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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I've been trying to go to sleep for like the past two hours, I've yawned, I've closed my eyes, I turned off the screens. But nothing. It's earliest Spring, yet I'm overheating under the sheets, and now my pillows are all of a sudden turning into sizzling grills when they haven't ever done so before. What do I need to do to fall asleep? Should I hit up an hour of late night treadmill to exhaust myself? Well, Giacomo definitely looks younger than you'd think he should 20 years earlier. And he isn't the only character to feel that way. I can tell it has to be Yuri Lowenthal voicing Giacomo, one of the most prolific VAs in gaming. I agree he does hit too hard BTW. I've struggled with him myself. How is a lackey yet to achieve the rank he occupies in two decades this deadly already? As a fun fact if you weren't already aware, Chaotic Dance 2 had one segment of the track redone for the North American release (Origins was not brought to Europe).: Can you tell which part got replaced? Towards the end, you won't really have to cheat to break things, the game sorta gives you something comparable to the Ares in how effectively it rends bosses. Guillo is an automata without sex organs, so "it" would be the proper sex. For gender, well Guillo's crassness is rather masculine, but Guillo's bizarre appearance is in ways feminine- such as the high heels. And on top of that Guillo has two synchronous voices, one more masculine and one more feminine. And on top of that Guillo has two synchronous voices, one more masculine and one more feminine. So in the end, Guillo is gender-fluid.😄 I'd pick "it" or "he" over "she" though. Of course you can!🤣 I do confess to being a member of the Guillo Fanclub. I wouldn't want Sagi in Smash, I wouldn't want Sagi as a Blade, nor the same of Milly or anyone from EWatLO. Guillo is my one and only. And it is why I was disappointed to be told he didn't get a Smash Spirit, you're missing the all-important third member of the trinity.
  2. Whatever is the matter? All I see is a handsome, promising civil servant before you.😜 Of all the characters they picked to reintroduce first, it was him. Interesting choice. They even gave Geldoflayne a small profile page on the now-gone mini-website to advertise the game. If you're referring to the flashback scene in the Imperial Fortress throne room, that was Operation Sweep, which was like a year before EWatLO begins. He had time to pack on the pounds and the makeup. Also, I don't think they put a ton of effort into the flashbacks of EWatLO, I think Kalas with his child portrait in the one flashback still had his 3D young adult body model if I was paying attention.
  3. Awww... but I've grown attached to my silent flavorless characters! If there is someone I'd want to get rid of... darned it'd be Eventual Erdrick! Although he is starting to pull his weight more now, maybe the Martial Artist should go. Then again, would a Thief age more poorly? But Nose for Treasure is nifty. I can't decide.
  4. Don't overdo it to the point Sagi is fatigued and let an enemy engage you, that inflicts wait time on you when the battle starts. On the other hand, if the Heartwing gauge fills to the point it changes color, but doesn't result in exhaustion, you can start a battle with a couple MP. For the basic attacks? You can't go from stronger-down, only upwards from weaker. You can do 1 > 3, but not 2 > 1. You can start with a 2 or 3, or even a Special (a level 1 Special basically a 4, a level 2 a 5), but you can't play anything below them. A piece of equipment of any kind is basically a "0" and can be played before anything else. You only have Sagi right now, once Guillo and Milly are contributing, it generate faster. Milly in particular seems to generate more MP than the other two with her basic attacks. A few supportive cards: Taunt, Will, Force, and the Warrior's Scarf piece of equipment, can generate some MP too. Well excuuuuuse me! Can you blame me when subsequent DQ games gave Kabuff to Priests and left Mages as single-target damage garbage except via Oomphing others? And I've played plenty of the modern old-school that is Etrian Odyssey, wherein ditching an offensive mage class in no way heavily cripples a team. Yes, I get it now, DQIII is different, Mages are actually worth a Wormadam. But it's late to just add one all of a sudden.
  5. It's been years since I played VIII, my memories of the final witch's time-compressed castle are fairly few. I remember the whole "stealing your abilities", the organ you have to smash every button at once on, the many distinctive segments, but not that which you mention. I'm not sure if I remember there being any tutorials.😅 But sure, I'll give a primer on the battle system for you. In this game, you have only one deck shared by all three characters. Once a Magnus has been played, it is automatically reshuffled into the deck. You can discard cards in your hand which you don't want. This does cost your turn, but the wait time it inflicts is small. The number of cards you can discard increases as your Class Level goes up, which is done in the Endmost Bethel- the Church as it was referred to in the prior game. A bar below your HP shows you how long you have to wait until your next action. The more attacks you play, the longer the wait until your next turn. Supportive Magnus, which you can only play one of at once, have varying wait times. You have one equipment slot per character, next to a character's HP. You can fill it with a weapon or armor that the character can use. Who can use a piece of equipment is determined by the color of the circle in the lower right: greenish-blue for Sagi, purple for Guillo, red for Milly, white means all of them can use it. Equipment has durability, for weapons, this goes down with every hit performed; with armor, with every hit taken. Once its durability is gone, or you play another piece of equipment on that character, the card is reshuffled into the deck. MP, indicated by the vertical meter to the right, is earned via performing the basic Weak/Medium/Strong Attacks. The amount earned increases as Class level goes up. MP can store up to 5 levels at once, a Special costs MP equal to its level. As for deck composition- don't overdo it with equipment, but some is fundamental, your choice whether you prefer more weapons for damage or armor for durability. A few healing card are essential too, you don't need to go overboard with them when you can discard to find them faster when you need to. Then add plenty of Attacks, which are the basic form of offense, and some Specials for every character. Support cards that aren't healing can be added according to your tastes. I hope this helps. I know it's probably not the best. With just Sagi under your control, things are a tad rough at the very beginning. But again, give it time, it will get better. I thought maybe to try those, but I never did.
  6. The Second Robbin Hood fight in DQIII was surprisingly close, the first match nearly killed me, the RNG was merciful with who the quad-Restless Armor recolors targeted in the prior fight. I ran out of MP on my Priest, and I was almost out of Medicinal Herbs too. About to get the boat now, thank you king of not-Portugal! I'll consider playing as you tomorrow. I'm a little surprised the game gave me a Garter for the Vamp personality so early, my Thief has it now, best growths in the game her she comes! Oh, and the whole "buffs/debuffs & ailments never wear off as turns pass in battle" is not so fun antiquated. Neither is this "curse of the Golden Claws", charming though it may be. Nor Canniboxes, in the absence of Whack, just dealing 1HKO levels of damage in the first place. Fortunately, the autosave function of this version of the game means I lose little progress suddenly closing the game in these kinds of instances. Reminds me how I read that for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night -an Action RPG thats basically a knockoff Metroidvania- they needed play-testers to defeat every single boss with just a puny, short-ranged, basic knife without taking any damage before each boss got their final approval. It'd be a lot harder to come up with such a stringent litmus test for FE, but they should try. There aren't any Metal Gear Sagi segments, nor things like the long room of many slumbering Clubbas in the Gusty Gulch mansion in the first Paper Mario. Just a few sleeping enemies here and there. You'll get to control Guillo in a bit. Do be aware, he can be KO'ed even not under your control, the first boss can do this. If his posture looks bad, throw a potion at him.
  7. If it comes down to it, infinite HP codes exist. Although you can later in the game increase everyone's Max HP by loading up on Mountain Apples from Cebalrai, they grant +5% Max HP to everyone for an hour before the applies rot, and multiple apples stack to a certain point. Although it'll be quite a while before you get access to the Coliseum, if you wish to work your way up in that totally optional arena, NEVER "make small talk" with the Registration Lady there. Doing so causes a glitch that prevents you from going from Rank 4 to Rank 5, and thus unable to become Champion. Supposedly this only happens if you make small talk at Rank 4, but to be on the safe side, just don't do it ever.
  8. Correct. I understand how that could be seen as limiting. (I can think of two characters, that I now wish were playable, and I'd try to squeeze in a third were it not for how relatively late they come.) But on the positive side of things, I can say that while Eternal Wings struggled to fully flesh out anyone other than Kalas and Xelha, the Origins trio I found to be of significantly higher writing quality. Again, not perfect, yet better, fun even. Since the system is ATB now, you may wish to set the ATB to the "Wait" option from the menu right away. There ought to be one of these, it'll allow enemy attacks to load into the queue while you're picking cards with someone, but they won't be able to actually attack you're done, IIRC. And my apologies if I seemed pushy, I didn't want to be. I wanted to get the Origins spiel out of the way.
  9. A pretty fair score and points of criticism if you ask me. I can see it dipping to 6/10 for some, or maybe 5/10 if the battle system really really didn't click. Back in the day, without the aging, it sometimes got an 8/10, but you can't ignore age that impacts everything. And the GameCube wasn't known for its vast JRPG catalogue the way the PS2 was, the scarcity might've driven up scores. On two MAJOR SPOILERS points Oh, it does, definitely. Guillo might sound strange, but that is intentional, Guillo isn't human. I actually adore Guillo's VA, I don't think I've ever heard anything like it since. Nonetheless, an undub exists if you want it, but give the English a fighting chance first. First, get your head out of the clouds! Take some days, weeks, months, years off as you so desire and liberate yourself from Belly of the Whale. You deserve it! Go and drink a few gallons of kaijuice or whatever floats your boat. Second, As an anti-hype disclaimer, I do confess that the game you shall play is not perfect, it has flaws in both gameplay, narrative and etc. which I shall admit to! No nostalgia glasses on me, nor any other nostalgia clothing! If you should so assert that Sagi is trash unworthy of licking the barrels of KOS-MOS's G-Shot, I shall I respect your opinion. Third, while you take your break, empty your mind of the Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean battle system! I present to you a sample from a 2006 video of the new combat system from very early in the game.: https://www.ign.com/videos/2006/09/06/baten-kaitos-origins-gamecube-clip-battle-continues The overhaul was intended to be simpler and faster, although early on, it will feel slow. As for why The Valedictory Elegy isn't playing here, it's because this is leading into a boss battle. For a more recent video that showcases the gameplay as it can be later.: DO NOT WATCH BEYOND THE FIRST 3 MINUTES! At 3:20, it starts showing a location from late in the game. The immediately above vid is flawed, in that by intentionally picking enemies from much earlier in the game than the characters are presently at, the enemies never really got to attack or hurt the heroes here. The common enemies in Origins can hit very hard, which makes some sense, given all HP is replenished after every fight -barring the chain battles at the Coliseum as shown above. Bosses starting with the very first hit can hard too, although the number of instances of boss healing are fewer than in EWatLO if memory serves me right, and they don't carry insta-death anymore.
  10. It's been a while since I was last informed of it, so don't rely on me for perfect answers. If you own the land over an aquifer, or a section of river, or a lake, you can legally do whatever you want with the water therein. The core issue of water rights, is that wealthy businesses buy up access to all the water in a given location, which they then use for their economic schemes. Meanwhile, the community at large suffers. If you're Coca-Cola, you use all the water for your ripoff Dasani bottled water which you then sell to people, or you turn it into soda. If you want to be "public" utility company that manages the water for the locality, you charge exorbitant prices for water. The result, is that the people who live there can't get clean and affordable water. You need water to clean stuff, you need water to drink so you can live. Good luck going without that. This is particularly true in poorer communities, and regions of a country where water is scarce -like a desert. Water is a human right, water should belong to the community it resides in. It is not for making profit off of. Businesses will say "tragedy of the commons", that left to the local communities, that water will be wasted because everyone has access to it, therefore nobody properly cares for it. That is pure BS in this particular instance and they're the real water-wasters. It is entirely possible for a community to wisely manage water resources on its own, you don't need to turn water into a market commodity.
  11. Correction! From what I've heard of a few times, privatized water rights, particularly in the US Southwest, is capitalism run amok and should be purged from this planet in the name of humanity. Coke is I think another corporate perpetrator of this vile behavior.
  12. I do not blame you. Back then, I hardly knew better, now, it's grating.😖 The only time the English VAs work is with Mizuti, because they intentionally electronically altered her voice with the mask on in both English and Japanese. And since you're done with the game, here is the art book interview. No major revelations in it, but it does provide you with some perspective on what the developers were thinking.: http://www.sceneryrecalled.com/trans/bkint.htm Also, I have no clue what language "Xelha" is. I tried Google Translate I don't think it's Japanese though, but it was of no help.
  13. Meanwhile, the "Kalas sad" portrait is tormenting me with its abomination-level dental work. And you can clearly see that... Well congrats that it's done at last! Be it through things enjoyable and rough patches alike!😃
  14. I knew you wouldn't like that. Do I blame the inability of the system to target multiple allies/enemies at once? Maybe, to some extent. And I don't mean to pester you, but I assume you found this Magnus?:
  15. *Looks at the backdrop* The Nihal Desert? If so, you might like the new finisher Savyna got.:
  16. Exactly. Although, it depends on it being on video and spreading a whole lot. It was a miraculous RNG case, whereas the glorified entrance guard is always present in all playthroughs and doesn't require RNG to meme. When a promotion bites you in the arse.😆
  17. To be fair, Authority/Leadership Stars have remained in the past. They've never returned at all. Should they? I'd be fine with their return, although now we have Rallies and things like Charm and the Fates Sisters' Personal Skills that express a kind of "leadership" bonus. If Authority Stars were to return, I think I would prefer the following the mechanics behind them: Authority Stars do not apply to the entire map, barring maybe some bosses. They have a limited area of effect. In case of units other than the lord having Authority Stars, the bonuses granted by the Stars of any character are applied solely to some particular units, for whom it makes sense to receive the Auth Stars from that "commander". The bonuses granted by Authority Stars are expanded to exclude Hit and or Avoid, and to include other stats, anything other than HP probably Move, and weapon ranks obviously. Thus, to alter one RD character, for the sake of an example of this Skrimir becomes the following.: Authority Radius of 2 Applies to Ranulf, Lethe, Mordecai, Kyza, Lyre, and Skrimir himself. All the Beast Laguz except Muarim, and Skrimir's uncle and uncle's shadow. +2 Str and +5 Crit. Because Skrimir has a small brain and loves attacking, he orders you to CHARGE!
  18. Or, FE just needs Strike-Valor-Cheer-Luck Cyflashes/insert other aoe here.😛
  19. I think this is true of a bunch of RD maps throughout the game. Without it, I wouldn't love 3-3 as much as I do, it's one of those rare moments of FE map near-perfection for me. Might not be the hardest of maps, nor the most strategic, but everything else about it melds so well together. We need another supply camp attack in FE, why isn't this done more often? There is at least one IRL historical instance where a raid on the enemy's supplies led to a very decisive victory.
  20. Considering you seem to have an interest in video games from a historical side of things, you might find use in this as a ~$50 650-page guide for an entire genre.: https://www.bitmapbooks.co.uk/products/a-guide-to-japanese-role-playing-games?mc_cid=eefdb43a8d&mc_eid=75ee983078
  21. The alternative situation would be And about the scene with Larikush before the Alps
  22. The latest SoS looks to be getting 7/10s as the norm. Not the worst, but shame it couldn't be better. Now the game I really waiting to see reviews of this week is Balan Wonderworld, it looks like it'll be a baby bird that plummets to its death on first flight. It sure is cute, but with its wings, it never stood a chance. Releasing on the same day as Monster Hunter Rise means it's going to be eaten alive. DQIII is being enjoyable. I did read that the world map is based almost entirely on IRL Earth, and I do readily see it, I like the charm in that. Currently headed towards not-Egypt. Adding in the other characters... Never thought of it this way before, but it reminds me of King Zora in Ocarina of Time. A big round thing sitting on a throne. The outlandish imposing structure does I think help explain the origins of Mizuti's childish ego. This massive fake-out creates a first impression of magnificence, befitting one endowed with the title "Great", it's not like it could be intended for anything else. The Children of the Earth have a place for silly pretentiousness, Mizuti's is just another case of it. There is also the fact that... I think... The ending can be a little long, probably at least a half-hour and then 8 minutes of credits. During the credits, laugh at the game's final act of humor with listing the voice acting as the very first thing. Most of the credits lists which of the two developers an employee belonged to in parentheses next to their name, so you can assemble two Venn diagrams and sort out which of all the game's flaws and strengths belongs to Monolith and Tri-Crescendo.
  23. Splitting hairs, Persona 2: Eternal Punishment is a PS1 Classic, and Innocent Sin is a PSP remaster. The oddity is because the Eternal Punishment PSP remaster was released way too late in the PSP's life for it get released abroad, so they settled on giving North America the PS1 version it had gotten in the past. Innocent Sin's remaster came a slightly earlier in the PSP's lifespan, and the West had never gotten the game before, as it hadn't been released on the PS1 abroad; unsure of why, other than maybe Germany's infamous 20th century dictator being resurrected by the power of conspiracy theories and all.
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