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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Oh, no, I know. I totally agree with you that Lance Infantry was hella rare in the actual FE games, now that I stop and think about it. It's just that the whole convo about lance infantry in general reminded me of Nephenee, who's one of my favorites :D
  2. Oh, nice catch! I definitely didn't notice that when I glanced through the list.
  3. Person on reddit gathered together some interesting statistics if anyone was interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/64msgt/just_what_is_is_giving_us_an_analysis_our/ (I had no idea there were so few infantry lancers, wow)
  4. I'm going to be expecting a pattern periodically interrupted by a holiday banner at certain points of the year (we'll likely get one during the summer, for example) until proven otherwise (possibly also interrupted by special events, like game releases). You're absolutely right that the game is still new and that there's relatively little to go off of though.
  5. Hooray I stayed in top 1k this season :DDD Final rank was 749 with a score of 4642 (and a defense score of 278). That's 6k more feathers in the bag!
  6. @DehNutCase Jeeeez I knew it was bad but seeing it in pedigree form makes it a lot worse...
  7. I'm fairly certain it closes around this time every season. This is when they tally up the scores and such before the next season; feather rewards should be available later tonight a little bit before the reset (I say "tonight" but I have no idea what time zone you're in. Heroes resets at 2am for me)
  8. In case you were wondering, it starts from here (and continues on all the way from where it starts (around page 4) till the end of page 6):
  9. The thing about that though is that all the banners have come in sets. Family Bonds was followed up by Sibling Bonds, and it only makes logical sense for Blazing Shadows to be followed up with something similar, such as a Binding Shadows FE6 banner. (Note that this is me trying to be logical. If IS pulls one over on me and brings out either a Tellius or a Magvel banner instead, I'll be super excited. I'm just trying to keep my expectations in check is all.)
  10. Oh, Tellius is at the top of my list for what I want, but it's nowhere close in terms of what I'm expecting, which is what this thread was about. I don't expect any more Tellius until Ike drops, during which they'll hit us with a large Tellius banner (maybe even adding to the pool of 3* and 4* units? One can hope)
  11. @Ice Dragon pretty much echoes (pun not intended) my sentiments. I expect there to be one more non-Gaiden banner and then two separate Gaiden banners, one for Alm and one for Celica. I'm personally hoping for the coming non-Gaiden banner to be Magvel, but I'd be perfectly happy with them pairing off Blazing Shadows with a Binding Shadows FE6 banner (Sue and Rutger where) (also wouldn't say no to Milady, Perceval, and Echidna, among others). It'd be extra fitting since Zephiel is coming pretty soon too.
  12. I don't anticipate myself ever actually using L'Arachel unless healers become good in this game (which they might with the upcoming game modes), but I still really want her just because I like her. Same with Elise (when will my cinnamon roll come home ;___;)
  13. Oh that's a pretty optimal nature, congrats! I pulled him at 5*, so I can't relate. I imagine he'll be considerably easier to train up once you promote him though! Also, if he's going to be a cav team, the Hone Cavalry should offset you not having Death Blow (and if you don't have Death Blow, you could try other alternatives like Atk +3 perhaps?) and net you the same OHKOs you would have gotten with Death Blow. If you don't have a spare Lancebreaker to give him, Wings of Mercy for more mobility is a pretty decent option. If you don't have a spare Luna donator, Draconic Aura is actually better on a +Atk Reinhardt, netting you all the same kills plus some. Bonfire and Iceberg, while not as optimal as Luna, also still net you most of the kills Luna would have. You can go Moonbow if you have nothing else though, though the other non-Glimmer specials are more optimal. Either way though I'd get rid of Vantage and Blazing Thunder because those really don't help him very much imo.
  14. Oh man, I got this. I initially knew nothing at all about Reinhardt, having never played his game, but he is an absolute monster in Heroes and one of my best units by far. The ONLY thing holding me back from using him in Arena is BST, but he's nothing less than a mobile delete button in stuff like Training Tower, story missions, GHBs, and Gauntlets, where BST doesn't matter. I have no idea what nature your Rein is, so I'm going to assume neutral attack for calculation purposes (though obviously +Atk is best). A neutral 5* Reinhardt at level 40 can OHKO every single red in the game except for Caeda, Eliwood, Fir, Leo, Raigh, and Y!Tiki, and all of these live with less than 10 HP. A 5* level 40 +Atk Reinhardt will straight up OHKO every single red in the game, no questions asked. The set I use on Reinhardt is: Weapon: Dire Thunder Assist: Draw Back Special: Luna A-slot: Death Blow B-slot: Lancebreaker C-slot: Goad Cavalry Back to neutral though, since I can't assume natures, Death Blow is first and foremost the best A-skill on him by a longshot (since he's way too slow to make use of anything like Life and Death and not quite bulky enough for Fury. Death Blow is just pure damage though, which is exactly what he wants). With Death Blow 3 and a neutral nature, he OHKOs 2/3 of all blue units, only being killed on the counter by Nowi and Ursula (assuming her normal tome), both of whom live with less than 5 HP as well as OHKOing every single archer in the game, as well as every thief not named Felicia. I personally find Vantage lackluster on Brave units, especially if they shouldn't be getting hit in the first place, and instead prefer either a mobility skill such as Wings of Mercy (which always works great on Rein) or a breaker skill to help them secure KOs. Lancebreaker is the best offensive B-skill for him as it allows him to secure ORKOs w/ Death Blow on every lancer except Effie (lives with 2 HP), Jagen (lives with 1 HP), and Ninian (lives with 2 HP). Obviously a +Atk nature is best on Rein since he secures every the ORKO on literally every neutral red and blue in the game with a +Atk nature, but if you have a neutral nature, this is easily fixed with a simple Hone or Rally Atk buff. Your C-slot depends mostly on your team's needs, so there isn't much to say here. Pick an aura that best benefits the other members of your team. I personally find Draw Back to be the best assist skill for high movement units (all cavalry) for getting your units out of harm's way, but just about any other repositioning skill works here (Reposition is probably the second best one for Rein. Swap is better for units that can then tank a hit for the unit they're swapping out, which Rein shouldn't be doing). And finally, specials. First off, Blazing Thunder has got to go. I'm not fond of 5-turn specials to begin with, but it's even worse when you consider the amount of damage he loses out on by not being able to activate a special during combat (and honestly anything that he hits with Blazing at the beginning of his turn would have died to his normal Brave attack + a Luna proc anyways). As for why Luna, quite simply it gives him the most damage output and secures the most kills for him. The age-old argument of Moonbow vs Luna (cd vs damage) is completely irrelevant here since he's a Brave user that activates 2 turn specials and 3 turn specials during the same round of combat (this is assuming he takes no counterattacks from opponents, which he really shouldn't be if you play him and position him properly). As such, there's absolutely no reason to use Moonbow over Luna. He doesn't have a high enough Str, Def, or Res stat to take advantage of Draconic Aura, Bonfire, or Iceberg, and Luna simply nets him far more OHKOs than any of those other skills (let's not even talk about Glimmer, which is arguably the worst offensive special in the game besides the 5-turn ones). *A +Atk Reinhardt will actually get one or two more kills with Draconic Aura, but since these calcs didn't take Fury and +res characters into consideration, Luna is more consistently better in the long run. Especially since I can't even assume you have a +Atk Reinhardt. tldr - Reinhardt is a terrifying monster that can wipe out every red, blue, and colorless unit in the game in a single turn with the right setup, and with Luna active, he can even delete most greens. He's gone overlooked for far too long because of his BST, but for maps that don't require a high BST rating, Reinhardt is easily one of the best mages in the entire game.
  15. Honestly outside of a Tellius banner, Sacred Stones is what I want most in the game right now. I need my boy Joshua to get in here (and also Marisa and Lute and L'Arachel and Cornmag and Tana and Seth and Amelia and Myrrh) Honestly I'd be happy with just about any characters from Magvel I love so many of them.
  16. The sheer fact that a popularity contest has turned into people numbercrunching for how to optimize rewards instead of just going with the character they like best demonstrates how horribly wrong the whole thing has become better than any wall of text ever could.
  17. Oh hey we're in the same timezone :D I suppose I'll just be extra productive during that timeframe lmao
  18. It's a Reinhardt with Death Blow now, but I can always switch to whomever you want.
  19. Oh good I'm not the only one getting @Vaximillian's Sharena every other match. Not that I mind her at all; she's been quite helpful. But I definitely have way more friends on Team Minerva than this...
  20. I've had the same problem. I know for a fact that at least 5 or so of my friends are on Team Minerva with colorless reps, and yet I haven't gotten a single one of them. I have gotten the same friend's Sharena 50% of my matches though, hilariously. Also @Arcanite I'm sad that your Nino's only ever shown up once for me despite all the matches I've played :(
  21. I also had a friend from SF with the same set on Michalis. Same friend maybe? I asked them to switch out to their Swordbreaker Sanaki though. That said, I don't claim sole ownership over this person or their reps, obviously, so feel free to ask for Michalis back if you prefer him. I also have a 5* Michalis w/ QR/Bonfire, which I assumed no one would want because he's a melee green like Minerva, but I can also switch to him if you think he'll be better received than my Death Blow Reinhardt or one of my other 5*s. My current available 5*s are: Seliph, Lyn, Ryoma, Eldigan, Sharena, Ephraim, Effie, Ninian, M!Robin, Reinhardt, Michalis, Minerva, Camilla, Julia, Takumi, Jaffar, and Priscilla. I also have inherited skills on a few of them (TA and Swordbreaker on Robin, for example), so feel free to ask about that too. EDIT: The only ones that are merged are Ryoma, Ephraim, and Julia, who are all at +1.
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