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Ryu Yuki

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Everything posted by Ryu Yuki

  1. I blew like a solid 120 orbs in my quest for Ninian. Compared to all the other heroes I've specifically aimed for before, yes, she feels ridiculously harder in comparison. It could also be due to my luck with blue stones showing up being pretty abyssmal...
  2. Most likely because because Skill Inheritance is extremely controversial and they are dowsing the flames with sweet, sweet orbs. If we weren't getting so many orbs we'd probably still be whining really loud about how Inheritance has impacted the game. Also, it appears that people buy more orbs when they are given more orbs. Most probably because once you blow some orbs on a focus summon and don't get a 5*, one might feel inclined to buy a few orbs so as to not waste the increased chance. Also, having a lot of social events like these instead of simple and unannounced giveaways probably helps to spread word of the game more.
  3. At long last, I finally got the hero I wanted from this focus summon. She took the most orbs to finally obtain out of all the heroes I've specifically aimed for before. Pretty sure I had to blow a solid 120 just to get her. Now I'm worried about when the Choose Your Legends thing is coming out (I need some time to save orbs for that). In addition, I somehow rolled 2 5* Nowi(s) before I ever got Ninian, which honestly speaking I'm okay with. My main Nowi is now 40+5 and it's looking increasingly likely I can probably make her +10 by the end of next month, considering all the 4* Nowi(s) I have in storage. Still, I'm glad that I finally got Ninian regardless. I run a Y!Tiki and Nowi team, so I kind of needed her no matter what. Her nature seems to be +HP/-ATK, which I don't think is too bad. I don't plan on having her attack at all (Considering she has an incredibly weak Atk stat and Nowi is my go-to blue manakete) so -ATK is fantastic, and I was gunning for either +HP or +RES to increase her bulk. I preferred +RES simply because ranged units are more likely to deal magic damage, but +HP is fantastic in itself since it covers both physical and magic damage. All in all I'm just glad I managed to get her since this was last real pull I could do with the current focus.
  4. Well those same weapons can all be obtained in Binding Blade and it's not like anyone gets the sudden urge to impale Sophia (Not withstanding if you A-support with her and are talking about an entirely different meaning of the word) or lobotomize Fae there.
  5. Cute comic. I always did wonder how Roy and Ninian would interact. They really should include something in the games for that.
  6. There are also people that use him alongside characters they actually like. I mainly cared about Y!Tiki and Nowi on my team, but I rolled a +ATK/-DEF plus some other scrub IVs Takumi so I just used him to support my main two favorites. They work well in conjunction and I didn't particularly have any other favorites I wanted on my team at the time that I'd want to replace Takumi with.
  7. I have a 40+2 Lucina for that. Although, at this point I'm almost considering Eliwood due to him being a mobile cavalry with really strong Res (The dragons have way more than enough Def to cover my needs). The mobility would really be appreciated to take down Julia(s) and other casters ahead of the group. When Inheritance comes out, he will be almost lulzy as Death Blow + Durandal gives him a whopping +10 Atk on initiates, which when combined with a +Spd nature could potentially give him 20 more damage in a single round. He really has one of the best weapons in-game alongside Corrin-M. Another thing to note is that Ninian can almost certainly inherit Nowi's weapon. And there's a good chance that the super common Adult!Tiki can be used instead to inherit the same weapon, considering Manaketes have this tendency to have the same weapon across different colors (Nowi/A!Tiki have the same weapon, and so do Fae/Ninian). It would probably be far more useful than her current weapon which is kinda situational considering she'll usually be dancing and even when having the chance to attack, positioning is really important. Heck, even Corrin-F's weapon would be really useful on her. Corrin-F's weapon is downright amazing (-5 Atk/Spd to everyone within 2 tiles? Guaranteed doubling almost and helps tanking even more.) and due to being a debuff can easily 'stack' with Ninian's buff skills. My only issue is that her stat distribution isn't looking so hot. I was prepared for a low Atk value (Really, it'd actually make sense) but her defenses aren't looking so good either. One person that raised her to 40 had 23 in both of those stats. It seems(maybe?) she had a -Res nature so hopefully that's a bit higher, but I still would have liked it to be a wee bit better than that. On the bright side her Spd is relatively decent at 33 on neutral, and 36 or 37 at a positive value. She almost certainly won't be getting doubled in most situations, so that much is a relief. If I'm incredibly lucky and rolls multiples of her, I might almost pass Fortify Dragons to another one of my dragons, just so she herself can benefit from the ridiculous buff. It would patch up a lot of her problems, and would actually make her quite threatening with Nowi's weapon and Renewal or something (Since she'll probably avoid damage more often than not, giving her time to heal up).
  8. I am so happy that Ninian has Fortify Dragon, since I was already running Y!Tiki and Nowi in my main team. Having an exclusive fortify for myself is simply amazing.
  9. Apparently we cleared it before Europe had a chance to send the same tweet out.
  10. I don't think it's physically possible for Intelligent Systems to be that charitable.
  11. It'd be funny if these "Advertise us" events became the replacement for 2 daily orbs
  12. What is the deal with this anyway? Are they trying to say that 50,000 Retweets = Feh destroys Lucina or something?
  13. Yeah I had like 12 posts running by while making one of my replies. Seems to have slowed down though. I do wonder though. What skills would be good on a Dancing Dragon anyway...? The whole concept seems kind of new so I never really thought about it, even with Skill Inheritance so close.
  14. To be honest I never really got that. It's been a *really* long time, so can someone remind me why that was the case? Because I explicitly remember Fae and Sophia being ridiculously long-lived due to their dragon heritage in the exact same universe.
  15. Yeah those skills do sound like they fit her. in fact I'm planning to run the def versions of that skill on my Tiki and Nowi due to how useful it seems. Well, okay. I admit, it would make her quite OP as heck. I'm just a bit excited as a Ninian fan, so I thought it'd be really nice to portray her individuality from Azura and Olivia. I do think it can work if we make it work like the Hone Abilities, since those can't stack with each other. That uhh... must have been quite the shopping trip.
  16. I do hope Ninian gives out buffs when Dance-ing other units. Would be kinda neat and goes in line with her original portrayal. Besides having her as an actual pull unit, i also do hope we get some extra paralogue with her and Roy or something. I *really* want to see those two interact, since Roy's mother canonically died early on and I find it a bit sad that we never really see how they would have interacted with each other. (I mean no offense to Eliwood/Lyn shippers)
  17. Well I mostly brought that up because this seems to be a popular enough topic to merit its own thread. A lot of people do like talking about Tellius and what might be in future focus summons, so I do legitimately think it might be more productive to have a thread specifically for that purpose. Well, I'm not particularly against the discussion here but it does kind of crowd out the actual discussions on the current banner (Which is the main point of the thread).
  18. Eh, she already apologized earlier about it. I admit maybe she's acting a bit greedy, but as long as she stops bringing up Elibe so often I don't see too much harm in it. I do personally think it's within their rights to discuss Tellius stuff since it's related and clearly many people enjoy the game (I've never played it, though I did look it up a bit). And Ike coming out is something many people want, so I do think it's fair that IS should listen to the majority opinion of its playerbase and go release his normal version already. Although it does feel like there should be a thread for 'upcoming focus summons' or something since this one is supposed to discuss the new banner with Ninian and friends. Does feel like it's getting super sidetracked although I'm not really familiar with the rules here.
  19. Oh... Uhh... My bad. I kind of default to using male pronouns when online, and I've only now noticed your gender thingie on the left. I don't really have any excuses, this is totally my fault. Sorry, I didn't mean to incorrectly address you (But yes I was talking about you).
  20. I think he's fine really. I mean, it would kind of be strange if he was complaining about an obscure character, because who knows when those will ever come out. But wanting Ike out is a very fair demand, considering he did #1 on the polls and a lot of people legitimately want to run him. You'd think IS would at least churn out all the top 10 characters so everyone can be happy, and then take their time with event variations (Like Choose Your Legend) while everyone is busy with the regular versions.
  21. Oh god, please don't even joke about her being colorless. I am going to be so miserable if that's really the case... All signs point to either blue or green though, since she has a dragonstone seemingly and there's really literally no other weapon that would remotely fit her. I think she's probably going to be blue due to being an Ice Dragon but some people say green because of gameplay balance. I'm actually fine with green too since that won't conflict with my Y!Tiki and +1 Nowi.
  22. Yeah, there's just something about her eyes that just makes her feel more exotic. Admittedly I have a thing for Manaketes so maybe that's part of the reason why. But I do feel like the more recent artworks of her *really* sell her good points, such as the Cipher display pic you have there or the one displayed in the latest focus summon. These artworks just really impress me way more than her original one for some reason, even though they don't objectively feel that different. It just really captures her character and theme so well somehow, and now I am pretty much planning on blowing the orbs I was saving for Legend Lucina+Roy (I still totally want them though) even though I normally exercise far more restraint. [ I *almost* went all-out for Julia, even though I really wanted her. But in the end I didn't because I figure I might want the orbs for another more important banner ] @shadowofchaos I generally do two full rolls before doing controlled color pulls. I got 3 5* Lucina(s) and a Lobster Lord this way with less than 120 orbs. Admittedly if the second full roll is devoid of the color I want or just has 1-2 of it, I might just screw it and start doing controlled pulls from there. Yes I know you didn't ask me but I felt like throwing it out there.
  23. Well it's kind of bluish-green. It looks similar enough, at least from my perspective. But yeah, I can totally see why you'd think otherwise, and that's fine. It's just something I happened to feel, and things like this are very subjective so I won't say my opinion is more valid than yours or anything. I'm just glad Ninian still has supporters here, more than anything.
  24. Well, admittedly maybe I'm looking too much into it. But when I first saw the Fates trailer, I thought we were getting a distant-future Elibe game (Like what Awakening was to Archanea) and it seems several others did feel like she seemed really suspiciously similar to Ninian. Maybe I have confirmation bias because of my own initial opinions, but I'll list a few similarities that did strike my mind. 1) They both have very similar appearances (Long blue hair, blue-themed outfits, similar body figure, etc...) 2) They both have dancing (Plus singing for Azura I guess) as their main schtick that everyone remembers them for. 3) They are both at the center of a rather dragon-heavy plot. 4) They are both pretty much the implied heroines of their game. (If you're playing Male Corrin at least) 5) Their speech patterns give rather similar vibes, at least to me. (They both seem to enjoy ellipsis) 6) This one's a bit spoilery but 7) Azura's water theme and Ninian's ice theme just also really strikes me as similar somehow. Of course, this is all subjective, and i can see why one wouldn't think they're so similar. But at least to me, it did kind of hit my warning button for a little while. I like Azura, but I didn't really want her to take over Ninian's general spot either.
  25. It makes me quite happy to see so many Ninian fans here. I sort of feared that Azura replaced her in the fandom community due to their many similarities and the fact Azura is way more advertised and recent, but it seems like she still has a place here. I will wish both of you luck at getting Ninian, because she is definitely very worth it. I will do my best to get her as well, as I've been quite the fan since early BS days.
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