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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. I'm just grasping at straws because I don't want my free win machine to be nerfed tbh
  2. The balance is that he can only do that if he gets to you first. He's one of the slowest units in the game (even neutral Hector can double him without any speed buffs for Naga's sake), so he's ORKO'd by almost everyone if they get to him first. Of course, he's still easily one of the best units in the game, but he's not outright broken.
  3. Tbh I didn't either, but I fell in love with Reinhardt after pulling him in Heroes. It's absolutely broken for a single blue unit to have the power to OHKO every red and blue and colorless unit in the game (and even more than half of all the greens) without any buffs. I feel dirty every time I OHKO Hector with Reinhardt or every time I solo a Lunatic GHB using just Reinhardt and two dancers to sweep the field (like the Xander one).
  4. Not sure this is the right thread to ask on, but sure I'll bite Anna's main weakness is strong red melee units, like Xander or Zephiel, so you want a blue to take care of those (perhaps your M!Robin w/ T-Adept and Swordbreaker). She also has great synergy with many common sword units since she herself is good at dealing with blues, especially magical ones with her high res, so running her alongside someone like Lyn or Xander would be pretty effective. Finally, the last slot is variable. You can never go run with running a dancer for flexibility, so Olivia/Azura are good picks, especially Azura in your case to also deal with sword units on enemy phase (when Robin wouldn't be able to counterattack). You can run a green mage like Nino to help deal with blue mages if you don't want Anna taking all the hits. You can run a unit with Hone/Fortify Cavalry to buff Xander if you choose to run him. There are a lot of possibilities. There are other units you can run, of course, but I tried to use examples from what I remember you have in your roster.
  5. Ah, we were talking about flier teams earlier, so I automatically assumed you meant Spring Camilla. In any case, the original statement about Takumi no longer being dominant because the meta around him has shifted is true no matter what flier you talk about. As for Camilla herself, the main reason you don't see much of her nowadays isn't because of Takumi but simply because she has no niche. If you want a green flier, Spring Camilla is just about always better. If you want a green melee flier, Cherche outperforms Camilla in every way. There's just no reason to run her when there are so many better alternatives.
  6. It's pretty self-explanatory, I think. Takumi is no longer dominant. Everyone else got better with skill inheritance, and there are more counters and people that can OHKO Takumi than he can deal with. Even Spring Camilla doesn't fear Takumi. If she runs a Gronnraven + T-Adept set, she takes less damage from Takumi than your average non-flier despite being a flier. If she runs a Gronnblade set with a flier team, she outright one-shots Takumi. Spring Camilla doesn't fear Takumi; Takumi should fear her.
  7. I assume that means you don't like Cecilia, Ursula, Reinhardt, Olwen, or Leo? Also, they aren't in the game yet, but I quite like Rath, Sue, and Astrid, who are all cav archers. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose.
  8. Hard? Yes. Impossible? Not at all. The first step to improvement is to fix your mindset. That sounds cliche, sure, but it's true. You need to first start believing that you can do it, and the rest will slowly but surely follow. Saying it's impossible won't help anyone, especially because it's not. It's difficult but not impossible, and there's a world of difference between the two.
  9. Oh, yeah, I don't like Camilla either. It's precisely why I'm hoping for other ranged fliers to introduced so that I can run my own flier team (though I do have all the units necessary for a complete cavalry team already :D)
  10. Oh, yeah, I don't like Camilla either. It's precisely why I'm hoping for other ranged fliers to introduced so that I can run my own flier team (though I do have all the units necessary for a complete cavalry team already :D)
  11. I wouldn't consider myself (or most of the people that score above 4.7k) either whales or experts. In fact, many of them are F2P (no idea about their Fire Emblem expertise though). Your team is perfectly fine as it is; the only real way to improve from here is to improve as a player, which takes a lot of time and effort. Don't worry if you get there a little slower than you would like. Progress is progress, and you're definitely improving! You'll be able to get there someday; I know it!
  12. You're absolutely right. Almost all flier units are physical and melee. Which is precisely why Flier Emblem was not viable until Camilla, the first ranged flier, was introduced to Heroes. But yes, I suppose Elincia and Marcia could take care of mages if their res is high.
  13. Oh alright cool, I did not learn that. In any case, yes, Draw Back should be fine. The main positioning skills can all be good on just about anyone, though I've personally found Draw Back to be more effective on ranged units.
  14. I regularly score in the mid 4800s every week, and I'm not even top 1k. There are several people on this forum like @Ice Dragon or @Ryu Yuki that regularly get over 4900. @MrSmokestack scores higher than 4700 every week, and he sometimes isn't able to make top 5k. There are plenty of people that score that high. I can post screenshots later if you absolutely don't believe me, but I'm sure there are plenty of people on here that can back me up that 4.7k really isn't that high of a score. EDIT: In fact, I did the math with your team, and it is entirely possible to get in the mid 4700s with your exact team provided you run 7 deathless Advanced matches, and with a team of Frederick, Azura, Klein, and Ike that is perfectly possible. Especially with Ike, Azura, and Klein who are among some of the best units in the entire game.
  15. The problem with that team is that they're all physical and all melee, so it would be incredibly easy to counter them (and they'd also have a harder time killing opponents) than if you ran a more mixed team. But I mean faves > optimization anyways, so by all means go for it lmao
  16. Easily +Atk. Atk is far and away the most important stat on a Brave user, and the -Def should rarely come into play because Hana wants to delete enemies without giving them a chance to counterattack, especially because you're going with a quad Desperation build. The C-slot is pretty heavily team dependent, but if you wanted to benefit Hana specifically, then either Threaten Spd or Threaten Def work (I think Spd nets a few more ORKOs though). I personally prefer Luna on a quad set with Hana. Draconic Aura and Luna are functionally equivalent at lower merge levels, but you begin to see more of a difference at higher merge levels (against +10 opponents, for example, or even +4 or something) or opponents running Fury, which is a common skill. She mostly already deletes squishies anyways, so Luna benefits her more against the tankier units she struggles to kill. For your last question: I'm not entirely sure what unit "Daraen" is supposed to be, but Draw Back is still a solid skill, yes. Draw Back, Reposition, and Swap all have their uses and can all work well. A large part of it is player preference.
  17. Seconded. Elincia where </3 We also need more flying ranged characters (hoping for Aversa and Reina at the very least)
  18. @Fei Mao Oh boy, here we go (I'm in class rn, so this won't be as in-depth as it would be otherwise) First off, dancers should be in Tier 1, period. There is absolutely no other unit in the game that comes close to replicating the sheer amount of flexibility they offer a team, and they are absolutely game-changing. Secondly, the fact that Reinhardt is not Tier 1 is absolutely blasphemous. He has nearly the same win spread as Effie if they both run optimal sets, but he has triple the mov and double the range and also access to cavalry buffs. Effie's main thing over Reinhardt is that she can tank hits better, but if you position properly (and/or make good use of dancers/repositioning skills), Reinhardt should never need to get hit in the first place. They should at the very least be in the same tier. There are a couple of other things I take issue with, but I'm not going to sit here and go into detail about each and every one of them. I do want to note, however, that Sharena should be moved up while Eirika should be moved down. Sharena tanks reds and blues about just as well as Ephraim does, but she also offers a lot of team support that Ephraim does not (depending on what set he runs). Also, with skill inheritance, Eirika is no longer the prime support unit, since Ephraim can run the exact same set as her but is actually usable as a combat unit whereas Eirika's combat is rather lackluster in comparison. Spring Lucina should be moved up to Linde's tier because they are functionally equivalent when running equal sets, and reddit stated in the making of their tier list that they were not taking merge levels and availability into account. As much as I love Soren as a character, he should honestly be down a tier while Alm and Lukas deserve to be moved up. Just in general, it seems like this tier list places a lot more emphasis on offensive characters rather than defensive ones. Lukas and Michalis, for example, are extremely effective with a Killer + QR + Bonfire set, but the tier list does not seem to care much for defensive characters who excel by baiting on enemy phase. Also Sophia? I don't think she's a top tier unit, sure, but she's most certainly not bad enough to be as low as she is. @Ice Dragon would probably like to exchange some words with the author of this tier list. Lastly, what on earth is up with where they put Cecilia, Ursula, and Spring Camilla? I understand their reasoning of "they only truly excel with movement-specific buffs, and we aren't taking team support into account", but even without cavalry/flier buffs, Cecilia/Ursula/S!Camilla with blade tomes are still fantastic units, just not as amazing as they are with movement type buffs. However, I have mixed feelings about how they organized the tier list in the first place. While I understand wanting to try and focus on each unit individually, Fire Emblem Heroes is a team game. Ignoring the effectiveness of running certain teams (such as blade Cecilia on a cavalry team) on a tier list is, in my opinion, foolish because it does not accurately represent a character's strength within the context of the game. This tier list ranks units in a vacuum (and even within that vacuum I have problems), but Fire Emblem Heroes is not played within a vacuum. Ranking characters as such betrays the fundamental core of the game.
  19. You put it pretty well already. "She's not winning any awards with her MT, so the next-best thing she can do is attempt to pull off what Klein does" There are only two types of viable Brave units in Heroes. There are those that are fast enough to run quad sets (ie. Cordelia, Setsuna, Hana, etc) And there are those who are strong enough to secure kills with one Brave attack (ie. Reinhardt, Cherche, Klein) Rebecca is neither. She does not have the speed to reliably pull off a quad set like Setsuna can, but also "she's not winning any awards with her MT" and thus cannot run a standard Brave set to the same level of viability as other Brave users with higher attack. The biggest problem with this is that, to have Rebecca even run a Brave set, you have to sacrifice someone who already has Brave Bow+ (namely a Gordin or a Klein), and both of them run a Brave Bow set better than Rebecca can. There is absolutely no reason to sacrifice one of them to give Rebecca Brave Bow unless you heavily favor Rebecca as a character (in which case, go for it, but I'm talking purely objective viability). If you wanted to run a Brave set on an archer that doesn't get it naturally, literally any other archer except Niles would pull it off better (but Niles has a different niche as a bursty mage killer anyways). Even the free Virion you get at the beginning would run a Brave set better than Rebecca because he has higher base attack, which is by far the most important stat on a Brave unit. The takeaway here is that there is absolutely no reason to have Rebecca run a Brave set unless you really like her and/or really dislike Gordin or Klein. There is nothing she offers over them as a Brave Bow unit otherwise.
  20. Tfw you were too lazy to do calculations, and Spring Camilla one-shots your Ike from max HP
  21. Well, that was probably the easiest GHB yet. Beat it in two turns (three if you count turn 1 being spent on positioning) with Reinhardt, Ninian, Azura, and Ike. First turn of combat: Ike goes up and ORKOs the sword. He then tanks and OHKOs the green mage on enemy phase. Second turn: Reinhardt + two dancers clean up the remaining 3.
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