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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Oh I see, I didn't catch that. Well then, since neither have their Prf weapon, it depends on whether Threaten Def or Spur Spd helps more with your team as that's really the main difference between the two.
  2. Jeeeez I can't even imagine having that kind of patience. Props to you!
  3. Personally I think they're both good, though I favor Marth because he has Falchion for dragon slaying. Roy's actually deceptively tanky though with his weapon giving him bonus def/res on enemy phase. Marth is hurt a bit by -Spd, but -Spd Marth has the same Spd as neutral Roy so that shouldn't be a deciding factor when comparing the two. Anyways overall I prefer Marth unless you have a good way to deal with dragons, but they're both good.
  4. At this point we may as well start a new thread for sharing boons/banes. I'd share but a) dont want any backflipping eclipses up in here and b) my spreadsheet with all my natures is on my computer and I'm not at home (I remember most of my units having decent if not necessarily ideal natures except for my +Spd, -Atk Effie. Curses.)
  5. I solve that issue by refreshing the levels (by going to Starting Stratum then surrendering) till I get a favorable matchup.
  6. I personally find it more efficient to have 3 units babysitting one (often having a dancer and a healer helps with this a lot) and having that one clear each map by themselves.
  7. If you kept Drag Back, I would have recommended Armored Blow to help her survive attacking and dragging back melee victims characters. Since you have Renewal though, I assume your main concern is survivability, so any of the A-slot passives that raise her survivability like HP +5, Def +3, or Res +3. Fury is also a good option that boosts her survivability (well, her everything, really) that also has synergy with Renewal (healing offsets passive Fury damage).
  8. Congrats :D I'm mostly F2P, but I blew some money to get my boy Ephraim back during the Family Bonds banner and the original waifu Ninian. I might be tempted to for Ike when he eventually comes out though.
  9. Klein's the only 4* unit that can get DB3 iirc. Honestly, I think LoD 2 should be fine since Nino usually overkills things with sufficient buffs as is, but you can always do calcs against common matchups to see if the extra atk/spd from LoD 3 makes a difference.
  10. Name is Amphy, and ID is 1614307301. My lead tends to switch around, but it's currently Ninian <3 (If you add me, pls PM me so I know it isn't some random person from Arena)
  11. When they add Tellius, the Goldoan laguz will likely also be placed in the same category as the dragons we have right now, so there are a lot more left than the ones you mentioned.
  12. Oh I see that makes much more sense. I had no idea Gaiden was set in the same world and just imagined it to be its own separate world like Sacred Stones. Thanks for clearing that up!
  13. Oh wow, I always thought the Whitewings were from Marth's games (but then, I haven't played those, so I wouldn't actually know).
  14. I say death blow since Reinhardt's main role is to be a player phase nuke, which death blow helps far more with.
  15. Unfortunately, I don't know any Gaiden characters, having never played the game. I have high hopes for Shadows of Valentia though (already have it pre-ordered), so I'd be perfectly happy with a bunch of Gaiden characters. Out of curiosity, who are the 3 already in-game?
  16. I want to believe that all the extra orbs are to prep us for a massive Tellius banner *crosses fingers*
  17. The way I understood it is that if the majority of people who answer the question give the correct answer, everyone gets the prizes (and if the majority of people answer incorrectly then no one does).
  18. Welp. Fell out of top 1k (rank 1060) :/ expected it but still sad
  19. I mean you also have to consider that more people on offense will have extra skills now, which may make it harder to defend against them.
  20. Imagine double SP per kill events in the future (or more feathers per kill once the Hero Merit system is added).
  21. Niiiice, Gronnblade Cecilia with Hone Cavalry support just got even more terrifying >:D
  22. How exactly do the -blade tomes interact with attack buffs? They convert bonuses to attack, so getting a +4 Def buff would then give +4 Atk to the blade mage. But what about a +4 Atk buff? Would you get +4 from the buff and then another +4 from -blade for a total of +8 Atk?
  23. There's an IV calculator on the wiki page: http://feheroes.wiki/Stats_Calculator However, you can only check boon/bane of a character if they're either level 1 or level 40 and none of the in-between levels (2-39). BUT if your character is not a 5* and is level 20 or higher, you can go to Unlock Potential to check their level 1 stats of the next rarity. Since boon/bane stays constant between rarity upgrades, you can use this to check.
  24. Update: Score of 4588 is now down to rank 948. At this rate I'm probably going to be kicked out of top 1k by the end of the season :/
  25. Damn I wish I were you. I'd personally go with Linde. She's basically a superior (or at the very least about equally good) Nino once she has Blarblade+, not to mention blue tends to be a better offensive color in the red-heavy meta than green. Also you have more Lindes to merge.
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