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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Poor Ieyasu. The man deserves better than he gets as a chubby, old, no-fun dude. He did usurp from Hideyori, but he did establish the Japanese order that would last for the next ~250 years. Although, that historical impact may work against him, sakoku isn't held in high regard nowadays. Historically however, I think Hideyoshi's eager personality is accurate. I read a translation of his infamous letter to Korea, it went, in summary, "Life is short. Thank you for your help in my invasion of China". -Korea never said they would. Although first sentence was a more flowery "A man is lucky to live to 60". I envisioned SW Hideyoshi saying the message, and it fit. I can understand how from these circumstances you'd connect to him. First impression in the franchise with a chain of events that congealed just right. Interesting. I have no idea myself, but apparently its sister franchise Romance of the Three Kingdoms is having its latest entry, XIV, release on the Switch in the West on February 11th of this year.: https://nintendoeverything.com/wp-content/uploads/RTK14_Event-Editor_1-2.jpg Because I've dabbled with 4X games now (although I know this isn't exactly that since war is the only path to victory, more turn-based strategy thats got the prolific menu minutiae of 4X games), I'm thinking I'll bite the bullet and buy RotTKXIV. I'll tell you how it is later. And fun fact, Capcom's first RPG was apparently this.: Destiny of an Emperor.
  2. Two individuals personally close to me have gotten their first shots of Covid vaccine. I'm not one of them of course, but it's a slight personal relief. Neither of them is a frontline Covid worker, nor what I'd exactly call an essential worker, nor do they work in nursing homes. But they do work in healthcare settings and with elderly so I don't think it's unjustified. Considering only 3 million doses have been injected so far in the US (the December goal was stated to be 20 million, already incompetency has derailed the rollout, hope the new admin can get things back on track), I feel fortunate. As I do that there were no economic hardships for the few I love this entire time, nor a single case of Covid, I'm luckier than I could ever deserve to be. Sun Eliwood I see. Not sure who I'd consider my favorite, not sure I could even assemble a list. I don't think it's a matter of dislike, for I like most of them, it is more "so many characters, so little screentime" that I'm not sure who I think deserves to be elevated to a higher status, which I guess demands higher standards.
  3. After RD's Ike "must deal the final gameplay blow", I'd say I prefer Awakening's approach inestimably. Divorce gameplay from story against what should be the strongest enemy in the entire game, because unlike a more typical RPG there is no guarantee you trained up someone enough and they might have gotten RNG screwed anyhow. As for the final gameplay hit, think of it as shattering the outer armor that exposes the squishy heart.
  4. I don't claim to know the details of this, but I thought I heard someone say Disney intentionally scuppered The Princess and the Frog because they didn't want to do 2D anymore. Everything. Must. Be. 3D! It wouldn't surprise me if we were looking at Disidious, considering their obsession with live-action everything now to milk and rehash their old vault again for no reason except money; classic movies, unlike classic games, do not benefit from remakes in the same way. I won't deny IS could become more skilled with its use of 3D. Though, I will say I don't like a bunch of Awakening's cutscenes because of the Robin-induced first-person perspective. I skipped on Fates's cutscenes altogether, because I don't want to have any impression whatsoever of Fates's plot. It's old RD 3-3 River Crossing that cuts the mustard for me on FE 3D cutscenes, and thats more an exception than a rule. I am fond of RD's battle animations, so yes, there is a bone of liking 3D in me. I don't think supports need 3D settings to pop, good text with 2D works perfectly fine. It has worked great before. -But here I'm being a tech curmudgeon, might as well say smartphones are unnecessary because a laptop + old-fashioned flip phone ain't heavy and do the job just fine.
  5. 🤨 Pick a better example that doesn't smell like fresh hay. Shall I introduce you to the hand-drawn magnificence of one of my niche liked games Odin Sphere?: 2D games have progressed well beyond 8-bit and you should know better. FE going back to 2D does not mean going back to FE1, nor 3, nor 5, nor 8. It means modern, gorgeous, delicately sketched and painted 2D in some form, ideally. But, FE's 3D has never been ideal, so no point in calling new 2D an abject failure if it isn't perfect.
  6. VC4 lets you replay a chapter as many times as you want, so if you fail the A rank the first time, come right back and do it again. More money and EXP too, but that shouldn't break the game if all you're taking is two tries.
  7. Maybe I'm the problem, but as a rare item hoarder, durability was a nice idea that probably wasn't best suited for me. Even with 3H's repair system, what's a Sword of the Creator? What's an Areadbhar? Actually, I know what an Areadbhar is, but not that one.
  8. So they're declaring secession? Yes! Try seceding! Do it. We all know secession is evil and in a few weeks the new President backed by a clear majority of the American people will be able to put down with the military the existential threat we know cannot be allowed to endure. I give my approval for a Second Reconstruction if that is unfortunately necessary to remedy the underlying ills that allowed for such terrible violence in the first place. -As if. That kind of thinking, that of someone who would like a childlike notion of Good vs. Evil to be played out as a simple, easily won battle, after which all is happily ever after in the real world, is as it sounds. A total fiction. This ain't going to be as "easy" as the Civil War.
  9. Do those of liberal leanings just not go into the job field? What is it exactly that makes the police systemically racist and rightist? Can't be excessive gun rights if the police-reactionary allegiance is true in other countries as well.
  10. There is also the American Dream shopping mall, the second largest in the United States. It started opening at the end of 2019, and was to have its completed grand opening in the Spring of last year. A grand opening, after being proposed in the year Bush invaded Iraq and construction was started the following year. 16 years of delays, and COVID-19 arrives, the place is cursed. CNN just projected the Democrat won the second Georgia seat. Democrat majority by virtue of the Presidency, secured? Hard to say the Senate is "secure" ever again after what's happening RIGHT NOW.
  11. True. Although if it's filled with Orange appointees, they'll have to be removed first, and funding allocated to turning the beautiful National Mall into Fortress America should it be necessary. Evacuate the Smithsonians to a strip of land in Virginia or Maryland if they must become redoubts, send the Monuments and Memorials too. If some of them must be destroyed, I suppose they can bulldoze the Sackler galleries outright, take some pills if you'd feel anguish about that. Dedicating funding might be difficult, it is defense spending, thats popular, but it is for a cause the Right wouldn't support. Jihadists are the only right-wing terrorists that exist for them, radical right terrorists can only be found aboard, none at home.
  12. Reminds me of the time when one newscaster compared him's mind to the one song from the classic movie. The song that goes, I'm paraphrasing "Come with me into a... world of pure imagination, what you see will defy... ex-plan-nay-tion". It's a black wire on a brown pole, they'd want a different kind of power. Stupid! I thought they were tearing down a power line, not raising the American Inquisition.
  13. And here I was this morning, watching selects snippets of low-grade anime-influenced video games vids against my better judgement because of curiosity of lust, and now... 🚬. Maybe crap anime (cranime) ain't so crap after all. To escapism! And here I was on the verge of getting back into Sakuna in mere minutes. I can't bring myself into feudal Japanese happyland when the real world has turned into what I'd use to make fertilizer.
  14. I think you can say this is the same as COVID (still happening FYI!). When the federal government fails in a coordinated response and the person at the top is even outright contradicting what good sense would say, it falls to the states -the responsible states- to clean up the nuclear disaster. Thank Lady Liberty the Capital isn't wedged between Wyoming and *insert other ruby red state here*.
  15. An Apple News alert informed me of this turn of events. I should turn them off. This is going through my head.: No, not a meme. Discover what I'm referring to yourself if you don't know.
  16. I was actually going to say that number, but I wasn't sure if anyone would get the VII Original almost-guaranteed win trick reference.
  17. "Here’s the statement about the Microsoft and Nintendo pitch Bachus made to Bloomberg: "Steve [Ballmer] made us go meet with Nintendo to see if they would consider being acquired. They just laughed their asses off. Like, imagine an hour of somebody just laughing at you. That was kind of how that meeting went."" https://nintendoeverything.com/microsoft-tried-to-acquire-nintendo-before-starting-its-xbox-business-but-was-laughed-out-of-the-room-during-their-meeting/ That was an Xbonehead move. And thus, the Green-Crossed Machine was born instead! Microstupid also tired to buy Square: "Here’s McBreen’s account of the Microsoft meeting with Square. "We had a letter of intent to buy Square. In early November 1999, we went to Japan. We had one of those big dinners with their CEO and Steve Ballmer. The next day, we’re sitting in their boardroom, and they said, “Our banker would like to make a statement.” And basically, the banker said, “Square cannot go through with this deal because the price is too low.” We packed up, we went home, and that was the end of Square."" https://www.siliconera.com/microsoft-tried-to-acquire-nintendo-and-square/ Is that what they told Nintendo 777 times before they agreed to let Cloud into Smash?
  18. First, I'm not fond of exercise. Two, if Jump Up, Super Star actually calls for actual jumping, I will find myself six feet under my living room in the basement. Three, I could bring the Switch into the basement. But thats stairs and I don't want to deal with stairs if I'm going to exercise. Fourth, I could hook up my Switch outdoors to a projector and project the game's image onto a wall, I can't fall through the Earth (Armagon could though, Florida is a haven for sinkholes, maybe not where he lives however). But then I'd be exposed to sunlight, and that is a poison. It could be worse, exercise game with a little Nintendo music would be infinitely better than a rhythm game with Nintendo music. A cat, alive or dead, can move with the groove better than I.
  19. Clearly you need a 1UP girl to through it. RFA has Nintendo tracks? Not enough get to me buy it though. I curse you with uncontrollable crying for beating me to the punch Twilit!
  20. Thats localization? Then I declare it good localization! Naysayers saying it neither is in the letter of the Japanese nor the spirit be darned! True!😄 The reason I hesitate to embrace it because a simple question.- What if other people started following Walhart's explanation? Even operating under the rule "only the strong/resolutely insistent can do it", I'm afraid of the consequences. Life would cease to be life as we understand it, death would be upturned. All the land would begin sinking into the sea, fire would devour the Mila Tree and every other evergreen, Morgan-turned Grima Jr. would float in the sky above, breathing an end to all existence. I cannot bear the thought!😱 -I'm being melodramatic here, but also to some degree serious. As villains are oft to have strong wills, could time cease to feel so linear? If villains could force their own return, no ritual, no nothing, they would be active again and again. Though on the bright side, heroes have strong wills too, they could return over and over as well. Sure we already have this to an extent, Zelda of course as mentioned above, and some FE villains return one day or say they will. But what I'm thinking of, is where a villain's return from great defeat is not special anymore, their resurrection is ordinary, expected. If they were gone for good, that'd be the real surprise. What about what the heroes do then? Would their duty be so extraordinary, when the villains become so ordinary? Would heroes of tire of being heroes, would villains of villainy? Would life unceasing be ennui for both? Of course, then they could choose to go forever, but what if old habits died very very very hard?🤔
  21. Whoops, you're right. I picked the wrong h-word there.😅 And it is true that the Muslims didn't come in peace. For whatever tolerance and channeling of science and philosophy into the European backwater the Arab-Berber forces brought, it started with the sword. And whatever beautiful Christian architecture from the same period that may exist in northern Spain, you probably won't be able to find it in the south, because the Muslims didn't allow it. Likewise, the scrolls of Antiquity's wisdom that the Arabs obtained that the Abbasids later passed onto Europe, may have come from Byzantine conquests and the thus the scrolls would've reached Europe eventually anyhow. I learned better than to gild an age or civilization too much, particularly when it deployed the use of force to grow and become prosperous in the first place. But if a civilization conquered and likely continued to fight for more, yet in the meanwhile created something of a flourishing economy and culture. Adding a non-insignificant quantity to humanity's basket of wisdom and manifold richness, rather than simply destroying and taxing everything into the ground. I think I can offer them a calculated measure of praise.
  22. It's complicated. Below 50, it uses 1 RN, above 50, it uses 2 RNs, but not in the same way as FEs 6-13, it is less slanted towards hitting than that old 2 RN system.
  23. Of course, good old Al-Andalus. The Muslim kingdom that made Medieval Iberia relatively tolerant by the standards of the pre-modern world. Of course, it backfired in a way, because having a heretical neighbor whom you're fighting to kick back into Africa led to a real sharpening of Spanish-Christian identity. And that was not only bad for Spanish views towards Arabs and Muslims, but also Jews. Spain, the country where the national meat is proudly anti-Semitic. Well, was for a long time, don't mean to condemn modern Spaniards.
  24. That would make perfect sense to me, but noooo, Nintendo had to listen to those silly obsessive fans who must have one unified timeline. I can imagine they're the same fans who insist that Chrom's "oh I know X character from the Y tales" in the Awakening and Fates DLC are irrefutable evidence of everything being in a single world. I don't like that idea either if you can't tell.😏 Excuse moi? Walhart has the best explanation. It's so outlandish, so... problematic for the rules of reality and good writing, but I can't help but ...like it?
  25. Glad to hear you unexpectedly enjoyed it more than you thought! A happy surprise is the best kind of the unexpected. I do have a wad of eShop funds sitting unspent now, but indie titles... I don't know. Shovel Knight was great fun, but Wargroove... for some reason, it just didn't sate the Advance Wars craving I bought it for and hoped it could resolve, although it wasn't bad. The old charming old magic AW still has over me wasn't there. I've been told Arabic run into similar great national divides. "Classical Arabic" as codified in the Quran is the internationally used, but nobody actually speaks it at home with friends, it's divine, but sterile. Due to each country from Morocco in the west to Iraq in the east having a quite distinct history, the living Arabics are only roughly intelligible to each other. Egyptian Arabic being the best understood by a non-national audience due to a lot of Arabic TV shows and movies being made there. Language divides can be fascinating, and that they, surprisingly to an English audience, endure to this day is evidence that the past is not truly dead. Although dialects may be declining with modern communicative technology and media and widespread public education, the era of human history when most humans were in their mother tongue wholly unintelligible to their fellow countrymen even when they spoke what was, purely nominatively, the same language, still has some twilight years left. I would never use alu-mini-um for airplanes or wrapping my half-eaten tilapia in the fridge, too precious must protect!😛 However, some British accents are that bad. I don't think they say actual words, they make a random grunt in a tone so low that I can't tell the difference.
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