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Everything posted by Altrosa

  1. Waluigi was specifically made for the sports games (why he weilds a racket as an assist) so the most logical way to implement him is to have his move set based around sports moves and items. The problem is Peach already does that in her smash attacks. Waluigi wouldn't make a good Wario clone either, as Wario is supposed to be repulsive. Waluigi is just a narcissistic asshole. Kinda puts his fanbase in perspective. (Honestly wonder if Waluigi is gonna get phased out if his fanbase has this much toxicity. He never served any purpose beyond his being made as a partner for Wario and Miyamoto himself doesn't like him.)
  2. I'm against custom movesets, too. Sakurai's note that Mii Fighters are going to be online viable flags to me that we'll likely not be able to use customized fighters online, or that it's a toggle. If the latter, it'd feel like a pointless addition since 99% of players would keep it off. Keeping track of 65+ fighters is rough enough, let alone 195+ and the many variants. The other option is that custom moves are scrapped entirely and the reason Mii Fighters work online for Ultimate is that they can't be tweaked beyond the Mii part. Still waiting on if we're getting a new adventure mode. I don't even need Subspace 2, I just want a fun side-scroller, beat-em-up mode.
  3. A Link Between Worlds was pitched as a sequel to A Link to the Past. That's why it's the same design, so it wasn't actually an error, only another tidpit of info on this iteration of Zelda. Personally it's by far my fav Zelda design, so no complaints here. I'm interested in giving new Wolf a go, but I'm super happy the Ice Climbers are back. Otherwise I'm just focussed on getting a new main, since the changes to Peach and Jigglypuff (and Ice Climber's absence) borked me all up. I'm gonna give Villager, Duck Hunt, and Inkling a lot of attention.
  4. Well, Slippy did hack one of Snake's codecs, so Palutena sneaking in for funsies is both possible and in character. News reports on Moray Towers sounds amazing!
  5. I have a counter argument. One major flaw with customization in competitive environments is that meta inevitably enforces set-ups of customized gear or skills that is superior (in some way) over others. Enforcing the default move-set actually makes it a more welcoming environment as you don't need to grind for the alternative moves and no one is pushed out for using the "wrong" set-up. EDIT: AAAANNNNDDDDD it looks like the Smash community actually nipped said issues in the bud after testing it out themselves. Thanks for the link, Armagon.
  6. Primrose is a support character. You're supposed to do a huge heap of buffing and debuffing to close that gap and strategize what skills she uses based around what dances she has active. (I found her way more enjoyable than Olberic because I prefer to play with those types of classes) I don't recall the adds respawning in the first demo on Primrose's boss, though, so maybe the boss was buffed?
  7. Mew seems like a fun gift they decided to add later. It's still a specialty controller that allows you to carry mons outside the main game. I do think it's overpriced for what it is, but most were already sold on it before the addition of Mew. The E3 Treehouse streams really cemented that a lot less is changing from the core games than we thought initially. Also, Pikachu learns double-kick now early on, so Pokémon are getting reworked movesets, at least as far as our starters go. That's fantastic.
  8. Teacher absolutely comes off like our avatar. I think the fact the dialogue only referred to them as "Teacher" and "Instructor" indicates that's the workaround while retaining full voice acting. I don't mind the default outfit, but I also want more physical builds and the next obvious edition to expanding the avatar is skintones.
  9. Yep, it looks like the whole "Teacher" is our avatar, and referring to them as such is the work around to implement voice acting. Good stuff. Formations seem to have replaced pair-up, so marriage is still in the air (supports might be a wholly different system, might be scrapped, still dunno.) I want marriage, but, if I had to choose one or the other, I'd pick having an avatar.
  10. I'm jumping in late, too, to this thread. Glad we got news on it at last. Also, literally every leak was completely wrong. Heh. I agree that the overall graphical direction looks very plain and simple. Not bad, just that it's such a drastically different look from the bombastic Kozaki designs and strong color symbolism of Hidari. I think it might grow on me more when I get to have in hand, but the lack of polish is obvious in the stage the game is in. I just worry toning down the "flash" that much will make it look like a step down from the 3DS games despite being the first console mainline FE in a long time and not necessarily being one in the gameplay. That said, I love the choice to have it be a main character leading an actual unit of soldiers. Not only is the formation system going to be fun to play with, it gives a sense of scale the games always lacked. The choice to use generics is probably to keep the focus squarely on the lead we're controlling. On the story, is this pre-Marth Archanea? Is this when the dragons ended up being forced to peace out and turn into manaketes? Little sleepy Tiki was shown for a reason, but I've not yet played the games with Marth as the lead.
  11. I think DLC is the only option at this point since Three Houses is releasing months after Smash. Mmmm, since we have three core lords and I think a my unit/avatar, it's a toss-up between the avatar or one of the lords. Corrin served as a cross promotion for Fates. That said, I kinda hope it's Edelgard, just for being a female and, more importantly, being an axe weilder. She was given the center in today's trailer, too.
  12. I think that depends on how the license works since it would make more sense for other FF leads like Terra or Zidane to get in as assists, but each numbered game is unique, so they may only have VII to play with if anything else at all. (I mean, I'd obviously want Tifa or Sephiroth as a new fighter, but I know how it is.) Kinda wondering if any more Sonic characters are in the pipeline. Shadow was an assist trophy, but he'd make a perfect Echo candidate, and still nothing on anyone else. "Super Smash Brothers Ultimate and Knuckles," please.
  13. I am very pleased with what was shown today. My stance is that Melee is played in a way it was not intended to be, with some heavy glitch exploitation and bad balancing (resulting more from it being built as a party game verses a serious fighting game), only countered by said glitches and techniques being common knowledge and used by basically all high skill players. I don't care for it at all, but Brawl's combat did little for competitive play without much resembling certain high level techniques from Melee and that tripping RNG. 4 is just a good fighter, stepping up from Brawl's foundation, and Ultimate looks to be a happy medium between 4 and Melee. I am pretty content that it was decided to focus on bring old fighters back verses adding a bunch of new characters, especially when DLC is always an option for later. I really wanted the Ice Climbers back! Zelda's ALBW design is my favorite of the series for her, and I was thrilled to see her outfit change. Also that grey haired Zelda is just a new version of her old "dark" skin. I don't see the Hilda resemblance, either, beyond Zelda and Hilda already being damn near twins in appearance. Inklings look difficult, but the whole mechanic of inked enemies taking more damaged needs some sort of counter, so the tank being carried over makes good sense. I'm not totally sure I'll main them as I initially planned, especially with Ice Climbers returning and so many Final Smashes being far better designed. Also, very yes on Pokémon Trainer returning without the penalty for sticking to one Pokémon for too long. That was almost unplayable. And having to unlock stuff again is nice. Now I just want to know if we're getting an adventure mode like Subspace Emissary.
  14. 3DS: Pokémon Ultra Moon Netbook: Dappervolk Switch: Splatoon 2 PS4: Crash N-Sane Trilogy
  15. Sony sucked. It was terribly put together and other than KH3, made little effort to appeal to an audience outside the gamers that live off blood and grit. Boring. I'm confused at the lack of MediEvil anywhere. They very easily could've made that game's full reveal a huge deal and it's entirely missing from the presentation and stream schedule. Spyro's on the floor, at least. Anyway, I fear FFXV's bizarre and broken dev cycle and retcon patches will become common in future SE games. The Royal Edition feels complete and is genuinely a great game, but that's what it should have been at launch, and this whole deal of adding new shit and rewriting old shit like a story in editing mode over a year after it's on the shelves is a pretty weirdly twisted gaming experience. It makes it feel like the thing's been in Beta all alomg. That said, I think SE's complete reset on FFVII may be a good thing since the reactions to the gameplay being action instead of any sort of turn-based system were mixed to negative. I think most of us want something akin to how Spyro and Crash, where it's really just a massive graphical overhaul and the gameplay is fundamentally the same. Also, FFVII's 3 disk based story breaks could help facilitate an episodic format, but there would be salt with selling all three at full price. KH3 looks absolutely incredible. It actually looks like a game that would take years to develop, both graphically and the sheer amount of modes shown that've been injected between combat.
  16. BTW, Skyrim: Very Special Edition on Alexa is real and you can play it right now.
  17. That vid was a trip. If Nintendo can get Melee players into Smash 5 instead of continually digging their claws into it's glitchy, twitching corpse, that's a pretty gargantuan win, I think.
  18. Starfox in Starlink is giving me really bad Starfox Adventure vibes, but I need to watch the trailers and read more on it. It's just really weird to see that, and I don't think it means anything regarding a main game. Sony does that timeslot because it's 5 in the evening for LA. It's 9PM for me when it drops. I would just say fire it up first thing in the morning to dodge spoilers verses getting sick from no sleep.
  19. If it's revealed Tuesday, I'm expecting similar treatment to Fates. But, I think Fates had a reveal trailer way before E3?
  20. The taguel have to drink from different watering holes and ride in the back of the caravan because I'm good at subtext.
  21. Judging by the fan art and fiction, I'm inclined to disagree. IS clearly picked up on it too, looking at merchandise and Heroes. All of which just push CQ stuff further. Plus, there is something special to the idea of a family that loves you for you, not out of any obligation by blood or marital relations. (There are a few other factors, like Camilla's tropey-ness, but it's not like BR lacks sexy ladies.) I would really prefer not to see a similar situation since BR fans often felt shafted as a result. It's a really personal gripe, but a gripe nonetheless. Anyway, my only expectation is a reveal trailer. Big RPGs have gotten series of videos in the past few years, with Fates and Echoes included, so we'll get a stream of info eventually anyway. Best case is Treehouse attention.
  22. I chose Birthright over Conquest for every reason but gameplay. Genuinely, I would choose to stay by my birth family in those circumstances, and I prefer the cast on that side. I still find it a bit surprising just how far in the minority I am in prefering BR, but I get that CQ is just so much more interesting to play. I guess if we get another "split," I really hope one side isn't so vastly preferred over the other because one has super boring maps. Or just go the Echoes route and make it a back and forth. Also, if they want another character like Lilith, IS need to go way harder on making them into a cute mascot like they claim they intended Lilith to be. Now that's a character that felt like we missed a huge amount of development.
  23. I wish we could get that initial novel that Fates was before so much was chopped off to make the game versions. I feel like the Valla weirdness, especially the royals there, probably took the biggest hit to try to rush the whole act of gathering the families for the final push. A handful of Switch titles, included FEWarriors, have a $70 dollar bundle that includes the base game and season pass. I'm betting FE16 will have a similar bundle with a round of DLC in the wings.
  24. I dunno, I think the only reason the vocal minority was a minority at all was from the fact you could jump through hoops to get all three paths in one package via the Special Edition release (that sold put right away.) I don't think Pokémon is a good comparison as there is really no reason to buy the alt version, and never has been, unless you're completely asocial. The existence of the GTS blew the lack friends excuse out, too, well over a decade ago when it launched with Gen4. In fact, I try to buy the lesser sold version just because it's exclusive Pokémon are in higher demand on the GTS. I give credit to IS for letting us buy the other paths in Fates at 50% off, but a Birthright player like me had a fundamentally different experience than anyone who purchased Conquest first. On subject though, I think I'm the only one left who still wonders if Vampire Emblem is legit. If so, judging by those old leaks, that's another game that could actually have split pathlines with wildly different stories depending on if you control the monster army or the human army.
  25. Honestly, the only "cuts" I can foresee are clones being reduced to costumes as that was what Lucina and Dark Pit were supposes to be in the first place. Except Mii Fighters. Because nobody cared.
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