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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Yes. Yes, she would have. A -Res Nino still has more res than anything else on your team and has more than enough to take on Reinhardt. EDIT: Ana, a 3* -res Nino with no buffs or inherited skills can still tank and ORKO a 5* + Atk Reinhardt. If you want, I can prove it to you with calcs.
  2. She also has a Nino. Both of them would have been able to take Takumi and Reinhardt with ease. The problem isn't that she doesn't have the units, it's that she isn't using what she has.
  3. @Anacybele A +HP/-Res Nino like the one you have could have easily ORKOd both that Takumi and Reinhardt just sayin'
  4. @Anacybele I can literally prove to you right here and now with calculations that Cecilia with T-Adept (and with that being the only inherited skill) can OHKO both Takumi and Reinhardt. Takumi: Reinhardt: tldr - With only Triangle Adept 3 and no other inherited skills, Cecilia can tank both Takumi and Reinhardt (she takes a total of 6 damage from both of them combined) and ORKO both of them.
  5. Hey that's almost exactly my defense team :D I run Ninian over Azura and Julia over Camilla though (and currently Ike over Ryoma but solely bc I want Ike as my rep), but otherwise it's the same.
  6. I'd like to think it's a reasonable assumption. The first gauntlet had focus banners for every gauntlet character except Alfonse and Sharena. The second gauntlet had focus banners for every gauntlet character. There's still the possibility that this third gauntlet won't follow the pattern, of course, but I think there's a pretty good chance that this gauntlet will also have focus banners for the units involved.
  7. Oh shit congrats :D I kind of want a Linde but not badly enough to jeopardize my chances of pulling Celica later
  8. Oh yeah, I never posted my Arena rank/score. Currently rank 695 with a score of 4816 (having to use Ike instead of Ryoma +3 is definitely hurting my score). It'll definitely drop below top 1k by the week's end though. Probably going to keep trying to roll for higher scores. I've already secured a couple of defense wins though, so that's nice.
  9. Tell me about it. I've already run into an Ephraim, an Effie, an Azura, and even a goddamn Titania with Distant Counter. All in this week (I burned a few swords last night to get a score).
  10. Units with low attack and speed but massive bulk can pull off other sets, such as killer lance + QR + bonfire for large bursts of damage. Also, units with high speed but low attack, like Fir or Caeda, aren't particularly good either. The point I'm trying to make is that speed is not as omnipotent as you make it sound, nor are slow and defensive characters as bad as you say they are.
  11. @Hilda "I'm not talking about an Arena Defense team" I'm not either. I'm referring specifically to playing with defensive characters on offense. And it really doesn't matter why they're high tier (whether it be Distant Counter or Wary Fighter or whatever else). The point is that they're there. In fact, skills like Distant Counter and Wary Fighter that help to make defensive characters viable in the first place doesn't really change the fact that they're viable, which is my entire point.
  12. Cecilia is terrible with no skill inheritance. With skill inheritance and proper team support, she's easily one of the most threatening units in the entire game, capable of ORKOing all blues, greens, and colorless units and even many reds. She's reliant on inheritance and team support, but she gets far more mileage out of those than most other characters do.
  13. Oh absolutely! I have no intention of forcing anyone to use one character or another. I never have, and I never will. I just wanted to be sure you knew what you were giving up first to ensure your decision is as informed as possible. I'm only trying to help :/
  14. Not really? A team with, say... Nino, Eirika, and Azura has one attacker and two support units (the 4th unit is irrelevant here). But because of the support from Eirika and Azura, Nino can instantly ORKO two enemy units in one turn, which is not something you can just do with anyone. If, instead, you had 3 attacking units, optimally they would each get one kill on their turn, but it very often doesn't work that way. Many times, they'll be able to kill the opponent in one hit, and you'll only end up getting a kill, maybe two, in a single turn. Heck, Nino + support + two dancers can essentially wipe out an entire enemy team on Advanced by herself (source: I've literally done this multiple times just for fun. Pretty much anyone else with a Nino can probably also attest to how good she is with support). If you don't want to use Nino and/or a support unit, that's perfectly fine. But that's completely different from saying that doing so is bad (which is what it sounded like you were saying to me. If that's not what you meant, then I apologize).
  15. +HP, -Res Nino is still capable of ORKOing nearly every unit in the game from simply standing next to Eirika (Eirika automatically grants Nino +4 Spd and +10 Atk from doing literally nothing besides standing next to her at the start of a turn). Like Arc said, as long as Nino isn't -Spd or -Atk (and even -Atk can be salvaged since Nino often overkills), she's a monster that'll destroy everything around her. Nino is killed by anything no matter what her nature is. The entire point of Nino is to kill things before they get to her. She's as standard of a glass cannon as you get.
  16. -Rezzy implies that she's not Rezzy, so since Rezzy is usually -Atk cursed, then if you want it to be -Rezzy it would have to be - -Atk, which means you're effectively saying "As long as she isn't +Atk or -Spd, you're good!" which doesn't seem quite right to me :P
  17. Well, we'll be getting a focus banner with Sanaki in it for the voting gauntlet soon, so there's a chance at pulling her there.
  18. @Elieson If you want procs for the Askr trio, you're better off going with Draconic Aura for Alfonse, Bonfire for Sharena, and Iceberg for Anna. 5 cd moves like Aether and Galeforce aren't worth it imo
  19. From what I could decipher, you're trying to say that defense is worthless in this game. I'll certainly agree that the meta is centered around fast and powerful glass cannons like Nino, but I definitely would not say that defensive play in general is unviable. Or are you trying to say Hector is worthless (because he certainly isn't fast, and he gets almost all of his kills from defending)? Many of the other high tier characters, like Ephraim for example, focus primarily on being powerful defensively and being able to tank a hit and deal damage back (often via Quick Riposte for a breaker). You said "Basicly just look at the ATK and SPD number of the unit and you can basicly tell if its high tier or not. Especially SPD is such an important stat that it kinda kills any defensiv play." This is blatantly false since it discounts high tier units such as Hector, Nowi, Effie, and even Ike, just to name a few. A single glance at any tier list out there would be enough to contradict your statement. Just because you aren't a good enough player to properly utilize defensive characters doesn't mean defensive characters are worthless.
  20. The joke was that it's ambiguous I'm a premed student, so all I can say is about as much as a new genetics or organic chemistry textbook.
  21. Those pillars were the only thing that saved me from a merged cavalry team last night, so I'm thankful (Reinhardt, Eldigan, Cecilia, Gunter)
  22. Alright Arc, here are a handful of questions for you: 1) What's your favorite song? 2) What's your favorite food? 3) What's a popular thing/person that you think is overrated? 4) What's an unpopular/disliked thing/person that you actually like? 5) Do you wear any vision-correcting lens? (glasses/contacts/etc)
  23. Oh I didn't mean to say that he's bad now or anything. All I wanted to say is that he's no longer dominant or common enough to make flier teams unviable.
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