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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Door Keys should do it. Alfred has one, and enemies carry more of them. You only need two though if Renee sends Red Link to help Purple Link. Ignore most the enemies, they respawn real fast infinitely. Edit: Ninja'ed
  2. What'd he do with all his free time with his plan to infiltrate the enemy army foiled then? Maybe he snuck in anyhow and became a sous chef at Runan's and later Holmes's mobile military canteen?
  3. How'd Kaga make a such a basic writing mistake of not having alternative dialogue options? Was Kate even captured this time? He wrote multiple versions of character endings apparently, but he never did anything to account for this?
  4. Oh, and if you like special dialogue, finish Karla with Shigen.
  5. I did Sunflame + Empower'ed Chu-ko-nu to kill Julius. The accuracy is shaky, but it does the job. Tip for the final fight- the doors can be opened, but only from the other side. The game gave me no indications one-sided locks could be a thing. It delayed progress on the fight.
  6. I am a Tellius fan, and I do recognize mages there being at the worst they been in FE in general, especially RD. TRS on the other hand... I agree that Rishel is unconditionally great. It's expectable that Playable Arvis, whom Kaga was the first intensely passionate fan of, would be awesome. 🔥 Sierra I agree is broken, but as you say, she requires a little more meta. You have to be willing to dump your statboosters on her and recruit her early, neither of which will come naturally to many players. Getting the Slyphids would be amazing for her and the next two mages as well. Alicia might come later than Maruj, but Dire Thunder's consistency and his lack of early doing important stuff makes her better. Flurry if she get to the level necessary great too. Maruj has availability, but I want to say that doesn't help him, the early chapters aren't exactly the nicest to mages. Wundergust is inconsistent too. And so far, my one and only Maruj wound up being fickle with the stat gains. I don't think he gained a single point of Mag before promoting at level 19. Meriel- Aura Rain is overrated/10. I have to wait five turns to use it, and it doesn't do anything to help with the Condor Squad or invisible enemies in Chapter 26. 😝 Ensorcel + 10 Mag to lowball it + Aura Rain = 24 Atk. 38 Atk against monsters. Okay okay, I concede it's strong, it's just not as strong a tactical nuke on humans as I wish it was. Starlight is 12 Wt, which reduces the +30 Avoid to +6, and makes it pretty possible for her to double. It's a strong single hit of at least 27 Atk, but it will slow her EXP gain due to how strong it is. If you want Meriel to level quickly, she'll have to resort to Fire, which is heavy enough that she probably won't be doubling for a while. And, Fire is 8 Mt, but just 60 Hit, that is shoddy accuracy. Maruj and Ishtar have it a little better with light Wind and accurate Thunder prior to promotion. Rishel is bound to Fire at first, but can promote fairly quickly even with Sunflame usage, no point in delaying promotion very long with him given how late he comes. Though sneaking in some Fire or Meteor shots for the extra EXP is feasible. Meriel can be good, but she isn't a "set and forget" mage, she needs investment. And I think that holds her back. She turned out well on my females-only run, but never got off the ground on my first. Lee I would be surprised if he saw 30 combats with magic on my first run. Although early on, before the second split, more so for Runan's side of it, he is useful as a second staffbot with occasional magic utility. His base stats can chase off Maruj for a while. Once Plum can dance and Rishel and Sierra arrive, I think his days at casting incantations are effectively over. Still a great Jagen of sorts. In summary, Maruj and Meriel leave bad early impressions, Alicia is slightly better, but doesn't salvage the reputation of mages enough. Rishel is amazing, and Sierra is tricky. All in all, TRS mages don't showcase their greatness from the start, it takes time. Although to be fair, outside of like Celica and Mae in SoV, maybe GBA's Lucius and Artur, and perhaps Asbel, I don't think mages in FE ever do hit the ground running.
  7. Rishel at base would be 24 HP and 16 Def with Sunflame, whilst packing 26 Res-hitting attack. Perhaps that would be useful?
  8. Is Rishel with Runan? Sunflame gives +10 Def and targets Res from 1-3 range, so he should be relatively durable and strong as I said before. Not sure how many of its 70 uses you have left on it though.
  9. It's also something that is totally ahistorical for the medieval university! I'm taking excessively detailed notes on a chapter in a book about medieval universities, blame Three Houses for that, and it has not mentioned fishing so far. Gardening however is on the list of mentioned "jobs to help pay your way through college" believe it or not.: Many students, more than merely the poor, worked their way through college, by… Serving faculty and rich classmates. Toiling in dining halls and kitchens. Singing in local church choirs. Tutoring younger students. Gardening. Laboring in campus construction. Copying manuscript books for stationers. There are obvious inconsistencies from IRL in 3H: no lady pope on the premises, nor women at all, weapons were verboten on campus, and war wasn't in the lesson plans whatsoever. And yet, things aren't a perfect train wreck of incompatibility. Three Houses might be better renamed "Three Nations". Why? Because the word "nation", or natio or nationes, derives from the medieval European university. A "nation" referred to a student (or sometimes faculty or scholars) organization each based on a usually very rough geographic region of origin. The nations came into existence to provide physical security for students attending foreign universities and a ready source of socialization. When you're a stranger in a country that doesn't know you or you it, it helps to have protection against discrimination and the potential harm that could bring, and to have people who might speak your vernacular and introduce you to the school's inner workings and counteract loneliness you may develop.
  10. Say what you will, there is something splendidly silly in seeing an entire field army of medieval wooden tanks.😄 Just where are the Lancers when you need them? You would be useful for once Largo!
  11. Sorry Birthright faded in the middle and parts of the end, I was expecting that. It isn't a bad game by many means, mostly an inoffensive one if you ask me. And yet again, your ranking system proves imperfect, to little surprise.😛 The minor discussion on the Amaterasu skill makes me think of how it can be neat when an RPG provides enough sources of little healing that it frees you from needing a dedicated healer. FE doesn't really do much with this concept. I've also begun taking all-too-copious notes on the brief 43 page chapter on medieval universities from the library book I got. FYI, "learning how to ride wyverns and punch stuff" are not in the curriculum, nor is teatime! Tea didn't reach Europe until the 1600s; and the arts of war weren't for academic discussion yet, the oldest European military academies are from the early 1700s. Not to say books on weapons and fighting didn't exist, they did, you just didn't go to school to learn how to fight. A monastery as a center of learning seems to be blurring the historical circumstances. Monasteries continued to teach as universities formed, and some universities began as monasteries like Oxford, but the heyday of monasteries as the light of knowledge in Europe precedes the rise of the university. You might be able to say that the torch was passed from one institution to another. Nonetheless, universities had some ecclesiastical flavor, though they were a mix of lay and clergy.
  12. Chapter 34 wasn't that bad to me. Strong and durable enemies true, but I lucked out in putting Rishel with Runan, Sunflame turns the Artillerymen into wicker men, bonfires just waiting to be lit.
  13. Yep, thats le infame. How exactly did Salia allow the approach to its sacred fire temple to turn into 100% poison marsh? Hard to believe ~15 years without a good monarch would cause that. They don't have to die entirely. All Monolith has to do is invent "OCs" named "Wei Ru Kong", and "Ellen Der Hausen". It'll work, not 100%, but close enough. If Holmes still sees Zieg as a traitor, Zieg may still wax about his "good times" with the heroes. Which is the only scene there really is that characterizes the cult.
  14. 'fo reals?!🤣 It's not even like Zieg is shoved in your face. Yes all his skills and name tell you something is different back in Chapter 5. But he wears a helmet, with no pre-battle dialogue IIRC, so it's totally believable that someone wouldn't realize he was recruitable and kill him. Au contraire, Zieg's internal suffering must be far less, because what fond memories does he have of the side he is now fighting.
  15. And it is done, I've finished Galahad Fortress, so at last the final character has arrived. Took me 24 hours. Considering Shulk is the only one in the party when they join, I lower his level to 1 to see if that affected things. Said character arrived level 45 with a minimum of 40. When I did the opposite and raised Shulk to his maximum level of 55, they joined at 54 as their maximum level, with a minimum of 40. Is 40 & 45 their minimum level, or were the other five characters -55, 55, 54, 52, and 51 currently respectively- influencing their joining level? Unexpected, given your usual jousts at Holmes, I suppose that is purely for one's own, understandable, entertainment. And I will say I'm not opposed to the old-fashioned lord archetype which Runan belongs to, I like Marth and Leif alike plenty. And yeah, I do think Holmes helps Runan a bit. A character being one-way 100% of the time is a bit boring, the unexpected as long as it doesn't totally destroy their established characterization, livens them up, makes them feel more real. No, not that kind of black hole!😆 If anything, you expect power to consume all to lead to societal ostracism and manipulation by the wicked. Not that one with infinite generation is immune to experiencing those problems, right Fei? As for the "Possibilities of Anti-Zohar Power", allow me try to think of some of them.: Destruction- The most blatantly obvious potential. Defense Does this sound odd? Well, what if an enemy shot a giant laser at you? If you could generate a temporary small black hole or thin wall of void, you could use it to absorb the giant laser altogether. You could use this to block something more natural like brimstone rain or falling debris from a collapsing building as well. Generation- What? Isn't this supposed to be the opposite of generation? Well, it depends on how one defines the Anti-Zohar Power. If Anti-Zohar is purest "Void", then there shouldn't be a energy generation aspect. Void is still, void is absolute nothingness, void cannot create anything, only remove. If Anti-Zohar is fundamentally the use of black holes, then generation becomes feasible to an extent. One way to theoretically generate black holes is through particle accelerators. Which are also capable of producing energy, so I've seen in video games. The Black Hole Engine of SRW is somehow able to stream infinite energy through a black hole. Though I don't know if the details of that are known and if that is a particle accelerator or not. If Anti-Zohar is the generation of antimatter, then it can be both annihilation and generation. Antimatter instantly destroys matter when they come into direct contact, leaving pure energy behind. As the universe humans can see and interact with is matter, with dark matter and dark energy still being unknown to us (except in XCX), this would be capable of destroying the world we know. The energy generated by annihilation would be a lot, not infinite, but enough to make it seem like it to the common person. Giving the Anti-Zohar a generation aspect would be essential to perform one of its functions. The Zohar powers the Gears and powers Siren; I don't know if it affects the ES of XS. And maybe Zohar the source of all that is in that one Xeno world? -Not that we need the Zohar to power robots. Black Hole Spatial Manipulation If one defined black holes as the Anti-Zohar, then once a black hole consumes enough energy and matter, its mass grows to the point where it is able to bend the fabric of spacetime like few other things in the universe. This would not be parallel universe-affecting stuff barring some super-extreme sci-fi distortion, it'd be solely affecting the four-dimensional world the heroes live in. Rewriting Existence To explain this, let us begin with one basic question- is what a black hole/void devours gone forever, or is still inside the darkness? If there is truly nothing inside a black hole/void, then the above aspect cannot be. For you cannot rewrite nothing. However, if the existential existence -the "data"- of things enveloped in a black hole or void endure, albeit distorted, then a followup two-part question arises. Can someone alter what data lay within the void, and can one then remove the black holes/void? If you can, then the power of world recreation is at your fingertips. Simply engulf the world in a black hole/void, make your edits, and then dispel the darkness. Nothing is beyond your grasp. At last! I will have a world where *bashed on the head with a chair unconscious*. Whilst black holes are nice and all, I think I would want Anti-Zohar to be pure void instead. Void is "sleeker" to me than a whirling distortion of space.
  16. "What's next?" If we use the XS/XCX/XC2 shape, how about we turn it upside down and inverse its usual (barring XCX) property? Instead of infinite energy generation, it becomes an infinite energy devourer. The power of the next Xeno MC is the power of black holes, which are supremely scientific. You know like every galaxy has a supermassive black hole at its center or something, right? We run into the issue of how limitless consumption of all that is can be a good thing. But there could be creativity in how to make a "bad" power into a force for good. Or, they take the shamelessly easy way out and as the result of the character's pivotal growth moment, change the black hole ability into a white hole- a purely theoretical entity that has never been found in the universe, yet permissible by Einstein's theories, which emits boundless matter and energy as opposed to sucking it in. Thereby making Zohar 6.0 no different from the past entires. I find his very jock personality to be very refreshing in the sea of mild-mannered lords which predominated FE's past. -Although his treatment of Katri keeps me from an unconditional full embrace. Outside of the Katri issue however, if there were a hypothetical a close vote on where to rank Holmes amongst the lords or something, I would likely (>50% chance) cast in favor of him and sink the other candidate down a rank. Is the meandering his fault though? Technically, no video game character deserves credit or blame for the story they undertake, because they have no IRL agency, all the blame falls squarely on the writers. However, it is fair to ask "Could this fictional being without a free will, given what we know of them and their world, opt take up a different course of action?". In Holmes's case, I could see it being either going straight on to liberating what Runan didn't of Salia, or instead making his first route split going for Granada. Yet, the way things are portrayed, I don't feel like Holmes had many opportunities he squandered. And with the three splits as is, you would need to adjust for any changes you make to the first two. If you give Holmes more of a Salia liberation emphasis in the first split, you will need to retool Runan's passing through the kingdom during his first split to some extent, in which case, where does he go? You can't skip to Granada on the first split either, because then Katri never says hello to her mom and dad. And if you used Granada on the first split, what of the second split then? It isn't impossible to rewrite, but you would have to think it through. Still, I don't keeping within the in-game universe see reason to blame Holmes for his story on the 1st split. It isn't like he had any personal connection to Salia, Lionheart is there liberating already with incidental help from Runan, and isn't like we're told it's the terrible land of tyranny and evil. Holmes, particularly with the personality he has, doesn't seem like he'd intentionally get into a liberation war unless it was his homeland, and Katri doesn't realize she's a princess until it's over so she can't nag him into doing it. The blame in this instance I have to put squarely on the writers.
  17. Flag design? I'm not from there, but Maryland's state flag is unintentionally modern abstract. The maple leaf forever! Thats a lyric to one of your particularly traditionally patriotic songs is it not? Also, Lebanon has your flag beat.: Not just a leaf, an entire beautiful Lebanese cedar. Although you can't eat these, so sugar maples > cedars, no questions asked. The desert ain't particularly bad by FE standards. No enemies besides the Condor Squad, and it is optional with the green strip across the top of the map. There were some single-tile treasures hidden there, a stat booster of every kind minus Move, plus Canto (horses-only) and Mug scrolls, and a Super Crest-thingy. That said, the Condor Squad is one mean group. The support bonuses they give each other makes them dodgy and high in Crit, which combined with solid stats, Spears, and a refusal to take the bait and split from the pack, makes the Squad a challenge to deal with. And worse, those enemies might kill one of your fragile allies! Sierra if she can survive may do some good warping herself into Renee's area, to clear out enemies there.
  18. Very true. And since FE makes a brand new roster every game, it doesn't have the luxury of giving everyone their own theme. Believe it or not, Chapter 26-B is supposedly worse. I never actually picked it because I read it is really bad. Indoors, so no horsies. Arkis if he is around is forced into enemy service will attack you, and must be re-recruited via Lina, who is trapped in a prison cell at the other end of the map. Several enemies carry Thief Swords so they can randomly take your stuff, with no guaranteed chance of getting it back. A room in the center of the map filled with enemies you cannot see that can hit you, including an AoE wind tome and Chu-ko-nu. And a thief that will rush to the chest with the one and only +Movement stat booster. With one strong enemy with a Brave Sword and the Draco skill as the cherry on top. Either way, Chapter 26 is a nadir of TRS's map design.😑 And if you wanted to train Rina, who isn't worth it coming so late with 10% Str and Def growths despite the 10% Mov growth, you should kill her. Now that Holmes has the Dakruon, he can resurrect her and train her up right before reuniting with Runan again.
  19. Great idea, but the best one would be to end Smash entirely. That will bring the long-desired tranquility to the cosmos, no longer shall the strife caused by endless zero-sum whining contaminate the universe. Tabuu did nothing wrong. Actually, Narcus is just barely north of the Condor Squad tripwire I think. Rebecca sends the corpse-eaters out to get you, thats for sure. It's only a problem if the music is bad if you ask me. SRW seems to throw everything into the battle themes, going as far as to give every character or group of characters their own personal battle theme. Thus, the battle music becomes extensions of the characters themselves, reusable in game after game. Behold: Reason No. 1 why SRW music should be in Smash. Make it happen King Namco, whom Lord Banpresto is a vassal thereof. You're not alone.🙂 I was summoned. Ahem. Allow me to first restate my old review posted here some time ago of the game: And I'll add I later did a second run, which was fun. I'm actually considering starting a third run of Trials of Mana soon, to see the last of the three distinct final dungeons. Maybe even a fourth run that is all-male because I like gendered runs of games. Being relatively short for an RPG and not overly complicated, I think ToM is suited for replays. I've never touched the postgame dungeon, nor the NG+ options, which now includes harder difficulties for those who want a challenge.
  20. Xeno Warriors would be something I'd care for. The likely cast, with a base roster of 19 using past games as precedents, being, as things currently stand with the franchise.: This said, as for what Koei Tecmo actually does next... Dynasty Warriors needs to be carefully reconsidered, I don't see them touching that for a while. Samurai Warriors getting a reboot right now, so it's fine. Warriors Orochi 5 is hindered by 4 not having done too well I think, and it wouldn't have enough new stuff to add without new additions from mainline Musou. Warriors All-Stars... how many "all-stars" does Koei really have? Fire Emblem Warriors... FEW2 as a grand intraseries crossover is possible given the roster deficiencies of the first game. FEW: What Happened After White Clouds Was Actually A Great War Where 20% of Fodlan's Entire Population Died And Things Ended In A Stalemate That Created The Wrongful Impression That Nothing Happened Until Byleth's Return, No This Is Not A Retcon is a 3H specific possibility. Takes advantage of reusable assets and 3H's popularity. Pirate Warriors 4 I thought I saw sold poorly compared to prior entries. HW1 was pretty packed with representation, so no intraseries representation issues. AoC is already getting DLC, so I don't see HW needing more. New licensed spinoffs or mainline Musous are something I can't possibly guess at. For remasters, I'll take a Dynasty Warriors 2-5 HD bundle, the full set of the old games. Maybe Warriors Orochi 1&2 and SW 1&2 HD bundles.
  21. Wrong: Pirate, treasure hunter, and merchant all in one. Slight name change, but I guess the other sisters were jealous of her being a mermaid and forced her to change her name. Preferred weapon is a pair of cannons she carries at her sides. Don't try to S rank her, she prefers men with scales.
  22. You can safely ignore the chest in Chapter 20, it has only a Save Staff. Emulation as you said before makes it rather unnecessary. Also, once you proceed to Leda, the remainder of Holmes's.route on the first split becomes linear, no more roaming around and killing monsters or shopping. So get it done now if you want. Holmes will go back to being free-roam on his second split, but you will no longer have access to Welt, and once you begin the story fights, you'll be locked into them until they're done. After which you'll be free to walk around the map again, until you choose to reunite with Runan again. 3rd split is entirely linear for Holmes. If you're saying this because of the forest fortress, you don't understand the difference between hard and tedious. I don't have a problem with sneaking around the fortress, or using Zeek's brokenness to carry out some frontal assault. What I have an issue with is the boss being so durable and dodgy, 73 Avoid and 45 HP and 16 Def is a chore. I ain't wasting Starlight on this dude, Fire is very inaccurate, and Raquel is better with Holmes. He will simply delete you if you try attacking up close, so you don't. Whats the point then of flanking the fortress, if in the end, assaulting it does nothing but a little EXP? The boss ruins the map. I'm mixed on the presence of the summoners. They give you something to do as the 30 turns pass, and they make it so there is some resistance as you try to go around the fortress, but... then again, it's summoners. Chapter 34 is a totally different matter in terms of gameplay.
  23. Me likey. I can assemble general ideas of what it could be in my head, though only so much. SRPGs, particularly grid-based, do not seem like a genre that would take well to crossovers. Although XenoFE is something I can envision more than FEFarmingSim. I keep trying to wrap my mind around the latter, and it keeps turning into a Gordian knot. Too many variables, too many things to address. I dislike this chapter quite a bit. Why must it be so drawn out? Kaga wanted to do Mystery Lorenz-icide all over again, but could've been a whole lot better about it. Maybe ten turns less for the boss to get rid of himself, or perhaps a tripwire wherein if you step inside the fortress with. a single unit- kaboom.
  24. -Provided you keep him away from all your other units so they don't suffer the -50 Hit & Avoid penalty from being within 3 spaces of an allied unit with Mug.
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