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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. On the other hand, it is flavorful gameplay-characterization. And who need pouch items? I barely paid attention to those!
  2. Considering your fondness for FE6, that I can see why you'd have such a sentiment. And PoR is simpler on the story side too. I can't say I entirely disagree, Old Mystery is probably my preferred title of the SNES era. Although I'd say it has less to do with Jugdrali complexity, as it is Genealogical size and Thracian jagged edges, both of which don't entirely dissuade me from returning to them, but they do create hesitation to do so. I would hope for room for IS to offer both a crisper, less intense experience, and one that does force you to slow down and think due to meaningful complexity. The BR-CQ gameplay divide was a nice idea, as much as I wish BR didn't have a midgame difficulty and map design collapse and a lategame difficulty spike with some shoddy maps.
  3. Looks like it snowed overnight for me. It's weird, barring one early snow, the entire winter has been mild for me. But once early February hit, it was a three-day blizzard and two subsequent smaller snows. ☃️ I shouldn't be smiling like a child anymore, because ice is slippery and shoveling is a necessary burden, particularly because my front and back yard are quite large, though that makes the sheet of unbroken pure white all the more majestic. And yet, as much as I try to suppress it to fully embrace the reality that snow = bad, I can't. To be fair, she is more abrasive there. Do I like that though? I'll say it's asset laziness and recycling.😛 Although apparently he is at least 18 or something. Are you aware of the official metal rendition of the Fire Emblem theme from Codename S.T.E.A.M.? Might ease your mind a little.:
  4. I mean staying spoilers forever means having to ban something from being made into official merchandise for forever. But, *sigh*, it ruins the impact, man! It'd be too awkward and anti-excitement to announce a new product and say "Behold! A snow globe with -Don't click on the blackened words unless you've played up to Chapter 23 of Amazing Game IX!- *insert line of blacked-out text*!" And have the product image show a nondescript rectangular or square black box unless you then clicked on the image to reveal what lay beneath the cover. If the product were to end up in a physical store, even stranger it'd be. So, whatcha gonna do?
  5. I'm well aware of the quirky game of great notoriety that is Katamari, but, I hesitate to get practically anything outside of my gaming comfort zone. Although I do see a demo on the eShop, never hurts to try.
  6. ...Nothing I say could possibly express the sympathy you deserve. But still, I offer what sympathy I can. The world needs to get better.
  7. I on the other hand missed many of what should've been painfully obvious lines by doing Torna first. Was still plenty fun tho'.😃
  8. Elly look great, the rest are fine. Though were we to get that pipe dream of a remake, can Rico look less Blanka/Ganondorf? Not that that's his first remake priority. More relevance than Maria and Chuchu. And maybe Rico. I've heard of remakes adding bonus characters before, she'd be at the top of the list. At least perhaps as a "replacement" at the end of the game? ---- Forging for materials should not be this deadly, or take this long. But such is the Empyreal Bridge. I've died like ten times on bare minimum forging trips. I just need one piece of the rare mining material darn it!
  9. ...Which means enemy phasing, which means bad for bows. And not so good for fliers either, since sooner or later, you likely will have to deal with an enemy phase with Silver Bows, and therein lay a possible problem. GF is great in any dose, but the quantity necessary to make fliers 100% use & forget or bows good in Awakening, is more than a single user of it.
  10. Poison Sting infliction & stallx300? I don't see this surviving the Elite Four. Keep in mind that Nimue and Marduk are both legitimate names. Well, mythological references, Nimue being one name for the Lady of the Lake (and Ninian is another), while Marduk is the name of the chief deity of Babylon, and mythological names are fair game for FE character names. The issue with Murdock is that it is a perfectly acceptable modern English name, and hence does not appear to be in need of changing. Give Marduk to someone else, and while we're at it, use up a bunch of other unused Ancient Near East names, like Bel, Mushussu, Pabilsag, Enlil, Yms, Anat, Dido, Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Pazuzu, and lets not forget Persia and swipe Ahura Mazda, Ahriman, Zurvan, Mitra, Sraosha, and Rashnu.
  11. Ultimately... after one small kalpa of grinding. That'll take a while for one character in a no-grind run of the story, getting a full or near-full team of GFers will be practically impossible for that. And I'm considering that as my Awakening standard. It's a whole lot less feasible than a full wing (I think thats the largest term for a group of military planes) of Wyvern Lords in 3H. Or a PoR BEXP dump. I don't think anyone would attach grind limits to the Grandmaster trials and Apotheosis, and so it's there where the GFx15 or whatevs the unit limit will come out in full force. After about... 200 runs of Lost Bloodlines 3? And of course, this is where bows would shine in Awakening, at looooong last after an entire maingame of buried in the dirt. Unless you're the Jamke Einherjar, who is fairly good.
  12. Thats entirely valid. Whats the point to a world, to a tale, if there is nobody in it worth keeping alive and happy? -So the argument goes. I'm not entirely sure where I fall on the plot-driven vs. character-driven spectrum.
  13. Japan be lucky. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/02/shin_megami_tensei_ii_is_being_added_to_japans_nso_super_famicom_collection Although, despite being an SMT fan, I wouldn't exactly rush into SMTII if it had an official English localization. Judging from SMTI, it has likely not aged the best. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/02/scalpers_and_collectors_buy_up_mcdonalds_pokemon_happy_meals Scalpers be at it again. Happy Meals, for Pokemon cards.
  14. *Awaits the game that make us feels like we've lived through Episode 3* Then again, Monolith doesn't have to "lose its way" the way some franchises end up. Dragon Quest in the world of JRPGs hasn't had a major mainline flop, perhaps Xeno will get lucky the same. I'll agree here. Amnesia, being disowned from the stuff of your short post-amnesia life, feeling estranged from oneself, being dragged into a conflict you have no personal stake in, having mysterious who know you but you know them not show up all the time, getting a bomb placed around your neck (I can't believe they would've allowed it, it had to be fake)... and this is what, just the first quarter of the game? It can get tiresome being dragged from one thing into another without much agency, but you can't say Fei doesn't get a good drubbing. Although at the same time, this and Jargon Ahoy! I think keep Fei from being readily digestible to a mass audience, even if XG were available to a PC/Switch audience. The stuff around him is so much and so complex. About her... (XCX SPOILERS!) It isn't completely gone, it fades...
  15. Behold the form we shall all soon take. For it is the path we walk.😛
  16. From what I remember, the enemies near her all carries bows, are stationary, and whose ranges don't cover each other's adjacent spaces. Her AI moves her enemy by enemy, closer to the boss, but until she gets to the boss who can attack up close. Selkie will not be attacked by any enemy, barring those to the left, whom you can readily intercept.
  17. True, he is naught but a Fei-Lite with a nerd angle and Fei-Lite was invented years ago, he's called "Cloud". Don't mean to say Shulk = bad, but yeah, he isn't great to me.
  18. I hadn't thought about this, but I certainly see where you're coming from here. And unlike Murderess, it isn't so "nefarious" as an aspect of his character to the point where "the good people" question their intentions.
  19. Unrepentant of their flaw, got it. Kinda the same issue with Boze and his Xenophobia, although I sense "slavish imitator of the Far East" understandably adds to your criticisms of him. I vaguely remember the Blade Quest of which you speak, just not the details. Dagas was da-gass to me.
  20. He wasn't that bad to me, though rather simplistic. He and Perun were a bit redundant personality-wise, she more serious, he more cartoonish, and I got her first.
  21. ...The Etrian Odyssey feeling of "you did enough, you should return to town to save" but then throwing caution to the wind and experiencing "you knew better!" *Game Over* never loses its sting. And never do I learn. Just a little more, and I will finish this unfinished third playthrough of EOV. Get to the 30th floor, grind to about level 90, purchase everyone's ultimate equipment, and done it'll be for me. I might skip the Lamia fight this time, or tune it down to Basic as I did the final boss. I've gotten what I wanted, a full experience of the Phantom Duelist, Blade Dancer, Spirit Broker, Divine Herald, and Shield Bearer classes. It's definitely been the weakest of my three teams, the Blade Dancer supported by the Shield Bearer has been awesome, the Spirit Broker great for randoms. But the Phantom Duelist gave me a good taste of an EO dodgetank, and while it works, battles rarely gave me a chance for Lure to shine and there are fundamental flaws with dodgetanking that ruined it in certain boss fights. The Spirit Broker seemed terrible on bosses too without a trick, and that left my Blade Dancer my sole good damage dealer. The Divine Herald didn't get to uses its awesome Split Spirits with this setup either. A few weeks from now, I can begin my fourth and final romp of the game, with the last set of Legendary Titles. Wilting Miasma + Binds & Ailments + Overexertion, means a repeat of my first playthrough, albeit with some differences that should be fun.
  22. Thank you for the warning. I'm am unaware of that game's antics, barring overhearing once about a Phoenix Wright courtroom parody with a colorful cast of jurors.
  23. Thank you. So with Momo tagging around, that means there is a nod towards most of the playable XS cast in Exceed. Not exactly full-fledged inclusion, but the little things help. As a random "gift".:
  24. The rest of them seem native to her, nothing referencing any other XS characters I would think. Her full arsenal in Exceed is: S-Sault Valkyrie G-Shot Storm Waltz X-Buster Phoenix Strike Lightning Waltz- Which has nothing to do with Storm Waltz, it's her R-Blades(?) electrified and slashing away. Her two Special Skills are: Hilbert Effect- A very weak, and thankfully appropriately inexpensive, damage-free debuff to all enemies. Contradictions regarding whether this is necessary for combat with Gnosis in the Endless Frontier, in the first game, you don't have Kos-mos when you first encounter Gnosis and they're no problems at all to kill. While Exceed has the Gnosis first appear as transparent and thus transdimensional, and Kos-mos at the same time arrives and from her maintenance bed deploys the Hilbert Effect to fix that. Star Action- MOMO tags along in Exceed, so Kos-mos calls for her and she applies Valor (50% damage increase for one full attack sequence) to the four active characters. Kos-mos's two Overdrives -ultimate attacks- are: D-Teneritas: Which consists of a barrage of Valkyrie gunshots, followed with Dragon Tooth gatling laser, then into Dragon Tooth beam saber, then X-Buster, thrusts her hand into the enemy's chest, and at last opens her top and entraps the enemy in an energy sphere, followed by tossing a small explosive straight at them whilst she turns her back on the enemy and the explosions wrap up the onslaught. Spell Blade: Was originally a Special in the first EF, Exceed gave MOMO that second Special skill slot, and turned Spell Blade into Kos-mos's second Overdrive, which is weaker than D-Teneritas, but the final hits target multiple enemies. It's a series of simple, clean, deliberately delayed strokes of the R-Blades, with plenty of vertically-aligned Japanese incantations popping up on the screen. Our android jumps into the air with the full moon behind her, lowers her combat eyepatch, more visual incantations, and then swings a scythe, producing a flurry of crescent energy beams that rip into the enemies. And because I mentioned MOMO in Exceed earlier, as an Assist Character, she gets one attack- Star Wind Mode. A volley of arrows from her bow, at the end of which the enemy is frozen, she swipes with magic wand and undergoes magical girl-esque transformation, with a small cyclone dealing wind slashes to the enemy before she untransforms and leaves the stage of battle. T-ELOS as an Assist Character in Exceed gets U-Teneritas as her lone attack. The entrapping energy sphere, with a little G-Shot, a slice from her right laser R-Blade, she explodes the energy sphere, does two crescent kicks to the enemy lifting them into the air, and then puts her foot on them and holding her Magdalena gun to them as if she was cold serious and psychotically going to put the worthless dog out of their misery, and shoots them once. Oh, and I don't know how accurate it is to Xenosaga, but statwise, Kos-mos is one of the slowest characters in EF. She and Reiji usually show up at the end of the turn order. I think her HP and Def are the higher side of things.
  25. True. But if you haven't an army of GF users with insane stats to wipe scores of enemies off the map each turn, and instead have to do a lot more solitary enemy-phasing, then staying on foot is slightly easier on my mind whilst not costing a skill slot for Iote's Shield/Bowbreaker.
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