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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Right you are. I'll be sure to just say massive sea creatures instead from now on. (Also, as a Mega Wishiwashi, have you tried or do you intend to try out said Setsuna build? And also do you think there's a better archer build right now than said Setuna build because I'd definitely be interested)
  2. I don't expect the throne to change unless they introduce new archer units with amazing unique weapons (which they very well could). But among the archers currently available, I don't see anyone topping Setsuna's optimal set. The caveat, of course, is that her optimal set is very expensive. Brave Bow+ requires sacrificing a 5* Gordin or Klein while Life and Death 3 requires sacrificing a 5* Hana or Minerva (Desperation is relatively easy to get from 4* Shanna and Ardent Sacrifice/Reciprocal Aid to help her get into Desperation range is likewise fairly common). This is all on top of promoting Setsuna herself to 5* as well. Unless you already have these materials available or are a massive sea mammal, you probably won't get to use Setsuna at her best.
  3. More on topic: who should I put as my rep for the gauntlet? Or rather, who would you want to be on your team? (I'll be on the scalier side of the gauntlet) I'm currently leaning towards Vantage Ryoma to take care of enemy wyverns and archers, but what if everyone sets a blue rep expecting their opponents to set a red rep to fight wyverns? Should I set a green rep instead to counter that? But no that would leave me vulnerable to people that just straightforwardly set red reps to kill enemy wyverns. Maybe I should set a blue rep to counter enemy red reps? But no that would leave me vulnerable to enemy wyverns. I'm 1000% overthinking things and my brain hurts but I'm willing to hear other opinions.
  4. But it's so fun killing unaware Lucinas and Ryomas with Triangle Adept Ninian
  5. Every day and night I thank our lord and savior Anna for blessing me with a Julia to strike down evil Nowis everywhere.
  6. @SatsumaFSoysoy I just did some calcs, and I find it funny that neutral Julia lives a single attack from a +Atk Nino with +4 on all 4 stats with exactly 1 HP (this doesn't account for Nino having Fury or Life and Death or Death Blow or something in which case Julia is screwed). Of course, she's screwed either way bc Nino would double her, but I find it amusing she'd barely live the first hit.
  7. I don't think I'm more terrified of anything in this game more than a blade tome tbh. Especially when the opponents have the buffs to back them up (thankfully the AI is usually not smart enough to optimize buffs for the mage but still). EDIT: There was a really funny team I ran into last season that had Gronnblade Nino, Raourblade Tharja, and Blarblade Robin of all things all on the same team with different Hone/Fortify buffs in their C-slot. Probably wasn't the most optimal team in the world, but it was enough to scare me.
  8. I mean my entire argument about promoting her was based around my stat total :P Are you really sure you want to be at my stat total? I'm gonna tell you right now that facing Wings of Mercy Hectors and Desperation Blarblade Lindes and Quick Riposte Nowis is not particularly fun (especially since at least 2-3 of them will be at +10 in any given match). EDIT: Also on topic: the whole "you shouldn't support Cherche bc your feathers are better spent elsewhere" is a bit less important when the gauntlet comes with 5* Cherche in a banner (or the chance to get one anyways).
  9. Neutral male Robin has 27 attack at 4* level 40 + 7 attack from Blarraven. Neutral male Robin has 29 attack at 5* level 40 + 11 attack from Blarraven+. It's not actually a huge difference if you look at base stats, but the weapon upgrade makes a substantial difference.
  10. I know. And the attack boost at 5* includes the fact that he gets a better weapon at 5*.
  11. Robin needs 49 attack to OHKO a neutral level 40 5* Takumi (or only 42 attack if you have Triangle Adept 3), so that won't be possible unless you promote him. Once you promote him though, your Robin should have 40 attack at 5* level 40 with Blarraven+, so you'll need a buff to OHKO neutral Takumi with TA (but you'll be able to OHKO -HP or -Res Takumis at least). Unfortunately, neutral Robin can't OHKO Takumi without Triangle Adept, but you could always sacrifice your Roy to get TA (there's no real reason to have both Marth and Roy on your team).
  12. Nah Takumi's fallen waaay from grace now that the 3 -raven tomes can be inherited to basically any mage. Triangle Adept and a -raven tome completely trivialize Takumi. Not to mention skill inheritance has boosted multiple units up to where they can now OHKO Takumi when they couldn't before. Vantage and Bowbreaker being inheritable further make Takumi easier to deal with using ranged units, as well as Iote's Shield making it so fliers no longer fear him as much either. EDIT: That was all why Takumi is no longer as feared as he used to be. Adding on to that, the reason he's no longer even considered the best archer anymore is because of how much Setsuna benefits from Skill Inheritance. Setsuna was always an example of a unit that had incredible stats (one of the highest speeds in the entire game) but mediocre weapons and skills. However, if you manage to get a Brave Bow+, Life and Death, Desperation set on her, Setsuna will be able to hit almost every single unit in the game 4 times before they even get a chance to counterattack (which they won't, if you're hitting them 4 times at once). The reason this works on Setsuna and no other archer is because she's the only archer with a good enough speed to be able to wield a Brave Bow and still double almost the entire metagame (with help from Life and Death). Since doubling with a Brave Bow is 4 hits instead of 2 and because Desperation allows you to get in both of your hits (so all 4, with a Brave weapon) before enemy counterattack, Setsuna's taken over Takumi's place as the most dangerous archer.
  13. I would go with neutral. Going from neutral speed to -Spd is a drop from 34 to 31. Notable units that double -spd Corrin but not neutral Corrin: neutral Linde, Lucina, Easter Lucina, Nino, Anna, and Minerva (with LoD 3) and +Spd Marth, Takumi, Olwen, and Corrin herself. Notable units that -spd Corrin no longer doubles that neutral Corrin does: neutral M!Robin and Nowi These calculations are all without taking into account skills such as Fury, Spd +3, Darting Blow, or Life and Death (except Minerva bc she comes with it) or Hone/Spur Spd buffs, so with those in mind, -spd Corrin is in even more danger than these calculations show. tldr - I'd go with neutral over -spd.
  14. Yeah, I think Marth's an overall better choice than Robin for sure. As your team's BST increases, you'll be more and more likely to run into dragons, and without Falchion (or Julia) your team will probably struggle against them.
  15. Glacies has a cooldown of 4 actually. But because each Brave Bow attack is two hits in one, Glacies activates in two rounds of combat, so it's extra good on Brave units like Klein.
  16. The only things I use Light's Blessings on are Gauntlet battles or sometimes Lunatic story battles (bc honestly I don't feel like wasting another 25 stamina to try again).
  17. I mean the matchmaking takes your team BST into account, so it's pretty unlikely to be matched against full 5* teams if you don't have a full 5* team yourself. Anyways, you certainly aren't leveling him for nothing. He'll almost certainly be a bonus hero next season, and even if he weren't, he's bound to increase your team's overall BST just bc he's a 5*, which will in turn increase your Arena score and thus the amount of feathers you get.
  18. Even teams of four 5*s aren't necessarily enough, depending on who those 5*s are. Two 5*s won't be anywhere close.
  19. You say a "sea of Red units and Takumi" but I honestly see basically one Takumi maybe every 7 matches in my Arena tier, and blue units are beginning to become more common than red. Anyways I specified green bc I didn't want to bother with calcs regarding more of the cast, but if you really wanted me to, I can sit here proving she ORKOs more of the cast than a hefty amount of red, blue, and colorless units too. I would also highly disagree that a list of "a million other units worth promoting over Cherche" would include Klein, Jeorge, or Roy of all units. Not to mention Kagero is nigh unusuable in Arena, even though I agree she's a great unit overall, because of her low stat total. Hell, even Robin's unviable unless he's merged to +10.
  20. Oh yeah it was a Wo Dao + Moonbow set. No Distant Counter though (presumably not everyone has a Hector), which is lucky for me bc I was able to snipe him from afar with Julia (it was the mountain map, so I could get him over the mountain while he was far away :P)
  21. I mean we don't all have those "million other units" (also which units are you even referring to? Bc Cherche is arguably the green melee unit not named Hector with the most potential (I specify melee bc Gronnblade trumps all)).
  22. I mean if you already have full teams of 5*s there's not much else to do with feathers but to upgrade currently-weaker units to their full potential and make them better than what you have :/ (Also if you're leaving Cherche in range of Nino you're playing the game wrong)
  23. Dear lord... I want to ask how much money you've spent, but I'm a little scared to .__. (Also I love that the whole Mega Wishiwashi thing ended up sticking)
  24. Assuming we aren't counting merges or duplicates: 14 5* 37 4* 32 3* I used to have a lot more 3/4*, but I've sacrificed a fair number for skill inheritance :/
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