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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. I'm glad Olivia and Klein are starting to work out for you! It must be frustrating running into that on your 7th match, but it's literally impossible for a single team to cover everything. Having M!Robin would let you deal with Eldigan, but then you'd lose out on coverage against something else. And well-built cavalry teams are some of the most terrifying things to face in the game. But what matters is that you're clearly improving, and I know you'll get to that 4000 pretty soon :D
  2. More like you'd better square up bc my pal @Arcanite is about to send your ass flying to Hoshido.
  3. If you're going to do a pull, I'd wait until we know what the Battling Zephiel banner has. Then you can decide between which focus units you want more between the two banners.
  4. He didn't say that. He said mounted units are good with Draw Back and that melee units are good with Reposition. Fred is both, so either one of those would be a good choice on him. EDIT: I agree with Satsuma that Klein is best with Reposition if you have a dancer, but if you aren't using Olivia then it's better on Frederick.
  5. It depends on how you want to use Reposition. If you have Reposition on Klein, it lets him give up a turn to position a melee unit in front of him for protection. If you have Reposition on not-Klein, it lets you get in a free hit with Klein then Reposition him out of harm's way. Both have their uses, but I personally prefer the latter. It's ultimately down to personal preference. Either way though, Reposition is a fantastic skill. If you don't have Draw Back, I'd consider giving Reposition to Fred.
  6. If you have someone with Draw Back, I think Frederick would be better off with that than Harsh Command. Harsh Command isn't a bad skill, of course, but I personally think you'll get more mileage ultimately out of a positioning skill than Harsh Command, and Draw Back is one of the best ones (especially on a 3-mov unit like Fred).
  7. I agree, but she may not have Reposition/Draw Back fodder whereas I know for a fact she has an Olivia. @Anacybele This too. Klein with Olivia dancing him easily OHKOs every dragon in the game. Marth isn't necessary when you have Klein and a dancer. In fact, Klein with a dancer can take care of literally everything in the game except a handful of armors, which you have Frederick for, even if he isn't +Atk.
  8. @Anacybele I don't expect you'll run into many Hectors at your score range, but also the team I suggested (the one without Olivia) has Marth there as a Hector counter. I understand you're having difficulties with positioning, but it's difficult for me to offer more help without literally walking you through battles (since every individual battle will require different positioning, of course). I can try giving you some pointers though. Common strategies include having Klein get in range of an enemy to snipe them and then get pulled out of range with Reposition. Draw Back is also another option. If you have a melee unit with Swap, like Frederick or Sharena or Marth, you could have Klein delete a mage then have your melee unit Swap with Klein to protect him from whatever melee enemy would attack him next turn. Giving Klein Pivot is another option to have him quickly escape out of harm's way. In general, you want to stay just barely out of enemy range and then attack them on your turn, but I'm sure you know that. The key is thinking ahead to what to do once they're all in range, which some of the above may help with. With Olivia, you can also pull off a variety of strategies. For example, if the enemy has a ranged unit in front of a melee unit, you can shoot the ranged with Klein, then use dance to move him out of the melee unit's way. If the enemy has a melee unit in front of a ranged unit, you can shoot the melee unit with Klein, dance, then kill the ranged with Klein. If Klein isn't strong enough to OHKO the melee unit, what you can do instead is shoot the ranged unit with Klein, dance a melee unit with Swap, and move them to where Klein is to Swap with him. If you manage to do calcs and know Olivia would barely survive the melee, you could also shoot the ranged to kill it with Klein, dance Klein, have Klein Swap with Olivia, let Olivia take the hit, then finish the melee unit off with Klein the next turn (and if necessary, dance with Olivia to let him shoot again to secure the kill). These are just a few examples of things you can do, but there's an infinite number of possibilities.
  9. I'd argue "dancers in general" rather than Olivia specifically. But yes, I agree with your choice of units and also agree that there is literally no 5* unit that offers anything close to what any of the 3 dancers does.
  10. I would honestly drop Darting Blow for either Fury or Life and Death. All Nino needs is a buff or two (Nino with Fury needs only a single +4 of any kind) (in fact even without Fury or LD, all Nino needs is a single Atk +4 buff to OHKO neutral Linde) to OHKO Linde. Darting Blow is largely unnecessary and may even cost her several other KOs.
  11. @Anacybele I have not changed my original opinion that even your 3* -Spd Olivia is a far better option than any of the 4*s of 5*s you have, but I won't continue pushing you to use her. So aside from Olivia and keeping in mind you want to use Frederick no matter what, I would go with a team of Frederick, Marth, Sharena, and Klein (though I'm not sure what you're currently using. It may be the same team). On the off-chance you're willing to replace Frederick, I'd throw Robin in (either M!Robin or F!Robin works depending on what types of units you want to deal with). I think the main problem right now is that you have problems with positioning. After all, Klein's squishiness is largely irrelevant since if you position well he should never be getting hit. Same with Olivia. It seems to consistently be a problem with you, but I need you to understand that it is not "impossible" to keep dancers and archers entirely out of harm's way. Many other players, including myself, can consistently do that over hundreds of matches. Once you realize it's not impossible and start thinking harder about ways to make it possible, you'll improve as a player. Dancers are an easy way to help with positioning, but failing that, movement assist skills like Reposition, Draw Back, and Swap are also fantastic and are greatly underrated. I can personally say they've saved my life more times than I can count. In any case, I think your team is fine. The problem isn't your team but rather your positioning. If you don't improve that first, then it doesn't matter what team people suggest. But on the flipside of that, if you do improve your positioning, you'll do much better no matter what team you use (which will also help you in future GHBs where you won't necessarily be able to use your main 5* units). I know it may seem daunting, and constantly failing is certainly going to be discouraging. But you can't give up! It's okay if improvement is slow as long as you get there eventually, and I know you will.
  12. I'm just expecting them to go in chronological order honestly. FE1, 2, and 3 have all gotten remakes, so it only makes logical sense to me that 4 would be next. More than that though, I'm honestly really hoping Genealogy is next because I've been meaning to experience it for a while but have been hesitant to get into it because of the archaic graphics and UI. I'll probably still end up playing it either way, but I'm really, really looking forward to seeing it revamped. That said, I'd honestly be happy with literally any of the older games they go with, so I'm content to just sit back and wait to see what happens.
  13. Since Seliph is never going to be doubling anyone, I personally like taking advantage of his bulk and low speed making him a tank that kills on enemy phase. The most important skill for a +Atk/-Spd Seliph imo is Quick Riposte, which allows him to double and secure many kills on enemy phase that he wouldn't normally be able to. For his A-skill, his default HP +5 is fine, but Fury is another option to help with both his bulk and damage (though you'll be taken out of QR range faster). For C, I generally favor a team aura, like Hone Atk, but if you wanted him to be selfish, you could give him Threaten Def to help him secure kills. Rally Spd is fine as is, but if your team doesn't need it, I would also consider switching it out with another positioning skill like Reposition, Swap, or Pivot. For his special, he gets the most mileage out of Draconic Aura, but if you don't have fodder for that then Bonfire and Luna work as well. Alternatively, you could even give him a healing skill, like Noontime, to keep him healthy and in QR range (though I personally prefer offensive specials), so that's up to you. Anyways, I hope this helped!
  14. It's reassuring to hear that +Spd Julia with Darting Blow might just work out since that's all I have the fodder for atm haha. What you say makes sense, Ice Dragon, Ryoma can take both Hector and Nino but not always both in one match. I'll probably give Julia G Tomebreaker in that case since she's -HP, so Hector OHKOs her if I don't have the HP +3 seal (and if he's +Atk he OHKOs her either way). As such, I'd much rather Ryoma be the one to take care of Hector. B Tomebreaker is fine, but I don't feel comfortable sacrificing GHB characters for skills. Not to mention my Julia OHKOs any Linde that isn't +HP or +Res with a Hone Atk boost, so it's not entirely necessary.
  15. This is a bit unorthodox, but how do you feel about Darting Blow on Julia? I wasn't expecting much since Julia's such a naturally slow character, but I was surprised to find that Darting Blow nets more overall ORKOs than Death Blow does. This is especially true since I have a +Spd Julia (who has 30 spd), which Darting brings up to 36. But I also have a Ryoma on my team to provide Hone Spd, which brings her up to a surprisingly respectable 40 spd. I also have Hone Atk on my Ninian, which somewhat makes up for the power loss of running Darting over Death. The reason I wonder this is because I'm a [mostly] F2P and don't have the luxury of picking and choosing optimal skills all the time. I do not have any fodder for Death Blow (not even someone to give her DB 2 in the absence of Klein), but I do have a spare Florina that I could feed. Also, I was wondering how good Bowbreaker would be over either Axebreaker or G Tomebreaker since Ryoma takes care of axes and green mages quite handily, and it may be redundant to run two counters to those weapon types. That said, if you still believe I should run a green breaker, do you have a preference for which one of the two? I have fodder for both, so that won't be an issue. In any case, these are a lot of questions, so thanks for all your help!
  16. Yeah, G Tomebreaker seems to be a common option people take on Julia, and I'm certainly thinking about it. The thing about that is that I have to consider synergy with the rest of my team as well. Ryoma is currently a solid check to green mages, so I'm not sure if it'd be redundant or not to have Julia run G Tomebreaker or if I'd be better off having her deal with something else instead, like giving her Bowbreaker.
  17. Ayyyyyyyyyy How's she working out for you? And also would other skills would you add if you had more SP?
  18. If they're going to do Tharja from TMS, I'd much prefer if they went with this instead:
  19. The problem with Triangle Adept on Julia is that she's my main anti-dragon unit since I wasn't lucky enough to pull any Falchions. She can ORKO Tiki if Ryoma buffs her speed, but I'm not sure she'd be able to do that if she had Triangle Adept. Sharena currently doesn't have much because I haven't had the time to grind up SP, but her set atm is: Weapon: Fensalir Assist: Rally Atk Special: (deciding between Luna and Moonbow) (don't have the fodder for anything else) A-slot: Spd +3 B-slot: Swordbreaker C-slot: Fortify Def If anyone has any suggestions for Sharena skills as well, I'd appreciate the feedback.
  20. Arena Score: 4810 Rank: 1463 So close, yet so far ;__; Next week I'll probably be running with a team of Ryoma +1 (+Res/-Def), Julia +1 (+Spd/-HP), Sharena (neutral), and Ninian (+Def/-Res). Here are other 5*s I could use if anyone has other ideas for what team I could use for offense. Also, I'd like to take this time to also ask what everyone thinks a good skillset for Julia would be, as I've been having trouble deciding. Thanks in advance!
  21. @ILikeKirbys You certainly could give Lyn something else instead (ex: Life and Death and Swordbreaker), but the thing with that is that Brash Assault coupled with Sol Katti is what sets her apart from other sword units as she's the only one that can pull off that combination. She'll be a solid unit without it, but then she's outclassed at her role by other sword users like Lucina (who also runs a LD/Desperation set), who has similar stats but the added advantage of owning Falchion. I suppose LD/Swordbreaker Lyn would have the added advantage of being able to beat out other fast swords like +Spd Lucina w/ LD or Fury when she otherwise wouldn't be able to though.
  22. @Shiro Seconding what @MrSmokestack said: Galeforce in general doesn't seem worth it to me because the long CD means it'll almost never go off, whereas she'd get a lot more mileage out of an offensive skill like Draconic Aura or Luna. Even Vengeance/Reprisal can be good on her since she wants to be below 50% HP for optimal usage. I think +Atk is best, and Brash Assault is a must to compliment Sol Katti. Likewise, Reciprocal Aid is handy for getting her under 50%. For her A-skill, I actually think her default Defiant Atk is good on her since you want her under 50% HP anyways, but Life and Death is another great option that adds to her killing power, as well as Death Blow.
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