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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Honestly the only thing that really balanced status staves in previous games were low accuracy and/or low durability. In a game where neither accuracy nor durability apply, I can't seem them justifying adding these staves unless they severely nerf the effects somehow.
  2. Same :D If Julia loses to Tharja, I'm most definitely planning to back Robin for the final round.
  3. Hence why some people dislike having Avatar main characters in Fire Emblem games in the first place. In any case, I have no real problem with them; I'm just stating some common arguments I see floating around :/
  4. It's funny that you think that since most of the complaints I've seen about the Avatar characters are about people feeling they have too little personality.
  5. That's not really how that works. As unfortunate as it is, any time a female character gets the spotlight, it's almost always male fans that are the ones dragging her down. At the very least, if they aren't a numerical majority (which I think they are), they're certainly the most vocal about it.
  6. Having both Seal Def and Threaten Def is completely redundant actually since they don't stack with one another, so you're better off replacing Seal Def with something like Quick Riposte, Swordbreaker, or Lancebreaker to help Ephraim double despite his middling speed. But yes, I agree that defense tiles have made units like Ephraim a lot better, and I'm pretty happy about that :D
  7. I'd wait for it to grow even larger and then spend flags once we get the 3x multiplier.
  8. Our elegant empress isn't barbaric enough to ask for animal sacrifices. Not to mention those wouldn't give me dueling crests anyways
  9. Welp. I hope our goddess Julia appreciates the offering of orbs I'm about to dedicate to her cause.
  10. I'm down to zero. If we don't get a crest tomorrow, I won't even be able to finish all the flag quests (without spending orbs on crests) ;___;
  11. I was so close ;____; And yeah, I'm planning to go all-in on the final round. I'm more interested in optimizing our chances of victory (however slim they may be) than maximizing feather gains.
  12. I have never once in my life clicked "submit reply" more than once for any individual post. All it takes is one click for it to double post, so I don't think that's it. It's happened to me plenty of times already :/
  13. I mean that's most people. The primary difference is what different people think "looks good".
  14. I think I'm in the minority, but I'm actually not as excited about bikini banners as most people...or bikinis as fanservice in general. They're still nice, but I prefer something more...elegant? Something like a yukata or a wedding dress are more attractive to me as fanservice than swimsuits.
  15. On the flipside, Owl tomes may actually be really good on the new defense maps :O I assume they'll be rotating the maps so that some season have fort maps and some seasons don't, so maybe you could run both a Blade team and an Owl team depending on the season (though that could be expensive).
  16. The problem is that Owl Emblem would require your units to stick with each other, and the AI is pretty easy to separate via baiting :/ (I'm assuming you're talking about Arena defense)
  17. Ranked 1711 in T15 with 4836 points Not my best, but it's good enough to secure a spot in Tier 17 at the end of the season, so I'm content.
  18. Who the hell runs LD on Reinhardt As the proud owner of a +Atk Reinhardt, I'm going to enjoy my free wins while this lasts :P
  19. @Anacybele Congrats on your new best score :D I'm glad it seems like you're steadily improving
  20. Olwen is superior to Reinhardt on a cavalry team. Her damage output has the potential to exceed his because with a Hone Cavalry buff (and Life and Death) she has the speed to pull off a quad build. On any other team, Reinhardt is better. As for my team recommendations for @Sire: I think Ryoma, Nino, and Ephraim make a strong core. Nino does Nino things and nukes everything while Ephraim and Ryoma provide coverage (notably Ephraim vs reds that trouble Nino and Ryoma vs units with G Tomebreaker, as several Hectors and Julias/S!Camillas do nowadays). Ryoma would also provide a Hone Spd buff while Ephraim provides an attack buff from Siegmund and a resistance buff from Rally Res (and potentially even a def buff as well if you give him Fortify Def). You have several options for your fourth option. One option, obviously, is to leave that for the bonus hero of the week, and is what I would recommend. However, if you train your free Olivia up, having a dancer on this team would be incredibly beneficial as well. Another option is to have a blue mage (such as your Spring Lucina) that can take hits from red mages since Ephraim doesn't particularly enjoy doing that despite WTA because of his low res, and many common red mages (such as Lilina and Sanaki) carry Swordbreaker, which would leave Ryoma unable to counter them.
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