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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Come now, Arc, we're professionals. Don't let your blind favoritism lead people to actually believe she's not mediocre at best compared to most other lance infantry :P EDIT: @Anacybele Arc's just joking around because they like Oboro so much as a character. As an actual unit, she's definitely inferior as a lance infantry unit to Ephraim, Sharena, and Lukas assuming equal amounts of skill inheritance.
  2. What is this blasphemy. I could listen to Sakura for hours and not be annoyed <3 EDIT: @SatsumaFSoysoy I'm glad we're on the same page
  3. It means that since we have zero idea if/when/how the meta will change in the future, we can only speak of how things are right now. And as things are right now, dancers are by far one of the most versatile units in the entire game, and quite frankly, I don't anticipate that to change no matter how the meta changes. So, as the others have said, Azura is by far the superior choice. (Also, as others have said, please refrain from making topics like these when there are already threads that exist for the sole purpose of questions like these.)
  4. They don't stack. While we're at it, all out-of-combat buffs/debuffs don't stack. The one with the highest value rewrites the rest. If you affected someone with both Threaten Defense and Seal Defense, that unit's defense would only go down by 7, not 12.
  5. @sdgj1994 @DehNutCase If you have the resources for it, Takumi with a Brave Bow/Life and Death set has a much better matchup spread than Takumi with a Brave Bow/Death Blow set. Also, if you choose to go with a Brave Bow set, Vantage isn't particularly worth it on him (or Brave users in general). Instead, I would go for a breaker skill, like Swordbreaker or Lancebreaker (whichever covers more of what your team has trouble with). Desperation is also worth considering.
  6. I just want it to be clear that I was referring to Gronnblade Cecilia when I said that btw (I'm pretty certain that's the standard for cavalry teams, but I just want to make sure to not give potentially faulty advice), not Cecilia with her default skills. Though I haven't bothered inheriting anything onto Cecilia besides Gronnblade (not even + bc I don't have that many feathers) bc she's nowhere near the top of my priority list for promoting or inheritance, but she's still putting in a ton of work with only a Hone Cavalry buff. I don't even want to imagine how broken she'd be at 5* with Gronnblade+, Life and Death, and both Hone and Fortify buffs on Gronnblade considering she's already ORKOing most things in 10th stratum at 4* with only Gronnblade and Hone Cavalry. Horse Emblem is terrifying indeed.
  7. Arena scoring aside, a 4* Cecilia is more than sufficient for 10th stratum cavalry quests, if you don't yet have a team together for that.
  8. If you have the SP and fodder to freely swap between Spur Atk, Goad Cavalry, and Hone Cavalry, then by all means go for it.
  9. @rockocalypse Camus is cool, but he isn't cool enough (in most people's eyes. You may feel differently) to warrant changing the entire game's code just for him and his weapon alone. Not to mention it would be impossible to implement a way to give him a 1-2 ranged attack for the people who play by sliding instead of tapping.
  10. Instead of getting rid of Reinhardt's unique Goad Cavalry, I think it'd be more beneficial to get a Gunter or to inherit Hone Cavalry onto a third cavalry unit. You're already pretty close to having a full cavalry team, so you may as well go all the way. If you don't intend to use any more cavalry units on your team ever, then Hone Cavalry is certainly better than Goad Cavalry. However, in all other circumstances, I think you're better off keeping Goad on Reinhardt.
  11. For her B-slot, you generally want to run a breaker to make up for her middling speed. G Tomebreaker is the most common option, but if you have no issues with Nino or Spring Camilla then something like Bowbreaker is an option. However, it should be noted that since you have a -Def nature, this would be unadvisable if you aren't running Fury. Without Fury, neutral Jeorge and Takumi both OHKO you, rendering Bowbreaker completely useless. Lancebreaker is another option as well, as it does grant her several ORKOs that she would not normally achieve, so decide based on whether bows or lance users give you more trouble. Speaking of Fury, that is generally the most used A-skill on her as it gives her a little bit of everything. The speed boost helps her avoid getting doubled by a range of units in the low 30s speed range that would normally double her if she doesn't have Fury (such as Jaffar, Takumi, Jeorge, Soren, and Merric). The def/res boost are also helpful as they just barely prevent her from getting OHKOd by a few key units, such as the archers from earlier as well as neutral attack Hector (with Fury, she survives with just 1 HP and ORKOs him). The slight damage boost also secures OHKOs on the counterattack on Spring Lucina and Linde (both of whom survive if you don't have Fury), who are both common threats in Arena. Triangle Adept is generally not considered a good A-skill on her because her main niche is to be a dragonslaying mage, and T-Adept greatly reduces her ability to take down the Tikis, both of whom she can normally chunk significantly despite WTD. Breath of Life is an okay skill, but it's honestly pretty meh in most scenarios. I would opt to give her a Hone/Fortify/Spur skill that your team wants but isn't currently running as that would give a lot more utility overall than what Breath of Life offers. I would say that in most cases, Iceberg is superior to Dragon Fang (and is always superior to Draconic Aura on Julia, especially on a +Res one like yours). Iceberg is generally enough to OHKO most non-red units when charged, and that's Julia's job. However, there are fringe scenarios where Dragon Fang is better, such as when you face a Reinhardt (since Iceberg's charge would be wasted on the counterattack). Additionally, if you manage to have Dragon Fang primed, you get far more OHKOs on red units (nearly triple the amount compared to Iceberg) than you would with Iceberg. However, in the end, I would still say that Iceberg is the superior special in most cases; it's just not as much of a priority as getting Fury and a Breaker on her first. Also, her assist skill is, like with most characters, mostly dependent on player preference. However, I personally think either Reposition or Draw Back are the best options for a ranged unit like Julia, so I would consider those if you can get them. They're both solid choices, so it's mostly a matter of personal preference and fodder availability. I hope this helped! Don't worry about it, fam. I'm perfectly happy with answering walls of text if you ask nicely; it'll just take me more time to respond to everything.
  12. #CelicaIsCuterSoSheIsBetterByDefault #DoesntMatterIfHerStatsAreShit #IdStillSacrificeTharjaForHerIfNecessary
  13. 1) Dream job? 2) If you won a million dollars today, what would you do with it? 3) If you were a human who needed sleep and not a robot, how much sleep do you think you'd get per night on average? 4) Ideal pet? 5) Pastel or neon? 6) Favorite flower? 7) Top 5 favorite pokemon? 8) Top 5 romantic pairings in fiction? 9) Would you rather be able to go back in time or go into the future? 10) If you could live in any world from fiction, where would you want to live? (Top 3)
  14. One day I really want IS to release a healer-only A-skill that removes the damage penalty. EDIT: I want to nuke things with Priscilla, balance be damned!
  15. +Atk Priscilla here. Reinhardt's got nothing on a Priscilla in a horse team :P
  16. Clogon already stated that they're planning to use a Spring Camilla with Gronnraven and T-Adept, which handles Reinhardt and other blue mages just fine.
  17. If you're running a flier team, presumably you would be running Cordelia/Hinoka or some other blue, who would be able to take the hit from a magic hit just fine.
  18. Wow :O Now I'm really tempted to do 3* or 4* only runs after completing my main streak for the week, just to see how well I can do. Were those teams also vanilla (no skill inheritance)?
  19. The Ephraim in that post was supposedly taking 0 damage from the healers, so...not really (saw this post on reddit yesterday).
  20. A +Atk Reinhardt with Death Blow 3 can OHKO Felicia if he also has a Hone Cavalry buff or if Luna is active. However, if the Reinhardt is not +Atk or if he only has Death Blow 2, then Felicia just barely survives. EDIT: Adding on to this, if he happens to have Luna active, then even a neutral Reinhardt with no Death Blow at all can still OHKO with Cavalry buffs. If he did not have Cavalry buffs but did have Luna active, then a neutral Rein could OHKO with Death Blow 3 (but not Death Blow 2). I didn't bother checking calcs for a -Atk Reinhardt.
  21. I honestly question what you would want a Camilla for if you already have a Cherche and Spring Camilla outside of favoritism. You have 3 pieces of Brave Axe+ fodder though, which is hard to come by. You could have a Brave Axe Cherche, Brave Axe Anna, and Brave Axe Frederick, all of whom utilize Brave Axe better than Camilla does.
  22. Hector wouldn't do anything when Reinhardt can OHKO him with Cavalry buffs. At that point only a handful of high res green mages would be able to stop him (like Julia :D)
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