you need. I replaced my Azura's with Hone Atk, but if you want her default Fortify Res then by all means keep it.
  18. I decided at the start of the game that I would eventually 5* the Askr trio, so I guess the fact that it's more or less confirmed they'll be recurring bonus characters is even more incentive to follow through.
  19. 1) For future reference, there's an Ask a Question thread for stuff like this; there's no need to make a separate thread. 2) Yes to both questions. Merge levels transfer over and all learned skills transfer over when merging.
  20. I mean, yeah, that's what I do too (and that's honestly how IS intended the events to play out). Prepared to ride or die with Team Julia!
  21. Ah okay, well since you can actually speak Japanese, I'll take your word for it. Either way, we'll find out in a week though (I'm still going to hold out hope for it being every week though).
  22. I suggest trying to think of this more optimistically. One orb per week doesn't sound like a lot, true, but it's one more orb per week from Arena than we're currently getting. It's not like you're losing anything. No matter how well you do in Arena, you only benefit from this update because you're getting more rewards than before.
  23. I'm not a good artist, so I can't draw any of them very well I haven't been able to finish the April quests because I never ended up pulling a Wrys (sent the free ones home during my first two weeks of playing the game RIP)
  24. That's basically my strategy. Ike goes to the right to take care of the sword and green cav. Rein and dancers clean up next turn.
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