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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Thank WE I never had it happen myself. But you know how the Prone you have to rescue ask for a key to unlock the door where they're imprisoned? For some reason, you won't be able to interact with the door and thus use the key to open it. No open door, no free Prone, no free Prone, no mission accomplished. Theres another glitch, I never experienced it either, about the Affinity Chart. Looking at one of the playable characters' profile page where their little bio is listed with their signature arts and a description of their class. All it does is cause the game to freeze, prompting a reset. Might be caused specifically when the game is concurrently loading a lot of data. So don't get the urge to reexamine Lin's profile right after a quick travel or something. It's minor, but you could be cautious and save before looking at the Affinity Chart.
  2. No surprise, that quest is rough. It has also a glitch, which, if you saved after discovering you're experiencing it, means you'll never be able to complete the quest, and with it a sizable portion of the Mira survey. Sorry I forgot to warn you of this in advance.😣
  3. I've mentioned this strat in the past before, it's not as good turning off enemy aggro in XC2, but it works. If you have some Meaty Evello Eggs and Turba Nectars, you can make Extend Aura V for an extra 5 seconds of stealth. If you feel like running on foot through some lava for whatever reason, Geolibrium from Photon Sabers via Doug or Yelv can negate terrain damage. But, Terrain Damage Reducer XX is ridiculously easy to make. Did you ever realize the easy way to save Maribelle and Ricken was to Pair Up them, head, south, have Lissa use the Rescue staff Donnel's Paralogue provided? Rescue is eventually infinitely buyable in this game, no need to save it, barring financial limitations. They tend to be restricted to forts and stairs. Not always, but blocking/being wary of those spaces will help. The little requirements of XCX Heart-to-Hearts are basically four things: Viewing of any and all HtHs that are supposed to precede the current one. A few HtHs do form a little chronological chain for the character. Completion of a certain story chapter, or the character's Affinity Missions, access to which are often locked based on your story progression. A specific time of day, the person may not be at the prescribed location if it's wrong. Either a cat or dog is on display in your barracks. That pet will then show up for them out in NLA. Lao needs a dog in the barracks and the time to be Early Morning (4-7 AM I think) before he'll show near Deliverance Park for his first HtH for instance.
  4. Thats actually true in FE1 and FE3B1. Not so good from a gameplay perspective (not like it matters with 1 chapter left), but I like the lore implication that I'd guess is magic places are sometimes needed in addition to magic objects. ...Which, is actually what Malledus (or was it Gotoh?) tells you at the end of the next chapter! Well, thats about Medeus, but it's close enough for me. And would you get a spy in Gharnef's group? -If Malledus used one to find that out over a scout that somehow didn't die on their reconnaissance mission. Gra is next to Altea and is kind of a crappy country, I'm sure you could buy a Gra soldier a six-pack of Old Pales Ale and they'd turn turncoat for you. Grust and Macedon are more proud and professional, but they're still big conventional armies where you could somewhere find a would-be worm if you dug deep enough. Gharnef commands a self-centered cult of dark sorcerers armed with powerful magics. His Khadein-Thabes forces can't be that numerous, nor accessible given the remoteness of Thabes from the rest of humanity. Gharnef's cult doesn't seem like it'd be a real world one, where the impression of niceness emanating from the cult leader exists at first, and only somewhere later down the line do you become devoted to him, providing the cult with all your private property and Mr. Cult with sexual access to your wife and daughter. If you joined Gharnef, you were probably non compos mentis from the very start, and not a good dude/ette. Unfortunately, the book I've been slowly reading on a history of intelligence admits a giant gap in our understanding of Medieval intelligence and espionage, though historical records vaguely indicate the English used it during the Hundred Years' War. After the Arab conquests, the book skips ahead to the Inquisition, which is Medieval, but not military. Apparently it's Shakespeare in the Early Modern period who in one of his history plays coined the use of the English word "intelligence" in the context of gathering information on your military opponents and the terrain and such of the territory you'll be fighting in and around. Hard may be too easy if you use the best of the best. I think it would be. Maniac for a middle ground?
  5. The only craftable Skells are the DLC trio, and the 60s and two Ares unlocked for crafting as soon as you finish the story. No credits are required for any of them. 10000 Miranium is required for the DLC ones, I forget what the 60s need. The Ares 90 needs 100000 Miranium, and the Ares 70 half of that. But the Miranium is the easy part, the materials will demand some Telly/Yggy butchering or going out into the field and doing the same with many other enemies. This includes the many colors of Xe-dom Crests and Crude Neilnail Masks, which will take a while to collect if you're not lucky.
  6. And you may wish to start saving up for the 50s if you want some just in time for the final battle. If you haven't unlocked them yet, they range from an affordable 1.74 to 4.39 million credits. The Excavator Skell that Alexa's last Affinity Mission provides the schematics and one free set of materials for could save you some money. -Were it not for having to grind to the level cap first because it's a level 60. Speaking of the DLC Skells, Hilal Stronghold in Sylvalum has the weakest enemies (Puges, Pugiliths, Zigs) that drop the materials to make additional Dozer Skells. You can get the schematics from finishing Boze's last Affinity Mission. Each Dozer can sell for 245219 credits, not too shabby. Again, you don't need level 50s for the finale, but if you want to be cautious.
  7. Roy's promotion comes too late, that is bad. 16 is where he saves Etruria and gets appointed commander of the combined Etrurian-Lycian army. It's a good timing regarding his personal achievements, comparable to Ike going Lord after C17 PoR for the sake of leading that Begnion contingent. What would be useful though? Just a generally strong sword? Rapier should be buffed the 2 Mt to the Blazing & SS 7 Mt value. That'd be a whole 6 damage more on Cavs and Armors, not negligible
  8. I'm not quite that bad, I'll freely use steel once its purchasable, or silver even, but, I am yet another rare item hoarder myself. And sometimes a money hoarder, I probably have 100-300k in unspent cash in my three 3H files on the final chapters.
  9. Increasing the uses of the Divine Weapons to 30, like the Sacred Twins of SS, is an option, would that extra ten uses be too good? Or, as I've suggested before, a free full-repair of every Divine Weapon after Chapter 22 from the all-gathered resonance, that way you can them ready again to bust the Dragon Temple.
  10. Whats worse is that the default names exceed the character limit. Not sure how that happened, though it could in part be a failure to consider not every language is as information-dense as Japanese. Takes one kanji for 🔥, four letters in English.
  11. I did hear of an anecdote on TV some years ago of an American woman whose husband either died in war or on 9/11, I forget which. Either way, she soon developed in her grief an affinity for either his close friend or his brother, who likewise was saddened by his death. The two thus chose to wed. A consensual modern levirate marriage in a loose sense. Not the best example for NynaxMarth, they have separate deceased individuals and are being wed for politics, but it's something to consider.
  12. You weren't playing with the mod where weapons have their durability tied to your HP. On the one hand, your weapons replenish durability with every kill and amount of damage at or over a certain value. But if a weapon breaks, because they're all bound to you by demonic powers, it consumes some of your life force to restore their durability, and yes, this can be fatal.😄
  13. True, a case where the power of friendship would be be very good and not a cliche, as it would IRL. Although part of me wishes it wasn't. To have a corrupted Marth, necessitating Hardin try to rescue him, but failing and himself getting forcefully corrupted. This leaves Sirius who had gotten back from Valentia not too long ago, to drop the mask and rally the disunited Archanean resistors as Camus. Such was an FE Musou scenario I had considered.
  14. Can sorrow corrupt equally as well as jealousy? Do we have evidence of this in Archanea? We do in Elibe, considering Nergal was probably "wife dies, search for resurrection powers, darkness makes him bat**** insane". But Elibe isn't Archanea. Eremiah? "The orphans, dead? Noooooooo!" Gharnef- *Turns her into a psychopath* So according to FE12, but not FE3, yes, yes Marth could've been corrupted. His grief is not exactly the same as Eremiah's, though if the all the deaths necessary for the Gaiden chapters of SD happened, it would be closer.
  15. Not to mention FE3 says they're were being held in Khadein under Gharnef's watch. You liberated Khadein a while ago. The heirs to Grust are safe and sound, Camus, sure you might still be loyal to the current king, who must be in very ill health and doesn't have a long and stable life left if a military defeat passively kills him, can't you loose your shackles if know there's an heir then? -Although they could retcon the twins to Thabes. Yumina should be as valuable as Elice, considering she can use Aum the same. True. Could they state it, not just leave us to imagine, in one game, any FE, that wyverns are merely evolution cousins or coincidental not-very-related lookalikes to real dragons/dragon humanoids? I want this set in stone.
  16. If you're going to do flavor dialogue choices, you better throw some funny ones in there.😆 Justin? More like "Just Insane". Does NLA have to put out a PSA against drinking the blue gel?
  17. It's not that bad, you're altering only 1/3rd of each character's pre-class growths, missing certain classes for each kid isn't the biggest deal, and stat cap modifiers are practically irrelevant except maybe for some postgame DLC.
  18. Do what you want, Awakening is leaving the door all open for you. At most, it means it takes 1 less fight to hit S support. Because up to 3 points can be earned per battle for a pairing and it takes 14 points for a "fast" pairing to reach S, compared to 18 for any other. Nothing here is anywhere near as implied as say LewynxErinys, aka the FE4 pairing where Erinys can die the turn she's recruited, be resurrected in Chapter 4, and one turn later have a conversation with Lewyn that gives her exactly the number of love points to hit marriage with him.
  19. FYI, the Falco Spd cap is 26. If you do Lunatic in FE12, that failure to reach 27 might be fatal in the very last chapters. Not entirely sure of it or how many enemies hit 30, but a Swordmaster reclass could save the dame. IIRC, FE3 Wyrmslayers are effective on Dracoknights, and that was definitely true in FE1. This is true in FE6, and also true of the Divine Weapons there (but not the BB?). The Wyrmslayer's appearance in FE7 exists entirely to hurt Wyvern Riders, not sure if it is effective on the Fire Dragon. FE8 has its anti-dragon weapons work on both Wyverns and Draco Zombies. And FE10's Wyrmslayer is effective on Dragon Laguz and Dracoknights alike. And we can't forget that Chrom's sealed Falchion is a great early anti-Wyvern weapon that once unsealed becomes anti-Grimmy too. In other words, blame the unfaithful remake.😛
  20. Finished Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker’s Septentrione story. My lenses on it have changed a little, but I still very much enjoyed going through it again. I intend to take a little break from the game for now, but I do want to play through it again soon on NG+. I want to go for my favorite ending, I forget a lot of its interactions and want to experience them again. After that, I’d take another break and try the brand new Triangulum story. It'll be real easy if I don't limit myself to account for NG+, but, as much of a "gameplay over story/characters" person I am, I will be going into it mostly for plot and interactions. And after that, I’d eventually get to going Sept-Tri-Sept-Tri-Sept to see all eight endings for completionism’s sake. Technically, everyone not-Robin has two faster opposite-sex support options, you could interpret these as "canon", but it's a very very weak "canon". For Lissa, her fastest male is Vaike, followed by Frederick. For Chrom, Sumia, followed by both Sully and Maribelle. Yeah, it's boss. Sounds like it'd be perfect for a day on the Skell job, particularly with flight, but I'm not sure why I think that.
  21. It's... hard to explain why without touching on spoilers. But it can be made a little better if you don't do a bunch of purely redundant stuff. Thank goodness Bravely Second learned from the first's egregious mistake. It's the spiritual sequel to Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, albeit with far better turn-based gameplay and not as dated. The game does draw on the NES-SNES past of RPGs for inspiration with an emphasis on crystals, with a good job system in gameplay. The closest FF for comparison is FFV. In battle, you have Battle Points (BP), which you regenerate at a rate of 1 per turn. A character needs to be at at least 0 BP to act on a given turn. The Default command makes your character guard and not consume a BP, using the Brave command lets your characters take multiple actions in one turn, up to four. BP can go down to -3, which will mean you won't be able to act for a few turns. Enemies can use Brave and Default as well. For grinding, you can set the random encounter rate to whatever you want it to be at any time, nonexistent or endless. And you can choose to turn off EXP/JP/money gain if you want to as well. By the second half of the game, you can mindlessly grind if you want to without it being a challenge. Bravely Second is the direct sequel to Bravely Default, and unloads a slew of major spoilers from the very start, so it's for the best to start with BD. Actually, Elma and Phog do it no problems as soon as OD is unlocked, as could Cross if you picked the Commando-Winged Viper-Full Metal Jaguar path. Wait for secondary cooldown, Primer > Sliding Slinger, Primer > Violent Streak/Sky High, Upper Hand > Sliding Slinger, and then spam Side Slash to generate TP and get that OD extension. Set Hellhound and Phantom Counter as skills to increase the OD duration and put a few hits on the OD counter from the start. Easy -if you know how. And with an hour or three of grinding for materials, a few Extend Overdrive V Augments gave me more than enough additional time to make the cumbersome for OD Knife-Raygun combination work. Find some weak Tenebras in Primordia, some Progens at the entrance to Oblivia, and some Auravises (I picked the Suncatch Ravine in Noctilum), and you can make these Augments providing 5 additional seconds each to Overdrive. Five of them I discovered was complete overkill. I'd agree with both of these points. Skells as a whole need some refining and Skell OD is part of it. More healing arts would make it the game a little friendlier to those who don't know it inside and out.
  22. Isn't Loki supposed to lead the Jotunn at Ragnarok? Theres something. Hopefully any OC "giants" wouldn't be overly sexy or cute.
  23. As I heard one person put it, it's not so bad, if you start it early and look for a lobster every once in a while. If you save it for it later and attempt to do it all at once, it's worse. I think it was a bad idea to make the second half the lobsters not appear until the entire first half was collected though. And, making the 99th lobster not appear until you've finished the necessary totally unrelated sidequest, just for the sake of the fighting area. I think they could've put the boss battle somewhere not quest-locked and still have the locale be interesting.
  24. Having the highest Atk isn't enough if you get ORKO'ed by everything and can't OHKO anything to prevent being ORKO'ed. Does Bantu's 25 Atk (2 Str, +8 Str from Firestone, 15 Mt from Firestone) OHKO anything? I can't see that being the case, it'd sound iffy even if he negated enemy Def, which he doesn't. 20 HP and 12 Def sounds way too fragile. I miss FE3 Manaketes. And, the second Firestone is Chapter 17 actually, not too late.
  25. I didn't realize the quest was exactly an Alien reference at the time, but yeah I love it. I knew something was wrong when Ajoa suddenly had the urge to shower in the middle of a crisis. More sci-fi movie references in sidequests next game! Thats the one where he has you round up Ma-non to murder, right? I can't believe the game actually lets you let him shoot them dead. 95% of the time, you're forced into siding against the racists, it's weird to think they'd let you do that even once. Why'd you even walk over to its out of the way location? The mission can't be completed until after Chapter 11, little point in starting on it now, unless you want to grab some lobsters you'll have forgotten you collected later when you go to finish this.
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