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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. The point is that over half the character's HP went goodbye. If Xiaomu hadn't presumably guarded, she likely would have been KO'ed outright, from just one use of a boss's flashy and not-rare ultimate attack. Not incomparable to BKO, no? It looks like from a glance Koh Kojima was director & producer on XC2, not writer, but those are roles as major if not greater than writer in terms of importance. More than that, he was a director & designer on XC1 and XCX. BKO looks to be the origins of his rise to quiet prominence within the company. Thank you for the info.๐Ÿ˜€
  2. I do remember losing a few times here myself from killing it. How I got through it, I forget. Maybe be extra super cautious about attacking? IDK. The one time they try something different in this game, it flops. *Flips to the credits* Looks like a Shuhei Rokumoto from Tri-Crescendo as the Battle Planning Director. Looks like Tri-Cres handled the battle side of the game again. Clearly they don't sit well with your gaming palette. Monolith Soft looks to have done most of the other jobs, other than sound effects. Although, bosses dealing overkill damage in a co-developed game where Monolith -without looking at the credits- took over on the gameplay side.... I've warned you. And worse, the character must have spent their turn defending as opposed to attacking, as every hit is guarded or "dodged" (~10% of the normal damage is taken) here. On the topic of who did what, I did look, and noticed the BK games have different head writers. In Baten Kaitos: EWatLO, the lead writer was Masato Kato. Kato most notably wrote for the 16-bit classic of classic JRPGs- Chrono Trigger. He wrote & directed Chrono Cross as well, which some like, but is not as praised as its predecessor. Yasuyuki Honne was a lead artist for Chrono Cross (the game does look pretty for the PS1 era), and Kato made some minor contributions to Xenogears, so Kato though a freelance writer had some relationship with Monolith. I'm not sure if characters are really Katoโ€™s forte. Chrono Triggerโ€™s cast works because depth and detailed interactions werenโ€™t so possible back then, simple charm had to carry the weight. Chrono Cross had a playable roster of more than 30 characters, which left them mostly operating on a thin amount of charm and quirkiness. The plot is of debatable quality as well, not to say there aren't people who love the game, I mean them no disrespect. Koh Kojima replaced Kato for Origins. I donโ€™t know anything about his background, other than him being a normal Monolith employee. Yet, given the sheer difference between the two games in the writing, this had to have had a major impact. The localization deserves some credit on our end of the game too, because getting real voice actors and giving the characters flavorful dialogue ought to have made a huge improvement. ๐Ÿ˜„ With Valara, the one semi-joke/meme thing with her I sorta have is an old Nickelodeon cartoon and her nickname for Sagi. ๐Ÿ˜ค That is thankfully the only boss fight to be like that in the whole game.
  3. Gacha is a very flawed form of video games. Anything good in a gacha would be better off not in one. Gameplay ideas, story, character conversations, it's all wasted on gacha, because of the intrinsic ways the category of games operate.
  4. I sent my left Joy-Con to get repaired a few months ago, I didn't send the right in with it because there weren't any problems at the time. Guess what I've discovered in the past few days.๐Ÿ˜‘ IRL, do you know when reinforcements are going to arrive to lift the siege? If the enemy has you completely surrounded, then you won't be able to keep communication with the relief forces, if your comrades are sending you any in the first place. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be faced with a siege, telling all your troops "help is on the way!" to lift their flagging morale running lower than the food supply. And the day after you run out of mice in the city and turn to sawdust for rations (you most unfortunately still have your sanity and refuse to consume human flesh), the inner wall is breached by midday and you're all dead or POWs by nightfall. As you and your closest allies start planning your escape, you eavesdrop on the enemy officers and learn that there were no plans from HQ to assist you whatsoever, either they were incompetent and overwhelmed, or they saw you as a necessary sacrifice as part of a grand plan. Whatever the case, upon learning this, your friends turn towards you, you who had given them without their consents weeks of speeches of dashing heroics in the finest and most desperate hour, which did little except alleviate the insomnia issue and which degraded in quality over time to the point every fifth sentence was a repeat of a prior one. Your "friends" disillusioned as cluck with "heroism" then proceed to "thank" you.
  5. What is she the queen of again, Anuenue or Shevat? I think there is an NPC in one of the games that says rumor has it that Corellia uses Celestial Flower Seeds, which she does store in her bedroom, as an anti-aging treatment. It looks like it works. Oh, and I didn't mention this earlier when I should've, but Almarde...
  6. Fair criticisms here. Maybe I'm trying to justify my suffering when I was younger.๐Ÿ˜… Although, outside of knockdown and high damage, barring the one instance I'm about to comment on below, bosses don't have a whole lot in BKO. Dealing damage is the cornerstone of many video game genres, but as Shrimpy commented once on XC2's bosses being sorta samey, BKO has a similar feel in retrospect, every boss from the first onwards hits like crazy. The healing is described in the bestiary as the chicks singing to ease the mind and body of the parent. The parent-child bond is strong. Also, the bestiary entry for the chicks if you didn't read it.: Chick of the giant Holoholobird. Attempts to tame it for its cute exterior all ended in futility. Hatches quickly in response to its harsh habitat. Its beak attacks are weak, but the psychological damage is huge. But it's cute, so we forgive it. Forgive it? Oh, I will, once they're in my stomach. The pecking physically hurt. I speculate the Holoholobird made many a player starving for ritual vengeance via the consumption of poultry. The Ex Combo I mentioned before was practically necessary for me for this fight, being all multi-target specials, Fiery Ice/Blazing Glacial Queen kills the hellspawn in one clean attack and puts a dent in the parent.
  7. Not sure why exactly they chose to this. But equipment in Baten Kaitos Origins isn't something you throw on yourself pre-battle. Equipment takes the form of Magnus- magical cards that contain the "Magna Essence" of something, which you can draw out to use the item. Magnus are the foundation of combat in both of the two Baten Kaitos games, weapons from swords to spells to saxophones, armor, healing items, everything is Magnus and stored in a deck of cards. In Origins specifically, each of the three characters has a single equipment slot, which you can fill with a weapon or armor mid-fight. Both of these have limited durability, weapons lose it with every hit they deal, armor with every hit they take. When a weapon or armor loses all uses or is replaced by another, it is reshuffled into the deck and has all its uses restored. Actual attacking in BKO is done via basic "Attack" Magnus and Special Attacks, weapons can infuse an element in elementally-neutral attacks and increase the damage of all attacks. This a major change from the first game- Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean. There, the individual weapons and armor were themselves the attacks that hurt enemies directly, if you use an Ice Dagger, the character will go and cut the enemy with it. When the enemy gets their turn, you can play any armor Magnus you have on hand to reduce incoming damage taken. You equipped nothing in the heat of battle, and each character had one passive accessory slot which functioned like typical RPG equipment. One reason for the change I see, is that Eternal Wings gave everyone their own separate deck of Magnus. Kalas the sword boi and Xelha the magic girl would never run into issues of getting stuck with a hand of the other's spells/swords and thus unable to attack, or their robes/armor and hence unable to defend. Origins by contrast opted for the three heroes sharing a single deck of Magnus. This decision must've been what relegated much of the attacking to generic Weak/Medium/Strong Attacks that everyone can use. Reducing character-specific weapons to power-boosters reduces the need for so many in the deck, assured Guillo that it won't be stuck spending a turn discarding all the swords & maces of Sagi & Milly that it can't use. Defense needed an overhaul to the "one mid-battle slot" approach, because of another gameplay change as well. Eternal Wings was traditional turn-based combat, Origins is ATB. Having defined player's turns and enemies' turns allowed for defense Magnus to used as they are in Eternal Wings. With Origins, keeping the "enemy is attacking, play armor cards" would be a major interruption on the game's flow if you were in the middle of choosing cards with a card when the enemy chose to attack. And yet, this doesn't answer why they didn't opt for two mid-battle equipment slots for each character. Programming a second slot and assigning one to weapons and another to armor/accessories doesn't sound like it'd be difficult at all to do. -If all of the above flew right over your head and took a shat because it was in a kilt without underwear, I'm not surprised, the Baten Kaitos combat systems are a little different from the norm. Neither is an actual "card game", in the sense you aren't playing Pokemon TCG or Yu-Gi-Oh or FE Cipher or one of those card game video games like Cultist Simulator or Wingspan. They're all simpler than that and play as "JRPGs with cards", not "card games fitted into a JRPG form". ...Speaking cards and FE Gaiden and myself mentioning weapon durability made me of think FE using cards. Except, card-based SRPGs already exist, right Yggdra Union? I played like four fights into that game, I should start over and try it again sometime.
  8. I feared this would be the case.๐Ÿ™ But keep in mind, it is bearable to some. I got through the entire game winning boss battles with some game overs, but not needing multiple tries on every boss, first try victories happened. As for defense, I considered that an option, not a requirement. For most of the two runs of BKO I did, I practically never used armor and stuck with weapons in boss battles. I would've been more inclined to use armor if there was a second equipment slot for everyone. I did heal very frequently however, that I did rely on. While you can go with the flow of what rolls into your hand, except when you need to search for healing/revival, I often relied on building up the MP, and then discarding until I had all the Magnus necessary for one strong Ex Combo, which I used until the boss died. I know someone, maybe here, has complained of Trails having one too many "you "won" but you lost" boss fights, and BKO does do a lot of them, likely too many. And I forgot to mention before, there is a soldier in Diadem in Sheliak who will give you the Next-Gen Mixer, you have to get them a Quest Magnus found on the boss screen in the Cloudvents. Don't get too close to Nasca, and if you do, choose to run, you can't win right now.
  9. Sadal Suud and its... American... Rodolfo already, wow. You'll beyond all doubts certain to have this game done in a few days. And because you're proceeding so fast Sadal Suud, let me issue you a warning. MAKE A SEPARATE SAVE FILE BEFORE LEAVING FOR ANUENUE! The developers dun goofed with a difficult softlock boss again! Since you're willing to resort to the infinite HP cheat, you can get past it that way for sure. If you want to stand the best chance of getting through it the fair way, then before heading to the Rainbow Nation, load up your Quest Magnus with Mountain Apples from Cebalrai here to inflate your HP the non-infinite way. If that isn't enough, then this Ex Combo should hopefully do the job, add a weapon beforehand if you want.: You'll find the necessary level 2 Special Attack during the next dungeon from Sagi's headaches. It'll have a typo and the word "Summon" will appears in its name when you open its treasure chest.
  10. Y. It should say "Burst" with a "Y" right next to it over the MP Gauge when you can do it. You just quoted my description of one. To state again but slightly differently, it's: Be equipped with a Magnus that has an "R" in the upper-right corner on characters who are following up. The first character doesn't need one. There must not be an enemy taking an action between the two characters. It's not a "relay" if some book smacks someone before the metaphoric baton is passed. I think five enemies is the limit. As a little tip, whereas everything in Eternal Wings was single-target, enemies as you've noticed by now are capable of hitting everyone at once in Origins. On the player side, Milly's Arabesque hits all, as does Guillo's Icefan, Levinsnake's Rise, and Empyreal Wildfire which you may have now. Milly gets one other all-targeting Special Attack later, and Guillo gets another four of them. Sagi is purely single-target.
  11. Alrighty, next lesson!๐Ÿ™‚ Ex Combos are a specific combination of one or more Special Attacks and normal attacks (and there are like 3 of them that require a specific kind of equipment as well). A couple of Ex Combos have little bonus effects, but most are purely additional damage. The basic Attacks in Ex Combos have to be specifically A or B or a mix, depending on the Combo. Milly gets Ex Combos that do not require Special Attacks, that is unique to her, and some of these use her one of her two exclusive 1+ or the 2+ or the alternate 3 (why isn't it a 3+?) Magnus. But don't fret about Sagi and Guillo missing out, they'll get one and a couple of tricks up their own sleeves respectively later. To use Ex Combos that require level 1, 2 and 3 Special Attacks, unless you reach a very high class level, you can't generate MP from the 1 & 2 Specials to pay for the level 3, since MP caps at 5. This is where MP Burst comes in. Activating it once MP reaches 5, will grant infinite MP for one character's single assault, but it will disable MP generation for a brief period afterwards. An MP Burst can carry over to the other two if they participate in a Relay Combo, meaning they have a piece of equipment with an "R" in the upper right corner equipped, and they're able to attack after another character without there being any enemies in the attack queue between the two heroes. A list of Ex Combos you have performed in the past can be found in the menu. A few Ex Combos can be revealed by purchasing them at the Coliseum in exchange for RP. Otherwise, it's trial and error to see what forms one. Those of the same element tend to pair together, like Heavenfall and Red Padma, but not always. Icefan doesn't pair with Twin Ice Auger, it's Firewheel that goes with Twin Ice Auger.
  12. Well, emphasis on the word "crude", because I don't mean to say "If you love XC2, you'll love BKO", I'm not saying that at all. It is rough, and it could be pure coincidence, but I see traces of XC2 in BKO. The strikethrough was used before to indicate I meant this more as an unserious thought based on some general observations than anything.: Full heal after every battle. I don't know if Xenosaga ever had this, but BKO does, and it's something XC always has had. ATB isn't real-time like XC, but it is that middle ground between standard turn-based and real-time. MP is not entirely unlike the use of Specials in XC2. It builds up via use of normal attacks and depletes when you use a Special Attack. MP is emptied after every battle the same way the gauge for Specials in XC2 does. There is the difference in that Arts fill the gauge in XC2, not normal attacks, but again, the comparison is rough. Ex Combos are not wholly removed from the idea of Blade Combos. No Orb aspect, and Ex Combos are purely one character's work as opposed to the team effort of XC2. But, Ex Combos are the use a certain combination of Special Attacks (and often normal attacks). In Torna, they removed the need to follow certain rigid elemental pathways, but kept the XC2 maingame ones by preserving their names, and maybe giving them extra damage? Is this correct? Because then Torna ends up being a little closer in this general comparison. Because you can mix Cliffsunder and Red Padma together, but you'll get "Crimson Skies" if you play Heavenfall with Red Padma. And if you add Weak Attack, Medium Attack, Strong Attack B beforehand, you get "True Crimson Skies", which should strength the attacks therein a little more. You say this, yet I only I explained to you how to do this at Disc 2.๐Ÿ˜† Though it's good to hear you learned it and liked it. One of the few GameCube games to make the C-Stick not totally and utterly forgettable.
  13. Huh. There are people who prefer Eternal Wings to Origins in terms of the combat, and I don't see anything wrong with that. The two games both use card systems, but go about it more differently than you might expect for two related games. Although, nowadays I can visualize BKO as a crude precursor to XC2. The shared deck is something I think I wound up liking more, maybe it was something to do with less deck management? And if you were to change it, you might want to overhaul the attack system, the need for generic Weak/Medium/Strong Attacks, it stands to speculative reason, was done because a shared deck no longer made everyone having so many unique attack Magnus feasible anymore. The overhaul involved the ditching of Spirit Numbers and the fun of stringing them together too. In that pipe dream of a third, I'd want to see the good of each of the two systems intermixed, but it'd a delicate procedure. Not to ignore that modern gaming tastes would have to be addressed and that'd add another complication. Diadem is midgame before I forget to include this. Origins feels somewhat shorter than Eternal Wings. It isn't. Best Island, GONE!๐Ÿ˜ญ
  14. I acknowledge your defense, it's more me having a good memory.๐Ÿ˜… I think I have to agree with Milly here, since when is learning how to defeat legendary monsters in places you don't want to visit like caves of molten rock "practical knowledge"? Well, it's more practical than math. Don't mean to influence your opinion here, and I'm not asking for yours if you want to digest it more, but I want to comment that I do like the Azha segment. Almadre's incredible youth given her EWatLO wrinkled skin aside, the 20-years ago angle does it well. In Eternal Wings, it's a shell of a community when you visit, here, on first arrival, it's bustling and happy. Then, the underlying tensions are exposed, and you're forced onto the wrong side of the imperial-local conflict. In the end, peace and the hive of activity return, but you know it won't last. Eventually, things will build up up to the point the Empire resorts to genocide-like measures. If there were to be a hypothetical fourth playable character in BKO, I'd want to be Gibari actually. He's 34 in EWatLO, so he should be 14 here, one year less than Sagi, so why not? Heck, Giacomo is 13 and swung that scythe earlier, although I think Giacomo would be better being aged up by like four years or so. A hero spanning two eras, would be great, if a little tricky to explain why he never once mentioned his former comrades as a grown man. While you briefly saw the world map earlier, you might've noticed Mira wasn't there. The dimensional instability of the island has caused it to lose connection with the rest of the Sky. This is temporary in the long run and normal for it. For unexplained reasons, when Mira isn't present, the minuscule island of the Endmost Bethel occupies its location, which is why you can only reach there via Blue Save Flowers in Eternal Wings.
  15. I already told you Finch. Pac-Man is in both BK games, thanks Namco. It's a 70 Atk neutral Magnus anyone can use in Eternal Wings, it ages after 7 hours into Pac-Land, and then another 7 into Pac-Mania, ending up with 150 Atk, and Pac-Man never goes bad. To make Pac-Man, play the following cards in this exact order.: This is because that is because these fruits are found in Pac-Man and provide extra points when obtained, they show up in that arrangement. The earliest you can make Pac is Duhr, so practically at the end. As for Origins, there is a sidequest associated with Pac-Man, you obtain him as a Quest Magnus. Then, you must feed him 147 other Quest Magnus (all the ones that aren't one-of-a-kind, the special ones he can't eat). A tiny handful of which are potentially permanently missable. Unfortunately, the "feeding" can't be "select a card, give to Pac", you have to put it next to his card and then wait a few minutes to pass. But, the real problem is that, although BKO has a section on the menu that keeps track of all your sidequests, it doesn't show you what Quest Magnus you've already fed Pac-Man. Meaning you have to keep your own independent 147-item checklist and mark off each of them yourself. The ultimate reward from all this? Pac-Man will transform into a Quest Magnus, Pac-Mania that passively turns all your attacks into critical hits. That is a massive damage increase, albeit by the time you can complete this sidequest, at best you have only the final dungeon left. So it isn't really worth it pragmatically speaking. You also get the Beast's Collar (75 Quest Magnus fed, Pac-Man turns into Pac-Land at this time, which eats Quest Magnus faster), the Beast's Chain (feed Pac the Power Pellet), and the Beast's Shackles (all 147), these are supportive item Magnus that cost 2 MP to use, and lower enemy status resistances, defenses, and offense respectively. By contrast... There are 50 Constellation Magnus. (The useless KOS-MOS action figure came from trading in the Aquila fragment.) Quzman has 31 family members. (He at the spry age of 80 is the one who gives you Pac-Man FYI.) There are 17 animals to send to Wazn. There are 26 Sedna Magnus. None of it is missable, just as -barring one instance- there were no missable Constellation Magnus. Legends of Localization. Sadly, coinciding with the timing of the pandemic, the site hasn't done any new articles since then. Marginally more practical than the Parnasse shopkeeper in EWatLO: You've crossed the Nihal Desert, so now I'll tell you about a little side quest with absolutely no reward whatsoever! From the southern entrance of the Nihal Desert, from the Azha end, head north one screen, then go off into the sand and head north again. Then, head west one screen. Head inside, and you'll find someone, who -provided the game recognizes your Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean save data- will offer you a Quest Magnus that does nothing at all contrary to what they say. This will then age over many hours to final fifth phase, going back and talking to the quest-giver after each change of its form will result in an additional comment. If you don't want to waste the Quest Magnus slot, then I'll tell you what the whole point of this useless quest is....
  16. The weather is beautiful outside today, summer warmth but without the heat. One day only and I've been enjoying it. In part because high winds blew the power out, and then a brushfire caused an almost immediate second outage. But, all is good now, and I've started playing a Highlands map with the Gauls on a Highlands map in Civilization VI to try out the New Frontier Pass DLC. I will cover the world in the most cultured mines ever and create a manspreading empire of production. A Science Victory is what I'll go for. You should eventually receive more Blank Magnus this time, I forget exactly when though. I think there are two additional doling outs of 8 each, for 24 total, although at least one mandatory Quest Magnus you can't ever drop exists (I don't get why its a Magnus then). You should end up with three rows of Blanks, that I do remember well. Hassaleh is barely inhabited and has no End Magnus or anything else of value, it'd make sense it wouldn't be visited in Eternal Wings. Some of the few fans of this game would speculate that Hassaleh and the Celestial Alps are somehow related, they look somewhat similar in geography, and have Caplins- those sheep with bat wings. Given there is another minor island not seen in Eternal Wings (which you won't be visiting for a long time), there is at least one other case of "unseen, but existed". Correct. In Eternal Wings you had three big quests: Star Map Restoration, Quzman's Genealogy, and the Animal Campaign to Wazn. In Origins, you have a different big trio of: Magnus Town of Sedna, the Coliseum, and Pac-Man. Sedna can't be finished until late into the game, and will require a search for a few immigrants to get one of the Sedna Magnus eventually sorry if that brings back Colony 6 trauma. A few common enemies can drop Sedna Magnus. In Origins, only the last enemy killed has a chance of dropping a Magnus, so you want to save the Sedna culprits for last.: Magma Beast Bar-Mool Spell Shellfish Lanocaulis Are the rewards from Sedna worth it? Not really. But the town does look great, being claymation and all.
  17. I didn't remember it playing that early myself. A bit odd of an choice of a scene to use it. I get your distaste for aimlessness. It's frustrating. On the other hand, I do like the Hassaleh arc in that it is quaint, and does give you early on the background of Sagi and Guillo. Considering how we just discussed Eternal Wings never slowing down, this is a welcome addition from a narrative/character perspective. Although, again, I get what you mean. If they're going to want to you do so quests before action, highlight the necessary quests at the beginning of the segment. Since you're in Rasalas, is it just me, or does it seem like the Empire's technology regressed just a little in 20 years' time? Given that thing you just fought. -Rule of cool overriding anything else I guess. And to explain the Magnus Mixer since you have it now. Put two compatible Quest Magnus in it -you can't use things that don't work together- and fight 3 battles IIRC, and viola, the mix is done. If the recipe calls for more ingredients, the game will alert you to add the next after you've fought the battles needed to add it, if you don't add the next ingredient, you'll get a Magna Mess Up as the result, as pretty as Mythra's cooking, completely useless, and a waste of what you put in. I remember that episode, but I was not aware of when it happened. I like the internal drama this tells. We almost had a future where the electric rodent wasn't the face of the franchise, even after the anime that made that happen began airing. Thank you. Cute, and have fun! -Are you sure to get it though? I've heard people complain of a lack of endgame content.
  18. Pikachu can't do anything wrong. If the episode consisted of nothing except Pikachu on a stage, moving to the PokeRap and occasionally thundershocking, with a very passive Pokemon audience watching, and an Oddish was in the front seats of that audience, we'd sooner see Oddish gone than Pikachu.๐Ÿ˜› And you're right in that Porygon is the victim here, all because it was their debut episode. Porygon 2 and Z never made proper anime appearances either. I wouldn't entirely be surprised if it turned out prior anime episodes had had lighting effects that, while not as bad as the infamous episode, were red flags that the incident could happen at some point. Honestly, I can't imagine what would've happened if it had been a more vanilla episode, without any extraordinary new Pokemon showing, that had been the calamitous event.
  19. https://nintendoeverything.com/balan-wonderworld-final-boss-fight-has-possibility-of-causing-seizures/ As if this game couldn't get any worse. The Computer Soldier Porygon Incident was 1997! How'd they not notice the pre-title screen warnings about flashing lights and epilepsy that many games have included since the GameCube era? ...I'm blaming Square Enix. Azrest -whom SE assigned to help Yuji Naka with this- I'm told is a mediocre company. Not to excuse Naka of all blame, but SE should know better and have the final say on whether to change things. How pitiable.
  20. Roy continues in the Marth-Seliph-Leif-Roy-Eliwood and possibly NES Alm "lineage" of being a mild, gentle, regal but not arrogant or aloof, lord. Now, there is nothing inherently wrong with following in the original FE lord archetypal mannerisms. I wouldn't criticize someone who does. Personally, I'm -hopefully wholly- over hating an FE main character now, so I won't and have no reason to condemn Roy. But neither does he excite me all that much in his canon FE6 appearance and the general personality it exudes. It falls a little flat. Personally, Roy's Melee visage, which is slightly more mature and vibrant without being too excited, has a stronger appeal to me. And so does his Smash 4 design, which portrays him both with the physical strength of a high-school star athlete, and the brains of a student looking to get a pre-med degree at an Ivy League university so they can pursue brain surgery afterwards. Now that says "Young Lion" to me, even if it deviates a little too much from the original Roy. For a potential remake, I think Roy needs a new story ensemble to bounce off him. From looking at Eliwood and TearRing Saga's Runan, the mild-mannered lord benefits when someone is around who isn't wholly servile to them, they can remain middle-of-the-road and yet show liveliness through reacting to friends of more colorful behaviors. As for who I prefer to Roy among the main characters... lords are overrated.๐Ÿ˜› I'm not really attached to any whole FE main character any more, only select slices of who they are.
  21. I meant uses, not range in this case. I get 2 Warp with a 3H Bishop, I get โ™พ๏ธ Warp & Rescue uses b/c HP costs in SoV. Sure there is the question "how many uses do you need to win a map?", but with Faye & Silque, there is no limit to spamming Warp and then magically bringing the assassin to safety. Fair point. Yet, given dedicated mages probably can't live very long on the frontline, moving them ahead, even if I intended to then move a good murderer ahead of them, it isn't as perfectly safe as Warp, or Stride. -A personal preference for perhaps excessive caution. I never noticed that one. Then again, in 2006 and for a while still thereafter, my mind was fairly pure. As a tidbit, Magnus Pack Coupons are finite in number, found randomly hidden in the towns or obtained from little quests. Each shop has some different stuff you can get from a pack, so you may wish to save a few for later in the game. I never actually did Magnus trading before if this conversation is alluding to that. But you can potentially get some rare and niche stuff out of it.
  22. How worth it is Rescue in 3H thought? It's range has been nerfed, and Warp isn't infinite like SoV. So the Rescue ferrying of Awakening and Conquest final battle, and the Silque & Faye every-turn-a-safe-assassination duo doesn't exist.
  23. Neither Chaotic Dance has lyrics, contrary to the "I'm feeling gaaaaay" jokes people make of the original one. They're purely random nonsense voice clips. I'm impressed that Chaotic Dance 2 is more chaotic than the first, it's like they realized the first was weird, and doubled-down on that. I'm fond of the part where the lead "voice" starts talking over itself, as if it had cloned itself and the clones took turns interjecting. If the illusory dream of a third BK ever happened -there have been weirder revivals in gaming- I have a half-desire for a CD3. But then again, it'd have to live up to the expectation of the first two, and that'd be a herculean task. Wait... how do bomb shelters exist without bombers or ICBMs to hide from? ๐Ÿค” Oh wait, it's Guillo, 'nuff said. One of my favorite quips!๐Ÿ˜‚ I never thought of it that way before. Rerunning it in my head, I can hear what you mean. Perhaps Sagi's characterization was strong enough to overcome some of the boredom in his voice. Another factor would've been the exponential improvement from Eternal Wings, it makes a 5 sound like an 8/10. Ehhhh... if I wanted to play Smash on a keyboard, I'd set connect Melee to an electronic piano. Playing Smash as if I'm attempting one of Chopin's polonaises would be far more fluid fighting than pounding at a qwerty board.
  24. Well, if Philemon's VA is still alive and willing, maybe they could have Igor's forgotten master -the embodiment of the good of humanity's collective unconscious- take over the role.๐Ÿ˜„ Huh, when in the West, do as the Westerners do. Thank you for this tidbit.
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