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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Last handful of book pages read, and I finished watching the longplay. Historical knowledge increased, reassessment of my treasured past circa 2004 completed What didn't I do today- play a single video game.😑 I guess they couldn't foresee their own demise? As for a little something XC2 I randomly found an hour ago.: "JPN: では ハナはとてもアダルトになるのでセクシーな服にして欲しいですも So, since Poppi will become a big adult, Poppi wants sexy clothes!" The officially localized English sentence above tones down the language. What I posted is a direct translation of the Japanese. Found that here, although the link contains XC2 Chapter 8 SPOILERS!
  2. 1RN means his dodgetanking isn't so perfect, and there are a few really strong enemies he may shirk from. And there is a third issue is something that you haven't experienced yet. He is good, but not perfect. Also, FE4 secretly wishes it was a Musou game. A Huang Gai cinematic gif for you, in the old man's one moment of historic glory.
  3. If you want to see RNG kicked up a bit, try the Gadget/Tinker in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and FFTA2. The class's abilities are all the same, they either do something good (Haste, Barrier, healing) or try to inflict something bad (Poison, Doom, Sleep, Blind, Dispel), on either all friends or all foes. Which will it be? Totally random! Sure, you can equip anti-ailment gear to block out the bad stuff from affecting you, but Haste for doubled turn speed on every enemy? 😨
  4. Smash's Luigi portrayal is weird. Why does it try to paint him as so strange? From what I've heard secondhand, I thought she was meritocracy? I don't care what grills be showing, all I want is their tasty hot and browned beefcakes!
  5. And even if we were naked, it could happen. We aren't born or grow up lookin' all that equal either! Humanity will always try to find a way to create distinctions amongst each other, and some humans will latch for reasons benevolent, benign, or bad, to those distinctions. Good idea. Never good to play when in a bad mood you don't think virtual escapism will be able to alleviate. Although other times... can someone please shove me off a cliff into entertaining joy right now? I can't seem to take the first step.
  6. I'd advise starting a rebellion against the laziness that is using an algorithm or what have you to grade an essay. Multiple choice? Yes. Math problem answers, yes. Complicated strings of information that requires the faculties of human rhetorical, emotional, and creative understanding to truly comprehend? Kill the machine tyrant.
  7. *Yawn* Spent the morning binge-watching the one longplay, I haven't been able to stop myself.😅 3 of the 4 vids done, which brings things to practically the end. As good as it is to review and revise my old perspectives, I've gotten to the point where the binge is feeling like a drag. I'll finish watching it once I've taken in enough fresh air. That said, I wanted to pull my hair out when I saw the longplayer was still playing opposing elements in the same attack after the transition to Disc 2. How do you look at the damage chart the game presents to you after every single attack and not see you're doing something wrong waaaaaay before that?😤 Instead, I'll read the last 70 or so pages of that 30 Years' War book. I stopped taking notes weeks ago because it was too much work, and I should've finished reading the entire thing a while ago too, I've taken it out for over a month, but at least I'll have finished it. I think I have something of a diversity sympathy thing, because "Protestants go from ruling 1/2 of Europe to 1/5th" makes me slightly sad at the Catholic resurgence, even though the Protestants politically could certainly be as bad behaved as the Catholics. When I return the book, I intend to take out a good one on the Reconstruction period of US history, something more politically relevant in this present day.
  8. Here is the map of Genealogy Chapter 8: Now in Thracia 776, Seliph and Leif decide to split their forces. Seliph goes to Connaught, the castle in the northeast. Leif is tasked with freeing Munster, the castle in the center right. Leif finishes liberating Munster at the same time Seliph finishes freeing Connaught. Thus, the Munster District, the country of the northern half of the Thracian Peninsula, is 100% free. And so Thracia 776 ends at Munster. Mease, the southernmost castle here, is part of the Kingdom of Thracia, Leif goes off with Seliph to defeat Travant (and then the Grannvale Empire) in the epilogue. Leif's irregular combatant friends leave his army after Manster, only the knightly ones remain. It is worth noting, that Thracia contradicts Genealogy, where it'd make more sense for Leif to take Connaught. -Not that it matters because invisible forcefields means Connaught must be taken before Munster, which Ced frees on his own.
  9. It's merely the limitation of sprites at the time. It doesn't. In actuality, the only units actually present for Rubenio is Leif -the unit on the castle entrance- and the horse unit to the right (Nanna) and the horse unit to the left (Finn). The inside joke here, comes from Thracia 776. Leif's portion of Chapter 7 of Genealogy, becomes Chapter 19 of Thracia 776. All those units represent every possible character Leif could have up to that point. The Warrior directly to his south is Dagdar, the General with a spear to the far right is Xavier, the Pegasi are Karin and Misha, etc.. Basically, it's poking fun at the drastic inconsistency between 3 and like 40 units found between the two takes of this moment in Jugdrali events.
  10. Chapter 7 should be e-z. You are seeing all this, right?
  11. Well, there are worse Secret levels, this one just slow, and mostly about not loosing footing during the bird sideways turns. The first Hotel Delfino, Yoshi-Go-Round, the lily pads over poison water, pachinko, and *throws you*. Still, I getcha.
  12. I never took notice of this before: The "Lord" of the Winds looks more like the "Lady" of the Winds, they're well-endowed, with streamers coming out of their uh... "points"... the floaty bounce isn't helping! 🙄
  13. I typed "Lester" into the SF main site to find this again.: https://serenesforest.net/2019/02/21/genealogy-holy-war-roundtable-discussion-1996/#more-49825 "Amusingly, one of the fans brought up the similarity between Lex and Lester’s appearances. This prompted Kaga to reveal a pretty interesting fact about the game’s development. –Shouzou Kaga, from the Genealogy of the Holy War Fan Special Initially, he had wanted the children characters to have features from both the father and mother–rather than just the mother. However, like many other plans they had, they eventually had to scale the idea down. So Lester’s design may be based on Lex as the father."
  14. Sorry about that!😅 I thought the list was long enough, a quick mention in the Spanish section would be enough. And thank you in return.🙂
  15. Characters don't inherit weapons beyond their base class's weapon ranks. Barring the divine weapons in some cases, those might be inherited regardless.
  16. Rewatching that scene, yeah, it felt worse than I remember. Maybe because I'm not so naive and innocently open to things now. Not the best early impression.
  17. Groups in play: Tilly, Bernhard, Pappenheim, Wallenstein (who gets assassinated on orders of his liege b/c arrogance makes everyone think he has gone AWOL), Piccolomini, Baner, Mansfeld, Duke Enghein... all generals I can't remember that much about, plus more. As for notable events, the Siege of Magdeburg would be great. 1700 of the 1900 buildings in town get burned to the ground, possibly by accident, 5000 souls remain alive and inside when the population was 25000. Oh, and 30% of Germans die across the Holy Roman Empire die over the 30 years, lots of plague, battle, heaping amounts of pillaging to keep the soldiers fed. I think it was said the average soldier in the Swedish army had a 1 in 5 chance of surviving after a year of service. Can't remember exactly. And remember who the Part 3 RD war begins with Ranulf saying Begnion has been killing Laguz envoys? 30 Years' War did it first! Well, third, two prior instances had happened in Bohemia over a century earlier. The Habsburgs had sent government officials to Prague, the capital of Bohemia, to discuss re-Catholicizing the kingdom, and a bunch of radical Protestant nobles decided to throw two Habsburg officials and their servant out a window, miraculously, despite being like 70 feet off the ground, they all lived and returned home. Thus began the Bohemian Revolt that began the 30 Years' War. Also, FE4's system of individual Gold accounts comes back. However, pay will always be at least six months in arrears and you will have to do some banditry or stage a mutiny if you want to fix that gaping hole in your wallet. There will also be national Gold account, but deficit spending and high-interest loans will be a part of this, no Casual Mode on the accounting! And if you're asking "Where are the Scotsmen?", they're comprising more of the Swedish army than actual Swedes, or maybe not, but there are definitely more Germans in the Swedish army than Swedes for sure. The Scots and English go bye when the English Civil War breaks out, gotta fight the home fight. Britain is pretty neutral at this time, but it is perfectly fine to visit and recruit thousands of mercenaries, that does not break the rules of neutrality. As you see, very complicated. The Thirty Years' War: Europe's Tragedy by Peter H. Wilson. Keep in mind, it takes about 250 pages to get to the actual start of the war. And devotes the last 100 to the aftermath of the war. I was trying to take notes b/c I borrowed it from the library, had to give up on that. Too many good things to note. I'd give you the few notes I have from the early chapters if you'd like.
  18. It's the only non-boss battle theme in game, but considering how good it is, I'm not complaining that there isn't another. A strong drumming backbeat, a violin that adds builds up the composition and adds gracefulness along with the piano, some synth. Smash needs it. And I'm lucky to have discovered it at such a young and formative age. Decided to start watching an LP of BK for old times' sakes (Longplay Archives has one for both games divided into 4 lengthy videos each, no commentary at all is great for me), and there are a few scenes later in the game I want to refresh my memory on. I finished watching the BKO longplay while ago. Doom Dragon, Felix, and especially Saturos tend to overshadow this battle theme, I had forgotten it. Still quite good. It's a little short before repeating, though I do like it. The fact you only hear it at the very start of TLA, before having to wait 3/4ths of the journey for Team Issac so you can ditch Felix, makes this something of a "forbidden fruit", which makes it more appetizing than it might actually be if it was more readily available to one's ears.
  19. Assuming video games are even capable of that. Admittedly, I say that not having played a lot of possible examples of that. But with that Triangle game bringing the unfortunate failures of Final Fantasy Tactics's narrative into my mind, and an 850 page history of the 30 Years' War freshly read in my head, I'm doubtful. Not only am I doubtful, but perhaps it is for the best video games fail at telling deep war stories. If deep is defined as "realistic", and FE is defined as "old European" then reality can be just too darned complicated! No ifs, ands, or Wolfenbuttels about it.
  20. Hmm... War of Shadows- Not bad actually for the 1-1 of FE. Gaiden- Eh, Gaiden's many smaller battles and questionable map design overall get in the war. War of the Heroes- Those hills and stationary enemies kill in Old Mystery. New Mystery fixes the faults, but it isn't enough. Still, I like this one narratively, even if the premise is undermined by all of Lorenz's troops being dead. Genealogy- Pretty snappy for a first fight, which makes sense, given FE4's fewer maps, I'd hate to play this with Sigurd's quartet alone. Epic story start. Thracia- Plenty of units, with a bit of diversity in them. Narrative neat too. Binding- Bandits that are a little tough, eh. You're likely to miss the optional tutorial battle. Blazing- Lyn's first bad, Hector first too limited, Eliwood's first is a better FE6 Chapter 1, average. Sacred- Lyn's first bad. The subsequent fight isn't remarkable. PoR- Lyn's first bad. The subsequent fight is Eliwood's first average. RD- Micaiah fragile, and you've got an archer too. Not the worst, but far from the best. Shadow Dragon Prologue- Yay added story content, the battles are functional. New Mystery Prologue- Lyn's first bad for the first battle, the rest are surprisingly difficult. Awakening- The vision doesn't deserve to count, subsequent battle is okay. Fates- I like the immediately after-Branch of Fate battle is distinct for each route, with use of strong characters you don't get until later, but none of these are particularly notable. The battles after the post-Branch are horrible (Rev), average (BR), and too rough on Lunatic (CQ). 3H- The one and only time you get all three house leaders, meh. TRS- 3 (turns of waiting for the drawbridge to come down, and then a few enemies. Not very interesting. So, Jugdral comes out on top. Shadow Dragon and Eliwood's first (if it deserves to count) occupy a second tier of quality.
  21. If there weren't any forcefields, we could get multi-front wars on these huge maps, that'd be more dynamic. Realistic too, since many a war has had multiple fronts. It could potentially cut down on the backtracking in Chapter 2 for instance, provided we endowed a few non-Sigurd characters with the power of the Seize command, Quan would be a good choice. The story would need to be able to accommodate the capture of castles in different sequences, but it could be done.
  22. There are times I like events being told using actual gameplay in FE. Chapter 4 Genealogy is not one of them. It'd be soooooooo easy to run over and defend Silesia Castle, but no, you have to watch as Queen Rahna is as hapless as Maria Theresa to invasion. And it drags on too long.
  23. Don't. Ya see, it's arguable that it's better to leave her unwed than some pairings. Hannibal/Oifey might like the Barrier Sword (+7 Res) that Laylea can get that Leen cannot. Alec does nada for Coirpre, and Leen isn't really going to be better than Laylea practically speaking unless she inherits the Leg Ring. Oh, and Charlot can get a 1-use 30000 Gold Berserk staff his blonde counterpart cannot obtain.
  24. Need a little morning calm? If you can't read Japanese (and I can't), the title translates simply as "Dawn".
  25. Yeouch that thumbnail says it all. Was Ryusei unintentionally darkly alluding to this when he said in OG2 they don't "need" the legs (well, besides the whole "it flies" aspect)? Thankies! And yeah 2nd OG for Euzeth, I read some message board stuff long ago that mentioned him. And that apparently he retains memories of his slain existences in other non-OG dimensions, I think. At least Chapter 3 made home castle defense sorta relevant, which most others don't. The flow could be better if they swapped Eldigan's crew to the north castle and made your first target the western one, but by Genealogy standards, the pacing was alright. It was less the Dew bridge aspect of 4 that bothered me, because I didn't go in blind to that, and more what followed afterwards. Because I wasn't playing blind, but I didn't see everything in advance, so it left a bad taste in my mouth when I overprepared for what came next, and ended up having to reverse some decisions.
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