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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Itsumade + Kikinora = Angel Angel + Ogre = Ubelluris Ubelluris + Erthys (using a cheap Obaryion + Ogre) = Nalagiri Nalagiri + Gozuki = Tonatiuh with Anger Hit. Keeping track of this stuff in my head is Did I even need the Tonatiuh? Nope! But I wanted the Omega because Double Extra Turns sounds fun, and Anger Hit on the Tonatiuh greatly improves my chances of getting them. Paired with a physical leader with Marksman and my other Nalagiri, I can in optiomal circumstances get three characters critting everything for Double Extra Turns, ...and dealing so much damage that the Double Extra Turns will be highly unnecessary. Mighty Hit, which obsoletes Anger Hit because it doesn't have the 50/50 hit rate, is available at this point and the Barbatos it comes on brings Crit Up too, but I forgot about that.😅 Actually, I will cancel the whole chain above and instead make a Barbatos using a Basilisk + Pyro Jack. Which I'll then liquidate into an Erthys with a Gagyson for Elec Dance. Then I'll use a Makara and a Gozuki to create an Ubelluris, which the Erthys will give me a Nalagiri. And then that Nalagiri will be combined with another Gozuki to get the Tonatiuh with Mighty Hit and Crit Up, plus Elec Dance for something to use its MP on. And looking ahead, Basilisk + a Lorelei made from an Aeros + Pyro Jack will let me have an Anti-Ice, Ice Dance, Agidyne!Brigid too. Although should I use my rare Agidyne Pyro Jack on the Brigid? Not so sure. ...Now I get what it feels like to be a mad scientist.
  2. Not entirely sure, but I don't the Vigents are active at night, the non-Tyrant ones in Oblivia at least aren't.
  3. I've never watched anime myself, barring a smidgen of stuff as a child which I soon lost interest in. But as I'm told the game is "anime", I'll believe it, it doesn't stop me from enjoying DS2 one bit. And stay away from the DS2 anime! At a certain point it gets game-defiantly grisly I've read. DS2 did take some lessons from what the first game didn't do right. Like actually letting you use most of the characters in the game prior to the very last day, instead of being stuck with the MC and their two friends plus maybe two others for the rest of it. While I've never played it on either, DS2's easier difficulty setting looks like it makes things easier than DS1's easy mode too. I think I know who you're talking about, thats very understandable. The one character that I think is poorly written is Ronaldo. Having an internal struggle between standing up for the people and wanting revenge! is fine, but Kuriki slingshots from one to the other too wildly, it makes him seem like he has no self-control. And he has a problem, not unfamiliar, to FE where the optional developmental bonding you can do with him doesn't affect him in the main narrative either (Makoto to a smaller extent shares this flaw).
  4. Yup, they're the European names. Europe in an odd twist of fate got the game before North America. The other European name differences in SD are Doluna, Medon, Akaneia, Freelancer instead of Chameleon, Reynard instead of Hyman, and Aimee instead of Larabel. As for why they haven't been changed, basically the majority of subsections on the SF main site can only be edited by the site's owner and like one or two others, they aren't in a wiki form anyone can change. ⚰️💐 The uh, silver lining, is that you'll have to use more of your brain now to figure out how to eliminate the threats? Or forged effectives maybe- if you have the money.
  5. Same on this. Theres no rush or FoW -as in Elibe- nor is the map entirely desert as in Tellius. Overall it's not a bad or tediously slow map barring collecting all the treasure. The one change I'd like is, for the highest difficulty only, to have Caellach and Valter start moving after a certain number of turns have passed. Because a flier in the desert with a Killer Lance, high stats, Pierce and no bow weakness is fun! But the Condor Squad is not.
  6. Did they rewrite the male health exam event? My memory of it is that it was fairly plain, it was more absurd than that. I know the casual wear they were wearing for the occasion has to be new to Record Breaker, and I like it. 1 million Macca to the people at Atlus who decided to make perv event optional, though it does mean the next three bonding events you fill your schedule with will be with guys or Makoto. Otome's voice... Celica of XCX? It's that or she's Bravely Second's Yoko, or both if they're the same VA. Has that hushed tone to it, and I don't mind it, I was expecting a little more mature, but it entirely fits with her character. And at last, the Anguished One, it works, thank goodness. Looks like my demon stock is running low now, I need to Free Battle up and fuse up again. If a demon lasts a day, it's done its a job well done, if it lasts two days, you've milked it for all it's worth and more. If you don't mind "anime" and have a 3DS laying around, I will once again recommend Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker. If SMT is usually too dark for you to handle, then I can understand skipping the first Devil Survivor, but DS2 never goes a day without mixing lighthearted humor into the apocalypse around you. I haven't tried the Blessed difficulty they've added, but it should make things easier than what I'm experiencing on the standard Apocalypse difficulty. Snow wasn't that bad. It's for one map (you do get two others with rain, but one is final chapter Lyn mode lol). It slows movement for both sides for a few turns, and it doesn't affect movement indoors. Although, I will add I usually get Kenneth's Pale Flower of Darkness, the Jerme rout version is bigger and more scattered, I can see snow being more of a chore there. I've heard criticisms of the class before, and I'm not using one in EON (where they nerfed it further overall it looks), but I did use one in EOU1. Sure I had a Protector to help with its low defense, and I had a Troubadour, whose Taboo Rondo lets you extend the duration of buffs including the Stances there by 1-3 turns (and thanks to a glitch, level 9 gives you 3 turns without the increased level 10 cost). But with those two teammates the Ronin was pretty good, Swallow Strike was great damage and the elemental skills let you work around physical resistances. I'd probably use a Protector in with it case I ever did a U2 run with one. Also, maxing a Stance gives a 33% chance of it activating at the start of a battle in U2, and for EON, at any level is a Stance guaranteed to activate on the first turn of a battle provided you weren't ambushed. Never forget the almighty Ariadne -I forgot to buy another!?! 🌱
  7. And I wrapped up Tuesday in DS2. Ronaldo is as OOF! as I remember him already shame, because I like Kratos Aurion, but I can't say I don't enjoy the writing overall, otherwise I wouldn't have double-dipped. Fused a Kikuri-Hime, the first source of Recarm, so I can finally revive dead demons during battle, which happens sometimes even with expertly fused allies. I feel like posting one of the informative SRW flow-charts I've seen on Akurasu in response to this. Though I won't because they'd take up too much space. The first Masoukishin's looks incredibly overwhelming, although I can see it being an outlier. Or, there is the Shin Megami Tensei option. For Fates and Three Houses, FE forced you to pick your route at the very beginning before you know much of anything. SMT does the exact opposite. In Shin Megami Tensei, for 95% of the game, you're dragged through the narrative, officially neutral to all sides. Though you do make some dialogue and maybe gameplay choices along the way that influence the path you will walk or can choose from (depends on the game). It's not until the final and darkest hour, when the rival factions have fully amassed their forces for one final offensive, that you are forced to pick a route, a future for humanity. A difference stemming from this is that the vast majority of any SMT playthrough will be almost exactly the same as any prior one. But you could consider that better than the "lie" of Three Houses, where the first half is identical despite having chosen your route right away. Would anything be lost if the route split was delayed there until the tomb for Crimson or Not-Crimson, and maybe a little later for splitting Verdant, Silver, and Azure? -This coming from someone currently in the middle of an SMT spinoff with the above route-split system. Great! Not sure how much more often this means Ygg Z appears, but this is good anyhow, until Nintendo finally shuts down the server, whenever that is. And uh, I don't know how to set up exchange the IDs or codes or whatever it is, but if it is possible for us to do Ygg Z or Telethia Plume together online, I'd be willing to offer you my assistance for some Tickets.
  8. If you're asking how long the final battle is, which is outside FYI, it isn't too bad. Kill the named goons to weaken the boss, most of the map is surprisingly and badly nonaggressive, so proceed with safety. The final boss themselves is a doozy of a statstick, even when fully weakened, with enormous HP regeneration. Maybe doable in a half-hour if you proceed quickly and effectively?
  9. I tried the Botis battle thinking the optional kill on Botis itself wouldn't be an issue, I didn't remember Botis being one before. But this time, it stalled its demise and via attrition wiped me out instead. Then I went back, bought and fused up two Toubyous, one Orcus, and an Ubelluris to triple-snipe Botis. Being unable to respond to Evil Wave/Chaos Wave, I would thus prevent it from using the combination of that cheap Shield All spell and then either Ziodyne/physical attack OHKOs (with Sacrifice activating afterwards to rub more salt into the wound it gave me) or Diarama to directly heal up and undo all my careful chipping away of its HP. It turned out I had over-prepared now. The stupid AI meant a Jack Frost team I crippled into a non-threat would not move from the chokepoint, so I never had to directly fight Botis. That, and I didn't need the Toubyous, they never got close enough to Botis, and my MC's 22 Magic stat throwing out Zan alongside the physical attacks of the Orcus and the Ubelluris, the latter allowing me to engage Botis twice in one turn, was enough to kill it in like three of the MC's turns. Anti-Phys was attractive, but I took Ziodyne instead to further amp up by MC's damage, His Majesty King of the Frosts is just around the corner, and I've got a fusion with Anti-Fire lined up for him. All hail the coming rule of Tyranny and the infinite MP that breeds infinite damage that breeds more infinite MP! I didn't mind the over preparation. I can get headaches carefully planning out fusions in SMT, but there is a fun to it all the same. For me, it's usually the bosses. I managed to get through all of the classic Mega Man Legacy Collection and Mega Man X1 with only "moderate" use of save states to add more checkpoints (as opposed to "checkpoint after every good jump "abuse""). Bosses are usually what kills me time and again, I'm no good at dodging them. I'd suggest tacking Zihark's face over Roll for a little more silliness, and Brom's over Dr. Light. Not if it's Priscilla holding your only Restore after you've cleared all the boss chambers and Nergal has appeared on the final map of FE7. Silence only affects magic/staff users, who are the ones who can use Restore. Berserk tends to aim at the lowest Res targets available, who usually aren't staffers.
  10. 🥳 I know how exhilarating that has to be. Congrats, first boss dead. I took a breather from nonstop EOU2 to return to another Atlus product, Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker. Again, it's harder than I remember, certainly because NG+ runs for all the other endings were extremely easy. I can't see how someone could possibly do a no-Free Battles first run for the achievement thingy. You'd be underleveled, forced to carefully choose which skills to Skill Crack in every battle, weighing the goodness of the skill with the practicality of getting it, and your Macca for buying new demons would be as plentiful as clothes on the pre-IV Astaroth design. I made it through Monday, a toughie until I took a moment to grind a few Free Battles and up my demons and skill selection. The Septentrione itself isn't an HP sink, so destroying it wasn't an issue, and the goon demons were very few, allowing me to block off the disc bombs without any issues. Now I'm on Tuesday, I skipped the optional Ghost Q battle to bond a little more and because it'd be a chore. I helped Jungo, and I helped Airi, though I failed to stop the enemy stealing the food from fleeing, you really need both Devil Speed and Ghost Wounds/Bind for that. I had to hop online afterwards to make sure my failure doesn't mean somebody dies, and it looks like it doesn't, though I made a separate save just in case. And because the enemy's flight didn't fail the battle, I'm not sure what the point to it was. All it did was make me rush ahead. Speaking of Airi and Jungo. Either I have bad notions of VAs in my head (entirely feasible), or the VAs are actually off. Airi is Edea Lee, eh (not because of dislike for Edea -I don't dislike her). Jungo I've heard before too, but I can't pin who. I'm not sure if Jungo's voice fits him, deeper, or softer? Not sure. Though Keita sounds like a shrimp (and I think he is actually short? I was expecting closer to Kaido's), and Hinako's wasn't ideal either. Though I shall reiterate I'm not a VA snob or serious critic at all really. I'm getting used to how everyone sounds, even if I speed read some characters' dialogue before they can finish saying it. Jungo is still very huggable no matter his tone.
  11. Camus wouldn't have worked too well, Medeus wants him on a short leash. I'd suggest Lorenz instead, maybe dropping a hint of his friendship with the King of Talys, because is there any clue already given I'm missing about his eventual recruitment?
  12. Good point! That chapter was not properly calibrated for the quintupled increase in ballistician range compared to FE1. It's a catapultastrophe! Wo Daos? Yes. Longbows, no. There are three of them behind Marth's throne. And nowhere can you find Brave weapons barring online, or in the hands of Camus the Sable or later enemies on H5 (and maybe lower?).
  13. Yeah, basically, you're listening to gossip and offhand reports of other people about stuff that actually matters for you. You get a point or two towards your BLADE Level too. If you're interested in finding more (you never have to since the grid tells you what you need from each segment already), change the time at every field camp from night to day, for some of the camps change their speech bubbles at night. It's the only thing that I can think of that does that kind of leap. But if you're asking about its species, no. Theres more of them. I ❤️ Alteisen. Kyosuke gets points for his verbal... smackdown was it? At the start of the final battle of OG1 on his route too.
  14. Oh, that. Ever notice golden/yellow speech bubbles as you walk around NLA or the various base camps across Mira? Those gold speech bubbles add those blue checkmarks. They won't do that of course if you already killed the relevant Tyrant/opened the treasure/obtained the mission/HtH or the very rare NPC Affinity Shift. You watched it leap over the bridge? It's beautiful and I wish there was more of that. Fair point on the Ramjet Rifle. I guess I value easy early Overdrive over the weapon's drawbacks. And sorry on the Art mistake.
  15. Yes it is, but some people can casually snack on habaneros. So I don't see the issue.
  16. And then there's the question of whether any of the units the Gaidens bring are worth it. You could say you deserve nothing great because you messed up that badly, but if you messed up that badly, what'd be wrong with a little mercy? Athena comes early I think some have said she has a niche as a second early Pegasus Knight. But Horace as a General at 20/20 has 42 HP, 17.55 Str 18 Skl and 23 Def at 20 on average, not exactly amazing. Etzel doesn't reach 20 in any non-HP stat as a Sorcerer. Ymir comes late and ends up with 53 HP, 23 Str and an alright 15 Skl and 17 Spd as a Warrior, but these are undermined by 7.5 Lck and 10 Def. 17x does contain a Warp though, thats worth all four of the above characters combined. As an aside, FE11 is the second game in the since FE4 to not have official artwork of every playable character at the game's release. The other title that didn't was Sacred Stones, which was basically an unexpected side project concurrent with the big boy of Path of Radiance. Every other game between 4 and 10, including Thracia the Obscure 776 had official art of everyone at release. Sure, it wasn't the highest quality for FE4... And RD continued the trend despite most its cast being a rehash of PoR (to its benefit, the RD artwork is more refined than PoR's). With 11, this splendid tradition was thrown out of the window for good. All the new playables including Frey and Norne got artwork, and some mainstay characters, but nobody else. FE12 couldn't even provide it for all of the assassins.
  17. I guess that'd be just Gaiden. Because, though my first SoV Alm seemed to be really amazing, all my subsequent ones either weren't blessed and merely average instead, or were cursed with middling stats everywhere. I felt Double Lion was the only thing making him relevant on my later plays.
  18. Onsens... Steamy Luminous Arc 1 spoilers!: Onsen is Japanese meaning "hot spring". The abode of naked people, macaques, and plenty o' perversion in entertainment media, though they're nonsexual places in reality.
  19. Whyyyyy can't he come as a Sage? Hugh isn't actually bad as a unit, with a 10k payment ends up with more HP and Def than either other Mage, with Mag/Skl/Spd thats between Lugh and Lilina (and less Lck and Res than either). But he comes so late, under-leveled, and if you purchase him for 5k, you can use the Silver Card to buy an Angelic Robe in the Secret Shop in the same chapter to significantly close that HP lead he has, and you'll save 1000 gold. Lugh's cousin could use a major a boost in 6 remake.
  20. It's 3B2/12 stuff. I think you could read it as: Trolling his big bro/chief because he's more interested in spending time with a saint than thieving. Or, Rickard seriously means it. Not sure which is true, but I'd default to the former. The FE12 Julian-Rickard support doesn't touch on this, Rickard doesn't use words and phrases like "our relationship" and "love" there. And the Kris-Rickard is incredibly generic and short, which is a little surprising given some Kris supports did receive some effort.
  21. Okay, it ain't a good picture because it doesn't capture the entire battle, but the point is you start off in the unseen northwest corner of this big map, which is entirely poison swamp IIRC, slowing you down and leaving you at the mercy of those flying Necrodragons and bow-toting Harpies, plus the occasional Warp Witch reinforcement. Fortunately, the Warp staff is available at this point (but because SoV-styled route splits, going in blind you might not have it, or have it but you sent the lone user of it the other way) and this is a seize map. That is the one sweet mercy.
  22. My bouts of a "mortality anxiety" form of depression (I've never been diagnosed, but fearing the inevitability of death every waking moment sounds like depression) tends to send my stomach into a churning and leaves me not very hungry. So I think can sympathize. Not all Tyrants and treasure chests (technically thats what they're called I think) are marked on the FrontierNav map, those that aren't, aren't required for the Survey. Otherwise, I'm not sure of your problem, I don't see it happening to me. No rush! Overdrive isn't ever necessary. And I did strip my Cross to absolutely nothing that you don't have at the moment, with the exception of the "failure" of a weapon you get from Alexa's recruitment mission. I got my TP to 3000 and went into battle against something that'd live long enough to OD, but that couldn't kill me. It took several tries, but I eventually I go an infinite OD going. All my failed attempts were because I just came a hair short of getting back to 3000 TP. Equipping any gear with TP Max Up you can find will seriously help, at level 1, it increases your TP cap by 500. You can stack multiple pieces of gear with it, and making Augments of it is super-easy, kill some Suids or Ovises in Primordia for Fleecy Fur. What you should do is, in the following order: Start the battle with: Your TP full to whatever the cap is... ...and your melee weapon drawn so you don't prematurely fire your ranged weapon. Activate Overdrive. Swap weapons and perform a ranged auto-attack. Use Power Dive > Furious Blast Allow for another ranged auto-attack. Use Burning Slash. By this point, if all hits have landed so far, you should only need one more ranged auto-attack to reach 3000 TP if you started OD at 0 TP. But time will be so crunched you probably won't make it (though if you do succeed, it'll suddenly be a breeze), so this is where increasing your maximum TP is useful. As soon as you get 3000 TP again, assuming you're low on time, spend the TP to extend Overdrive. (Be careful not to press the Overdrive icon twice, that'll take you out of it.) Then use Power Dive > Furious Blast again. Continue to allow for ranged auto-attacks and use Burning Slash or other purple Arts for TP. A third or fourth Power Dive > Furious Blast should get you to MAX on the OD Count, by which point if not earlier TP generation via purples will suffice and you can stop pausing for ranged auto-attacks. Now, you can freely use an Aura and all your strong damage-dealing Arts because the buildup part of OD is past.
  23. Wearing gear to increase your TP maximum helps, that way you fill it to higher maximum, and after starting Overdrive for 3000 TP, the remainder can reduce the challenge of getting back to 3000 in time for the crucial first OD extension. If you want to do an easy-out-of-the-box Overdrive, you can swap to Elma. Or, if you want to stick with your Samurai Gunner self, then did you recruit Alexa yet? Her first Affinity Mission gives you a great gift for Overdrive with that class. I'll load my first XCX file and strip Cross to the basics of what you'd have at this point to see if I can make it work, I should. I'll tell you the results afterwards. If you maxed it out, it should deal over 400 damage with the food. But, I getcha. If you have to do that to get past it, well I did the same a few days ago. No shame there. I usually ran out of TP in my first Classic and the Story run boss fights too. Happens to us all. Zigs could spot you from one of the five(?) moons of Mira. Isn't it nice to have an enemy that isn't almost blind? Their enemy index description says "These autonomous Ganglion cannons can detect enemies with astounding efficiency". They're radars with weapons.
  24. Past Chapter 5 I see. And yeah, I think the easy option for this quest was a bunch of Suids or Ovises, since it's the one I picked. And to clarify if you didn't already realize it, but you probably did, Cross doesn't need to have the specific weapon equipped for weapon trial missions, another character can use them instead, and as long as said weapons has landed a single hit on the enemy when it dies, it counts for the mission. If you want, you can try plowing that down with Overdrive. Four levels and some size won't matter too much. Or worse, you don't pay close enough attention and draw a wall where there isn't one. Happened in the first area in EON for me actually, it left me totally frustrated because I couldn't figure out how to progress.😅 Besides drawing floors and walls, do try to make use of some of your many icons. You don't need to use everything, but put hand/scissors/pickaxe icons over the appropriate gathering points for instance.
  25. Looking at Wikipedia, apparently fragments of skis have been found that date back to 6000 BC. The Norse deities Ullr and Skadi rode on skis. And skis being used in battle are recorded as early as the 1200s AD. Ergo, why can't FE have them?
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