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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. That I do appreciate V's gameplay a lot says we're of different minds here. I like a good class system, mix & matching two classes not necessary. Does this scare you?😛 I don't need classes, totally fixed characters with some options as to where I can take their skillset/role works for me. Dragon Quest VIII's five skill trees per character or XI's grid system for instance. And not all class systems are equally fun, Octopath Traveler's felt too stiff and simplistic, while FFXII the Zodiac Age's was an egregious disappointment. IRL, the "Paradox of Choice" (the technical term for too many options creating bothersome indecision), does get me in a variety of things, and one of my core faults is indecisiveness (the other standout being a lack of drive). But in video games -provided I'm not doomed if I choose poorly and can't correct my mistake- I like gameplay options. As for "classless freedom" like FFVI-VIII, which are generally the same, wherein the characters themselves mean little and the Magicite/Materia/Guardian Forces you give them mean everything, I generally don't like them. There is neither "structure" built around the characters, nor around classes you can put them in. And the structure of the magic rocks/junctions is as solid as a vat of gelatin. Everyone feels like an amorphous blob and that ain't fun. Bartz and Lenna might play identical if you make them both Summoners, but at least you have to pour their liquid flesh into a bronze cast called a class. Assigning both Tifa and Cloud a Fire Materia doesn't feel like it does the same IMO.
  2. Gameplay-wise, you're certainly right, since it is so restricted and simple. Yet narratively, it is where the franchise first tried to go big and ambitious. By modern standards, it is a ho-hum traditional tale, but from a historical perspective at least, it was dashingly dramatic. With regards to the music, it does have some hits, like Battle with the Four Fiends, but being the earliest of the SNES trio, it is the most rudimentary and VI blows it out of the water. Gold is most difficult to manage on a Domination play. You could pinch a little savings by merging units into Corps, and later Armies. Corps are unlocked with the Nationalism civic, and combine two units into a single one with +10 Combat Strength (having 30 Combat Strength more than your opponent equates to OHKOing them I think). Corps are 25% less expensive to maintain each turn than two separate units. Armies can be formed by combining a single unit with a Corps and are unlocked with the Mobilization civic, they cost 1/3rd less in daily upkeep than three separate units. For Scythia in particular, if you're desperate, you can have your Builders lay down some Kurgans. These offer only 1-3 Gold per turn each if you assign population to work the tiles (hopefully they'll be buffed later this month), but it is a source of additional Gold. As for policies to put in your government... the military policy Conscription reduces the maintenance cost of all units by 1 Gold per turn. Levee En Masse, from Mobilization, later replaces Conscription and reduces the maintenance cost by 2 Gold. Professional Army will half the cost of unit upgrades when the time comes to do that.
  3. It can vary, Steel is a Modern Era technology. The Eras go: Ancient-Classic-Medieval-Renaissance-Industrial-Modern-Atomic-Information. But how long it takes for the AI to get there can vary based on how they choose to progress through the tech tree, some will prioritize the lower portion and ignore the upper half for instance, which would mean Urban Defenses sooner.
  4. Do you have Battering Rams or Siege Towers. These are military support units who can share a tile with a combat unit. Battering Rams let you deal normal damage to the walls, Siege Towers let you bypass the walls altogether and hit the city's HP. Put a Battering Ram or Siege Tower directly next to a city and the unit in its tile or adjacent ones can benefit from the support unit. The alternative for dealing with walls is siege combat units- Catapults/Bombards/Artilleries/Rocket Artilleries. These are ranged units which normally cannot attack and move in the same turn, and they deal normal damage against walled cities. Once a civ has researched Steel, its walls are instantly replaced by Urban Defenses, which will be mentioned if you try to attack it. Battering Rams and Siege Towers won't work on Urban Defenses, you need siege units. Also, you can upgrade your existing units with Gold, provided you unlocked the next tier in that class line, so Horsemen can upgrade to the Cavalry unit once you research Military Science. For overseas conquests, the AI tends to be weak on the naval front, but you may want to ship your army over with a few ships protecting them. You could try taking some coastal cities first, Naval Raiders (Privateer/Submarine/Nuclear Submarine) and Naval Ranged (Quadrireme, Frigate, Battleship, Missile Cruiser) units aren't bad at chipping away at coastal cities, which you then take with Naval Melee or a land unit. I am of the mind that if you've never said "Screw corporate!" once in your life, it means you are corporate. More seriously, I did a read a snippet about the OCs for that game, some commenters remarked Banpresto was putting more effort into the mobile game stuff than their mainline creations. On second examination, not as much as I first thought, but there still is some difference. Her cleavage is obvious on a number of iOS side profile sprites, not the case for the 16-bit originals of the classes. True, it is one of Amano better ones. The same extreme albinism as Amano usually has, but he is equally brilliant in the wispiness of his artwork. The lack of color in his flesh is counterbalanced by the use of color elsewhere on their persons. It has an antiquated children's storybook quality, done superbly. I consider 1-3 as "created the foundations, but too dated and replaced to amount to anything more". The metaphoric fat lady was warming her voice for IV & V, where the franchise began to hit its stride. In the case of II, first non-crystal plot and "non-silent warriors of light" are in its favor, as is the first Cid, first Chocobo, and the first instance of Ultima. But it is the gameplay black sheep, inspiring that super niche called Saga franchise instead of influencing FF proper, and its attempt at a non-crystal plot and unique characters are so poor. I might say III is worse judging from the DS version, but II is still bad by modern standards. FFI is sorta lucky it's the first, it's more excusable.
  5. True, you could just no make supports then, if you wanted to kick yourself out of Ironman for some reason. As for the earlygame, maybe endow the Jagen and several other early-joining characters as exceptions? Or something apart from the support system, like 3H Paralogues. You don't need to befriend Cyril to get his Paralogue, I have never once talked to the guy. But, if the Paralogue really is character-relevant, it should be enough to bond them to you to the point they'd be willing to die for you. Solution- some early easy Paralogues for some early characters. For a slightly connected tangent, I was bumped into the concept of a comitatus today, referring to a band of virtuous warriors who fight for the sake of their hero-liege. The book I found this in is a general history of Central Eurasia, and the book spent most of its prologue reciting ~10 different origin myths from the historical peoples of the region + Rome, Sassanid Persia, and Zhou China, all of which interacted with the steppes. Until the rise of religions banning the practice, all who were members of these comitatus, which became things IRL based on the cherished tales, were to commit ritual suicide if their liege predeceased them, such was their loyalty. (Not like life was so-so for the comitatus, they were richly rewarded on a monthly basis by their kings while they lived.) Ritual suicide if the hero-lord dies, some IRL backing for your idea? Nope, I don't think so. Sorry to throw cold water on your appreciation of an idea. And I remember the first Super Mario Galaxy had a death counter, it was the thing you unlocked for beating the game twice.
  6. First, I was not criticizing any KH game at all, only saying "writing all the dialogue yourself is probably excessive micromanagement". I just want to clarify that. Second I found the interview in question.: https://www.siliconera.com/tetsuya-nomura-talks-about-doing-most-of-kingdom-hearts-writing-after-kingdom-hearts-ii/ It's after KHII that his writing focus started, and that 358/2 Days intensified it. Very true. Games have more dialogue. Books have a higher ratio of meaningful text than video games, where a lot of lines are wasted on utilitarian stuff. Yet, the point remains that Nomura shouldn't waste all his time writing all of it.
  7. Development hell can butch a game's quality, but it doesn't have to. There is always the chance of a game coming out fine. The old Miyamoto saying of a "delayed game is eventually good" is the positive take on game delays. Whether the flames of creation are divine or infernal do not necessarily correlate to the health of the baby that comes out of the womb. Keep in mind Genealogy of the Holy War I think I can argue did go through development hell, and for some ardent FE fans, it is their absolute favorite. Although, having to sacrifice several DLC episodes and settle for them as boring chapters in a book instead doesn't speak well about the pregnancy, even if I haven't played the game. I think I can say that even without casting judgment on the quality of the game itself or any of the writing that actually made it into the final game product.
  8. Regarding diplomacy, eradicating another civilization altogether is enough to everyone to really hate you henceforth. Taking one or two cities will be acceptable for most. Whoever will come to hate you, it'll take a few turns for the AI to turn against you. And unlike Civ 5 and perhaps earlier iterations, if you have a friendship or alliance, backstabbing and breaking the friendship on the spot isn't allowed in Civ 6. You can't turn against them until the 30 turns of the friendship/alliance pass. If you're referring to war weariness, the Amenities penalty your cities take for fighting too much, it's very bearable and fades quickly, particularly in peacetime, as long as you keep the fighting short and successful. Losing a lot of units in a lot of battles outside of your territory will generate a lot of war weariness, as will using nuclear weapons. The weariness manifests only in cities closest to the theater of war I think. Celes's attempted suicide- how would that get handled? And don't say the Woolsey-NoA censorship to "leap for fun". Faris looks much more feminine in V iOS. The point to her is that she is a raised-by-pirates princess who acts manly, dresses manly, and hides the fact she is a woman for a short while from the other characters. Compare the spritework, Faris at the least got it bad. I think I can agree with this. Although with the added caveat of story and characterization additions, separate from radical rewrites. The Trials of Mana cast was charming enough, but a dearth of character interactions prevented me from truly appreciating them. I had like one nugget of a good three-line on-the-road conversation between Kevin and Duran, which made me hungry for more that never came. Likewise, VI's ensemble cast could use the boost. Modern storytelling in gaming frequently demands more characterization than was possible in the 16-bit era. I remember reading once that he said that for most KH games, he has written every single line of dialogue in the games. I understand not letting your underlings go off on their own and create major issues because of a lack of narrative oversight (XG's crucifixion? XS Ep. II?), but Nomura, I think you're micromanaging too much dude. That isn't good for game development, and probably not your personal health either. It does assure the games will reflect your singular artistic vision, if you're so concerned about things being watered down and losing originality, but have you ever asked yourself if it's worth it? If you have and have answered "yes", well, so be it Nomura.
  9. SMTIV: Apocalypse brings back the feature, since you're Dagda's pawn, except this time there is no monetary fee. Nonetheless, you're allowed to turn down his offer of resurrection and Game Over if you wish, for the sake of gamer pride or something. It undermines the point you're making about the goodness of the concept. Prior to SMTIV, nope, this never existed. Didn't matter if the game had Silent MC death = game over, and two forms of instadeath and didn't give your protagonist natural immunity to either of them, it's all over (aka, SMTIII: Nocturne, not even the HD remaster fixed this). Although I do recall the "6/10, much too short & simple" GameCube game known as Wario World. Run out of health, and shelling out money can save you from death, the cost going up with each subsequent world or stage therein. Not like money does you any other good other than buying garlic to heal you at vendors. As I said, mediocre and unpolished. The prevention of abuse of the system could be done via Supports. I've mentioned a so-so Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume game before, wherein the main character can use a cursed feather to give one character insane stats for one battle, after which, they die. In practice, said Plume system was heavily restrained. You can't use it in the postgame Seraphic Gate dungeon. The cast of heroes is very limited. Use it too many times and Freya will come and force an unwinnable Game Over battle on you. And using it just twice (excluding the one mandatory pluming) forces you onto the bad ending route wherein the MC goes from misguided hero to a slight DC Comics Joker personality. Back to what hypothetical construct you describe, you could not inject a character you just met with the power of Hel. To offer someone's soul to the goddess of death for a brief moment of murderous glory, you had to befriend the person first, win them wholeheartedly to your cause. Meaning you had to complete their chapter of the story first (more comparable in length to an SoV Act, not a standard FE Chapter). Once you did this, then you could sacrifice them, and I'm not even sure if they were even aware that you were the one doing that to them. TL;DR A character can't take the place of the main hero's death unless they have a support of A or S with them, that would be a good countermeasure to your LTCer critique. -Not that having an A support means the character isn't a benchwarmer, unless supports were both really intensive to build up and bestowed really great benefits.
  10. *Heads into the First Stratum of EOV yet again, gets into the first battle ...and a flying squirrel OHKOs someone on the first turn. I run away.* I am very well aware Etrian Odyssey doesn't hold your hand from the get-go, but I don't remember that happening. No matter, I'll be cautious. I'll be overcoming floor after floor before I know it, all I need is levels. Besides swiping the various little-event related and food & material gathering Race Skills... My Pugilist has it easy, maxing Thunder Fist and Overexertion are all he needs for the first two Stratum. Blood Wrath could be nifty, and as Earthlains have good Luck no matter what, a simple 3-point investment into the Bind skills could be practical. But Skill Points placed there are points not going into the Legendary Title when I unlock it. The Harbinger has a pretty bad base kit before the Legendary Titles arrive. Wilting Miasma to 9, and max Miasma Armor and Endless Shroud. Auto-Miasma isn't necessary for a future Deathguard. The Rover gets 1 point in Brushing and Animal Therapy for healing the pet and supplementary earlygame healing. Hawk Whistle to 4 is enough for now, I can't afford the TP cost increase at level 5. Target Arrow and the two Hawk skills will follow. No reason to dabble in the Hound, that is very inefficient. The Warlock I'm told is very SP-intensive if it goes Omnimancer, so I'll stick to the core Fire, Ice and Volt spells and ignore Magic Shield and Amplifier (my team is sorely lacking for buffs besides Overexertion though). Quick Chant and Focus Chant are maybes in the medium-term, considering they could be more SP-efficient for maximizing my Omnimancer's damage. The Botanist is going into the restoring Herbs for now, not the ailment-inflicting Smokes. 5 in Healing Herb, 1 in Sweeping Herb, and 1 in Revival Herb. He will be a Graceful Poisoner, but until Wilting Miasma is fully leveled and I get some Luck-boosting equipment, my Brouni is going to be bad at the ailment job. It's no Necromancer's Poison Bomb, so Toxic Smoke might be given the minimal investment and no more, it'll help cover the points diverted into the Herbs. Oh. Thank you for the correction. And yes, I was playing the HD remaster, and I did not feel like pay-to-win with Yojimbo against that poorly-placed superboss. I take it your new avi is what R-3 Powered stole its general design from? I've had my PS3 hooked up again for months to finally play this for the first time, it's been how many years since I downloaded it? -But I still haven't touched it, the game lingers in the back of my mind, that one void in my Final Fantasy chronology between I and XII (barring XI). Starting bias. Many but not all civs have these of varying strengths to assure their bonuses go into effect or because of their historical geography. Scythia has a tier 2 (second strongest) bias for the Horse resource, and tier 5 bias (the weakest) for grasslands and plains. Sometimes these biases don't work as they should and RNG screws you over. You can pick Brazil and by bad luck start nowhere near the Rainforests they want or have like just one or two jungle tiles and thats it. You can read the Civilopedia entries in the right-side menu for a Wikipedia-ish summary on each leader, civilization, and their unique units and improvements/districts/buildings. Scythia no longer exists. However, the name of their special unit is the Saka Horse Archer. Saka could mean either a tribe of the Scythians or another word for Scythians as a whole, the ancient non-Scythian writers vary on this. "Saka" might look familiar, because, either intentionally or unintentionally, FE spells it as "Sacae".
  11. Huh. Nice to hear it when it sounds like the writers did their cursory homework, which is enough for me. It's a little sign they actually cared about the world they were creating/setting the game in. Now if only they included a medieval university hazing ritual, which guy gets his buck teeth yanked out with pliers and then fed pills made of goat or horse dung?
  12. Steam is compatible with Mac, -but I want to (well, someone else wants me to) keep this computer "clean". So no joining that for now, not until I shell out for my dedicated gaming laptop. I get that. Sometimes I'm tired, but not so tired I want to go to sleep. Other times, it's me not having the right mindset for any of the games I'd want to play. And some of the Crests/Sigils for the ultimate weapons. When it turned out I missed out on Anima (Really? An easily missable Aeon?), that sealed the deal on me never attempting the postgame stuff, the bosses sound like poorly thought out HP bloat too.
  13. I remember how I had leveled Cress to like 140 in Tales of Phantasia GBA version yes I hate myself, save data corruption before I could go and complete the lower floors of the mineshaft. And when my first PS3 died, I lost my Tales of Graces data, which was in the second-to-last dungeon I think. So, my sympathies.
  14. Just stepping in to comment that that is the German term, the English is Marquess (Marchioness is the feminine, Marquis is the French). I'm pointing out because Elibe and the whole Lycian League being marquesses, which doesn't make sense IRL. But, the rules of noble ranking, and also military ranks, tend to be ignored in video games, it's whatever sounds cool and provides variety. Lycia is no surprise.
  15. Named and recolored my final EOV team, it took too long. Cadenza Guild is incidentally too dark in coloration, more purple and blue than there should be, and I've quite a distaste for brightness and paleness apparently. Oh well, I'll get used to it, I don't want to go back and edit things. But, now I'm too tired to actually start the playthrough -and I just released I forgot to rename the hawk my Rover will be summoning. Yes, I forget how, because I haven't done it myself, but you can. You can name them whatever you want, in case you can't pronounce "Yucuñudahui". I remember looking at screenshots from a player who go named two cities "Lautaro Is A Jerk" and "Lautaro Is Still A Jerk". The Mapuche (DLC) leader attacked him, then the player took one of his cities in return, Lautaro refused to accept peace. He took another Mapuche city, and Lautaro agreed to peace only if both cities were returned and he got an indemnity -despite him being the aggressor. Eventually Lautaro relented and ceded both cities and an indemnity to the player, and he lost a third city to England. Darned that happened. On Ys VIII, I forget how much HP the bosses had there, the final boss is a bit excessive, but the rest I don't remember being bad. Although there was one boss who flew out of reach too often. I thought I heard VIII is a refinement of VII, and that IX is more of the same as VIII. Shrimpy would know better. 💀 I can get through some boss battles in the Metroidvania Castlevanias without using healing items nowadays not like you have much of a choice in Circle of the Moon, no shops and all. But this does not exactly sound survivable for me.😐
  16. The issue is less the time to crank out units, as it moving them all around the map. A big army takes time to shuffle around. Before Civilization 5, I'm told you could have multiple copies of units in the same tile, which you could move as one unit. You could do this five times you could do it 40 times, each time making the whole thing stronger. It was nicknamed by fans as "Stacks of Doom". Perhaps because it was it was unrealistic, Civ 5 got rid of Stacks of Doom and limited things to one unit per tile, which had the unfortunate side effect of making troop movement more tedious. The Corps and Armies of Civ 6 make things slightly less burdensome than 5, but things could still get better. As for winning Domination- capture the Original Capital of every other empire, you can leave City-States alone, and you don't even need to conquer or raze or every other city in those empires, you inevitably will take a bunch of those though. The Original Capital has a star next to its name, which will be crossed out if someone has conquered it already. The Original Capital always has the same name every game, London will always be the Original Capital of England -unless you settled your city and renamed it "London" right away, in which case, the Original Capital of England will be another city chosen from its list of city names, like Leeds. You use 1 Builder charge per turn to complete 20% of District's Production cost. This does not work for buildings, it won't help with Libraries, just the Campuses you build them in. This does apply to Spaceports, which is great for Science Victories. Rush to the Feudalism civic for the Serfdom Policy Card for 5 charge Builders able to finish a District by itself. Do keep in mind that Builders cost more the more you make. The formula is 46 Production + 4 * X. X is the number of Builder you've made in the past. So each Builder costs 4 more Production than the last, small, but you do make a lot of them. The Pyramids are great because of this gradual cost increase, they make each Builder more efficient. If you want to play the Aztecs to their fullest unique style, do the following.: When the game begins, crank out a few Aztec Eagle Warriors from your first couple of cities. Once you have a good group of Eagle Warriors, declare war on some weak empires or some City-States ASAP. Barbarians won't work. Your Eagle Warriors have a chance of turning slain enemies into Builders- as if you're enslaving them. These free Builders won't increase the production cost of hand-made Builders. Send those Builders back to construct your Districts and make Improvements. You should improve one copy of each Luxury in your empire to get the Combat Strength bonus to make your Eagle Warriors a little stronger. The Eagle Warrior replaces the standard Warrior, so you can't delay for too long on this. Once the enemy gets Archers or Heavy Chariots, you'll want to be a little cautious. Swordsmen, Horsemen, and Crossbows will mark the likely end of the Eagle Warrior era, they'll be outmatched without enough Luxuries improved. Knights will definitely trample them. Although keeping a few around to kill enemies on death's doorstep is plausible, if tricky.
  17. I thought I randomly overheard once it had something to do with the purification of souls? "Bleaching" them clean and untainted? So you've won your first game? Yay!🎊
  18. Same, when I saw this topic, Zhou Yu came to mind. Attach that moveset to a physic staff and I'd be good.
  19. Nothing against Ryu, I've never played a Ninja Gaiden, but given the choice without any limits, this guy.: How in eight generations did Greninja slip my mind!?!😅 It's for museum theming. If the three Artifacts in a museum come from the same era, but different countries/barbarians, you get bonus Culture and Tourism from them. Artifacts spawn where there had been battles in the past, based on who fought there, so if you want a variety of Artifacts, you need to send your Archaeologists into or near foreign territory. Excavating in the borders of other empires will annoy them- you're stealing their history. If they've dug up Artifacts, you can ask for them too, maybe even trade yours for theirs'. You need Open Borders to excavate in foreign territory, or suzerain status for City-States, building the Terracotta Army lets you bypass the need for Open Borders. For Art, the theming bonus comes if they are of the same category, but different artists. For instance, El Greco's Assumption of the Virgin, Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel Ceiling, and Andrei Rublev's Savior in Glory complete a Religious Art theme. Theming bonuses are nice, but not necessary. I almost never do it for Artifacts, though I'll sort out Art later. Note that for Archaeology Museums, you can only shuffle around stuff in the Great Works screen if the museum is full. For Art Museums, only every 10 turns can you relocate the Great Works once you've put them in one, but you can shuffle stuff between partly-empty museums in that case. --- Got the Ultimate Key (wow it comes early), and then, as I forget every door it opens up, I saved back in Aliahan and then went to Lanson/Australia because of that temple with all the chain doors there. I undertook the Gaia's Navel dungeon not really thinking about it, I died a couple times because I wasn't prepared, but the autosave feature made it frustration free. Thats two Orbs down. IIRC, the Red Orb in XI is the one Erik nabbed, which might've been because III gave it to the pirates. Then, I decided to take a break and I'd re-explore more for key stuff later. For some inexplicable reason, I prefer playing III in short bursts. I like the game, a lack of fun isn't the problem, I just don't know why I'm like that in this case. If I'm going to start another EOV run, I need to decide on appearances and names. That ought to take a half-hour at least, I put a lot of thought into this. On the appearances... Sexy Female Warlock and Granny Rover, are set in stone, though not their coloration. I'm not entirely sure about which male Botanist to choose, but I'm leaning no-glasses yes I'm using a Brouni as a Graced Poisoner. For the male Pugilist, do I use the handsome young turbaned man, or do I embrace body diversity with the middle-aged man in the midst of 'roid rage? And for the female Harbinger, I'm using one on my EON team, do I use the same portrait (and name and coloration?), thought it be a repeat, or do I use the other portrait, though I dislike its face? Actually, maybe I'll pick the same portrait, but change her hair from blue to red. Then, I'll change the name from Danteh (Dana Iclucia + Enteh) to Iclutri (Dana + Katri). Continuity with a difference. On everyone's names, I've no idea and thats gonna take even longer to decide on. I've one likely down now (if Iclutri looks good in the ingame font), but the rest are not conceived of yet. Maybe the Botanist will get named after some herbs or spices because by female one was named lavender, camomile and... fudge, I can't remember what I made "Lantilm" from, a sign I went too complicated. Granny Rover will be a Hunting Hawk, so maybe Taka? That is Japanese for "hawk", but that would be a little boring by itself. Takanit? Blending in the name of Hannit from Octopath Traveler. But that doesn't look good at all. If I want go with the raging Pugilist, the blonde hair by default reminds me of Zell, whom I'm fond of from FVIII, since he too punches things. I'm gonna have to work his name into it. But I haven't a clue what to do if I pick the other male. -Actually Kevin from Trials of Mana would be a good name pick for the younger male. So Sexy Female Warlock, Omnimancer time. I'm in a Guillo mood, and he does have elemental variety but do I waste it on this on her? -I don't think so. Angela is surfacing in my mind. Have I used Nemissa yet in a game? Because... Angissa, Nemela, Nemang? None of these seem good, but I want one of them to work. Misela? Why aren't any of these appealing? --- @Armagon I have some unspent money on the eShop and Ys Origins is on sale until tomorrow. What difficulty are you playing on? Because if bosses are much too brutal even on Normal, I'm out. I got through Ys VIII @Shrimperor on Normal, how does Ys Origins compare?
  20. That happens, Wonders are a race, and it's terrible when its close. Worse than the instances where I haven't even researched the tech/civic that unlocks one I want that and I get a report it has already been built. I'm looking at you Forbidden City. Never try to go for Stonehenge by the way, the AI looooooooves it and its the first Wonder available. You have to luck out and neglect everything else to get it. That, the Hanging Gardens, and the paid DLC Great Bath and Etemenanki get picked off real fast. The Pyramids, Oracle (of Delphi), and Apadana tend to go quickly too nowadays. But the Pyramids are totally worth it and the Oracle is good If you can get them. I did. I just thought it was weird he said it's "west of Persistence", as if it was a hop skip and a jump away from the town, not "sail around the entire continent" far. It'd be faster Zooming to Jipangu and sailing east from there. Thank you for the clarification!😄 From 2015, which feels like forever ago, but this is timeless.🤣 Thank you!
  21. It means you're one step closer to the Culture Victory, you're getting more Tourists from them then they have at home. Once your culture is dominant over everyone, you win. Do they mean in the thin little rivers or that big rectangle of water in the rivers just west of Persistence? Because I've tried a tens of times and nothing has resulted from any of it. Or do they mean I have to sail around "North America" and reach the coast of "California" and use the Pot there? I haven't tried that. True, CT is the defining soul of a good 16-bit RPG for many gamers and game developers. He'd keep the Japanese sword too, albeit a much shorter katana than the tachi of Sephiroth. Which Triple Tech for the Final Smash- Delta Force or Frost Arc?
  22. Okay DQIII, I found the Bottomless Pot, I found the NPC who tells me the general direction of where to use it, but I can't find the location where it actually works! Old school obscurity over what to do next hasn't been that bad in this game, which is surprising, but all of a sudden, it is. I'm all of a sudden in the mood to start my fourth and final Etrian Odyssey V playthrough, not sure why. But I feel conflicted about starting it, because I still have my two EOU2 runs and my Nexus run unfinished. Do I start it anyhow, or do I force myself to finish the other ones? Will banishing the desire to play EOV ever again make it easier for me to swing back into EON and U2? Does it sound strange if his Judgement redesign makes his face look androgynous enough in a specific way that he could be an Alucardia? A lady who is stuck-up and cold and bossy? As someone who finds Sephiroth, setting aside my thoughts on his character, a totally unnecessary addition, I agree.😉 What does he add? Nothing, besides more FFVII really. Not like IV-XV are complete junk undeserving of the slightest attention. If we wanted someone from VII with potentially unique gameplay at least, I'd choose... Yuffie, or Vincent, or Barret. We don't have anyone with a large shuriken in Smash, we need a better ninja than Sheik and no to licensed anime ninjas.
  23. It took me too long to write it, but I stubbornly persisted in my madness. Hence me needing to distinguish myself as a moderate. I know those crazies who think Byleth and Pyra ate their parents and shat them out on grandpa's grave exist. The Internet assures they'll exist and be vocal about it. With Ryu/Ken and Terry, possibly Bayo though she be Beat 'Em Up not Fighting in genre, and particularly Mii Brawler, I do see Smash as codifying a place for fisticuffs. As for a counterargument... First, I acknowledge the majority of "brawlers" are humanoids, with the exact same four basic limbs arranged in the exact same way, with similar proportions. No Smash brawler is Ultros and jabs with eight tentacles. Some deviation exists, Kirby has the four limbs but their proportions are different, though nothing extreme. Second, for those who aren't from fighting/beat 'em up games, it's less the limbs and the kicks and punches they bring that define them, as it is a natural feature supplementing their main gimmick or flair. Sword users I suppose are defined more by the blade, which isn't something you're born with, it's a weapon you could throw away, unlike your right arm. But I'm generally bad at assembling arguments, so I'll stop here. From what I'm aware, the gameplay itself isn't that bad. It apparently resembles a fighting game cult classic known as Power Stone, which judging from a clip I watched of Castlevania: Judgement gameplay once long ago, is free to take advantage of its 3D arenas. Soulcalibur by comparison is stuck on an invisible 2D line between the two combatants. The greatest issue is the character designs. The guy in the middle in black of the image I posted is Simon Belmont roughly based on his PS1 Castlevania Chronicles redesign, could you figure that out? The designs are excessive, garish, oversaturated with anime zaniness, and in some cases totally unfaithful. Where is Death's dark blue/purple robe? The character designs had some impact on their personalities too, giving them "anime" tendencies. Simon for instance suffers from insecurity I read, thinking it wasn't he who slew Dracula so much as its was his Vampire Killer whip. The worst case is Maria, who as Acacia alluded to before, gained out freakin' of nowhere an obsession with big boobs.
  24. No predictions, hopes minimal and best dashed out of mind entirely. The best expectations are no expectations, because, then, you can only be surprised, though even that doesn't assure that you're guaranteed to be looking up. As for those thinking XC3, eh, wait on that. XCX2 takes priority to me, I've been clinging to a precipice for too long and would like to be able to let go.
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