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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Actually, Jamke does have reason to stay Archer/Sniper. His Pursuit is rooted in his class, it doesn't carry over on a horse. He'd be a one-shot not-wonder relying on inconsistent Adept and Charge to get second hits, or the flower that is Edain for that Brave Bow. Midir would be the better Bow Knight.
  2. Got Melia and Riki, I think thats enough for today, took me a little over 9 hours over two days to do so. The early bumps are past, the good fun has begun. Is it a bad choice of wood or something? A smell not charcoal forest-y? Or do you not care for the "good" wood-burning smell? Or is it simply too much smoke?
  3. I'm not into horoscopes IRL, but for the medieval and magical setting FE has, I like it. Astronomy and Astrology were interconnected back then, and many a learned man and woman consulted the stars for guidance. The only issue with the GBA (and Tellius!) bonuses once you got them, is that prior to RD (not PoR, right? I forget), you couldn't clearly see what the bonuses were.
  4. I think I misread this as you being serious, despite me reading it over and over.😅 Logical, makes fine sense to me. And let's face it, Nintendo didn't know how to do good VA work at the time, most of it was awkward.🙂 Fixed it for you.😉
  5. It wasn't historically that dire. Yes, a lot fewer people lived past say 50 or 55. But generally, if you made it past childhood, where mortality is higher, things got significantly better. The absence of modern medicine and struggling to have enough bread to eat in many years made life a whole lot harder, but those wouldn't bring you down to sub-30, unless you toiled in a very laborious job. Well, it appears the Gen 2 Starters looked a whole different at some point. Behold Beta Gen 2, when it was expected to be the end of the series and encompass all of Japan. Plans to make it a never-ending franchise likely explains the major delay of Gen 2, allowing it to be very reworked.:
  6. ...Assuming that Super Mario Sunshine's amount of spoken dialogue + all other stuff takes up an entire GameCube mini-dvd. Tales of Symphonia and Baten Kaitos might both be split over two discs, but the sheer amount of VA work the three games have in one scene is vastly greater than SMS has in the entire game. A better argument- Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. Now run off and listen to all those voiced lines in a fellow 3D platformer of the era with a cheesy plot.😛
  7. I'd say this works in Super Robot Wars, and I'd think it uses it a lot, not that I'd truly know from playing just the two officially-translated Original Generations. However, SRW doesn't have the same problem with forcing you to use certain units in a huge cast even if you've neglected them. Permadeath doesn't exist. And while pilot stats matter, ultimately you can compensate for being underleveled -which is fairly easy to overcome due to how the EXP formulas work- through investing some money into and temporarily throwing some parts perhaps onto an unused character's mech. Careful use of Spirits can even things as well.
  8. Is it really "work" though? It's grinding supports with people matching your chosen sex, and then deciding on an opposite-sex class buddy. I concede in a no-grind environment, Corrin does have to make the strategic choice of if, who, and how to build up support points on every map, because they can get only a limited number of best buddies. But with grind permitted, which can be done even on DLC-free Conquest at no gain of EXP via WiFi as long as it lasts, Corrin is just somewhat less flexible than Robin, with a very wide retinue of classes still. I'm likely placing overemphasis on the word "work" in the sense that it's tough to get, it's more "investment", in that it can be finite, but providing it isn't the challenge. And whatever you call it, it's more than Robin having access to everything from the start. Although Robin has a tiny paper disadvantage in that they have to always wait to level 10 to reclass, whereas Corrin has can do so at anytime, albeit this doesn't matter, because it's not until Chapter 20's completion that infinite Seals become a thing in Fates. Keep in mind, Corrin has almost never left Nohr Noble and its promotions for me, because E weapon ranks everywhere are an (over?)correction of SD/NM, and I've never forged Bronzes. Robin has rarely seen use outside of tome classes as well.
  9. If you want to know what that ⭐ next to her name means, it means it's Game Over if Enteh dies, she is basically another lord, albeit a staffbot.
  10. Isn't that kinda a tough call in Japan? I've heard they like the idea of "once a Seiyuu dies, you put the characters they voiced in the grave too". Though in reality as more and more things have been voice-acted, I suppose they realize they can't be so choosy. And operating on the premise the OG subseries is never going to end as long as SRW doesn't end, Excellen would need a new voice.
  11. Originally, it was the Portuguese who became prominent visitors in the 1500s. However, the Portuguese got kicked out of Japan because they included missionaries, notably the Jesuits, and Christianity = evil once Hideyoshi and then Ieyasu unified the country. Thus, the Dutch became the only Europeans allowed to trade with Japan until the 1850s, being limited by the Tokugawa shogunate to an island adjacent to the port of Nagasaki. The only time the Dutch could go further than Deshima, was on the annual trip to Edo to pay homage to the Shogun to whom they were, in the Japanese government's nominal worldview "vassals" of. As for European samurai, the one that Nioh game has made known is William Adams, an Irishman who worked for the Dutch East India Company, though Jan Joosten, a fellow member of the VOC as its Dutch acronym went, was an ethnic Dutchman who achieved similar notoriety. China I'm not as familiar with, but it was somewhat more open to the West. It permitted foreigners from more countries and allowed them to visit the country's interior, though most Europeans kept to the coastal cities because all they wanted was trade. And like Japan, or most other countries at the time, China didn't show an interest in coming to Europe, Europe already brought the good trade to their shores, why go there then? It's not until Western imperialism becomes a menace, is it realized "Maybe we should study their ways more closely?". Call it arrogance, or call it tragic innocence.
  12. Depends on what you want: Lee is the only unit able to heal and use magic in the game. Get him now for a free cool staff real soon. Problem being he has no skills, and his growths might as well not exist. Luca is an archer... who can "fix" his sister's flaw, but is a little weak. Ezekiel, desirable if recruiting Letena, a semi-rare axe user, his promoted class is nice, but his stats are a bit lacking. Narron, starts weak, but see what an early promotion does to him, and you'll understand why he is considered the best pick.
  13. The best one doesn't exist yet. Mark, the former Orange Star Advisor. 2nd will go to Robin, third to Itsuki and Kris in last. Not going to judge those I cannot. Kris could be better, if they were just wee bit more shadowy, as in "never shows up once in the plot past the Prologue and maybe Chapter 1's introduction". I'd be okay with them keeping all their supports ...except for the fact that I'd think their hogging of the supports in NM explains the glaring omission of an AbelxCain support, or many other supports between preexisting characters who really could've used the development. Give me the gameplay flexibility of Kris and Robin, but the irrelevance of Mark, and you've a crude copy of my ideal FE avatar. And don't throw them in a gatcha. It's only a war crime if you get caught mind-controlling all the enemies into dropping their weapons or handing them over to Merlinus.
  14. Being reminded of Bowser's anatomy, what's to say Bowser Jr. isn't a memory of himself as a child, which somehow escaped the Memory Banks and attained a physical, less blocky, form? What then, could have literally jogged Bowser's memory so hard that one of them escaped his brain and become external reality? When did Bowser Jr. first show up? In Super Mario Sunshine. What was the last major Mario game before that? Super Mario 64. Biology, and physics. Can't argue with this.
  15. I've seen it a few times in western entertainment. Usually it's the boyfriend who tries to be friendly with their prospective in-law so that he will be okay with him marrying her daughter, but the daughter's father is angry at the conniving boyfriend trying to steal his sweet little girl from him. As a result, attempting to call him "Dad" ends in comedic failure, because the father wants absolutely under no circumstances whatsoever to be related to the boyfriend! And the father will say at the end of the day, all he is doing, is looking out for his daughter's best interests, making sure no unworthy suitor steals her heart, regardless of whatever she says she thinks of her boyfriend.
  16. During the second reunion they had a pleasant conversation together. I wouldn't rush to incest. I would first think that one of the NPCs is trying to be affectionate with their future father-in-law.
  17. I wasn't trying to elicit humor with that metaphor, but sure.😆
  18. Correct. I think the reason for it is the premise that if you focus on an earthly conflict, that the peoples who inhabit that earth and the earth itself will be better developed as a result. Because to have a good grounded conflict, surely you will develop the countries that comprise it. I like the world of XC1, I like the world of XC2, but the narrative focus in the end isn't on those worlds themselves, if it was, I'd like those worlds even more. -However, my hypothesis is faulty, for even when the primary conflict is human vs. human no supernatural beings involved nor emphasis on silly fun, developers don't necessarily create strong worlds. I hesitate to *cough cough Fates cough cough* for an example of "earthy conflict with horrendous world-building" because that story is fundamentally rooted in the Eyeball Dragon. Nonetheless, my premise is naively optimistic.
  19. Finally popped in XC1DE, over two months since its acquisition. I wanted to jump right into Future Connected, but I could not get into the mindset for that. Instead, I opted to start up the main story again, because if I immerse myself in its gameplay, I can eventually pivot to FC. I don't intend to finish the main story right away, I don't need to, it's a vehicle to establish to right thought for the journey that I do seek It is easier to get into the main story, because I know it, there was no need to try to purge the mind of irrelevant and un-FC thoughts and to open my artistic appreciative pores to something new, to undertake a freedive to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, breath held from the moment my lips first touch saltwater to the moment they kiss the air again. I was just able to make it Sharla's recruitment on a single charge, a minute after getting the 15% warning. Combat is snappy, though I had to grind a bit b/c I was otherwise underleveled, it wasn't the smartest idea to avoid fighting a single enemy after the first until the High Entia drone-thingies battle. Things felt off-kilter, because I'm so used to XCX's adjustments. I'm a little astonished to say I miss Soul Voices, not waiting for Secondary Cooldown is odd, I got into the habit of switching my auto-attack weapon mid-fight to alternate the Secondary Cooldowns, and I'm saddened not to have a ranged weapon on everyone this time. Can Shulk make a gatling gun for you Reyn? I've yet to miss No Fall Damage, but I'm going to sooner or later, thats for sure. For I do not have dreams, I cannot hope for such tortured blessings of the unconscious. For the bolded, Brighid would mean someone Ardainian royal, or close to it, barring a thief who took a crown jewel. Mor Ardain reminds me of the one thing I find myself wanting more explored, politics. XC1 has a smidgen of High Entia intrigue that ultimately amounts to nothing once Prison Island is past. XC2 has the short-lived Judicium spat, and a touch of background Gormott-Ardain stuff. Indoline interference too, but I'm not sure whether to consider church-state relations as "politics" or a special separate form of politics. XCX has naught because there is only one human government left, which has no internal fracturing ATM. The aliens are either 100% evil, too few to have an independent political community, or Nopon. Xenogears has a little politics early on to drive the story before it can ascend into headier topics. And I suppose the 500-year tensions between Shevat and Solaris is political, but it's still not anywhere near center stage. I am well aware of "politics" in video games often ending up being hideous messes of stories where everything falls flat and is downright stupid. But with these big beautiful colorful worlds of distinctive cultures, would it be wrong to ask Monolith to try putting international conflict on the center stage? Less Gnosticism, more Machiavellianism. If Monolith listens to me and it all goes to hell because they can't get politics right, I'll jump off a cliff to apologize. Maybe it's not so much politics I'm asking for in a Xeno game, as it just something more earthly in general. Although, I could very well be overestimating the amount of time Xeno games spend in the clouds. And that what I'm asking for is there to be no clouds at all overhead, for there to be no place for a Heaven to reside. -Do I even understand what I'm saying here?😵
  20. SF must have an old error in his list data then. The culprit being his innate City Fighter/Urbanite being factored in.
  21. 6 Move base, 1 point on promotion IIRC. Comes at level 5, with a 5% growth, so 3 procs over 23 levels, awesome. Personally I felt he was a little squishy, but Lionel is still plenty good.
  22. Actually, Thomas was great for arena abuse for me. Being bow-locked gets rid of a lot of non-magical dangerous enemies for him, given his very high Def and surprisingly good when trained Spd. Plus, overleveling him didn't make things any easier overall. All I wanted out of the arena abuse anyhow was Gold b/c things cost a lot in TRS. Now Hagar... lost cause, lost cause, lost cause. He is an Est I cannot contest, his growth are great though he come late. But the only arena he can abuse has its nearby problems, and he'd need that Move Potion, which is tricky to get. Sure you've used him, but there is practically no chance for him to shine and barely any for him to grow in the first place.
  23. I did see someone who appears to be in the datemining/unused content/beta content community say that Female Corrin was -reportedly- added late to the actual game of Fates. They very likely existed in the story outline from the start, but when they turned Corrin into pixels and code, they started with Morrin as the base, and Forrin was added later as the alternative. This, said person said, is true of Byleth. All playable maps in 3H call for Male Byleth to be force-deployed, there is a special line of code to override Myleth if Fyleth was chosen at the start. Perhaps it could be compared (say I) to ordering a pizza, unless you say "I can't have gluten", you'll likely get one rich in the doughy wheat compound. Whether or not the order of the programming insertion of the genders of the avatar has any relevance to their writing, which can proceed wholly independent of their technical implementation, is a question I cannot answer.
  24. I wonder if RF5 will include any cameo characters from non-4 games? 4 I'm aware has one of 2 and one of 3, 3 an individual from 1 and another from 2. 3D models makes it more of a chore, and the RFF and ToD models will be considered aged by this point. So maybe not.
  25. Yeah, they wanted to make sure you understand, just in case.😏 I think I know what she'd say to your frustrations at getting one item. "Claim it if you can!"😜 I still remember that quip all these years later. Magnifique! I'm not sure if I'd ever really tune down the HUD myself. But I did play a good bit of BotW on my second run ignoring the Sheikah Towers.
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