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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I hope you and your loved ones survive, ideally with no symptoms and minimal long-term side effects. πŸ™‚ Are you aware of the HW1 Classic Tunic? Although, Postman Link is more outlandish.
  2. Oracle. LA used mostly ALttP's artwork, and what was new, remained legs unbound. ALttP GBA's updated versions of the old SNES artwork + new drawings did maintain the skin of the thighs. That was the last bared legs Link. Until he wakes up in his underwear in BotW.
  3. That one has in the artwork tights unfortunately, even if the sprites look to be otherwise. I would blame the sprites on the limited palettes and details of the NES; after all, ALttP Link had pink hair ingame. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda_gamepedia_en/images/5/56/TAoL_Link_in_Hyrule_Artwork.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/450?cb=20171012171343 Artwork-wise, it's ALttP that Link is his most liberated in.: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda_gamepedia_en/images/9/9b/ALttP_Link_Leaping_Artwork.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/338?cb=20170104220422 And I know, images still are stupid broken so links must suffice instead.
  4. The old Diamond Pokedex entry described Arceus as having shaped the world with a 1000 arms. For obvious reasons just from looking at Arceus, that entry was never utilized again. It already has good BST and the Plates gimmick in its favor, but Dynamaxed 1000-Armed Creator God Arceus?
  5. Just don't forget the Primer use first if you don't have one single point of TP on hand. Because swapping thousands of HP with 0 TP means taking a long "nap".
  6. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/02/zelda_remake_specialist_grezzo_is_hiring_for_a_new_medieval_and_stylish_project Another Zelda remake, or is this something new? I'm inclined to say the latter, though I'd actually prefer the former. I kinda regret getting their original title Ever Oasis, the characters needed some depth, and the combat needed to be significantly better. Hope you're ready to be shouting "Starfall" a lot.🌠 I do like the weapon type, it has a certain elegance to its style which the Longsword lacks. Not to mention Hellhound and Phantom Counter, those skills + Dual Guns make OD e-z. And since you'll have Photon Sabers, building affinity with Yelv early can give you Essence Exchange as soon as Chapter 6 is over. Put that on your palette and then use Primer followed by Essence Exchange while targeting on to an enemy that is too far away to actually fight, and you'll be able to instantly max your TP and then safely disengage whenever you need it. You can remove EE for something more practical afterwards.
  7. I have to dig these up: They're official, circa 2013!😘 Happy Valentine's Day to all, here is to a world of love and passion!πŸ’ž
  8. I could see that being possible now that you mention it, something you could pick up via a simple scanner. It's not perfect... Yet, it could work. If not as simple as banning appearance altering wholesale.
  9. True. I didn't notice that on my first run, nor that the game is actually telling you fall damage doesn't exist (which is great). Once he has memorized all 400 Kanji found in that particular game's script. Yardley tells you not to tell anyone, that you have to visit the appearance-changing site at night while he is there, and alone; that tells you something. And what it's telling you, is that it is TOTALLY ILLEGAL! Murderess's final AfM springs to mind. Sure it's also outright identity theft, and slipping onto humanity's ark of salvation leaving someone else to die with the Earth. But if people don't keep consistent appearances and can change them without the NLA government's consent, then can anyone be certain to be anyone? Can you hold everyone responsible for what they must be held responsible for you don't know who they presently are?
  10. I've seen the phrase used before. Applicable either to the incompetent or the unfortunate, in this case, the latter. It sounds grandiose, triumphant, but meaning just the opposite makes it so painful. Akin to "never missed an opportunity, to miss an opportunity". Not that I think that phrasing is good for this particular case. "Defeat from the jaws of victory" should apply to situations where you had a strong chance at something, but blew it. The Democrats everyone knew from the start didn't have a real chance of flipping enough votes, failing to get a miracle is to be expected. If you wanted to find a "defeat from the jaws of victory" for the Democrats, it'd be failing to get more seats in the US Senate last fall, and losing many state legislatures and some House seats too.
  11. Whats unusual about that? πŸ˜„ Happens to me a lot with naming things in games if there aren't default names. Do I use historical, mythological, or video game references? Have I been borrowing too many names from one particular video game? (Inevitably, there are wellsprings I turn to again and again.) What two names do I splice together? Does the resulting name sound good? Does the resulting name look good in the font being used? If a name splice doesn't look good, can I tweak the letters to make it work? Or should I scrap the whole thing and try another. Sometimes the names I create become so overworked I can't even remember what I made them from. And sometimes despite overthinking then, I can end up regretting my names somewhat later. "Clavesta" looks too much like "Larvesta" the Pokemon when it was supposed to be a blend of "Claves" and "Est". And now that I think about, I'm mixed on "Lorag". Assuming... But it's great create-a-character music! That later gets excellently repurposed for all your story mission briefings. Lowkey good track. Well, gender-bending/gender neutral naming is totally reasonable in XCX. You can't change your name later, but you can change everything else. I do like that, minus the immersion-breaking aspect. I know Irina's 1st HtH is affected by your gender, and there is at least one sidequest -Definian Love- that changes based on your gender, although I forget when it makes its choice based on your gender. Does it decide as soon as you initiate the quest, or at some point before that? Definian Love is entirely missable though, because it means you choose not to scrap Fortun during Definian Downfall. They are a silent protagonist, in the sense that they never speak in the plot outside of silent dialogue choices. Compared to how Fire Emblem has been doing avatars of late, it's extremely different. Mark of old FE7 is the best comparison. Barring one small moment later on, after Chapter 5, your avatar might as well not exist in the plot, nobody pays attention to them at all in the serious moments. You're a talented but ordinary amnesiac, who is there to kick some ass with the talkative Elma & Lin, and whoever you pick for your fourth character slot. Sidequests are entirely different story regarding avatar presence. But your character stays silent barring dialogue choices yet again.
  12. Don't do it don't do it don't do it! Starting video games can be some of the most fun there is. But, I have to resist the temptation, because something feels plain wrong about leaving another game unfinished when I'm halfway into it. And yet, I do it anyhow.πŸ˜„ Distracted from distraction, by distraction. I would like to think I can juggle three at once, but I'm afraid it's no more than two. And I get what you mean about replays. You're no longer so "invested" in it. You know the world, characters, story, every boss battle already, full immersion was achieved and done. Now, the game can be free to be a game, something you can pick up and drop whenever you seek its fun again. Which is probably why I've played way too much Advance Wars recently, it's so joyfully familiar to me, that I can casually start a battle at any time of day, whereas for other games that I'm on the first play of, I need to prepare my mind and the right circumstances.
  13. That thumbnail is all I need to see. Mario Party 8, the "shake a soda can" minigame. How could it possibly be the worst? Bring an old Wii or Wii U to a party of teenagers in times of normal health, and let the guys blush or confess about their habits. Ought to be worth a few TMI laughs.
  14. I'm very apathetically nonjudgemental towards Three Houses, but thank you for this anyhow! Beta/scrapped content described in developer notes, or found within the game's data, alike interest me (well, minus seeing unused and unpolished assets, they can oddly creep me out in a way by reminding me that video games aren't "real" or "natural"). And this applies to all Fire Emblem games, as it does to many others. I await further dives into the sea, do tell me when you reach the Hadal Zone of 3H.πŸ™‚ And just to comment on thing that stands out from the above, Female Byleth as a potentially late addition? 3H being like not-old Persona being a coincidence or not, that is very SMT, considering how rarely they offer a female option to this day. It could also mean that Byleth wasn't truly intended to be an full-fledged avatar (although I guess they'd still be a semi-avatar?), initially at least. Because half of humanity can't self-insert so well if you deny them the choice of their gender. However, could it simply be that establishing Byleth with everything in one gender was a priority, even if they always had two in mind, and that backfilling the other gender and its differences would be an easy task they could handle later? I don't know enough about game development to know if that'd be odd or not.
  15. Developer notes and commentary usually interest me, so thank you. Although I'm not going to read this until after I've actually played BS. I want to form my own relatively independent opinion first, rather than be guided by the creator's beforehand.
  16. I tried the Brigandine: Legend of Runersia demo. Ehhhh, I was considering it thinking it was $30, but it being a full $50 is too much for a game that doesn't have that much story, and seems rather repetitive in theory across its six campaigns. There is at best, 11 to go around if you don't have the money to buy more in one of the two chapters that sells them. Money being scarce, you almost certainly won't given how early those two vendors are. And six of these come from Chapter 14x. For an advanced player who knows what comes ahead and how to properly manage fatigue and unit usage, that is a lot of S Drinks. For the rest of us, maybe not so much. A change to stat penalties would mostly benefit staffbots, who don't really need stats. Which would actually inverse the current problem of fatigue, it disproportionately hinders staffers. Also, blind players deserve something at least slightly better, because as is, it is possible to miss Homer, Tina, and Amalda if their necessary staffbot is fatigued and you don't have an S Drink to bring them back into things. This also applies to Miranda, Karin, and Mareeta and their recruitables. You do leave out mention of capturing here, which is also relevant regarding Thracian dismounting. Since just like Thracian and later Telliusian rescuing, you cannot drag a horse into your arms as a hostage/for safety alongside its rider. Of course, there is nothing that prevents it from being that in the process of a successful capture, you knock the person off their mount and then steal everything of value from them. Thereby creating a logic invalidating the mountie protection against capture. Although if one were to do away with mounted capture immunity, then the mounted capturing benefit of ignoring Con should be dropped as well to make the capture playing field entirely equal.
  17. Reminds me I watched an LP of an obscure game where the human hero comes to the accidental conclusion he has impregnated his sexy female alien companion, and that she is about to give birth. Turns it what actually happened is that females of her species grow wings when they feel intensely passionate about males, and that the growing of the wings is an exhaustive process. She proceeds to rip them off and gives them to the hero as a gift, which enables him to fly over gaps, and she says she'll grow back new wings later.
  18. An indie game, Wargroove, also has a Custom difficulty, allowing you to adjust: the damage you receive, daily income, and the groove charge rate. I'm a little surprised they don't let you adjust the damage you deal. This said, if you want to unlock everything, you need to collect stars from the campaign (and the Arcade mode, which has only three fixed difficulties, each with separate stars to earn). And if you make your Custom easier than Medium or Hard, you can get only 1 or 2 stars at most, as opposed to 3. Not yet, and it probably shouldn't! Some video games, namely RPGs, are just too long for movies (although other genres are absolutely a lot more viable), I don't get how book adaptations do it. Instead, I propose that if one were to turn a video game with a very lengthy story into a movie, or a play be it musical or not, that it focus on one particular event from the whole and portray nothing besides it. Or, that it tells a tale set within the greater world not covered, perhaps not even mentioned but plausible within, the actual story. ...I assume it'll make you depressed all over again?πŸ˜† I don't think more sadness is necessary in the world right now. I'd rather prefer to think the lyrics to be really really surprisingly gruesome or laden with the indicators of an LSD trip when it was being written.
  19. Can't take one more day of the game then?😜 -Thats a song from the musical/movie version, in case your distaste for the classic Victor Hugo work stems from being forced to read the book they're adapted from in school. Mismatching audio and action, this could be funny if it could be precisely disconnected. But I doubt the glitch could be used to create those perfect moments.
  20. Amen. I think I was seriously considering dropping the game right there. The area looked nice, I liked the green color of a lot of the piping b/c Mario, but I don't want to want to see inflatables in games again for a long while.
  21. *Sees Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV has released on Switch... for $69.99 USD* Too expensive to risk taking a gamble on. At least that cost includes the expansion pack. I haven't seen Koei do sales on the Switch before, which makes it an even harder sell to me. Reminds me I left that game off at the second to last floor. Which I think I mistook for being the last. The game is fun in short bursts. And I do think it has aesthetic charm that does the Switch well.
  22. Interesting! Thank you. The third SMT instance of Dragon Veins made it a little confusing, because at one point they actually include an attack invoking the Dragon Veins called "Ley Line". Is that just the English translation, or is it actually in the Japanese and a conflation of the two concepts as you think the case in FMA? I don't have the answer to that. Except, what royal child would want Siberia as their inheritance? Unless there is a really good fur trade, or unless Nohr and Hoshido are on the verge of discovering the uses of petroleum, uranium, and other rare resources found underground and the north is rich in them. Although I did stumble on this image on Wikipedia: Handing out territories to make a new country, forgetting people live on them, is odd. Might not work out in the long term. Would be better to have Xander make Corrin Duke/Duchess of Nachtland, and Ryoma Corrin Daimyo of Takamagahara, uniting the two disparate lands in a personal union. Since managing them as separate inheritances rather than as one polity would possibly be more functional, provided neither fief minded their lord/lady being absent a lot of the time in a distant land. A thought of Dal Riata, the union of Denmark and Norway, and Roman Empire's many possessions across the Mediterranean, makes me think it might be feasible to hold together two non-island territories that lay on opposite sides of a body of water. So maybe Corrin could get the best lands nearest the Bottomless Canyon, and to the south along the coasts of the Hoshido-Nohr Sea. Water travel was usually faster than land back then, unless weather conditions were working against you. Surprisingly, looking at all the battlefields of all three Fates campaigns, there is a huge absence of conflicts in southeastern-most Nohr.
  23. I've been watching a Let's Play of Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon. The fundamental world premise is a bit... not handled well, and unexpectedly dark, considering the first Raidou game avoided the usual bleakness of mainline SMT. I'm glad to see mostly everything was improved from Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army, which was so primitive in ways that I couldn't bring myself to finish it, despite the positive traits it had. From what I've read in summary of the modern Swedish system of business and welfare, companies have the right to fire you fairly easily. This is because the country needs to be economically competitive to bring in the tax revenues to support the welfare system, so businesses need worker flexibility. However, if you are fired, the strong social safety net kicks in, and the government will generously support you until you find a new job. And the government needs you to get a new job, because someone has to pay for everything, so near-full employment all the time is as necessary as economic competitiveness. I'm almost sure an actual Swede could list 30 things wrong with the system in a heartbeat, but things tend to look a little rosier from the outside.
  24. Well thats one-third of Fates done! I hope Birthright is a little more exciting for you. It might be, at least part of it. Couldn't comment much, what with the gameplay being so unremarkable. Although as a semi-random aside, I just discovered a third Shin Megami Tensei game that mentions Dragon Veins, the second of which names them just that. All three of these predate Fates by years, the oldest being Persona 2: Eternal Punishment released back in 2000. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know whether this is traditional East Asian geomancy being referenced, or some adaption of ley lines, a European pseudo-scientific/New Age idea formulated in the 1800s and early 1900s.
  25. Yep. As for cash, I simply didn't spend it. I mean maybe I set a few items that looked nice, but that probably wasn't until at least halfway in or more. It's my mentality to grow my wealth without spending it in RPGs. "Nuanced understanding" on the first playthrough doesn't seem to be my thing with Xenoblade. I was always using Sharla on my first XC1 run, and XCX, I struggled at times against enemies on my own level, although that game also explains nothing well thats combat-related whatsoever.
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