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Posts posted by !Skydiver

  1. Got my first defense. Dude took to much time moving around trying to not get caught and ended losing by turn limit. A win is a win I guess.

    I'm really liking this mode, wish there were some kind of grindy stuff not related to ranking. There's a lot that can be done within the thematic of aether raids.

    Maybe the askr trio ends up finding some old/archaic summoning rock/machine that can only summon 1* and 2* heroes or something.

    I'm really looking forward to how IS will be fine tuning this game mode.


    Gathered ~200 Orbs to spend on the Hero fest banner with a mission in mind: Get Steady Breath for Nowi and Distant Counter for Camilla.
    Did these pulls Yesterday.



    My previous one was +Atk/-Spd. This one is +Spd/-atk and it means a lot of better matchups. I'm okay with this and probably will merge.

    I was hoping to finally get this man and I wasn't disappointed. +Atk/-Res Which is a really good nature. I just leveled up to 40 and turned into fodder.
    Right after Hector, I don't even consider it a pity breaker. +res/-hp. Probably going to give Aether to A!Tiki.
    Pity breaker. +hp/-spd a fine nature, I guess. Not sure what to do whit him, actually.
    +Spd/-res. Leveled up to 40 and turned into fodder.

    Today I decided to do a Wake Up pull from the Legendary Bonus.
    First green orb:
    5* PA!Azura +Spd/-Res!
    Exactly who I wanted.
    Super satisfied with these banners even tough I didn't get any Camilla/Nowi to promote and merge. Now, back to gathering orbs to the next Banner where ToD! Nowi appears.

  3. Used the free summon on the SS banner and got a +SPD/-ATK Clair. Free pull no bitching.
     Still, I feel like every 5* Blue Unit I pull is either -Atk or -Spd, which make my pool of blue units very low and probably it's the reason I don't enjoy AA too much.

  4. First time reaching 5k+ score on the arena is so nice. I will probably end up being demoted again but it was fun anyway.


    ToD! Nowi +3 [ +Atk, -Def], Water Blessing

    ( Rauðrblade+ , Reposition, Growin Wind, Life and Death 3, Desperation 3, Hone Fliers , Squad Ace 3 Seal)

    Camilla +2 [ +Atk, -Def], Summoner Support S, Water Blessing

    (Slaying Axe+ Spd Ref, Reposition, Galeforce, Fury 3, Renewal 3, Hone Fliers, Heavy Blade 3 Seal)

    Nowi +3 [ +Spd, -Hp ]

    (Lightning Breath+ Spd Ref, Swap, Aether, Fury 3, Quick Riposte 3, Drive Speed 3, Speed 3 Seal)

    Fjorm +0 [ Neutral ]

    ( Default , Deflect Magic 3)




  5. To me, the only "PVP" mode that could work is something along the lines of Defend the throne/escort ally where one player will be trying to defend and the other will be trying to seize it.
    It would discourage full passive plays.

    Raid bosses would be super fun in my opinion. Co-op is a big yes to me.

    About the town building, it depends on the implementation. I would give them the benefit of doubt.

  6. I simply love when I have the gut feeling that I need to pull something because usually, it means good news.
    Only 1 red orb on screen packed with Christmas Tharja inside. She's +HP/-RES which is fine, I guess.
    Now I'm done with this banner and hoping to get a Nowi in the new banner.

  7. 2 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

    It took me until only a few months ago to get my very first male Corrin, despite regularly pulling on red. He just did not want to come for me, even though I really wanted him. He eventually pulled, and he's come along three more times since. Gacha is weird, but you will eventually get more Nowis :)

    Good luck with getting Tharja ^.^

    Hope I didn't deplete my luck on the Halloween banner. That one gave me 4 ToD!Nowi and 1 ToD!Henry using only around 80 orbs.
    I think that's why gacha is so addicting.

  8. After 100+ orbs I only got 5* Roderick and Ogma pity breaker. I'm a bit salty, but since I'm F2P it feels better.
    While now I'm only looking for Tharja and will stop pulling as soon as I get her , it baffles me that I play since the launch week and Nowi only showed up 2 times and my merge count on her does not see an improvement for a looong time.

  9. Vampire Henry(fury+bowbreaker), Witch Nowi, Azura and Normal Camilla.
    Turn1 Henry took care Takumi, Blue Mage thanks to Hone Atk from azura.
    Turn 2 Henry kills the Axe Cavalier with Azura's help, leaving Azura in position to tank the Sword Flier. Camilla and W!Nowi take the Red mage and Camilla ends in position to tank Hinoka.
    Turn 3 Azura finishes Sword Flier, Camilla finishes Hinoka.
    It was fairly easy actually. Used the orbs to summon on the Halloween banner and got another Witch Nowi and Lachesis. Super happy!

  10. I wonder how common is Reinhardt using -blade tome on defense teams. At least on my tier (19~20)  I am yet to see one. The reason I guess, is that everybody has Lyn and Mulagir ignores the mage buffs. Also Panic Ploy is a Seal and summoner supports further improves the chances of your being able to turn around that build. It's easier and cheaper to just put him on defense with Dire Thunder / Moonbow/ DB3 / QP Seal and grab easy wins.

    In a way, I think that it's good that those units exist as they appeal to the casual crowd with the sense of power, and to the hardcore ones trying to find new ways to counter them.

    Right now I'm running Camilla Brave Axe +Death Blow/Guard 3(soon)/ Galeforce + Quickened Pulse alongside Witch Nowi. It's goes as follows Bait Reinhardt, Kill him in next turn, activate Galeforce, kill B!Lyn if she's nearby, get repositioned.

    Note that a +0 Camilla with the previous build survives with 3 hp Fully buffed +10 Reihardt +ATK Moonbow/DB3/ QP Seal, and kills in player phase with an Attack Buff or applying a DEF debuff due to Fortify Cavalry.

    Against Blade Rein though... Panic Ploy is definitely necessary, he's a monster.

  11. Okay, This time I'm pretty happy with this week's pulls.
    Using around 60 free Orbs I got:
    2x Witch Nowi +HP, -Def and -Atk,+Res
    Sanaki -ATK,+SPD
    Vampire Henry +SPD,-DEF
    Minerva +ATK, -RES ( Surprisingly enough, this was my third pull and third 5* of the day along with Henry and Nowi)
    Free Pull Karel +DEF,-SPD which is my third one and still I have no clue to whom give Wo Dao+
    Hope this luck lasts through the whole duration of the halloween banner.

  12. 9 hours ago, Xenomata said:

    20k feathers, and can't decide who to promote. I'm in a pretty big slump this time around, because the units I have to work on do still need some SI for their best, but most of the units who would be promoted to be SI fodder pass on their skills to units who are currently 4*, so no matter what the unit I promote won't be at their full potential.

    Either way, here are the units I am thinking of promoting...

    For the Unit

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    Olivia (+Spd -HP): I probably don't need to promote her, but if I do I'll be able to get a Silver Sword+ for her, which will let me get more Arena Points when using her.

    Hana (+Spd -HP): She still needs a Brave Sword+, Desperation, a C slot, and a Special.

    Sophia (+Att -HP): She still needs a B slot (thinking Quick Riposte 3) and a special other than Dragon Gaze/Fang.

    Clive: He still needs Distant Counter before I can use him the way I'd like to use him, as a physical version of Nowi. Keep in mind, he already has Quick Riposte 3, Sapphire Lance+, and Swap from 2 Subakis.

    Narcian: Because he's here. He still needs... a lot from SI.

    Cecilia: She still needs a B slot (though Escape Route may be the best for her) and a C slot.

    Leon (+Att -Spd): He still needs Brave Bow+, a C slot, and an Assist. Optionally I can also replace Ignis, but I don't see a reason to yet.

    Marth (+Spd -HP): To merge my current Neutral Marth into.

    Lloyd: He still needs Distant Counter, a B slot, a C slot, and an Assist.

    Chrom (+Att -Res): He still needs Brave Sword+, Death Blow 3, a B slot, a C slot, and an Assist.

    Arvis: I still don't have that many Red Magic users, and Arvis seems like he'd be fun (and also my only male Red Magic user). He needs Fury 3, an Assist, and Iceberg.

    Adult Tiki (+Att -Spd): She needs Triangle Adept 3, Quick Riposte 3, a different C slot, and an Assist.

    Lilina (+Att -Spd): She needs Rauorblade+ (I do still have a 5* Tharja with a bad nature that I can use), Death Blow 3, a B slot, a C slot, an Assist, and a better Special.

    Tharja (+Spd -Def): She needs Fury 3, Desperation 3, a C slot, an Assist, and Moonbow.

    Camus: Distant Counter Lance user with good stats. Probably needs Fury 3, a B slot, a C slot, an Assist, and maybe Bonfire.

    Peri (+Att -Def): To merge my current Peri into due to better nature. She does still need a C slot and Assist.

    For Skill Inheritance

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    Draug: For Brave Sword+ on Hana or Chrom.

    Seth: For Ruby Sword+ on Olivia.

    Gordin: For Brave Bow+ on Leon.

    Hana: For Life and Death 3 on Cordelia.

    Subaki: For Quick Riposte 3 on Black Knight, Ike (+Att -HP), Xander, Fae (+Att -HP), or Sophia.

    For all units, I will begin training them tomorrow during 2x SP weekend.

    I vote for Adult Tiki.+ATK -SPD is the optimal IV's if I'm not mistaken.
    In case you have Distant Def 3 Seal Tiki's a good Brave Lyn counter with a cheap Fury 3 + QR 2 Build and can 1RKO Sigurd in enemy phase too.

  13. So, since pulling Roy is not an option for me, I'm thinking in upgrade Cordelia to pass down my Nowi TA3+Galeforce ( for better arena score), as Nowi is my only merged arena Unit and isn't leaving the team anytime soon.
    The thing is, Cordelia have a "good" nature (+Spd - def) but I don't see myself using a flier team anytime soon, while all my Askr Trio is still 4*. I'm wondering, which one would give more points in the Arena ?( Upgrading Anna, or TA3+Galeforce for Nowi)

  14. Well, after spending all the orbs I could (100+ free orbs), I can say that I'm somewhat frustrated with my luck with this banner.
    Pulled mostly for Lyn and Lucina as a second option. Got 5 5* on these pulls and not even one were from the banner. Genny(Elise fodder), Lachesis, Priscila, Gray and Mae broke my streaks and left me thinking what kind of "luck" is that. At least I've got some cool skill fodder (Klein) that otherwise I would never have as I don't pull Colorless, and finally pulled a Reinhardt. Better luck next time, I guess.

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