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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. No he isn't! The DNA tests prove otherwise! It was stated in an art book he's 15. Although I'd say how old he looks can depend on the artwork/3D model. These are NOT the same person. The one on the right is Ike disguised as Roy. Res outside of magic units is usually quite low in Binding Blade, as it was in all prior games (and old Archanea mages didn't have any or a lot of Res either). Res doesn't become normalized as a stat- meaning everyone will get some not a select few- until Blazing. Awww... he looks kinda cute and soft and like he's frail and has a sad past. MURDER HIM! Why do the good guys get a monopoly on the pretty and nice people? I want FE to force me to kill the young, promising heir to a viscount, with their father also on the battlefield watching me slay the lone heir to his centuries-held estate. And while I'm at, let me make a quiver out of a page whose mother was impoverished, their father unknown because their mother was "taken advantage of" in her dire circumstances. Not saying I like doing that. But it'd make the "war is bad" schtick a little more believable.
  2. It is awesome, though games with "Music That Can Suddenly Override Anything And Comes From Stuff You Will be Using" need the option to stop the override from happening. NG+ from a Story Mode file into Classic lets you keep the one and only Faffy, so if you really wanted to, you could include him on your team. Rest Rest Rest until he's back to 1 so he doesn't break the game. Accelerate and the other story-unlocked skills stay unlocked from the start. Oh, and I just noticed you've got a Longsword? You can't go wrong with any class, picking Striker and then keeping the weapon setup and going Samurai Gunner is all good. That was my progression on my first playthrough. Wasn't sure what you thought of it. Didn't think "Wild West" when I've heard it, but I can hear what you say now.
  3. There are a few other cases, but nothing you have to keep on the lookout for. And I noticed there was a cave in Primordia, probably true of all of them, where the little insect Blattas could be aggro'ed by night but not by day. For a slight benefit for you, the Electromagnetic Storm weather in Oblivia and rarely Cauldros that hurt you also scrambles the Sound (proximity) detection of enemy Mechanoids, but not the hyphenated "living metal" ones native to Mira (Xe-dom, Oc-serv, Fal-swo), only Ganglion tech. Mechanoid Sight detection still works, so EM Storms are but a small help.
  4. "Do" in this case means "way of", just as Bushido means "way of the bushi", "bushi" meaning "warrior", with the strong connotation of "samurai". The "I" and "ai" are believed to come from a saying meaning "constantly be prepared to meet the enemy immediately". So Iaido means "way of being constantly prepared". In practice in video games and whatnot, Iaido often refers to katana techniques where the sword is kept sheathed and quickly drawn only as needed. Often it's so fast that you can't see the sword strike itself, and all you perceive is the quick draw and the sword's return to its sheath. Iaido is fast, iaido is clean, iaido is free of unnecessary movements, it will kill the bothersome fly resting on your forehead and not leave a scratch on your skin. Don't quote me on this this, but the one time I hear it pronounced, in a lighthearted British game said by a little kid from fantasy-Japan, it was pronounced "E-yai ("eye" with a "y" in front of it)-dough". Crimson Aurora is pretty, and only a tiny bit dangerous. Those Titan-battleship-sized Coronids at Lake Ciel go from peaceful to aggressive. I'd be interested in getting a lore explanation why Sylvalum only has red auroras and none of the usual greens and blues you see IRL and elsewhere on Mira. They didn't want the entrance at least to be too deadly, but the further in you go and the further off the beaten path towards Cauldros, the nastier it can get. Cauldros will be less forgiving of weakness. Well, you tried. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Sylvalum is noted by NPCs as a land of many camouflaged enemies. And as Lightcosmo said, it's Flinch thats to blame, I know it's annoying. Skells are immune to aggro'ed Flinch though. Also, close it's Sickle Rock. I've read some people used Alter Class immediately when the game begins to turn Flavio into Hexio, his TP is going to hold him back for a time, but his Lck is fine for the job, and his higher Agility compared to a standard Hexer means he can land Binds and Ailments more often before the enemy gets to attack. Do keep in mind that Power Gel and Affection Collar are enemy-only skills that don't come around for a while I think. Another tip, it's better to use buffs/debuffs that aren't of the same kind. As in two Attack boosters for example, the game took an anti-buff measure of nerfing subsequent buffs, I think the second applied is 66% of its normal potency, while the third is I think like 20%? The Preludes bypass this I read, I'd guess because of the elemental weapon infusion? Or the subsequent localized and periodic bouts of the Black Death that plagued Europe until, let's say 1791 at the latest. The Great Plague of London killed 80-100 thousand in 1665-6, out of a total population of less than 500 thousand. And when plague declined, other diseases came to fill in for the job of Microbial Grim Reaper. Influenza, typhoid fever, dysentery, infantile diarrhea, scarlet fever, diphtheria, and measles were all on the up, to Big Stats deadly results. -- @Othin Happy birthday!๐ŸŽ‚ I hope you're enjoying it.
  5. Wrong. Gareth: King Dheginsea fell into despair. If people caught wind of this news, he believed it would create a deep rift between the two peoples. The king was especially concerned about the reaction from the laguz. They might interpret the birth as a herald of their eventual end. Some might even attempt to harm the child.Kurthnaga: Lehran needed to hear the voice of the goddess then more than ever beforeโ€ฆ But he could no longer sing the galdr of release. Is that what happened?Nasir: Just so. Lehran was forced to make a very difficult decision to protect the peace between beorc and laguz. He decided to retreat into seclusion and consider the problem. Once he regained his sanity, he announced his decision.Gareth: Lehran was forced to ask the unthinkable of his wife, his aides, and close friends For the sake of Begnion, you must tell the people that I died in an accident. Tell them the birth was merely a false rumor.Nasir: Lehran left the medallion to his tribe, moving to Goldoa under King Dheginseaโ€™s protection. He simply disappeared from history after that.Gareth: After Lehran had left and life returned to normal, Altina eventually welcomed a beorc husband. She raised the child sheโ€™d had with Lehran as though it were an ordinary beorc child, born of her new husband. Since then, marriages between laguz and beorc have been forbidden. It became known as a crime against the goddess. So it's the Laguz who were expected to hate the birth of Altina and Lehran's child. Not an unreasonable expectation, the Laguz later did deny the Branded's entire existences.
  6. Kaga was born in 1950. The dude is 70 now. Sure it's a totally fine age for the Papacy or Presidency of the United States, but video game designer? Not so sure of that. Vestaria is being made not-for-profit as a hobby, I'm not sure he'd want take on the management of a game intended for sale's development.
  7. I think Sigurd could be recast as one.: Or is it just me that the pose has the finesse I'd associate with a bullfighter?
  8. Galaxy. Sorry, I may have grown with SM64, but there are things about it which feel like turnoffs. Sunshine is good, but Galaxy has pizzaz and I'm not exactly fond of some of SMS's FLUDD-less secrets. Is it wrong to get sexually aroused while watching your illegitimate half-sister consummate her marriage?
  9. I remember seeing some players of GBA FE hacked in an RNG viewer, if you did that with BS and understood the order in which the numbers get used up, you'd never have to miss again. And you could have a meme Daoud with 63 HP, 25 Str, 22 Def, and 22 Agility too.
  10. Or, if you have 1 of a Protector or Beast, you carefully deplete 1 of the deadly duo's HP to just above ~50%. Then you prepare to bombard them dead before they kill you. When the other boosts for three turns up in response to the first's death, you survive the next two turns and then pop Perfect Defense/True Endurance, when the kamikaze ends, you'll have won. -Provided you weren't doing unnecessarily things and had a Sagittarius Shot land on the 2nd enemy's boosted third turn, delaying it, leaving your Force Break wasted and you dead the next.โ˜ ๏ธ Apparently, it's index entry says it's the "ultimate evolution created by the Ruler of Heaven". It has 280000 HP, and immunities to everything except Poison and Blind to which it's weak, and Arm and Leg Binds which it's neither weak nor resistant to. Takes 25% more damage from the three magical elements. As for for its skills.: 24 different moves, albeit three of them are the same but different elements. Why does it need this much??? It has 7 phases, but you'll only encounter 2 or 4 of them if you're playing on Picnic or Expert respectively. To see all 7, you must fight it on Expert. What do you get for slaying this monstrosity? Nothing, unless you're playing on Expert. If you're wise enough to win on Expert, you get the Ragnarok, a sword with 256 Atk (the most in the game), and it increases HP and TP by 999 each. This fight can take 30 minutes, or, it can take three.: For all the insanity Atlus throws together, the real hardcore fans find equally insane ways of getting through it. Crusade is OP. Preludes are OP. Power Gel and Affection Collar providing massive Atk buffs to Bows and Guns because they use the Agility stat for damage in U2 is OP.
  11. Don't fret, I'm not perfect either. Shaman has it a little rough at first as a primary healer, with a full 10 SP investment, Gospel can heal every for 15% of their max HP when you apply a buff. Heaven's Gift is okay for a stronger single-target heal, but requires a buff or debuff on its target. Though you'll probably want to carry a few Medicas/food and tap into whatever healing your other characters have. This said, I've done two runs with a Shaman, so you can make it work early. On the buff side, Shaman has Blaze/Hail/Volt Prayers with the combination of imbuing your weapons with an element and reducing damage taken of the same element. Ruinous, Aegis, and Focus Prayers provide attack, defense, and accuracy buffs (apply to both physical and magical for all three) respectively. Dance Oracle will dispel the elemental prayer applied to the Shaman itself, but at level 10 it applies a 50% damage increase to all attacks of the dispelled prayer's element for that turn. Dance Oracle is great! on a Chain team, or any other that uses a lot of elemental attacks. For the Legendary Titles, you have Divine Punisher and Divine Herald: Divine Punisher It has Mana Oracle for a nice target-all magic attack, but it consumes and requires an elemental prayer on every character. It works better if you don't have a team suited for the by-itself-weaker Dance Oracle, due to the latter's elemental damage buff which could make your team's cumulative damage higher. Invoke Gods as I pointed out is strong, but its demands for 3 buffs on the user means that, and Mana Oracle to a lesser extent, it needs others providing buffs to make it require less turns to use. Ancient Memory is a passive that when maxed gives the DP a 50% of retaining any buff dispelled from it. If it triggers, two back-to-back rounds of Dance/Mana Oracle is good. Aureole Oracle is alright, it dispels everyone's elemental prayer, but nullifies or better absorbs damage taken from that element for one turn. If you know an attack of X element is going to happen that turn, it's good, otherwise it's a waste of an action. Has a little use against the 5th Stratum boss and the Zombie Dragon. Purification cleanses everyone good and bad of all buffs and debuts, and restores the Divine Punisher's TP. But you need at least 3 of: a party buff, an enemy buff, a party debuff, and an enemy debuff, to be dispelled for the Divine Punisher to regeneration more TP than this skill costs, and thats only true if you put at least 3/5 SP into it. Offering costs 40 TP, and gives allies in the same row as the Divine Punisher 30 TP each at level 10 if a buff or debuff is dispelled from the user, 60 if both are dispelled. Soul Grace is a unreliable joke, a 20% chance at most to survive a fatal hit with 1 HP for anyone on the team with a buff applied which is, the oldest of which if multiple are applied, dispelled in exchange. HP/TP/Magic Atk Up are the generic passives for this title. Sadly Divine Punisher is generally I've seen considered the definitively weaker of the two options. The TP regeneration is not necessary in EOV, Ancient Memory and Soul Grace are chance-based, Aureole Oracle requires luck to work most of the time (if only bosses were more scripted like EOU2), and Mana Oracle and Invoke Gods need more buffers (specifically Shamans for Mana) to be spammable. DP wishes Dance Oracle was exclusive to it, because not having it be exclusive means a Divine Herald can work just as well for a Chain team. Divine Herald: Appease Spirits is a passive that at level 10 replenishes 25% of a characters HP when they act if they have a buff on them and the Divine Herald is alive. Exorcism Prayer lowers the likelihood of being inflicted with Binds and Ailments by 66% (this is multiplicative, so you cannot get immunity with armor that offers less than 100% protection). Haste Prayer increases evasion. Vitality Prayer is a 40% Max HP increase when maxed. Sanctuary provides a 95% chance of negating a bind/ailment infliction on the target in exchange for one of their buffs. This is a command skill and will only apply for the turn the Divine Herald uses it. Holy Flame is the passive that restores HP to everyone with every 3 steps you take in the Labyrinth. 4 HP at level 1, 12 at level 5, 30 at level 10. Split Spirits is a command. For 1 turn, all characters with a buff are healed for upwards of 100% of the damage they deal. Benevolence summons Jiang -nope! It's a passive that, after taking damage, replenishes HP equal to at most 25 + 6% of their maximum HP to anyone with a buff, so as long as the Divine Herald lives. Magic/Status Defs Ups provide are the two generic passives. Now this is truly Divine! Sure you don't have resurrection or bind/ailment removal (but why shouldn't the Merciful Healer be unchallenged as the greatest healer?), and Split Spirits can't heal the DH because they're using it on that turn, but Split Spirits, Appease Spirits, and Benevolence (and don't forget Gospel) make for strong HP restoration. Holy Flame is icing on the cake for wandering Yggdrasil, and Vitality Prayer stacked with Aegis Prayer and the appropriate elemental prayer should you choose those three for your buff slots make for great durability. Beasts aren't human, so they get their own category of armor, Collars. The ultimate collar has 109 Def, 5 points less than the ultimate Protector heavy armor. There is one piece of clothing they can equip though, provided you have the paid DLC that adds a hot springs to the Auburn Thicket- the Bikini Armor!๐Ÿ‘™ Now before you reach for the brain bleach at the thought of a panda or tiger wearing a bikini, it ain't so bad. Ignore the 1 Def value, from what I remember reading, armor Def matters a whole lot less than the Vitality stat in damage calculation. I'm not sure of EOU2, but for EOIV, 1 Vit = 5 Def, and I don't think they corrected the weakness of armor Def in the damage calculations until EOV. Instead, pay attention to the "^^^" Fire/Ice/Volt resistances, which I read means 50% reductions in each. Depending on witch battle you're talking about, you may be able to gun for an easy victory with a Beast and Protector. Know what I mean?๐Ÿ˜‰ However, the Ur-Devil, the DLC 31st floor god superboss of superbosses: For everything else? It could work I suppose, but considering you'd still need a healer as well, you team might be too defensive. The Beast has a set of Bash-based offensive skills (and two on the Protector), but I'd think you'd be better off running an Axe!Landsknecht instead. I know this feeling. I've had that happen many times, still do. ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. Yes it does, which might be a turnoff for some people because they don't like the idea of two of the same class, I'm one of them. However, some classes do have a bit of synergy with additional versions of themself or their alternative Legendary Name. For another case, Divine Punishers do well with more Divine Punishers or Heralds, because it means you can use Mana Oracle or Invoke Gods more frequently. The latter deals an incredible 1500% damage (use a Therian b/c it's a physical skill) and reduces all damage taken by 80% for 1 turn, but costs 45 TP and requires three buffs applied beforehand to the user, all of which are dispelled when Invoke Gods is used. Since Shamans are the buff class, having four Shamans would let you Invoke Gods every turn (or every other turn, depending on when in the turn order the Invoke Gods user acts relative to the Prayer-applying Shamans). That the Beast takes all the damage (reduced somewhat of course) unto themselves means the durability of your other characters doesn't matter. But it means your Beast better survive whatever it is it taking, if it doesn't and the rest of your team is too squishy, goodbye! The Protector allows the damage (reduced of course), be spread out, so it's less likely a single character will take a fatal amount. But everyone may end up to taking some damage, so nobody better be so fragile that even a Guard skill can't keep them alive. I think it's a fair tradeoff, all damage for one, or some damage for all? Team composition may favor one or the other. My sympathies, the moles were evil!
  13. You know, you're making me think about the most senior advisors to monarchs throughout history. Oftentimes true, they are sycophants or less cynically resolutely loyal to their lieges. However, it has also been the case that some advisors, and not always for mentally-disabled, underaged, or hedonistic monarchs, were able to make the king's will their's. It wouldn't be a bad idea if FE allowed you to significantly alter the opinions and choices of the Royal Majesty you serve. Although it shouldn't be merely because you're the highly likable avatar. It should require a good deal of effort on your part through generous affections, logical arguments, and or subtle manipulation to make the liege's mind bend.
  14. The fact they can't do anything about row or party attacks in any game is a real problem, I'd say they demand a certain level of durability on the part of the rest of your team. Unlike say an EOU2 Beast who could let you viably run a front-row Alchemist (for Palms). This said, pairing a Phantom Duelist with the Sylphid skill is good for a Chain Duelist companion, since each Sylphid stab is a chance for another Chain proc. However, the other fault of the Phantom Duelist, if you want to maximize their evasion, is that you have to run them naked. Lightweight provides a powerful evasion buff for every empty equipment slot, so they die in 1-2 hits if they do get hit. No weapon will kill their offense outside of Lure (which is dependent on having two strong front-row allies), though the Urumi buyable in the 3rd Stratum will at least let you use sword-requiring skills and you'll get some evasion-increasing Agility out of it. Though you also have to be careful about enemy no-damage Leg Bind infliction skills, you can't dodge those with no damage the way you can other ones. -What? I looked into this stuff before trying it myself. It's not totally worthless, but my Phantom Duelist-Shield Bearer-Blade Dancer-Spirit Broker-Divine Herald team feels like the weakest of my three V teams. I should eventually finish that run and then at last use the five last Legendary Names I hadn't picked: Impact Brawler-Deathguard-Flying Falcon-Omnimancer-Graced Poisoner. Sounds like an inferior version of my first run, but I'm sure it'd be fun. -Though I have a lot of EO unfinished stuff I want to do but haven't!๐Ÿ˜†
  15. I believe some of the dodgetank stuff in EO had decay, although I'll say dodgetanks have never been truly good in that franchise. I'm found the Phantom Duelist to be alright and not as good as I hoped in V (though I didn't finish that run, I got tired of running low on Nectars in the 3rd Stratum).
  16. Happy birthday! ๐ŸŽ‚๐Ÿฆ HAL Laboratories actually did an April's Fools joke last year similar to this: The context was Kirby got square, and Qbby, the character of the minimalistic 3DS puzzler BoxBoy, turned into Sphere-y.:
  17. It's only relevant in the last chapters where you fight in Dolhr. The Manaketes have 20 for their cap in every non-HP/Move stat. The problem? This: Mage Dragon * 60 30 30 30 24 30 30 30 Earth Dragon 60 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Fire Dragon * 60 30 30 30 26 30 30 30 Divine Dragon * 60 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 * Unused (they donโ€™t exist as standalone classes, but are used to calculate the transformed Manakete stats) I guess that on H5, the Manaketes have stats that exceed the visible 20 caps, and thats allowed because of the higher caps when they're transformed. It's only an issue for Fire Dragons though on the doubling Generals front, since the General Spd cap is 21 and Mage Dragons lose 1 AS from their Magestones. And yes, the dragonstone buffs are visible.
  18. Unless General!Wolf & Sedgar for a lot of it! -Although they don't work in a couple chapters, namely the last two non-Gaidens b/c the Manaketes actually have 25+ AS despite it not being shown on the status screen and that allows them to double all Generals.
  19. Taking a hiatus from social media for whatever reasons is perfectly reasonable. Whatever the reasons may be, I wish you health, wealth, and the rest of things humans should have in life. Not that I'm aware out outside of an external hard drive, but you use use one for terabytes more of space.
  20. Were I into Awakening supports, I'd take some boredom time and divvy up each and every Robin support between the two to see who has the better supports overall and with each individual character. But as is, the only one I can judge is Chrom, and that is universally agreed to belong in the Mobin column.
  21. Of course! I ripped clean through Chapters 7-9 bosses with OD, and that includes the second Skell-oriented phase of Chapter 9's. ...Dare I try Chapter 10's boss on foot with OD use and see how it goes? I think it's possible.
  22. I'll do that for ya.: This said, level doesn't bend time-space around the difficulty like XC1. You may wish to exercise restraint on Skell use in Chapters 7 and 8, for the fun of it, might be too easy with them.
  23. Hence me calling them "exploits", things the developer did not expect. Not to mention, both of them are very tedious. Jumping from tiny thin root to root and slanted surfaces is not fun, and the other required 20 minutes ~256 uses of Sky High, 178 Primers, 87 Ghostwalkers, and 14 Slinging Slingers, used nonstop because otherwise you'll fall back down.
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