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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. I'd be really sad if that were the case, since Julia and Robin are the teams I like most, and I really don't want either to be forced out in Round 1 (nor do I want to make either side burn flags).
  2. @Rafiel's Aria It depends on how much you're willing to invest in terms of skill inheritance. If you slap Gronnblade onto Cecilia and/or Blarblade onto Ursula and have two units with Hone and Fortify cavalry, you're honestly set, even if they're all 4*. As a matter of fact, that's precisely the team I suggest: Blade Cecilia, Blade Ursula, Gunter, and Jagen. Just keep the buffs on the mages, and you should be able to melt just about everything.
  3. I personally believe we'll at least have the main lord(s) from every game in Heroes by the end of 2017. Most of what you've suggested seems likely, and I'm also going to stay optimistic for a Crimean banner featuring Elincia and a Laguz banner later in the year. I also expect at least one other major Sacred Stones banner (maybe bringing in all the non-lord royals, such as Joshua, Innes, and L'arachel) by the end of the year. The only thing that could potentially impede this is if Nintendo decides it's a bad business strategy to have all the main characters released first and intentionally decide to spread them out over several years, but I personally feel like it would be an even worse idea to not have all of the main lords at the very least by the end of the game's first year.
  4. The meta favors eliminating opponents in a single round of combat. Speed is one of the most common ways of making this happen, of course, since having the speed to double goes a long way towards being able to ORKO (likewise, being fast enough to prevent being doubled often saves you from being ORKOd). However, if the meta were completely reliant on speed, units like Hector, Effie, and Ike would be complete trash, but instead they're top tier. Reinhardt is one of the slowest units in the entire game (he gets doubled by neutral Hector for godssake), but he is easily one of the most dominant units in the entire game right now simply because he's capable of melting over 90% of the entire cast on his own.
  5. Yeah that's fair. Also, if you're going the Brave Axe route on Fred, I'd recommend replacing Armored Blow with Death Blow (Armored Blow is fine right now, but once he gets a Brave Axe, Death Blow will be a lot better).
  6. Dragon Fang would be fine too, if you're fine with the longer CD compared to Draconic Aura.
  7. Looks fine except for Glimmer. Glimmer/Astra are without a doubt the worse offensive specials in the game, and you're better off with almost anything else. Ryoma in particular really likes Draconic Aura if you can give it to him (off the top of my head I know Camilla and female Corrin get it). Other than that, everything else looks great!
  8. @Anacybele Nino can hit up to a max of 45 speed without buffs just sayin -Spd isn't an ideal nature on Ryoma, of course, but he's still frickin Ryoma. He's definitely perfectly serviceable, especially if you slap Life and Death or Fury on him (which are the only A skills worth putting on Ryoma anyways). Congratulations on your fantastic pull :D
  9. @Anacybele Nino can hit up to a max of 45 speed without buffs just sayin -Spd isn't an ideal nature on Ryoma, of course, but he's still frickin Ryoma. He's definitely perfectly serviceable, especially if you slap Life and Death or Fury on him (which are the only A skills worth putting on Ryoma anyways). Congratulations on your fantastic pull :D
  10. 1) Which of the seven sins do you represent most prominently? 2) Which of the seven virtues do you find most difficult to uphold? 3) Rank the seven chaos emeralds from favorite color to least favorite color 4) Which of the seven wonders of the world is your favorite? 5) Which of Snow White's seven dwarves best represents your personality? 6) Top 7 characters from FE 7) Top 7 videogame characters not from FE
  11. The order you listed seems fine honestly, though I'd probably swap Rein and Lilina. This way, Ninian boosts and can dance either Lilina or Reinhardt (and you generally want your dancers dancing ranged units). Also, I prefer Reinhardt on the edge because this makes it less likely for him to run away from the rest of the team since he'll often have to start at the edge of a map. And if you're doing that, it's better for him to be on the very right than the very left simply because A) People are likely to skip out on a Rein lead B) Sharena's a cute
  12. 1) Any pets? 2) Airbender, Waterbender, Earthbender, or Firebender? 3) Any allergies? 4) Most memorable quote from fiction 5) Do you play any instruments? 6) Do you play any sports? 7) Chocolatey or fruity desserts? 8) How do you pronounce gif? 9) If you could have any superpower, what would it be? 10) Name your top 5 FE characters not yet in Heroes (feel free to go up to 10 if you want to)
  13. As it is right now, a single well-played Hector or Nino could run all over your team. I'd suggest tentatively replacing Soren with Lilina on defense and seeing how that works out. You can always switch back if it doesn't work.
  14. Reinhardt and Ninian are solid choices for a defense team. Not so sure about Soren tbh, especially since I know yours doesn't have much skill inheritance on him. You could probably replace him with Lilina? Rein already basically covers all non-greens anyways, so having Lilina for greens would serve you better than Soren would. Plus there's no need to have a bonus hero for your defense team anyways. Also Lilina's a cute
  15. Laslow's statspread with a neutral nature is nearly identical to that of Alfonse (1 more HP, 1 more spd, 2 less def), so it stands to reason that Laslow should be able to run Alfonse's Brave Sword+ set just as well as Alfonse. In fact, Laslow with that set has more potential than Alfred does since Albert has no choice but to have a neutral nature while Laslow can go +Atk for even more oomph! If you're really dedicated to Laslow, you can further improve his performance by promoting then merging other copies of him, which is a luxury that Alfredo does not have access to. Laslow actually has the potential to be a pretty solid sword unit with skill inheritance, so since you're dedicated to him I just know you'll be able to get yourself a wonderful Laslow :D
  16. Jeez, I've already gotten Olwen 5 times (3 times in a row actually) on the omikuji. Is this a sign to pull blue right now
  17. There is one today. I'm doing it right now - will update when I get the super luck roll. EDIT: Super luck is Camus
  18. @Rezzy I have a +Spd/-Atk Effie (why must you curse me so, Rez) I guess I'll be a leg. Someone's gotta carry the team.
  19. You aren't good with glass cannons because you don't use them. No one automatically starts out good at something. Most of us here (maybe all of us, even) started off good with only a few types of playstyles and learned to adapt to other playstyles when necessary. It takes time, and it takes practice. But even if you aren't good at it now, if you keep using them, you'll definitely improve and become good at using them. (If you don't want to invest the time to become good at them, then that's a separate issue)
  20. People aren't annoyed because you choose not to use them. People are annoyed that you choose not to use them and then complain about losing in a situation when the units you chose to not use would have helped. (Again, I want to reiterate that I'm not necessarily annoyed, simply trying to explain what I believe other people are thinking)
  21. @Anacybele I posted two sets of calculations for you, one proving that Cecilia can OHKO both Takumi and Reinhardt (and take only 6 damage combined from them with T-Adept) and the other proving that even a 3* -Res Nino can tank and then ORKO a 5* +Atk Reinhardt. I'm going to assume you didn't see them (rather than you ignored them) in the torrent of responses. But the point I wanted to make is that you do have the units for situations like these. Whether or not you choose to use those units is a separate matter entirely, but if you choose not to use the solutions you have, you cannot blame the problem on a lack of units because that isn't the problem. Your only two choices are to either: A) Accept that may you need to use units you don't want to in order to solve certain problems Or B) Accept that, if you choose to not use certain units that you have, then people are going to be annoyed (not saying whether or not I myself am necessarily, but several others on here clearly are) about you complaining that you're losing to certain teams when you have the units to counter them. You can say that those teams are impossible to counter with the units you choose to use. You cannot justifiably say that those teams are impossible to counter with the units you have. There is a difference.
  22. 1) Favorite pizza topping 2) Favorite type of cookie 3) Rank from best to worst: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate 4) Favorite Disney movie 5) Favorite Studio Ghibli movie (if you haven't seen any, we're gonna have to change that) 6) Favorite Avenger 7) Favorite weather conditions (include temperature) 8) Myers-briggs personality type? (I can PM you a link if you haven't taken it) 9) Hogwarts house? 10) Celebrity crush?
  23. @Anacybele @GuiltyLove A 3* +HP/-Res Nino with no buffs and vanilla skills has 33 HP, 38 Atk, 32 Spd, and 22 Res (she'll have Res +2 as her A with vanilla skills). A 5* +Atk Reinhardt will have 38 HP, 44 Atk, 18 Spd, and 25 Res. Reinhardt attacks: He deals 14 x 2 damage. Nino is left with 5 HP 44 x 0.8 WTD = 36 36 - 22 (Nino's res) = 14 14 x 2 (bc Dire Thunder) = 28 33 (Nino's HP) - 28 = 5 Nino counterattacks: She deals 20 x 2 damage. Reinhardt is dead. 38 x 1.2 WTA = 45 45 - 25 (Rein's res) = 20 She's waaaay fast enough to double (32 spd compared to 18) 20 x 2 = 40 Reinhardt has 38 HP Reinhardt dies EDIT: @GuiltyLove I used the site to double check, but I always do my calculations by hand unless they're mass calculations against the whole cast. It's good to know how since the site won't help you for GHBs and such.
  24. Yes. Yes, she can. A 3* -Res Nino with zero buffs and zero skill inheritance can tank and then ORKO a 5* +Atk Reinhardt. Give me a sec to type out the calcs.
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