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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. A glass of dairy was used for the "dance lessons"? I forgot about that. The drugged dairy I remember was the Juni/Lyria scene, I believe I've seen both versions of that. Turning down the offer with Juni/drugging Lyria is actually not so bad. Lyria actually likes the questionable clothing and isn't entirely happy when Attrom comes to rescue her, to the point of keeping those clothes under her regular ones in the ending. There is actually a silver lining to Plum's nightmare. I don't know if won't happen if you didn't get her Dance and Lan's Mirror, but Lionheart says her mother was a famed dancer, and he is fine with letting his long-lost daughter dance, which she does like doing. -It'd be so much better if Plum discovered her love for fancy footwork without the sex-slavery aspect though. It's been pestering me enough from time to time that I might as well. It ought to be fun. Though as I saw you mention sometime last year, and as I learned from the DQXI Tickington stuff, Baramos will be hell, to the point they included a battle of image of him among the eShop pics. They already have the 3D model for that, so yeah, I agree they should've included it.
  2. 3 stars of Affinity for Frontier Village, just a little more to go... and then I do the rest of the quests anyhow, including still-wholly-untouched Alcamoth. They've revealed the details on Portugal in Civ VI, the fan-obsession with this civ meant the developers turned the country into the god of the high seas. +7 trade routes on a default Standard-sized map with +50% yields more than compensates for limiting international routes to coastal/Harbor cities. The Navigation Schools for extra Science is unexpected, but ought to make the civ amazing with otherwise useless 2-3 tile islands. Spain, England, the Netherlands, and Phoenicia feel powercreeped by this (Indonesia is more coastal Production & Faith than Gold so it should be fine). And the one penalty is naught compared to Mali's painful one, despite both being obsessed with gold generation. Hopefully the promised buffs to 2/3rds of all civilizations next month is enough to fix the would-be rivals, Spain has been eviscerated by Portugal on the maritime (and touch of science) side, and Byzantium last year crucified them in the religion & religious war aspect. Needless it be said, once the inevitable 25% off sale happens again, next week I would think, I'm buying the full DLC pack, warts and all. But first, I must consider- to buy Dragon Quest III, or not? $9 USD on sale with tax for an NES game with updated (and terribly clashing) graphics is questionable, but the game seems a bit better quality-wise than a "historical curiosity" like FE1 is, and Japan still loves it I think. Although, I'd be happier if this was DQVI on sale, why hasn't Enix thrown it on the Switch eShop yet when they have the DS versions of the game on mobile? It's the one IV-VIII DQ I haven't played yet. *Remembers one of the wishes you're allowed to choose for winning against the DQXI bonus boss is an accessory that does nothing except adjust one girl's hair length.* Honestly I've never paid enough attention to the matter to determine which I prefer on the whole. This doesn't surprise me, you don't usually associate the Middle Ages with glasses -although neither do you with blue hair, pegasus, and female empowerment- and they weren't invented until the era was in its last few centuries. So it'd make sense that, for a franchise that tries to have a veneer of medieval, that it might not ever include glasses, until the one game it gets more carefree. I have never used that term. And in the few instances where I would've use that term, I instead borrow from Xenoblade and use Noponese "wifeypon" instead, which should sound utterly ridiculous, which is as I intend it to be.
  3. As long it isn't obsessively bad, or in the wrong ways with the wrong fictional people, attraction to fictional characters is fine. Also, asexuality is a perfectly normal thing. And it doesn't have to mean the entire absence of sexual drive, it can mean "some drive, but without an interest in sex and romance with other real people". -But I'm not sexologist, so don't take my word on this.
  4. Well the first time he says the name, he does inflect a bit of an "r" into it, the second pronunciation of it is the outright mee-hole, but it's also much more casual. I assume Colbert cared only to try to nail the correct pronunciation on the first introductory use, and settled with an inaccurate one instead of biting his tongue on the second. This said, he did once refer to Turkey's dictator-president Recep Tayyip Erdogan (again, pausing to attempt an accurate pronunciation) as an "Elvish greeting". -But comedy, with a dose of useful information in this sad world we live in, is his job. *Looks at Wikipedia* Blame the American Revolution. 1826 is when Britain established its "Imperial System" from the English system of units. The US had already gone independent, so they standardized their own version of the same English units in 1832, with some differences. Can't use the same system as the Brits, not in this era, US-British diplomatic relations after 1776 were fairly frosty until the late 1800s. Despite joining the metric world, the British people still vestigially cling to some imperial units to this day.
  5. Was the news by any chance American late night satire? (Start at the 1:40 mark.) Because I was watching it as usual last night.๐Ÿ˜€
  6. May I ask the context on this? The Late Middle Ages had glasses apparently, just without the sides to keep them on your head. Maybe thats why you don't see anyone wearing them- they have glasses, but they wouldn't be practical in battle. Although it's not totally precise, I keep in mind that a meter is roughly equal to a yard, so 3 feet. The metric system is much simpler with "every unit is a factor of 10 greater or smaller than the others" who the heck memorizes how many yards are in a mile? I blame American football on our failure to convert.
  7. Turns out whoever is making this... thing... is doing so without Nintendo's legal approval. The cursed aberration will be dead before you know it. I think this answer to this would be...
  8. Does this explain the disjointed hitboxes Lightcosmo complains about? Must be purely coincidental that this mod was completed around the time of Smash. But the "Py & My take over the video game world" jokes write themselves. Although, is it possible the absence of Kossy in Smash is because Monolith has declared the firelight duo the new future "crossover-into-everything" characters. Run, run fast. Keep your head above the water line, above the quicksand, do not fall into it.
  9. I don't try to go out of my way to get attracted to characters in every single game I play, but Reyn in full jungle wear is unexpectedly getting to me. Watching him run in that skirt is ๐Ÿ˜‹. Does it make historic sense for the US to be that strong? The last war it fought other than Native Americans was the mediocrity called 1812, it wasn't a dominant military power yet. ...Wasn't one of the quiet reasons the US settled with half of the Oregon Territory instead of all because of the Mexican-American War raging at the time? ๐Ÿคจ So much for Mexico being a righteous dove, fighting only in self-defense. Embrace your inner imperialist hawk and crawl your way to Panama then when you have the time. Why not thwart the future Spanish-American War by taking Cuba under your wings? I think it's better that way, Sharla is forever damned by how heal-centric they made her (which wouldn't be so bad if XC had 4-5 characters per team). Her personality isn't exactly healbot, but more kickass would've helped.
  10. It takes literally every single pre-Mechonis Core quest available in Colony 9 to get Shulk's 4th Skill Tree.๐Ÿ˜ซ Well, that's 3 down, and the next two thankfully don't need any Area Affinity. -But then it's Sharla and Riki + Monado Eater, which means it's back to the quest grind. And yet, somehow, I don't mind this too much. God's Chariot as I first saw it. Thrown in a box due to size: Or, reality in the industrial era. I'm aware that some US Civil War veterans needed daily care in old age, and young women were employed for the job. Due to the norms of the time, legal marriage was socially required if a young lady would spend so much time with these geezers. Because men do not lose their virility entirely, some children resulted from these men in their 70-90s. -As long as the "less" isn't clothing.๐Ÿ˜›
  11. Looking at Wikipedia, Mira is Latin meaning "wonderful, astonishing", from which English would get the word "miracle" and like words in Latin-based/influenced languages. As a star, Mira pulsates, this greatly affects its brightness, and the result is that you can't always easily see it from Earth. Perhaps Monolith was inspired by that for the dimensional instability of Mira. Of the handful of stars with old Latin/Arabic names, Mira also happens to be one of only three in BK whose names are derived from stars in the constellation Cetus, the second location with a Cetus name you have not reached yet, and the third is the game's title itself. I was trying to think of something witty for that topic, but couldn't. And why would starfish deliver babies? A cartoon reference. Starfish are a little better know for a few species being able to generate entirely new bodies from a single cut-off limb, thus multiplying asexually.
  12. My brain if Xenoblade had the Coccolith's "broken mirror" trick.: It'd be a fun, if super-difficult to properly implement, optional filter. Fun for all of 10 seconds.
  13. If you look very carefully, you can see a thin fog filter applied outside in Balancoire. An NPC by the entrance IIRC does mention that the fog sometimes greatly thickens, thus the city "disappears" enveloped in it, giving Balancoire its nickname, the "Borough of Illusion". You just never see the full thickness of the mist ingame; I wish you could. And considering the rest of Mira is bizarre is so many ways, a place that is normal, actually isn't so normal anymore in a sense. Ordinary people live blissful, ordinary lives in the most peculiar of places, which is a wee bit absurd.
  14. Mira's final ordeal!๐Ÿคฃ It's not actually that bad in practice. The traversable area itself, if the screen were in one piece, is actually quite small.
  15. https://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/nintendo-switch/harvest_moon_one_world Looking at Metacritic, this is unusually vicious, but yeah... Natsume is still trashy trash trash no matter how you slice it. Even when Marvelous does poorly, it's still triple platinum compared to the name-thief. As long as it's for a game I don't love, then I love a rampaging review.๐Ÿ˜‹ The thing is, Nero's mother, Aggripina, would make for a great nefarious Roman lady. He tried to kill her "by accident" for being overbearing and controlling, and then sent in soldiers to finish her, with her in fiction telling her killers to stab her in the womb that bore Nero. Valeria Messalina, wife of Emperor Claudius, would be another good Roman lady of infamy. According to the stories spun around her, she challenged the greatest prostitute in Rome to see who could please the most men in one night. It ended in a tie, but she was still unsatisfied. Luna is a little overrated, his stats and growths are too balanced. But it doesn't make a huge difference, the three unpromoted magic users in FE7 are quite similar. In the end, I lean on Lucius myself.
  16. I'd make a meme if I could regarding the entire visit to Mira, but I don't have the means for memery.๐Ÿ˜… And, as I mentioned it before several times, you likely picked up the Tri-Crecendo and Monolith Pens in the dressers in the one house here. Play them -and just them- together to create a Holy Grail. Then, play a Holy Grail with Japanese Rice Wine, buy the Uncooked Rice in the shop in Reverence and let it age 1 hour if you don't have any. The end result? Sacred Wine! This heals 500 HP, has a 100% chance of reviving fallen allies in battle, and never ages, ever. These facets make it one of the best healing Magnus in the game. Later, you can upgrade to Deluxe Wasabi Roots, which are 880 HP heals and share the other two positive traits of Sacred Wine, but you won't get the Young Wasabi Root needed for that for quite a while. Mizuti will be joining soon, and I believe they have a Holy Grail in their starting deck, but the Pens will let you make more Grails if that helps with the winemaking process. I now these many years later find Canas's gameplay "greatness" to be not so great, but as a character, yes I do so love him! A splendid scholarly nerd, without excessive gimmick, he is rather realistic in a good way.
  17. So you quite enjoyed it? Good for you! I thought I heard the sequel was intended to be the first game, but they made the first one as a warm-up project. Ever be so hyped up for a game, that when you finally get to play it, it ends up failing to live up to expectations? -That was me with Suikoden 2, unfortunately. Fundamentally, the game shows clear progression from the original, but gameplay-wise, it's still like a 6/10 to me in the modern day and age, it's very traditional and simple, which hasn't aged the best. As for story, it has some nice points, but perfection from beginning to end? I don't see that. Translation-wise, the sequel's two notable oddities to me were Freed Y- that "Y" at the end of his name is never said, it's just there, as if someone somehow botched the name "Fredy". And, his wife Yoshino, has one oddity with how she speaks Yoshino. Do you want to know what it is Yoshino? I'm sure you do Yoshino! As for game length, if you want to see a particular character's full set of optional no-gameplay-rewards events, you have to get to pretty much the end of the game in 20 hours at most. I have the third Suikoden as well, I'm told it's overall inferior to 2, but I'm not entirely sold on that notion. Yet, I've barely played it, a tiny bit into the first character's first chapter (Suikoden III has three main characters with separate storylines leading up to their unification) before some surprisingly difficult early battles stopped me and I just never returned.
  18. I was thinking it'd be similar to the process of sokushinbutsu. Albeit less deadly and with more magic entering his body. Basically, I imagine trading nourishment by food and water for living through the ambient dark energies, which the mind in unceasing meditation tries to regulate the flow of. If the mind fails to properly balance the presence of darkness in the body, then either they die due to lack of nourishment, or they become overwhelmed by darkness and made into a vegetable, or a wild beast if they still have enough life in them. If one maintains the equilibrium of dark magic in oneself long enough, it becomes second nature, instinctive like breathing. At that point, you become like Bramimond. Bramimond still has a free will capable of doing what he wants, and he still has his old memories, it's only the personality that he has surrendered. So he retains a sense of self, but it's less than what a normal human has, he given away some of it, but clings to the important parts. Trading the ultimately superficial aspect of personality for unparalleled mastery of the eldritch magics, is a worthwhile trade I can see. The "legion effect" isn't terrible if you limit it two people I think. I can name one example in gaming I love of it, but that could just be me. As for how to deal with masses of people, I would consider the route of attuning the voice to the overall mood of the crow. If they are all angry, Bramimond is purely angry. If there is a mixture of emotions, Bramimond could vary mid-sentence in tone, a high of anger, followed by a low of sadness, and then to a finish of jubilation.
  19. ๐Ÿ‘ฟ I understand him being alive a big retcon problem. But I will not let you insult the Buddha of Darkness! Bramimond is one of a kind in FE, a very interesting kind, something I wish we had more of. Gwenchaos is total loser, nobody, not anyone ever in all of FE or its has-been founder's knockoffs has attained the absolute perfection of the dark arts that Bramimond has. -I take back the overly dramatic words, but you should see my point.๐Ÿ˜œ
  20. *Begins typing the word "hierarchy" sees "Hayato" and "Hinata" pop up in my autofill suggestions. Begins typing the word "alter", sees "Altea" pop up in the autofill.* My computer is learning Fire Emblem, it doesn't even red-underline the FE names. Typing "Elm" puts "Elma's" in the autofill suggestions, but it doesn't seem as fluent in "X"... automatically suggests "Xenoblade".๐Ÿ˜† --- "Entertaining" note-taking done! I think I'll get to that massive XC1DE quest log now that everyone is around. First comes the Fallen Armor for the two things of note there, and then hurry off to pick up the fourth Skill Trees in the order of Reyn, Shulk, Sharla, Dunban, Melia, Riki. Reyn and Shulk have only one skill left on each of the initial three trees to fill, so they get priority. I'd imagine that Field, Factory, and Agniratha would max the 4ths out pretty fast, so I'd absolutely take the break to get the 5ths before going into the endgame. And, everyone has over 100k of unspent AP, because I haven't spent a drop besides some early Enchant and Shield. And yet, the Latecomer has a mere 10k, why so little? And on Arts, I appreciate the decrease in subject games to 5 levels per Art instead of 10 now. 10 is too incremental.
  21. I think in this case though that the debating is in generally good nature. I don't think this time it's going to turn into a human-pretending-to-be-a-bot arguing ad infinitum against a thousand sane people.
  22. And Sennet as a fourth! The game definitely bit off too much narrative. Yet, in the end, you still get to see Sennet say goodbye to his adopted mother and other stuff. It's undeserved, because we don't see his journey save for a few snippets. Canaan seems pretty interesting overall, Sennet would provide more of that. Plus, Tia's adventure is inextricably linked to Sennet's, so it's a package deal. Not defending Ashnard as a good villain. But if he had the chance to participate in more active villainy, I can see him having a lot of fun with it.๐Ÿ˜ And that for some reason elevates him from being the worst villain ever. If you're gonna be evil and do it poorly, don't worry and be happy about it.๐Ÿ˜„ Ashnard dreams sweet sweet dreams he was in an SMT, Lucifer would appoint him as a leading general of Chaos in a heartbeat. What? You didn't see Richard hand Tia over to Gwenchaos? I think it happens at the end of Chapter 38. Basically, Richard really wanted to be King of Leda, and was heartbroken when Tia didn't immediately reciprocate his public confession of love. She didn't say she didn't love him, she just needed time to think about. He felt utterly humiliated, refused to give and decided to ask Gwenchaos to affirm him as King of Leda instead, handing Tia over to him when they confronted Gwenchaos at the final battle site.
  23. The travails of academia seem to be truly transcendent in some ways. Apparently, undergrads at medieval universities weren't expected to purchase their own books, too expensive for them. -This meant you likely had to memorize your professors' lectures in your head though. --- On the little dark bishop debate above, I'll add is that Nergal's madness makes sense within the dark magic lore.: Teodor:โ€œYes. Itโ€™s the fate of those who study dark magic. If you covet the dark, you must enter it of your own free will. You must erase yourself and become an empty vessel. Only then will you be able to receive the dark and master it. If your disposition is weak, the dark will overwhelm you. You will beโ€ฆlostโ€ฆ โ€ฆOfttimes, you will forget why you seek the power to begin with. Only a few people ever gain true power. To win such a prize, oneโ€™s self is a small and insignificant sacrifice.โ€ This said, he is therefore a husk of a human being. Nergal dare I say isn't a person any more, he is a force of nature, an illness, an insane beast. That makes it harder to like him. Ironically, Bramimond's subsequent deus ex machina, which happens minutes after Nergal's euthanasia, proves that it would've been possible for him to achieve his goal if he had stayed on the narrow path to successful mastery of darkness. And it's carried out on his daughter no less. Retaining a greater degree of his sanity doesn't necessarily help Kwehchocobo, because it means I can actually criticize him more for his actions. And he is evil, selfish, and stupid. The man you blame for everything died shortly after his crime, get a move on! Go ahead and give yourself some pseudo-immortal scales if you want without harming anyone and go retire in a wasteland where nobody lives, but why drag-on down the rest of the world with you? Mostly last-minute motivations vs. esoteric motivations... both are bad.
  24. You haven't even seen how Michalis is going to react next year.๐Ÿ˜› It's him or Maria now.
  25. Kill him while surrounded by all the users of the Four Sword.
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