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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I meant I skipped the story, not the games themselves. I've an unfinished CQ Lunatic Classic run stopped at Hinoka's battle, which is my fourth run and only Lunatic run of CQ, the first being Hard Classic, followed by a Normal Classic females-only (I wasn't sure how hard it'd be females alone), and a men-only Hard Classic. I've done three or four runs of BR (Hard, Lunaticx3) and I think three or four of Revelation (Hard, Lunaticx3), the last Rev run being a Corrin solo. So yes, I played them, plenty. But every time a story scene was going to play, I mashed Start and went directly past, each, and, every, one. It was a very rare occasion if I even saw the scenery in which the story took place. The same for supports- skip, skippy, skiperee! Because you can neither protect nor demonize Cammy if you've never heard a word from or at her.
  2. I can't have thoughts on a story I've never seen, only read general details of secondhand, your runs I expect will nitpick out the little details, and hence I'm skipping pass them. I was told that Fates had a really bad plot, and for some reason that made me decide to skip it entirely, weird. The considerable heat generated by Fates discussions on SF for a while then made me decide "I don't want to get stuck in this" and one way to feel no attachment to a debate, is to be unattached either way to its topic. This said, when Fates released, I did take the general details I knew and assembled my own, radically different and detailed versions of all three routes. Said revisions involved pulling Valla out of... the sky? Another dimension? I don't know where it is. But I shoved it in the mountains in the north on the world map and did a bunch with it. Azura was no longer an ally at the start of BR or CQ (insert a new refresher character to compensate) too. She allies with whom you do not, either Aunt Mikoto or Daddy Garon. Well, Azura doesn't officially betray Hoshido until Mikoto laughingly mocks Garon for seeing his daughter and hostage-child both side against him, then Azura takes her naginata and rewards her aunt's years of lies and separation from her father -who went mad when her Mom his favorite consort died in a botched rescue attempt from the Ice Tribe- with a nice, long, deep gash on her back. Don't worry, Azura joins in time for the final battle with a very Nohrian skillset, and Mikoto joins for the last fight as well, repenting her inculcation of hate into her children over the years. But the utterly insane Garon traps everyone in a room, and having used the all-powerful Dusk Vein the Nohrian capital is built directly over to become a Dusk Dragon Incarnate, emits an endless stream of poisonous gas as he dies. For the sake of saving everyone else from the gas, Mikoto uses her mastery of her Major Silent Dragon blood to become a living air filter, and Azura (Major Silent, Minor Dusk) stabs the bloated beast and funnels its dark energies into herself, and so both die. Even when I ignored the story, somehow, I got in the mood to "immerse" myself in "Fates". πŸ˜† Is aping Fates to blame? Is it Koei's Dynasty Warriors, which has always has three, now four, different storylines to choose from the very beginning, that is the culprit? Is the fiend named advertising? Because, if the route split takes a long time to get to, you can't exactly advertise it. I'm not sure if SMT has ever advertised its alignments on the surface, or if thats always something Atlus assumes repeat players will pick up on. And SMT's route splits are always in the 11th hour, with only little alignment choices (that can automatically define which route you end up on) along the way. I wonder, what is the cause?
  3. The Devil Survivors are quite fun IMO. Not exactly FE, it's more traditional SMT combat interposed on an SRPG grid for moving and attacking. If you do eventually consider them, then hope you enjoy them. The presence of instruments making rhythmic sounds in the background means lyrical songs are different than literature, but I'm aware of there different approaches to translation regarding poetic devices. Dante's Divine Comedy, Puskin's Eugene Onegin were both written in verse. Now, one should ideally read a good book in its native languages, but not everyone has the time or effort for that. Translators catering to that audience have to decide: Strictly preserve the meter and rhyme to the absolute best that you can, though it might not naturally flow in the new language. Or, abandon the meter, rhyme, and what have you, to better express the literature's message, you can choose to either... ...convert to prose, probably appropriately eloquent prose, but still prose. ...or choose a different form of meter. Dante used terza rima, some English translators ran with iambic pentameter. But I can tell your criticism of LiTAA assumes minimal care and no thought of the above whatsoever on the part of the English translators.πŸ˜… Personally, I'm okay with songs with lyrics in video games overall. However, if the song is in the game's world -not something only we the players are hearing- and its lyrics are supposed to have special powers or prophecy or other magical thing, then I don't like it at all (with one exception). Because that specific category of songs is inherently forced, the lyrics can't be natural. Well, maybe they could be if someone wrote the song and then the concept, world, characters, and the story of the game, but that'd have the risk of shoehorning everything into fitting the lyrics. Therefore, I dislike LiTAA, barring the Smash instrumental version, which is actually good. Used the Silence rod on the upper left side of my 3DS as the final battles of Fates raged. As I wish to stay out of the Fates character-narrative stuff and stay Switzerland in my opinion of it by going Sakoku, I'll be skipping past all plot commentary FYI. As I mashed Start more than there are grains of sand on all the shores of the world with this game, I never once witnessed a Fates cutscene nor support. Still gonna be here for your gameplay remarks, I will much enjoy those. Never ran into this problem, not that I remember. Not sure why. This early chapter wasn't hard with the DV used. Tier Fates in the writing category twice? Including indicators to show which rank is "so bad so good", and which is "with a straight face and dour mind".
  4. That which you include in the spoilers is the true final boss, who never reveals itself if you don't have all the Shards. The bad ending credits include a deceptive sketch of it, this mysterious creature you never encountered ingame. Thats one of the hints. Strangely, you can get an enemy card- obtainable from the picnic jump that ends very level (the cards have absolutely no purpose besides being collected) of the true final boss at any time, you don't have to beat the game to get it to get it. The card won't tell you exactly what it is though, it won't say it's the final boss. And most peculiar, I had a game guide back in the day for Kirby 64. It has the true final boss's enemy card shown, but the guide ends with the ominous last scene of the false ending. It never talked about the true final boss, not what you'd expect from a game guide. And as I never beat the untrue final boss, I never knew it existed, until many years later. Given what the true final boss is, I think child me was better off not knowing.🩸 According to SF, Ashera follows a fixed attack pattern. After the AoE stun, she cycles back to the start, with the AoE physical attack. I'm assuming the premise the stun leads to a game over is that enough and or characters get stunned, then comes the physical, and because of the stun, you're unable to react and heal people properly in preparation for the physical. -Though I've never experienced it myself. But given the stun isn't until turn 10, you've plenty of time to do the deicide before that happens. Meanwhile TearRing Saga, five years prior to RD, decided that if you didn't kill its final boss within 20 turns, it sings Yashiro's introductory song and instantly kills everyone, barring one lucky character, a literal Game Over. Oh, and there is a suggestion in the data for a AoE Berserk in Radiant Dawn instead of the AoE stun. Besides the gameplay insanity that'd create, I don't like the idea of Ashera inflicting Berserk b/c lore. I prefer Order = Restraint = Stillness = Petrification and Chaos = Freedom = Activity = Berserk, an actually evil Yune would get the mass Berserk.
  5. Either you killed him fast, or it wasn't a problem. I've usually seen him do it, but it's only Silence, affects your mages/staffs, but your physicals can keep killing no adverse effects, and Micaiah can Sacrifice to remove Silence on others without needing to transfer a single HP. Though it's odd that RD doesn't provide any indication of its endgame AoEs until they're used, thankfully corrected in SoV.
  6. All the Crystal Shards are mandatory to unlock the true final battle. If you don't get them all, you're still treated to a seemingly happy ending after the not-true final boss, complete with credits. But there is a hint in the ending that something isn't right. Two hints actually.
  7. To be fair, KDL2 is very old. Losing your copy ability and having to chase after it on getting hit once? Not so fun. I was a child last when I played that, but I would think it stiff. I did manage to find all the Rainbow Drops and get beat King Dedede, yet I never made it past Dark Matter, the swordsman phase I vanquished once, maybe twice, but I died on the second phase. So close to finish, so far from success. Nobunaga is odd. Ferocious, inhuman, unhesitant, I think he does a Darth Vader Force Choke to Hanbei in SW Chronicles befitting his energy blade infusion to his sword. But that lack of humanity SW places in him means he's not in the slightest afraid to bold and eccentric. And would anyone dare question him if he were to show up at a beach in a mankini? Though the Demon King would actually welcome the offending comments the same way he tells Mitsuhide to embrace his choice to betray. It is on the slow side, and Copy Abilities are one-move each. Kirby's flying abilities can't be used indefinitely either, eventually Kirby will struggle for air and let out their breath, unable to float again until after they've touched the ground again. On the positive side, though the graphics be N64-dated, they are usually colorful and the stages themselves are pretty. How can PS1 be a problem but Dolphin not? Thats a generation ahead of the PS1, the emulation demands from Dolphin should be far greater. What is it that makes emulators sluggish or smooth that could explain this?πŸ€” I bought the main game like a year before getting the DLC, but I never actually played it. So I consciously opted to be an oddball when Torna came out and started with that. It was fine.☺️ If you mean the original SNES F-Zero, I think you could say that. You could, perhaps a little too harsh, call it a tech demo showcasing the Mode 7 pseudo-3D of the SNES. But like Star Fox, which was created to unleash the Super FX Chip's real 3D graphics, the SNES isn't where the franchises are their most memorable, the "innovative" technology was insufficient for them. For F-Zero, it's either the N64's F-Zero X, or the GameCube's F-Zero GX which are still enjoyed by some hardcore racing fans to this day.
  8. Listened in on a phone conversation between relatives that turned into politics partway through. At least they were able to laugh at their existing in different dimensions. My blood pressure rose, but I found my own humor in the sheer absurdity of a conversation so devoid of the potential of persuasion that I wouldn't bother having it myself. Humans are related to bananas, doesn't mean we should begin talking to them.πŸŒπŸ˜› Just want to add the caveat that sometimes, you can't stay away from politics. The fruit of politics is not relegated solely to the political realm, and it's because of that that people have died on both literal and metaphoric hills. Politics affects socio-economic standing, which in itself is most of what exists in human society. Is the choice you're speaking of then to stay away from politics, or to accept politics as they are?πŸ€” Although, I did read an interesting book in college on whether the Irish constituted "white" or "nonwhite" -as in all right and to bestowed privileged over nonwhites- depended on where the Irish were. WASP is the pinnacle of whiteness, and New York had no shortage of those at the time, with an African-American population that didn't create enough panic among the WASPs to warrant the inclusion of Irish into whiteness. The then-territory of Arizona on the other hand was different. In the town focused on in the book, a large population of Mexicans-turned-Americans by the sins of bullying and conquest, resided. One day, the Latino families asked an NYC orphanage ran by Catholic nuns to bring Irish babies westward for adoption, some of the Latino couples were unable to have children of their own. The train came to the town and the Latinos picked up their adorable infants and toddlers as they were promised, ready to bring them home soon. Unfortunately for happy parents, the white women of the town saw the little white babies and how cute they were, but were shocked by the dirty, dark and ugly people who were claiming them. And so, the pasty menfolk kidnapped every last child overnight. Attempts through the courts by the Hispanic community to get their children back ended in failure, white privilege won. Why did these WASPs want Irish babies? Because the great many Hispanics who resided in the same town posed a great threat in their racist heads, which were relatively few in number. There might've been a few Chinese and or African-Americans in town too, I forget. The WASPs would take anything that looked passable for white to add to their numbers in these circumstances. A few during the court trials claimed they would convert to Catholicism if thats what it took to keep those stolen babies. -I felt like sharing this, though I concede I've mentioned it in the past here and apologize if anyone remembers it and didn't want me to regurgitate it again. And it makes me ponder for a moment if the South, with its great African-American population, was to any extent less discriminatory to the Irish than New York City as well.
  9. Presidential whack-a-mole! I like it! But don't worry, it won't go on for too long, things like Twitch and a shopping social media app have preemptively banned him if he tries to go for them instead. Let's be honest, if/when a more competent autocrat were to/does take office, we'll be asking Eclipse to cremate this topic and any other where we may have politicked. Or to at least bury it six feet under in a park located three cities away from her house until the sun of freedom rises again, then it shall be dug up to show that we on record for posterity stood opposed to the eternal night.
  10. I'm not sure which drew the characters, but the two artists were Masahiro Higuchi and Hiroaki Hashimoto. Not sure what else they've worked on. This said one of them...
  11. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2, the 3DS updated Record Breaker edition. An SMT spinoff arguably closer to what people would've expected an FE x SMT crossover would play like (the little known Majin Tensei and its sequel are also an SMT spinoff thats FE-esque, one that released seven days after Old Mystery). I bought the DS version of the game, so I already knew the main Septentrione arc which I lovingly replayed and still love. Record Breaker added a sequel story called Triangulum, and this is where my euphoria followed by a downturn days later came from. Atlus has done additional story content/scenarios in their second releases before, but outside of Nocturne Maniax, the quality has been... mixed. Gameplay-wise, Triangulum was fine, none of the new battles and bosses seemed unfair, though perhaps difficult, and the final boss had a cool narrative-gameplay-boost idea, by which I mean something like Yune's blessing of the weapons. But narratively? From the start, I didn't like how repetitive some of the dialogue felt. Not to go into too much detail, but pretend, instead of Valm, the midgame of Awakening was helping Lucina find her missing comrades, b/c necessary to stop Grima's return or something. Now, imagine if CRL + FlaBas had difficulties finding everyone, and every fourth line was "We gotta find X! We still don't know what happened to Y! Did you share my vision of that thing probably important to stopping the Fell Dragon's return, what does it mean?". Would that get bothersome to you? That was like, about the first third to half of the story. In addition, I tried to keep track of new bit of lore Triangulum introduced, and attempted to compare it all to what Septentrione established. At first, I didn't notice that many serious contradictions, some stuff seemed totally valid as expansions on the old, others were fairly benign, a few things were problematic, but I accepted there likely wouldn't be 100% consistency, thats unrealistic. And because overall the experience wasn't bad as I feared it could be, and all the characters were when I finished the balance sheet (there were some ups, down, clear signs of favoritism) as likable as they were before for me, I had my euphoric moment upon completing Triangulum. It wasn't until later in the week that I realized how the fairly simple, clear lore built in Septentrione, had gotten gunky. It is not Awakening Retcon The Universe Bad, that'd be unfair to refer to it as. It is more that the writers were expanding on what was already a completed story, for the sake of having new story content to go with the old characters the fans love in this enhanced port of a game already playable on 3DS, and they didn't realize their complicating of lore demanded a degree of precision and consistency they weren't providing. The writers wanted to add a new character too, one who they had written for the original game, but couldn't find a way to fit into it and so they were left unused. The result being said character takes center stage in Triangulum, and their execution was so-so. Initially, I was willing to say the Triangulum story was only a little inferior to the Septentrione one. Now, I have to say that if I find Septentrione an A-, Triangulum is a B, or maybe B-, depending on how tough I want to be on it. Not bad, but it's certainly not contestable that Sept in incontestably better, even setting aside the basic fact that Sept creates the world and story which Tri is a Season 2 to. ...I know you didn't ask for all this, and you don't have to read one bit of it. The bolded is all you wanted to know.πŸ™‚
  12. Okay, you're right, I'll acknowledge this. Although splitting a hair, not to ignore the forest, Airports aren't exactly something I usually use a lot of anyhow on a typical "land, with air units existing but not overly dominant" map. Anti-Airs are so cost efficient as a counter to air units, and tanks and indirects destroy enemy tanks just well, so I skip B Copters altogether and use a few Bombers & Fighters only if I really need them to crack something open. Admittedly, I have only played DoR again recently, and some Super Famicom Wars last year. I should to go back to DS and refresh myself on the experience of that.
  13. How fortunate. A second dose is necessary probably depending on which vaccine they got, but thats halfway there. Only six million doses injected so far, so they've lucked out, and hopefully they deserve this priority. Wait, are you saying I'm a good behavioral model? Because I want to make clear I don't want to cast myself as too good, I'm evidence individuals with Asperger's can improve, but I will confess my past behavioral sins, those that I can remember and those that I can't. It wasn't just one time I misbehaved, the example in the above post was merely the peak badness. In high school, relatives who also attended school with me informed me they had to deal with the fallout of who I was. Oftentimes, it was for good stuff, I was smart in a bunch of subjects and desiring to be a teacher's pet (I kept schmoozing my educators through my Master's degree, heheh) meant they, more average in intelligence and outward intellectual enthusiasm, were bound to disappoint. Yet other times it was my... antics... that they got told about secondhand and had to related to. None of my problem stuff was detention-worthy or worse, after all, I was a good student, I never wanted to get bad grades or be forced to stay after school, I was just weird, which at times could become disruptive and thus a negative. If there was any mockery of me, it didn't happen in front of me or I was oblivious to it or I didn't care. "I am innocent" I told my myself in summary, I almost 100% ignored the effects on my dear others of what I did. Still, although I don't know how it made them feel because I never saw it, my relatives were affected by my Asperger's antics (though they went through their educations perfectly fine) and now years later, I've come to regret that. I was going to mention this actually, but I wasn't sure how to include it. I recognize the effects of CO Zones were more limited in what they could do, and question how they could implement more unique effects in a pipe dream DoR sequel. Although I wouldn't say the CO day to days always played a huge role in how you played the cheery trio. Jake was too subtle, Rachel too. Colin was too good unless it's against AW2 Kanbei or something. And at the end of the day, you're still almost certainly going to be building the same units regardless of who you use. You skip on the indirects for Max and double down on them with Grit, that does make a real difference in playstyle. But you're still going to make some Infantry, some tanks, some indirects, if there are air units around, then at least 2 AAs. The same general rules and tactics of successful war work for almost everyone, barring a few they might throw out based on their weaknesses.
  14. And regarding the "I have Asperger's" defense that was brought up, it doesn't work as an excuse from all criticism of behavior. Though I'm not going to say that to her directly. There are others, here on SF who have the same mild neurological diagnosis, including myself, and I've known about it since the 3rd Grade. We are not petulant children until we die, we are as capable or incapable of self-reflection as any "ordinary" person. I say this having lived a very cushy, very accommodating life, both in my family and in my public education, the only spheres I've operated in. People adapted to me, people accepted I might need some more wiggle room in certain aspects, and they provided it. They more than provided it. I know this isn't the case for everyone unfortunately, but I can only speak from my own case and offer my sympathies inasmuch as I can fairly give them if they differed. I also regret some of my antics, the most egregious case being when I thought a professor docked my final grade by a mark because of my behavior over the course of the entire class. At the time I was angry at that, not that I ever vented at her. "I was a prodigy, I was innocent." Wrong. I regret to all f***ing Hell my behavior in that class now, because I was inexcusably rude beyond all reasonable degrees of tolerance. And I was old enough to vote at the time. Although it obviously didn't dawn on me right away, I did come to change my behavior. I stamped out my terrible unruliness, and developed a "*sigh* ...idiot" internal response to whenever I interrupted in class out of an overeagerness to answer questions and such, sometimes jotting that down on paper when I wasn't taking notes. So yes, I improved, significantly. Although I admit I still have Aspergerian blips once in a while and in the aftermath of them recognize I need stay vigilant of my own thoughts and behavior. To use Asperger's to excuse too much is offensive to me. Because it's humiliating for any of us, especially those well past childhood, to create the impression that we as a group have to be emotionally circumnavigated around our entire lives. We're not public charges, we might need some little adjustments because of our eccentricities, but we shouldn't and don't need the whole world at our feet. The thing is, when I think about now, the first three games had an outwardly colorful and cheery tone, but the campaigns themselves weren't very funny. The story was still overwhelmingly serious, just shallow instead of cliched about it. Good Lord Master Yamamoto, these games would have adored having one-tenth of Awakening/Fates/3H's optional character writing. The Days of Ruin localization on the other hand makes me laugh at more than a few moments. Storywise, things were hopeful overall throughout the twists and turns, it was far from dark or bleak, barring a few little moments. The villains were still cartoonish, and "anime" had influenced the cast overall now. While heroes aren't hugely deeper, I think there was improvement over the low bar that came before DoR. I disagree with this myself. Dual Strike had made CO Powers too powerful, Tag Powers were extremely busted. While it it is true that broken stuff can be fun, at some point, it becomes tiring. In my later years with DS I stopped using two COs so much, it makes the individual's abilities more meaningful when they aren't flooded in lightning and a free second action. Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict COs aren't complicated. Build a unit. Spend half the unit's cost to place the CO into the unit. Put the units you want to get the CO boost into the CO Zone. Have the CO unit and units in the CO Zone deal damage to enemy units to expand the Zone and enable use of the CO Power. Use CO Power if you ever think it is worth it. Recharge the CO Power by repeating the above step. Keep CO unit alive and safe this entire time. If they get destroyed, repeat this process from the top. The process is simple, the list of units you'd consider loading the CO into is far from all of them, it's usually a tank of some kind, maybe a Bomber or Fighter, maybe a Rocket or Anti-Tank for Gage, a Battleship, what else would you pick? A Tashacopter? Keeping the unit alive shouldn't be a serious problem barring a venture too deep into the darkness during Fog of War. The day-to-day stat boosts are worth it, particularly if you're Tabitha or Lin. Now, the CO Powers on the other hand, yes, I'll agree that a slew of the Powers could be better, Isabella, Waylon, and Penny are great, but improving the rest to somewhere between a CO Power and Super CO Power in the older trio would've been great. As is, I'm more inclined to never fire off a CO Power because the increased Zone size is so good. Considering acquiring CO Powers demand some aspect of strategy in this game, compared to the prior ones demanding mindlessly losing your units and or destroying the enemies', I think they could justify a strengthening. I've no issues saying that even with a roster reduced and simplified to 12, that the COs somehow weren't balanced. Gage and Forsythe are almost strictly inferior to Isabella, and Greyfield is weak. Although whether you could say Dual Strike was balanced either is an open question. One final problem problem with the DoR CO system- the CO Zones were localized. On a map with multiple fronts, all but one will be deprived of the CO Zone and hence all the CO's uniqueness. The silver lining is that it does implement a point of strategy- where is the CO best sent to? Nonetheless, I support DoR's overhaul to the functioning of COs and wish we had gotten a sequel that elaborated on it. Although theres stuff to like in the old CO mechanics, DoR/DC had a good idea. (That indie game Wargroove tried something of its own creation for its commanders, but I didn't exactly love that for a few reasons, though it wasn't bad.) @Alastor15243 Sorry for mentioning you if you're not interested. However, considering you've some nuanced thinking regarding video game mechanics judging on your treatment of Fire Emblem and Metroidvania, and expressed a liking for Days of Ruin, I bring this lengthy Defense of DoR's COs of mine to your attention.
  15. Same. But I do it anyhow. And knowing that I'm not the only one who does makes it better. Because if you're going to do something stupid, might as well as do it with those you've some or great familiarity with. -Provided the stupid thing doesn't result in the death and or injury of oneself or others, the committing of a crime, or something that could impact your life down the line. Drunk driving midday past a kindergarten playground is strongly condemnable, and it'd hurt your image if you want to be a pediatrician one day.
  16. Well, considering the circumstances that led to the once-normal sun being corrupted into the Black Sun, without going into the spoilery details, you could be right, in a sense. And yes, it is truly black, and let me warn you the side effects of it going black can't be blocked out by sunscreen alone.
  17. Lin, from Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (Dark Conflict as it's subtitled in Europe). I've been replaying the game recently, still very fun for me, despite the passing of what will be exactly 13 years since its release come the 21st of this month. The villains might be cartoonish, but I still like the cast, and Lin I think I can say beyond a reasonable doubt is my favorite. Curiously, considering I brought up the game in the discussion of Awakening in @Alastor15243's topic in the past few days, the Kouhei Maeda who wrote co-wrote and co-directed Awakening, wrote Days of Ruin as well. A little surprising, and amazing how he managed to flub up three arcs in one game vs. making four arcs in another work not so bad. In practically the same number of chapters even. Although, I can't quite say he wrote the Days of Ruin cast I love, if it is the case the Dark Conflict script is closer to the Japanese. Gotta give some credit to Treehouse or whoever localized it in North America then. 23 actually. I checked RD Ike's averages, he is a comparatively slow 35%. All the other stats are on the average, barring roughly b/c decimals +1 Mag/Def/Res. No, I reside under the Black Sun.:
  18. Congratulations, our master of carideaology! You probably worked hard, and I hope the journey was fun and will lead to more fulfilling/profitable employment in the future!😁 If you're considering finding a significant human other and aren't willing to consider polyamory, you may wish to hold off on that if you've any interest in a PhD (or whatever the Deutschland equivalent is). One of my professors once said going for a PhD is like having a spouse, the project that gets you to that highest degree will be with you everywhere. I know that. πŸ˜‡ It was a joke, based on this.: Shin Megami Tensei's depiction of Metatron. Notice the metallic body? Usually ends up being very high level. In Devil Survivor 2, he's also pretty broken, throw Null/Drain/Repel Elec and Force into his skillset, and he'll be immune to all forms of damage except Almighty. ('Course he's so high-leveled that you can't make him a first playthrough due to EXP gain slowing from leveling softcaps coming into effect well before his fusion level.)
  19. Good morning/day/evening/night! Alas! For now, I'm waiting for that one person on this forum to begin their Civilization V all FE mods LP. Although it won't be quite the same, because a FEWE wouldn't have Nino swarming me with WWII Bombers. Sometimes all you need is a single line to get more than you seemingly deserve. From what I've heard through eh TV programming, the Biblical character Enoch appears in like three short lines, thats it. Didn't stop someone from later using him as the main character of an entire Apocryphal book, which has him leave his humanity and become the good old angel Megatron. Ah, the wonders of a historical period of pure chaos yearning for a vague idea of stability. Sounds fun, and if you wound up with wholly competent or semi-competent liege, things could feel fairly different if you didn't opt to overthrow them. Reading this makes me think I'd show zero creativity and thus that I'd feel like I am not playing the game "right", even if I know there is no right way.
  20. Actually, I have heard of anecdotes where people in the contemporary world hold a funeral whilst they're still alive and healthy. Not sure why, you don't really need to practice for it unless you're beloved died before you and you're getting ready to throw yourself as obligated to into their funeral pyre. Guess it's to accept your inevitable end and maybe get others to accept it too. Reminds me of when I first played Fates. I went into it with the Awakening mentality and tossed like most of my EXP into Corrin to start getting the snowball rolling, took until a trip to the harbor to realize the snow wasn't sticking. Thankfully I didn't need to restart or turn down the difficulty. This said, you'll wish the EXP restrain wasn't in place for the first couple Rev chapters. Because yowzas I loathe the lowmanning the first three (four with Mozu Get ASAP) chapters force. Balance might not be ratable in the form of a numerical list. Maybe you need a... spectrum? with four corners, each labeled after a particular kind of balance issue you see recurring again and again in FE? But, can you name four big balance issues? And does leaving out the smaller ones by doing this harm the results? You couldn't possibly factor this into an overall rating list either, so my idea is junk. Were you euphoric when you finished SD the first time? Your entries here certainly read like that. I had my own euphoric moment right after I finished a game not that long ago, part of it stemmed from not being the atrocity I feared it would be. But then, in the days after I finished it, I realized that, while I had already noticed some cracks and issues in it, that things were actually a good deal sloppier than I had initially conceded.😐 Would you want to draw a line indicating "factually barely written at all" below Awakening to clarify that? Although that'd be a little tricky maybe? Because I like Mystery Book 2 and Shadow Dragon is actually sorta more a case of "factually barely written at all" to me (Marth visibly emotes in Book 2! now thats better writing). It's not as "factual" as I would like to think. I'd add there is not a lot to do with the stuff. By the time you're done collecting 5 great skills for your characters, they've probably capped every important stat or close to it due to all the leveling, thats kinda gamebreaking in itself barring Lunatic enemies maybe or a few of the DLC. And although I like the flavor of personal stat cap modifiers, if you hit the promoted cap in a stat that isn't particularly low for that class, you probably have enough in that stat to do well, regardless of what that cap is. If I hit the Spd or Def cap as a Hero, does the modifier really matter? Treat yourself to better than this. Was it the Mongols who punished some defiant local ruler by pouring molten gold down their throat? Or did the Romans do this once? Or was the metal silver? I simply can't remember anything beyond having heard the quite possibly fictive fanciful anecdote. Either way, you're worth a precious metal instead of the stuff from which they are transmuted. If you're doing ironman, is that Lck bane really gonna fly? Why not Res or Skl? Those are the two stats that I'd probably pick for a bane not Lck. Although I confess I too do Lck banes almost always. I can teleport you to the Cosmic Archives, from whence outside of time you may see the stream's full course. Dare you wish to know what humans I have long assumed cannot comprehend? Not to mention the bad acronym. I'd actually be fine with labeling Awakening the GOAT.
  21. True, my history example was flawed, I was trying to keep it simple and digestible for a mass audience. And admittedly modern radical moments isn't my historical specialty (that would be... whatever my eventual job asks of me). Although I think I still had a point. And thank you for this enlightening graph! I will keep it in mind from here on out.
  22. I agree with what you're saying, remember me posting prolifically here on election night, I know this stuff and have spent night without sleep because of it. It's right, just not what I was going for. What I was trying to do is disprove "bad people on both sides"- as if there is an equal number with equal power of bad people on both sides- in a slightly more nuanced way. ANTIFA exists, true, but its conspiracy theories aren't the ones indoctrinating significant numbers of Americans in the present moment. I was conceding we do have to monitor them in case their conspiracies grow in potency one day. But if we have limited resources for monitoring and combating radicalism that threatens America, right now, the greatly overwhelming majority should go to stopping the far right. I saw someone who doesn't like politics because of the polarization and anger and such that it generates. And I was trying to approach them with an informed, gentle answer to some of their misunderstandings. In hopes it would be more effective as opposed to making them feel like they're a clay pigeon in quick draw contest. I picked the misunderstandings I thought I could best answer, I'm not always capable of eloquence or displaying the greatest intellect.
  23. I understand what you are trying to say, that we should not condemn everyone. Which there is a good point here. However, let me provide a little history lesson.: Back in the 1950s, the United States feared Communism as its great radical political threat. We didn't fear Nazis back then, we didn't fear radical Islamic terrorists with suicide vests. Why? For the Nazis, they had been defeated during WWII, the threat they posed was buried. For radical Islamists, they hadn't arisen yet as the threat, it wasn't until the late 1970s that they entered the world stage. The Soviet Union collapses in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Communist ceases to be a major threat. In 2001, 9/11 happens, the Islamic terrorist threat that had emerged back in 1970s now proved themselves a real threat to the United States itself, not just its embassy over in Iran. The tides of political extremism change, not all groups are equally powerful at once when you examine the reputable evidence. Communism was once a threat, it fell, Nazism was once a threat to America, but then it fell. Yet the radical non-Islamic right in America has resurrected, and it has been gaining strength at a greater pace than the far left. One day, the radical left might be the biggest threat again, but it is not at this time.
  24. I would consider a DW Empires, since it sounds like it'd be a good bridge between Musou and RotTK. But I don't have realistic access to any Musou Empires game at all. (And I still wish we had gotten a FEW one, albeit a FEWE with a much more diverse cast than we got in the actual FEW I want to unify the world by force with the laughingstock of Archanea- Gra). What did Ultimate add to Xeno representation BTW? I don't have Ultimate. Though we both know it has to be getting something more soon. And I'll add that Gaur Plains is a bad stage for reasons other than the big hole in the middle. For one, it isn't set on part of the Bionis's Leg that you can actually explore ingame, the XCX Flight Module don't exist here. And what you can see from the unusual vantage point that the stage has... isn't the best. It's not horrible, but green plains like 1-1 in a New Super Mario Bros game is boring, I'd like them to pick a more fantastical XC locale next time, theres plenty of those to choose from. Are 3rd tier classes too fancy/flashy for you? Because if so, I can sympathize via Hyrule Warriors.: The 1st tier weapons are basic, ordinary, accurate to the franchise's roots. The 2nd tier bump up the decoration, but often maintain an element of restrain, perhaps a certain coolness. The 3rd tier adds copious amounts of additional ornamentation, but more isn't always better. More can become gaudy, and impractical to the point that it breaks the illusion of being viable as a realistic weapon -if you abide by a notion of realism in some weapons in franchise known for being over the top. I really dislike Zant's Scimitars of Twilight. The result is that in some instances, I prefer the 2nd tier design over the 3rd. But not all of them, I like the Power Gloves and their Chain Chomp. And I still used the strongest most slotted and properly skilled 3rd tiers anyhow.
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