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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. I will certainly agree that in the majority of cases, nature is pretty irrelevant as you survive the same things and secure most of the same important ORKOs regardless. There are occasional Arena matches that you lose that you would have won if the only thing different was that you had a different nature, but those scenarios are few and far in between and can usually be made up for with smarter strategizing. There are certain strategies that only work with specific natures though, even outside of competitive Arena. My Reinhardt wouldn't have been able to OHKO Lunatic Zephiel in the strategy I used if he weren't +Atk, for example, which would have made my plan considerably more difficult to pull off. In the end though, I will concede that in the majority of cases, nature isn't too important. A -Atk Eirika still buffs her allies just as well, and a Nino that isn't +Atk or +Spd still manages to ORKO almost everything in the game. It just makes me really sad to see people forego certain characters just because of their nature when that nature barely impedes them.
  2. There isn't a character that wants both off the top of my head. Units that want Death Blow are generally going to prefer a Brave weapon (such as Cherche) while units that want a Killer weapon are generally units with low base attack that rely on skill procs for damage (such as Beruka). The only unit I would even consider transferring both to would be Frederick because he has the stats to run either an offensive set with Brave Axe+ and Death Blow or a defensive set with Killer Axe+, Quick Riposte, and Bonfire. But even he's a maybe since he would only use one of those sets and not run with both Killer Axe+ and Death Blow 3. I would honestly just decide on whether you have a character that wants Death Blow 3 more or Killer Axe+ more as no unit really wants both at the same time since they're used for completely different sets.
  3. The general rule is that the support skills go on the units that need it the least (that's not to say they wouldn't benefit at all; they just benefit less than the other 3). I'd be able to give more specific advice if I had specific units to work with, but that's the general rule of thumb. So for example, if I had a cavalry team of Reinhardt, Xander, Cecilia, and Titania (#thedream)... I would give Titania Hone Cavalry since the other 3 make better use of the +6 Atk/Spd and Xander Fortify Cavalry. If I had extra fodder, I might also consider giving Fortify Cavalry to Cecilia so that Xander could receive the boost if necessary, but Ward Cavalry also works if you don't have spare fodder. Reinhardt is fine with his default Goad Cavalry.
  4. Spring Camilla can OHKO him with a single Hone Flier buff, so uhh RIP Merric
  5. If it makes you feel any better, my Chrom is +Res/-Def, which is probably one of the worst natures you could have on him lmao He's also my only Falchion unit (technically he doesn't even have a Falchion since he's only at 4*)
  6. Brash Assault is such a niche skill that I hesitate to even say the original owners are good users of them. If you wanted to give Chrom doubling power, I would suggest either Swordbreaker or Quick Riposte as his B-skill.
  7. Damn those are some really nice pulls :O congrats to all of you! The curse of @Rezzy has already struck me (-Atk Effie and -Atk Eldigan), so hopefully I'm safe for the foreseeable future with my own pulls.
  8. Lilina works best with inheriting Henry's Raudrraven+ tome and Triangle Adept in her A-slot, which allows her to completely shut down all green and colorless enemies. It's best to go with a breaker in her B-slot to make up for her low speed and allow her to double more and get more ORKOs. Swordbreaker is the most common option since with Raudrraven and T-Adept, she already shuts down axes, green mages, archers, and thieves. For her special, Iceberg is [ironically] the special that offers the most damage output for Lilina, though Draconic Aura does just about as much damage if you can't get Iceberg. This is the overall optimal set, but if you lack the resources to inherit Henry's tome, then her default Atk +3 is okay since T-Adept is only half as good if you don't have the raven tome. I would still run Swordbreaker on her though, if you can. Gordin runs a pretty standard Brave Bow+ set. He really wants Death Blow in his A-slot as much as possible. His B-slot should likewise go to a breaker skill to allow him quad hits on units he wouldn't normally be able to ORKO. Because he's a colorless unit, his choices are flexible, so he could run just about any breaker. I personally like Swordbreaker best, but if you're running him alongside Lilina, she'll already be able to cover swords and axes. As such, giving him Lancebreaker may be more beneficial instead. Just take a look at your team's composition and decide what you need him to get rid of most. For his special, either Luna or Bonfire grant him the most overall damage output. Bonfire is more consistent while Luna depends on the enemy. If the enemy has more than 30 defense, then Luna offers more damage, but if the target has less than 30 defense, Bonfire will do more. Decide based on what enemies you run into more and skill inheritance availability. For both of them (actually for any unit), C-skills are entirely dependent on the rest of the team, not the units themselves. Just go with a Hone/Fortify aura that benefits your team members most. For example, Lilina could have Hone Atk as her C skill to boost the damage output of Gordin while Gordin could have Fortify Def for his C-slot to boost Lilina's ability to tank and counter archers (especially if she doesn't have the -raven tome). It mainly depends on the rest of your team. Savage Blow or Breath of Life are also fairly safe options for ranged units, but I still personally prefer the utility of auras. Likewise, assist skills are more dependent on player preference than the unit in question, since most characters can make good use of basically any repositioning skill (like Reposition, Draw Back, or Swap). I personally think Draw Back and Reposition are best on ranged units, but arguments could be made for the other skills as well. Just go with you feel most comfortable with/have the inheritance fodder for. Seals depend on the rest of your team for who needs what, but I think Gordin is the best recipient of Atk +1 since he's a Brave user and thus gets twice the mileage out of it per hit. Lilina also appreciates Atk +1 but not as much as Gordin, so I like giving her HP +3 to help alleviate her squishiness. Neither of them are fast enough to care about Spd +1 to be honest. So in summary: Lilina Gordin Hope this helped!
  9. Honestly, he gets almost nothing out of it. You have to remember that this man is so slow that he gets doubled by neutral speed Hector.
  10. 1) Your C-skill depends entirely on the team you're running him with, so that's not something I can answer just by knowing you have an Ike. If it helps you at all, I personally put Hone Spd on my Ike since he's replacing Ryoma this season, and no one else on my team provides a speed buff (though I do have someone else providing Hone Atk). Just pick an aura your team needs but doesn't currently have. 2) Units with blue backgrounds have been merged with duplicate units, so your Tiki is probably +1 or something (merged with another Tiki).
  11. I suppose the "2" threw me off. Either way though, I stand by my earlier statement. I don't think it's worth giving Reinhardt Swift Sparrow over Death Blow 2.
  12. I would honestly just go for Death Blow 2. Swift Sparrow is much better on other units that actually appreciate the speed, and Spring Lucina is rare enough to where you don't want to sacrifice her to give her signature skill to a unit that doesn't care about half of it and will eventually replace it anyways. Also, I don't know enough about the specifics of Arena scoring to know how much of a difference running Death Blow 2 over 3 matters in terms of scoring, but wouldn't Death Blow 2 and Swift Sparrow 2 get you the same score? At least, that's what's intuitive to me.
  13. If Galeforce activates twice, then that means the unit in question moves thrice. Still works out :P
  14. I mean you can try it, but I don't think double dancer is very effective in the hands of AI.
  15. Lachesis (healers in general) isn't very good in Arena right now. Gordin is fine as a unit, honestly, and he might be one of the best you have. He's no Reinhardt, but he's still a solid character.
  16. Gordin can't OHKO 90%+ of the entire Heroes cast by himself, nor does he have 3 mov to allow him to reach from the starting position on the bridge map all the way to the enemy starting position in a single turn (with a dancer). I'm fairly certain Reinhardt is single-handedly responsible for at least half of my wins.
  17. Heavy Blade wouldn't change its viability because the problem was never its cd length. Having a useless skill proc sooner won't make it any more useful. EDIT for added elaboration: With the way its damage calculations work, by the time Astra outdamages any of the other proc skills, like Draconic Aura or Bonfire, it's way overkill. And any time before that it's outdamaged by, well, other skills.
  18. The beauty of always typing in deadpan, grammatically-correct sentences is that it's ambiguous whether or not I'm serious or joking.
  19. You can do that, but with skill inheritance, even Subaki is better off with a Killer Bonfire set. There really isn't much use for a sheer wall when there are options out there that can both wall and deal damage, like Michalis (who already walls all lance users perfectly fine, and Beruka isn't going to enjoy taking hits from mages, WTA or not)
  20. What a goddamn savage. I didn't know you had it in you. If it helps at all, my defense team is Ryoma (replaced with Ike just because I want Ike as my rep), Julia, Ninian, and Reinhardt (in that order). That team usually gets me 10-20 wins per season.
  21. Statistically speaking, it's more likely than not. SS/PoR/RD were obviously outliers :P I just really want Bruno and Veronica to be recruitable characters, okay
  22. It's a Fire Emblem game. The 'true' bad guy is going to be a giant ass dragon.
  23. Yeah BST is mostly irrelevant now. You can get the same score using Reinhardt as using Hector. All that matters are merge levels and skills. Repositioning skills like Draw Back and, well, Reposition generally offer a lot more utility to a team than the Rally buffs anyways, so I would definitely go with those. The one you go with is pretty dependent on user preference, but I personally favor either Draw Back or Reposition on a ranged unit like Soren.
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