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Everything posted by Lushen

  1. Neither units have a cooldown count - 1 or brave weapon. This is going to hurt is usefulness in arena. I would say Spring Lucina because she will double more often making Luna trigger more often. Though Cherche is best used with a brave weapon so if you can get one on her then Luna would be good on her as well.
  2. Download Andy OS. It's installation process is certainty...interesting but it is much faster than Nox and last time I used it (two weeks ago) I could download FEH direct from the play store.
  3. Nice, don't underestimate Priscilla. I know the stereotype is 'all healers are bad' but this is definitely not true with a cavalary team and Priscilla. She has made arena a cakewalk and may be my second most useful unit (behind Eldigan). Azura is awesome, wish I had her.
  4. Just me, I think. The Pixel XL (and regular Pixel) allows me to set up multiple android accounts. Each android account shares app updates and the majority of the data but gets its own cache. This allows me to have two accounts and it takes about 10 seconds to switch between. Don't think you can gain access to this firmware without having a pixel/pixel xl, though. I think there's some things you can do with rooted devices, but I wouldn't recommend it since Nintendo doesn't like rooted devices. Besides, why risk breaking a $700.00 device?
  5. True, but it's also one of the worst GHs we've had. His low attack and low defense makes him pretty unusable imo.
  6. Really wish I had a 5* Beruka. Would be such an easy top 1k.... I guess I'll be going with Minerva since it means at least 1 win and then Camilla afterwards. Surprised Subaki is beating some...
  7. I could use some help. On my cavalry account, I have 5 5* cavalry units which have plowed through every GH and arena match so far. However, this one seems to be specifically crafted to screw over horse teams. If you can't go through trees, you have exactly one entry point. So, either I rush in with four horses and try to take out the entire GH battle in one turn (don't think so) or I train a nonhorsie. Obviously, I'd prefer to use a 4* and get him to lvl 40 rather than promoting a 3*, but here are all my options. I think the best approach is to get someone who can kill the dagger unit in one turn and help out a bit afterwards. 4* Effie 4* Odin 4* Michalis 4* F!Corrin 4* Nowi 3* Navarre 3* A!Tiki 3* Robin (currently thinking he'd be the best, but he's 3*) 2* Olivia Which unit should I train for this?
  8. Awesome gz. I had linde on my old main and she and my robin basically carried me in arena.
  9. You won't get banned. The whole "Nintendo being against emulators" thing is a little exaggerated. All Nintendo has done is prevent people from spending orbs. The reason for this is clear - they don't want to be held responsible if you spend money on orbs and don't receive them. This is a lot riskier if people are using unauthorized devices. If you really want to be safe, get Android x86 on your computer since it is an actual OS and not an emulator. Though, I'd like to note it isn't as easy to play FEH as it is on Andy 'OS' (not actually an OS, the name is misleading). And people still use bluestacks? But... it's so slow!
  10. Uhhhhh.... Well at least you're fair! GZ on Azura. I've got Ninian, her clone, but apparently Azura is a bit better. Yea Odin is good meat. I'm actually saying no to both new banners. The only Pegasus I've used are in sacred stones because they were good at the monsters. The Wyvrens in the banner are missing my top 3. Cormag would make me go p2p (please don't make me do it IS). Unless he has comic book artwork in which case I'll go mad. Haar and Jill would also be pretty good, not sure if I'd pull for them though.
  11. Tier 3 edit: No idea why, I should be much lower I barely touched arena on this account...
  12. 4159 and not in top100k anymore. 4200, perhaps. @MrSmokestack thanks I dumped her clones. It was on my cavalry account anyways so I doubt she'd see much use other than "Kill 10 enemies that are level 40 with an armored unit"
  13. Is Gwen a lost cause? I have 7 of them 3*. On one hand, I could get 1,050 feathers (not too much, but sizable) but on the other hand I could eventually have a +10 gwen easily. Even as a +10, I still feel like she'd be pretty bad, no? She doesn't seem to have any skills worth inheriting from either. I know nothing of armor units.
  14. Odin is good food regardless. Robin can be good for Olwen or Ursla. Considering Olwen can already kill Takumi, I guess for Ursla? Gwen doesn't have anything good.
  15. Still time. There's the twitter orbs coming in and there might be 20 more if they decide to reward us for the gauntlet before the next focus. Overall I'm pretty happy with the foucs. I didn't think I'd be but there's something satisfying about having two version of a character, even if the bunny is a little silly.
  16. Hector could be either/or. In awakening and binding blade he starts off as a general which would suggest he would have started as a knight if they chose to let you have him at a lower tier. In Blazing Sword he is a lord and then a great lord, both of which are heavily armored and not very mobile. Same with Lyn really but Eliwood is the only one they explicitly made promoted when you compare him to Ephraim and Eirika who is clearly nonpromoted and still a 5*.
  17. You guys think they'll bring back a logon bonus again soon? Last time the took it off, it came back on like a month later. I don't really understand why this is a 'special event' it seems pretty logical to get some number of orbs everyday for those who've completed all the quests.
  18. Esp since they dumped our dailies...if they don't bring those back soon I'll go mad. Wheres my logon incentive? And all our special quests are about to expire. I feel like they'll need to do more than just the milestone coming soon.
  19. And looking at that, it seems us destroying the total goal hurt us pretty bad. Now we need to get 10bil total to get 20 orbs which is a lot more than we had to before. Still probably going to happen.
  20. Erm, actually Ninian and Eliwood have fantastic synergy. You move up with a red unit that can take out green/red units. Then, you're exposed to blue units which you don't want to deal with. Ninian can dance so Eliwood can get 2 spaces behind her making him safe from everything and Ninian can tank blues/reds relatively easily. And if you change out Ninians tele skill, she would be able to warpdance to eliwood after he gets weak and he can ride out of harms way. The real question is why did they decide of the 3 heroes in FE7 to promote Eliwood? And why is promoted Eliwood a 3* while regular Lyn and Hector are 5* only, extremely rare, and op.
  21. Minerva/Cordelia seem to have the worst expected feather count. Both will have plenty of people in it so you won't rank very well and neither will end up winning. Seems to me the wise thing to do would be go for an underdog or support Camilla if you want feathers. Since I don't care about any of the characters in this, that's what I'll be doing.
  22. Was feeling a little experimental and put fury 3 on Xander (realized the real Xander won't come till may so I should have time to get another Hinata for him if need be). As we suspected, he becomes a weaker Eldigan with the notable exception of being able to double more often. I still prefer Eldigan, but Xander can sub if I need blue units over red units (right now I have 3 other horse blues so yea). Threaten speed or threaten def would probably be best on him for slot C. Maybe a breaker on B? He's not really having any issues against one particular type though so not sure. Weapon seems fine with fury. Makes him last longer than eldigan sometimes. Swap is not the best assist skill imo but not sure what would be better. Reciprocal Aid? Any generic "do extra damage" in low amount of turns is the way to go with his special. Total BST with fury 3 is 179, pretty good. EDIT: Renewall is also an option.
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