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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. It took a lot longer than I expected for people to realize how good he is tbh
  2. My Julia welcomes all the Nowis and Reinhardts that people will be putting on their defense teams for Ike >:D
  3. That's fair I shouldn't be focused on beating all teams on defense anyways I actually am interested in theorycrafting whether Ike or Ryoma would be better for my offense team, but I suppose that'll have to wait until we know Ike's stats (and until I actually, yknow, pull an Ike).
  4. As much as I'm super excited for Ike (and will most definitely be pulling for him), part of me is a little sad because in all likelihood I'm going to have to end up either benching Ike or benching my merged Ryoma that I spent a long-ass time grinding up SP for and inheriting skills to unless there's some convincing reason to run both of them on the same team :/
  5. It's extremely niche, but Olwen can actually be salvaged on a cavalry team with a quad Life and Death/Desperation set similar to what Setsuna runs. With a Hone Cavalry boost, a +Atk Olwen with this setup actually has a ridiculous matchup spread (nearly the exact same as 5* Blárblade Ursula with Life and Death and a Hone Cavalry boost, to give you an idea of how powerful this is) and even more wins than a +Atk Death Blow Reinhardt with Hone Cavalry. So although Reinhardt is a better standalone unit, Olwen with the right set and a cavalry team is actually better than Reinhardt and comparable to Blárblade Ursula.
  6. Tbh from how the next several GHBs are shaping up, they could honestly just put Reinhardt on every Battling banner and be done with it (not that I expect them to lmao) since he outright OHKOS every red unit in the game (and most blues and colorless too).
  7. It's hard to pick favorites, but I'd have to go with Amagaitaro (Nino, Catria, Clarine) HAKO (Elise, Caeda, Shanna, Felicia), kaya8 (Azura, Fir, Maria, Priscilla), and Fuzichoco (Sakura, Hana) deserve special mentions as well. Seeing Nino's art in the initial Heroes trailer is actually what got me to finally play FE7 in the first place, believe it or not, which then introduced me to emulating GBA games as a whole and Sacred Stones by extension, so Amagaitaro's art will always have a special place in my heart.
  8. ^ I put answers in spoilers to save space
  9. T-Adept Swordbreaker M!Robin is probably all I'll need for Xander. I don't see a point planning out the rest of my team (barring a dancer, which is usually a staple) until we know the actual enemy units or at least the Battling banner.
  10. Try being challenged to beat Lunatic Zephiel with no skill inheritance, no dancers, no repositioning/movement assists, no mages, and no units above A-tier on the wiki tier list in 7 turns or less. @Ice Dragon why must you make us suffer so
  11. Are there even any armored/dragon healers in FE? I can't think of any off the top of my head. Flying healers are definitely a possibility though (but if they make Elincia a flying healer instead of giving her Amiti I'm going to be pretty upset)
  12. Oh shit mbad. Ice, Arcanite, and BANRYU :D And I mean Mist gets that Spur Def/Res +3, but yeah that's not anything amazing. I'll probably still pull for her just because I love her though (plus I still need a Wrys for the monthly quests)
  13. @Vaximillian Not sure if you needed more confirmation besides what Ice and Arcanite already said, but if you wanted it... Bonfire > Ignis
  14. I don't see how they'd be any more OP than mage cavaliers. I honestly don't see any future bow knights coming close to Reinhardt's current level of ridiculousness as it is.
  15. Oh cool, I woke up to find 4 defense wins. Guess I'm already set for the week :D
  16. @TheTuckingFypo Okay, so I found a video for you to emulate (the only real difference you'll need to make is to make sure Olivia starts the turn behind Donnel instead of Subaki because your Donnel needs at least 41 Atk to OHKO the thieves. Other than that, you should be fine. If for whatever reason this doesn't work for you, I'll help you figure something else out though. EDIT: The video's Navarre is 4* while yours is 3*, but you should still be fine if he's level 40. The Navarre in the video did 12 damage, and yours should do 10 damage (which is enough since Navarre was left with 8 HP) Likewise, you need at least 33 spd to double the healer, which Navarre caps at if he's 3*. The green axe goes down to a 3* Navarre just fine if you have Blazing Wind up.
  17. @TheTuckingFypo I'm sorry, college has been kicking my butt ;____; I haven't even had time to do the quests myself yet.
  18. You honestly don't need Lancebreaker 3. Hell, you honestly don't really even need Lancebreaker 2. The only difference between skill levels is the HP threshold at which the effect disappears, and Rein really shouldn't be taking damage in the first place. Plus his speed and defenses aren't great, so chances are if he gets hit even once he'll be taken out of Lancebreaker 3 range anyways. You may as well just run Lancebreaker 1 or 2 because it's cheaper and because 3 really isn't necessary.
  19. I would still say Lancebreaker. A +Atk Rein with Death Blow (at least level 2 is sufficient) already OHKOs all blue mages, so B Tomebreaker is completely unnecessary. It doesn't even really grant him enemy phase kills on blue mages, which would be the whole point of B Tomebreaker, since he wouldn't have the firepower that Death Blow would grant him on player phase. Plus you lose KOs on several lance units that you wouldn't get without Lancebreaker. It's just not worth it imo.
  20. @Cute Chao I actually found a video just now on beating Navarre with Navarre, if you still needed help (not Mkv, but the units are still free).
  21. Not yet, but I imagine those are harder and would take more time. The only quest I have left is the "kill Navarre with Navarre" one, but I'm still in the process of training my own Navarre up.
  22. For anyone who still needs help with beating F!Robin's quests. Mkv posted five different team comps for beating F!Robin on Hard, all of which used 3* free units. The first one used F!Robin to kill F!Robin (so there's that quest done). The other four all used Navarre (one of which included a level 1 Navarre that didn't need to do anything).
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